Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇹🇷🦋👇Lazer sistemleri kliniğimizde FDA onaylı olup USA🇱🇷 üretimidir.
🦋Kliniğimizde kullanılan lazer sistemleri;
👉Epilasyonda kullanılacak yöntemler;
🌺klasik ağda,
🌺ince iğne epilasyon,
🌺Nd-YAG lazer,
🌺Alexandered lazer,
🌺Diod(buz, ütüleme yada saten)lazer
🦋İğne epilasyon, beyaz kılları lazer görmeyeceğinden kullanılır.
🦋IPL ise yüzeyel ısı yaratarak etki gösteren lazen olmayan bir sistemdir.
🦋IPL handikapı, etkisi lazerler kadar etkili olmayıp seans sayısı oldukça fazladır.
🦋Alexander lazer çok etkili olup en çok siyah kıllarda etkilidir.
🦋Diod lazer( buz lazer/ ütüleme lazer/ saten lazer) ise 4 mevsim kullanılabilen etkili bir laEr türüdür.
🦋Nd-YAG lazer ise yüzde ve tütleri sarartmak için kullanılır.
🦋 Seans sayısı kıl, cilt tipi, cinsiyet , hastalıklar ve hormonal duruma göre değişir.
🦋Kıl döngüsünden dolayı seanslar 1 ay arayla yapılır( kontroller ise 2 hafta arayla).
🦋Dünyada en etkili lazeler bizde de olup 8-18 ayda kılların %90’nın yokedilmesi amaçlanır.
🦋‘%100 veya garantili lazer epilasyon’ diye bir şey yoktur.
🦋Kliniğimizde genital lazer epilasyon uygulaması da yapılmaktadır.
🦋Ayrıca erkeklere özel( genital bölge) lazeri de uygulanmaktadır.
#lazerepilasyon #lazertedavisi #diodelaser #alexanderlazer #NdYAGlazer #buzlazer #ütülemelazer #satenlazerepilasyon #sopranobuzlazer #erkeklazerepilasyon#lazerepilasyonişlemi #lazerepilasyoncihazlari #lazerepilasyonşişli #laserepilation #laserlasertreatment #opdrazimetozdemir #plastikcerrahi #estetikcerrahi #aestheticsurgery #☎️+905322058604☎️+905054925755
Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇻🇬🇱🇷🦋👇Laser systems in our clinic are FDA approved and produced in USA🇱🇷.
🦋Laser systems used in our clinic;
👉Methods to be used in epilation;
🌺classic wax,
🌺 fine needle epilation,
🌺Nd-YAG laser,
🌺Alexander laser,
🌺Diode (ice, ironing or satin)laser
🦋Needle epilation is used because the white hairs cannot be seen by the laser.
🦋IPL is a non-laser system that works by creating superficial heat.
🦋IPL handicap is not as effective as lasers and the number of sessions is quite high.
🦋Alexander laser is very effective and is most effective on black hair.
🦋 Diode laser (ice laser / ironing laser / satin laser) is an effective type of laser that can be used in 4 seasons.
🦋Nd-YAG laser is used to yellow the face and skin.
🦋 The number of sessions varies depending on hair, skin type, gender, diseases and hormonal status.
🦋Due to the hair cycle, sessions are performed 1 month apart (checks are 2 weeks apart).
🦋We have the most effective lasers in the world and aim to eliminate 90% of the hair in 8-18 months.
🦋There is no such thing as '100% or guaranteed laser epilation'.
🦋Genital laser epilation is also performed in our clinic.
🦋Also, men-specific (genital area) laser is also applied.
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🌠Not: Türkçe, İngilizce, Almanca, İtalyanca ve Arapça açıklamaları aşağıdadır.
🌠Note: Turkish, English, German, Italian and Arabic explanations are below. 🦋Q-Switche lazer 2 ayrı dalga boyunda çalışır(1064 ve 532 nm) ve 5 nanosaniye gibi çok kısa süreli atış yaparak cilde zarar vermez. 👉Kullanim alanlari cok genistir.Kliniğimiz en sik leke tedavisi, karbon peeling ve dövme silme tedavisinde kullanıyoruz.
