#[Oogway voice] mmmm monkee
digitalagepulao · 11 months
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A-ma Longan, or Grandma Dragon-Eye
soooo i'm doing my own spin on giving Wukong a mama, so meet miss Dragon-Eye herself <3 Longan is a langur monkey who appeared in Huaguo one day centuries back, and found a spot for herself in one of the mountain's monkey troops. Given her considerable age and that she's been a mentor and a maternal figure to so many, she's earned a position of respect among the other langurs. François langurs are matriarchal and rear their children communally among the females, and males leave the troop before they are mature, so I imagine that someone needs to kick ass when the troop is in danger, and given the amount of demons we have around, that's gonna be her. Longan once attempted cultivation but ultimately gave up before reaching Huaguo, but what she's learned watching priests and monks doesn't go to waste. She's managed to keep peace among the monkeys as well as with most demons, and she does her best to keep all her loved ones healthy and safe. Sometimes that includes pacifying spirits and local gods, but that's just part of the job. She has a sort of will-they-won't-they Situationship with the mountain's tutelary deity (dijizhu) who I'll get to eventually. They work well together, having grown their own kind of affectionate sniping and ribbing over the centuries, and he can't complain finally receiving offerings and not being trampled by this or that demon as was the case before Longan came. i'm gonna come up with, way more ocs for this au of mine lmao including of course, giving Wukong a monkey big bro :3c
transcript of the image under the read more VVV
A-ma Longan, matriarch of the troop. Stern | Reclusive | Temperate | Dry - Droopy fur, red dye face paint, constant neutral or mellow expression, necklace made of stone pits. Can stand like a human when needed. - Known for having a deadpan sense of humor and not engaging with games like most, prefers to keep watch on trees and pacifying distraught land gods and rowdy demons. - Know human manners and medicine, basic language - Not native to Huaguo - Often takes a mentor role with other monkeys Maintains an uneasy peace with other demons, until Wukong befriends and allies with them
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