#“what if i'm faking” you literally have like every single sign and symptom calm down
twoheadedfather · 6 months
part of accepting i have C-PTSD is realizing my flashbacks aren't like the ones typically shown in tv shows or movies.
i thought a flashback was only when you saw traumatic memories like a movie- i see partial images, i hear sounds, i feel physical body sensations. both of these things can be flashbacks.
i thought the "appropriate" emotional response to a flashback was only feeling extreme fear and breaking down into tears that you can't stop- i feel intense anxiety, despair, and sometimes nothing with my dissociation. both of these things can emotional responses.
i didn't think a (sometimes) sudden feeling of being younger, being trapped, or deep, toxic shame, fear, dread, sadness, helplessness, and/or hopelessness were flashbacks at all- i learned a year ago that emotional flashbacks were a thing.
this is why mental health education is so important- so many signs of ptsd in my childhood were missed by me because i had no idea they were even signs.
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