👉Dövme silmede seans sayısı dövme rengi, derinliği, kalitesi ve cilt yapısına göre değişmektedir.
👉Leke tedavisinde anestezi yapılmasına gerek yoktur,ortalama 10-20 dakika sürer. Haftada 1-2 seans yapılabilir.
👉Tedavi sonrası cilt yenilenmesi/gençleşme ortalama 6 ayı bulabilir.
👉Karbon peeling uygulaması bir çeşit peelig lazer yapılmasıdır, çok etkilidir. Dört mevsim uygulanabilir.
👉Lazer uygulama seansi hastadan hastaya ve şikayetlere göre degişebilir(1-10 seas)
Herhangibir seans sayısı önceden söylenemez.
👉Lazer sonrası hafif bir kızarıklık ve hafif ödem(şişlik)geçiçi süre (4-24 saat) olabilir, beklenen bir durumdur.
🌠Note: Turkish, English, German, Italian and Arabic explanations are below.
🌠Note: Turkish, English, German, Italian and Arabic explanations are below.
🦋Q-Switche laser works at 2 different wavelengths (1064 and 532 nm) and does not harm the skin by firing for a very short time such as 5 nanoseconds. 👉Its areas of use are very wide. In our clinic, we use it most frequently in spot treatment, carbon peeling and tattoo removal treatments.
👉The number of sessions for tattoo removal varies depending on tattoo color, depth, quality and skin structure.
👉There is no need for anesthesia for spot treatment, it takes approximately 10-20 minutes. 1-2 sessions can be done per week.
👉Skin renewal/rejuvenation after treatment may take up to 6 months on average.
👉Carbon peeling application is a type of peeling laser, it is very effective. It can be applied in four seasons.
👉Laser application sessions may vary from patient to patient and depending on the complaints (1-10 sessions).
Any number of sessions cannot be stated in advance.
👉There may be a slight redness and slight edema (swelling) after the laser for a temporary period (4-24 hours), which is expected.
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✏️Note:Turkish,English,German,Italiano and Arabic description!
🇻🇬🇺🇸❗️Filling applications, botulinum toxin (botox, dysport, Xeomin; only 3 brands have FDA approval), laser epilation, mesotherapy, Hair transplantation, Ozone therapy, PRP and stem cell derivatives, even liposuction and some plastic surgeries; In recent years, it has started to be done by people who are not experts in Aesthetic/Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Dermatology (hairdressers, other professions, 'healthcare workers', nurses and even doctors of other branches and illegal centers and illegal doctors.❗️❗️❗️
🥲Last time, a patient of mine told his friend that 'a lathe-leveling technician working in the machinery industry in an illegal center transplanted his hair'❗️
🦋There are many reasons for this situation, some of them are;
1) Deceiving people and stealing in some way by practicing in an unauthorized area out of greed for money❗️
2) This center or illegal places are not adequately inspected❗️
3) Tolerating these illegal places in return for 'bribes'❗️
4) Even though patients know all these reasons, they go there on the grounds that it is 'cheap' (cases of blindness, paralysis, injury, necrosis (tissue death), severe burns and even death, which are not reported in the press, are reported/heard of every year in these centers)❗️
🦋Some of the patients go to these places because they are cheap (for example, how can a filler costing 100 units be made into 50-60 units? Of course, by using cheap products that are illegal and do not have FDA/CE approval.)
🦋Patients who are at risk of full-thickness burns on the body and who apply to our clinic in large numbers; Under the category of 'laser epilation centre', there are unscientific and unhealthy places without an Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Specialist approved by the municipality... When these patients come to us, it is understood that most of them prefer those centers because they are cheap. As can be expected, the instruments do not have international approval and there is no plastic surgeon❗️
🦋The number of hair transplantation centers is exaggerated; The vast majority are illegal! Most of the time it is done by people who are not 'health professionals'.
