#— threads ; jackie .
kaftan · 11 months
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Posted this ages ago on twitter, no idea how much it’s been discussed on tumblr, but: still one of my favorite parallels, still one of the best tai characterization moments
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ashesrebirthed-a · 3 months
Only one week left.
Rutgers couldn't be that different, right? Sure, it meant packing up and moving her whole life, but only an hour or so away. She had a single room lined up, thank god, so there would be no adjusting to a stranger's idiosyncrasies, no break needed to be had in her own routines. The work surely couldn't be any harder than high school, either - especially with no team left to captain, no more applications to constantly have to put every single best foot she had forward for.
Still... no matter how much Jackie had longed to get away from this house, this town... it still felt wrong, seeing half her room packed away into boxes like this.
Half her life, at that. Nearly everyone she'd known had up and left already. If they hadn't, they'd fallen away without high school to keep them all glued together, to keep Jackie rotating in the center of Wiskayok's orbit. Familiarity was slipping away through her fingers alongside the sands of time, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
But there was always one person left that she wouldn't lose. One figure that nothing - not moving, not college, not even death itself - could ever take away from her.
"Shauna!" Jackie called out from where she laid splayed across her bed, one of the last things left that was preserved as it always had been. She didn't bother to sit up or yell too loud; if Shauna was lingering, she'd hear her. "You there?" // @feminaferitas + plotted starter!
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einsteinsugly · 3 months
The Gang, at 56: My Version of Whatever the Fuck This Old Reddit Thread Is.
Donna: Has been married to Eric for over thirty years. Is a co-editor for the Chicago Sun Times. Just failed running for a city council seat. Has two daughters with Eric, Kate (30) and Leah (26). Through Leah, she has one grandson, Caleb (1).
Eric: Has been married to Donna for over thirty years. Is an eighth grade American history teacher and an amateur photojournalist. Has two daughters with Donna, Kate (30) and Leah (26). Through Leah, he has one grandson, Caleb (1).
Fez: Runs a dance studio in Chicago with his wife of almost thirty years, Rhonda. Had a failed marriage with Laurie, resulting in one son, Adrian (32). He has one daughter with Rhonda, Ashley (27). He came out as bisexual (and later as pan) during the unraveling of his first marriage. Through Adrian, he has two grandkids, Emma (5) and Connor (3).
Hyde: Owns and manages two Grooves locations in Rogers Park and Hyde Park (insert the bad jokes here, via Eric). Got his act together and got back together in Jackie in 1980. They married in 1982. They lived in Milwaukee for awhile, having two kids, Becca (31) and James (29). They moved to Chicago in 1989. Through James, he has one grandson, Caleb (1).
Jackie: Has a successful talk show, Good Morning, Chicago, making her a local celebrity. She turned down a position on the Today Show in the 90s, with connections via Oprah, for the sake of her family. She's been married to Hyde for thirty-four years, and they have two kids, Becca (31) and James (29). Through James, she has one grandson, Caleb (1).
Kelso: He's a cop, and has been married to Brooke for twenty-five years. They've lived in Chicago for almost three decades. They have two daughters, Betsy (37) and Hannah (32). Through Hannah, he has four grandkids, Molly (8), TJ (6), Ian (3), and Wyatt (newborn).
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feminaferitas · 3 months
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@ashesrebirthed {jackie} is huddled outside when Nat returns...
Nat and Travis had a lot of shit to sort out. That's what they determined when they left the cabin after the botched mess of a Doomcoming (which could have been pretty fun up until that absolute clusterfuck of Lottie-fueled bullshit, all things considered). But everything between them sort of paled in comparison to the fact that they couldn't find Javi. The nights were getting colder and the food was scarce -- so where could he have gone?
As much as she wanted to help Travis, both teens were still raw over the betrayal that had transpired. Sleeping with the enemy, if they wanted to get cute about it. But... there was no time for that now. There were too many broken pieces for Travis for Natalie to pick up -- better they focus on the freshest ones, where the edges were sharpest.
She'd done too much already for this to be the way it went. She broke his dad's goddamn finger off for that ring he gave to Javi. She was the one picking up the gun to feed the team, when food could be found. To lose anyone now felt like failure. It felt like a waste of survival. They were not losing anyone else if they could help it. Least of all, Natalie didn't want to watch herself losing Travis day by day. It was in his eyes, a light receding and dimming.
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"We'll go back out first thing in the morning and look for him," she grunted as they returned to the cabin. Her vow was gruff but earnest, all she had to give at this point. The crash site was too cold for an overnight venture now. Better to be back with the team, where Javi may have already returned. But as they approached in the dusky clearing, a sight caught her eye -- huddled in her varsity jacket, Jackie. Sitting on a stump alone in the woods, looking like a fucking pariah. Natalie rolled her eyes, inwardly groaning. The waning light in the cabin window was warm and buttery, so what the hell was this about?
Natalie put a hand on Travis' bicep and urged him to go inside. He did quietly, without question. Then she tromped her dirt-crusted boots towards the place where a fire would have been, for anyone slightly competent in survival skills.
