#< not sure if its supposed to convey like. glados's mental state having just reawakened? but i always thought of it as like
strawberrycircuits · 6 months
after your posts about it, i played portal 1 and 2 again and it’s amazing how much the facility feels alive, like in the beginning of 2 when glados is first waking up again and the walls are moving back into place they move so fluidly as though their the lab’s first deep breath in a long long time
ok 1. :o!!!! you replayed it bc of me what!!!!!!! 2. oh my god I KNOWWWW !!! something I've been noticing a lot of this go round is the panels you can see actively replacing and refitting themselves at the beginning of chambers, like glados is putting that last little retouch on it she can before you have to occupy that space for the next little bit. I just got done with the first escape sequence (which, btw, I have a new appreciation for in how it really endears you to wheatley. hes genuinely helpful and it's nice to have someone say "oh you're okay!!!" when you get out of a tricky situation when you. yk. Don't get that for the majority of the game. well done on the writers parts, it makes the twist all the more devastating when it happens hehehe!!!) and watching glados use the facility to her advantage to disadvantage you-- moving panels to trap you in small spaces and reveal turrets and even going so far as to move the chambers themselves in an attempt to crush you...... aaaah!!! and seeing the inner workings of the facility feels so much like seeing the guts of the place, especially when you get to the turret assembly part and all the bits with the tubes.... like girl that's intestines!
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