🦋Hair transplantation and the procedures mentioned in the title above are illegal and punishable by imprisonment (some medical procedures are authorized only by dermatology specialists).
🦋The main rule in medical science is not to perform surgeries and procedures whose side effects or complications you cannot manage. For example, some unauthorized doctors may develop permanent blindness and facial paralysis after facial filler and fat injection.
🦋There are NO professions such as 'esthetician', 'hair transplanter', 'esthetician', 'botox specialist', 'filler' in Turkey, as in the rest of the world❗️
👉In medical science, only 'Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist Doctors' can use the title 'Aesthetics', including doctors, in accordance with the law and science.❗️
👉Please ❗️These centers and people should be inspected by the Ministry of Health and Health Directorates, Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Association, Turkish Dermatology Association.❗️❗️❗️
👉Finally, there is a lot to write about, our gentle suggestion to patients is to choose 'appropriate, legal, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery doctors', not 'cheap' places❗️
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#göz kapağı estetiği ameliyatı #blefaroplasty #blefaroplasty #drazimetozdemir ☎️+905322058604
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🌺Note: Turkish,English and German description is below.
🇹🇷🇹🇷🦋Meme protez(implant) ameliyatlarında en önemli kriterlerden biri protez büyüklüğü ve şeklidir;
🦋Bazı hastalarda meme kanserine(8 kadında 1 hastada görülür) bağlı olarak meme protezi ile rekonstruksiyon(yeniden yapım) yapıldığı gibi meme asimetrisi veya meme hipoplazisine(küçüklüğüne) bağlı olarak da yapılır.
🦋Bizim klinikte 3D Vectra(3 boyutlu görüntüleme) aleti kullanılarak %95’in üzerin memenin operasyon sonrası şeklini görebilirsiniz!
🦋Yani ameliyat sonrasında hasta süpriz bir şekil ve büyüklükle karşılaşmaz!
🦋Bu 3D sisteminin en büyük avantajı hastanın yerleştirilecek protezi kendisinin seçmesidir.
🦋Cerrah açısından avantaj ameliyatta ‘size’
dediğimiz örnek protezleri yerleştirip çıkartarak ideal şekli cerrah bulmaya çalışır( Hasta ameliyatta olduğundan seçme şansı yoktur!).
🦋Diğer bir avantajı ‘size’ kulanmayacağımızdan ameliyat süresi kısalacaktır.
🦋Ayrıca enfeksiyon ihtimali en aza inecektir.
🌺Note: Turkish, English and German explanation is below.
🇻🇬🇱🇷🦋One of the most important criteria in breast prosthesis (implant) surgeries is the size and shape of the prosthesis;
🦋In some patients, reconstruction is performed with breast prosthesis due to breast cancer (seen in 1 patient in 8 women), breast asymmetry or breast hypoplasia (small size).
🦋Using the 3D Vectra (3D imaging) device in our clinic, you can see the post-operative shape of more than 95% of your breasts!
🦋This way, the patient will not encounter a surprising shape and size after the surgery!
🦋The biggest advantage of this 3D system is that the patient chooses the prosthesis to be placed.
🦋The advantage for the surgeon is that the surgeon tries to find the ideal shape by placing and removing the sample prostheses, which we call 'you', during the surgery (the patient has no other choice since he is in surgery!).
🦋Since we will not give you another advantage, the surgery time will be shorter.
🦋Also, the possibility of infection will be minimized.
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#lazerepilasyon #lazertedavisi #diodelaser #alexanderlazer #NdYAGlazer #buzlazer #ütülemelazer #satenlazerepilasyon #sopranobuzlazer #erkeklazerepilasyon#lazerepilasyonişlemi #lazerepilasyoncihazlari #lazerepilasyonşişli #laserepilation #laserlasertreatment #opdrazimetozdemir #plastikcerrahi #estetikcerrahi #aestheticsurgery #☎️+905322058604☎️+905054925755
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