"Hey, c'mon -- the fuck is this about, Jackie? This the next step of your hunger strike, or --?"
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
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🟨TUTORIAL | ━ RIG Swapping during garment refits
Another tuto for fellow modders! This one is thanks to @itzsassha who's always been a cutie 💛
Example used is MA to MB, so everyone who'd want to give Jackie, Placide, River some new clothes, this might interest you 👀
hope it'll be useful for everyone doing refits for their blorbos!
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 8 months
Ah, also, regarding the latest OFMD episodes, I would like to comment:
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10 Books to Add to Your TBR 2024 Edition Part 1
Most years I put out a list of books I greatly enjoyed from the first half of the year some time in June. This year, I decided to do it early because, besides needing a blog for this week, I have read a lot of good books lately, so I’m thinking of making this something I do more than twice a year (and often forget to do in December). The books listed below are not in any order of favoritism, but…
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countlessrealities · 1 month
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@hopeful-hellion gets a little starter ~ Alastor & Jackie
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Alastor has always considered himself to be more of an attentive observer than of an active player. He has always preferred sticking to the sidelines, watching until the right time for him to strike came. Working behind the scene, never in the spotlight. It's a strategy he used to apply in his mortal life and that he has carried down in Hell with him.
So, just how he has done with Sir Pentious, at first he merely observes the new addition to the group from afar. And how could he not? Jackie is the second sinner ever who has thought about trying his hand at redemption. That fact is amusing in itself. He is curious.
Perhaps, that's what eventually pushes the Radio Demon to approach the jackalope one day, while he has some time to spare. They have talked before, even if just briefly and never one-on-one, so he doesn't feel like he has to waste words on pleasantries.
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"You know, my dear fellow, I don't think I've ever heard you explaining why you've chosen to give Charlie's redemption program a try," he starts, all but appearing behind the armchair Jackie is currently occupying, without a warning. "I know what led the other two here, but what about you? Do you have any revealing tale to tell?"
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manslaught · 4 months
@96buzz: she's kind of cute.
the blade of her knife sinks into the chest of the practice dummy for about the twentieth time, no real satisfaction found in the movement. practice with actual people is preferred, but after sending one of the hermes kids out of the arena just a couple hours ago with a broken arm, nobody's volunteered since. so she's relieved for the distraction, even if talking girls with her sister isn't how she wants to spend her day. mikayla pulls the knife from the dummy, pushing the stray strands of hair out of her face as she glances over, only letting her gaze linger for a moment to not appear so obvious.
“ sure, if you're into kicked puppies. ” ironic coming from her of all people, but despite her parentage, she doesn't know how to do this. she's made a point to avoid her siblings for this reason exactly, though it helps that her feelings aren't the topic of the conversation. mikayla knows nothing about shauna, so even if she wanted to help jackie, give her advice, anything, she wouldn't know where to even begin. “ are you going to do anything about it or just— keep pining, or whatever it is you're doing right now? ”
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onippep · 1 year
*peeks in from an alternate universe* ❛ Heyyyya, other me! Just wanted to check up on-a you since you aren't doing... too-a well. Especially with how you're-a running around everywhere. How about I-a help with that extra energy by-a some arm wrestling or something? ❜
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(Is that-- IS THAT--)
Oni. Put the dishes away. I gotta do a rematch.
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(Not my monkey not my circus not my monkey not my circus not my m--)
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perzysprumia · 5 months
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@insanislupus liked for a starter.
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"Do you ever get tired of being Klaus's lapdog?" It probably isn't how Elena should start a conversation with someone who could rip her head off before she can even blink...but she's fairly confident Jackie won't hurt her.
She isn't 100% confident in that, though. Maybe she should be before she opens her mouth next time.
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"I mean, you clearly like having fun with other people." She isn't going to elaborate on that. She doesn't want to. "But you still follow him around and do everything he asks. Doesn't that get old? You're here to get more blood from me for him, right? But you could be doing literally anything else. More fun things."
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seadcgs · 7 months
@krakensmaw is getting a thing from kaia !
she's got the letter, from her grandmother; tucked away safely in her leather trousers---ones she's managed to hide under her skirts. after shes out of eyesight of the dock, she throws off the layers of fabric, rolling them up as small as she could; stuffing them in the small rucksack she'd taken with her.
her grandmother had told her who her father was, more or less; said that he was a pirate, on board blackbeard's ship. what she didn't realize, however, was that her father was actually blackbeard, himself. thanks for that, kuia. letting out a breath, she gazes up at the sign for spanish jackie's; gripping the strap of her bag tighter. lets see how this goes, yeah? let's see if dear old dad lives up to his name.
pushing the door open, she steps inside; eyes squinting in the darkness, trying to adjust. a few blinks, and she's scoping out the room---looking for someone who vaguely resembled the drawings she'd seen. kaia could feel eyes on her, and she whipped around, only to lock eyes with one of the bartenders. hey, kid---how old are you, 12? ❝ i'm sixteen, thanks. ❞ another voice popped up; you'd better stay away from these parts, sweetheart---pretty thing like you could get lost, here. she was about to retort, when she heard a loud, booming voice from the corner table; a woman's, commanding: HEY, LEAVE HER ALONE, Y'ALL KNOW THERE'S NO SOLICITING HERE!
she leans around the men who were know slouching, mumbling into her drinks; to catch the gaze of a woman in a purple suit, cigar hanging from her fingers. ❝ thank you! but i can handle myself! ❞ came the firm, but nice, reply; she was taught manners, after all. if these men keep botherin' you, baby, don't hesitate to shout, alright? said the woman, giving kaia a nod before turning to the man seated next to her.
❝ i will! thank you again! ❞ there's a small smirk tugging at her lips, as she continued to scan the room, venturing further in. eyes finally land upon a group of people; including a man with silver hair and a beard. i think that's him..... steeling herself, she makes her way over to the table, easily scooting herself into an empty seat next to the man in question, as if she was there the whole time. fingers go to pluck letter from a flap on the outside of her pants, sliding it across the table to them. ❝ are you blackbeard? i have something for you. ❞
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itchose · 3 months
@feminaferitas said, "Maybe it makes me selfish. I don't think it makes me wrong."
It's been frustrating to watch Jackie these past few weeks,   noticing the way she seemed to turn her nose up at the tasks they've all been forced to complete in order to make it through another day here.   Akilah never wants to judge the way any of her teammates cope with their conditions,   because she knows firsthand just how horrifying their circumstances are and how easy it would be just to completely shut down,   but she also knows that without them all coming together,   without the help of everyone,   they'll eventually start turning against each other,   and that's the last thing she wants.   Maybe Jackie needs a push in the right direction  —    though Akilah isn't sure she's the right person to do it.   All she can try to do now is remind her what's important,   try to reason with her in a way that maybe no one else has.
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❝  I don't think it makes you selfish,  ❞    she says quietly,   though she's sure the others wouldn't agree,  given the glares and the sighs that have been shot Jackie's way every time it feels like she's unwilling to help.   Akilah's not innocent from that,  either,  finding herself frustrated with Jackie despite the logic in her brain reminding her that she's just as scared as the rest of them,  too.   She takes a deep breath,   shaking her head as she thinks it over.   ❝  Hey,  I know it's hard,   trying to figure out what you're good at out here.   It's not easy for me,  either.  ❞    That's not entirely true;   her girl scout training has prepared her for this,   in some twisted way,   and she's doing everything she can to try to prove her own worth,   something in her gut telling her that's going to be important,  the way others may perceive it just as they watch Jackie.   But if it helps level with Jackie and make her feel better,  then she'll say it anyway.   
She can't shake the way it feels wrong,   being the one to say any of this.   She's younger than most of them,   and she's not used to being part of their team,   only brought to nationals last minute because of Allie's injury.   She's still trying to figure out her place here and when it's okay to speak up,   but she likes Jackie,   and she doesn't want to see anyone turn against her —  nor does she want to,  either,   so she's trying.   ❝   But you'll figure it out.   We just,   you know,   all have to do our part.  It's how we're going to survive.  ❞
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feminaferitas · 4 months
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The ghost of Jackie Taylor is haunting Wiskayok High and @ashesrebirthed {keiko} is here to investigate...
Some said they saw the Jersey Devil roaming the campus at night, particularly near the soccer fields. Others wondered where the creature got a varsity jacket.
Shauna's words echoed in Jackie's thoughts. Jackie's spirit, in turn, echoed through the halls.
[high school was the best your life was ever going to get]
Maybe because it was all she really knew, short of returning to her parents' home or the Sadecki household. But there wasn't anything there for her, not really. But the high school still held some semblance of her time there -- yellowed photos in frames, cheap trophies encased in gold paint. Her jersey number, retired in memoriam. High school was the best her life was ever going to get, because there wasn't a life to follow that.
Jackie didn't know exactly what happened out there after she died, but something was keeping her from resting. Perhaps a part of her still laid in the wilderness -- perhaps instead a part of the wilderness still resided in her. And while she mostly looked like the perfect princess who had died too soon, sometimes in the light of the moon, a pair of antlers draped in gossamer and twin shone through.
But tonight there were footsteps. And not just delinquent teens sneaking into the school (though Jackie sometimes liked to fuck with them, especially the boys staying late from sports). She willed herself through the walls, rattling a ghostly fist on the inside of the lockers just to see if they'd scare easily. There was a woman and two men, from what she could tell -- all unfamiliar. But this didn't look like a late night PTA meeting... they had equipment. Like, Ghostbusters chic. Okay, maybe not that intense but suddenly, Jackie was feeling a little more like she had company.
For better or worse.
"You shouldn't be here," she hummed matter-of-factly. Jackie didn't make a practice of proper 'haunting' but she wasn't exactly a peep show.
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onebigerror · 1 month
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@araneorum liked this lyric starter call // still accepting
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track 15 // "the alchemy"
"that child's play back in school is forgiven under my rule..."
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thursdaygrl · 2 months
closed starter for @coquetties
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"what makes you think i don't take college seriously?" the question is at worst severely naïve and at best a poor joke, considering jackie's complete lack of effort thus far.
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