Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇹🇷🦋uzuv/organ(parmak,el, ayak) amputasyonları(kopmaları) her yaşta farklı nedenlerle oluşur.
🦋En sık nedenler iş kazaları, ev yaralanmaları, trafik kazaları, delici/kesici alet yaralanmaları ve diğer nedenler olarak sayılabilir.
🦋Uç( parmak seviyesi veya parmak uç bölgeleri) amputasyonlarda nedene bağlı replantasyon(kopan uzvu kopan bölgeye süpermikrocerrahi ile) yapılabilmektedir;
👉Süpermikrocerrahi özellikle çocuklarda zor olmakla beraber denenmelidir.
👉Bu sorun avrupada tek(benim uzmanlık tezim), dünyada ise 3-4 yayın olarak yayınlandı.
👉Benim uzmanlık tezim, internasyonal kongrelerde ve ulusal bilimsel kongrelerde anlatıldı/sunuldu(kaynak:bakınız👇).
🦋Amputasyonlar insanda yalnızca bir ‘yaralanma’ olmayıp psiko-sosyal ve toplumsal maddi-manevi etkisi olan çok yönlü bir sorundur.
🦋Bu konuda bir otör olarak hem yaralanma sorunu olan hasta ve yakınları veya ilk müdahaleyi yapan kişilere önemli uyarımız olacak!
🦋Lütfen bu konuda acil müdaleyi öğreniniz! yapınız !ve en kısa sürede Plastik, Estetik/Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi ve alt bölümü olan el ve mikrocerraha yetiştiriniz!
🦋ilk müdahale ve ayrıntılar internette ve bilimsel yayınlarımda bulunabilir!
🦋Kaynak: 0-6 yaş grubu çocuklarda el yaralanmalarının retrospektif analizi: Klinik çalışma.👉bağlantı için tıklayınız!👇
#parmakkopması #amputasyon #replantasyon #fingeramputation #fingeramputationsurgery #rekonstrüktifmikrocerrahi #plasticsurgery #estettiktokosok🌬🎭💙 #parmakkopmatamiri #drazimetozdemir #opdrazimetozdemir #handsurgery #turkey🇹🇷 #istanbul🇹🇷 #turkeysurgerytiktok #tictokistanbul #handmicrosurgery #plastikcerrahiistanbul ☎️+905322058604☎️+905054925755 #fingeramputeeproblems
Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇻🇬🇱🇷🦋Limb/organ (finger, hand, foot) amputations occur at all ages for different reasons.
🦋The most common causes are work accidents, home injuries, traffic accidents, piercing/cutting tool injuries and other reasons.
🦋In tip (finger level or fingertip areas) amputations, replantation (supermicrosurgery to the severed limb area) can be performed depending on the cause;
👉Although supermicrosurgery is difficult, especially in children, it should be tried.
👉This problem was published only in Europe (my specialty thesis) and 3-4 times in the world.
👉My specialization thesis was explained/presented at international congresses and national scientific congresses (source: see👇).
🦋Amputations are not just an 'injury' on a person, but a multifaceted problem that has psycho-social and social, material and moral effects.
🦋As an author on this subject, we will give an important warning to patients and their relatives with injury problems or to first responders!
🦋Please learn the emergency response in this matter! Do it! and train the Plastic, Aesthetic/Reconstructive Surgery and its sub-division, hand and microsurgery, as soon as possible!
🦋first intervention and details can be found on the internet and in my scientific publications!
🦋Source: Retrospective analysis of hand injuries in children aged 0-6: Clinical study.👉click for the link!👇
#finger amputation #amputation #replantation #fingeramputation #fingeramputationsurgery #reconstructivemicrosurgery #plasticsurgery #estettiktokosok🌬🎭💙 #finger amputation #drazimetozdemir #opdrazimetozdemir #handsurgery #turkey🇹🇷 #istanbul🇹🇷 #turkeysurgerytiktok # tictokistanbul #handmicrosurgery #plastikcerrahiistanbul ☎️+905322058604☎️+905054925755 # fingeramputeeproblems
🇩🇪Hinweis: Türkische, englische, deutsche und arabische Beschreibung
🦋Amputationen von Gliedmaßen/Organen (Finger, Hand, Fuß) kommen in jedem Alter aus unterschiedlichen Gründen vor.
🦋Die häufigsten Ursachen sind Arbeitsunfälle, Verletzungen zu Hause, Verkehrsunfälle, Verletzungen durch Stich-/Schneidwerkzeuge und andere Gründe.
🦋Bei Amputationen an der Spitze (Fingerhöhe oder Fingerspitzenbereich) kann je nach Ursache eine Replantation (Supermikrochirurgie des abgetrennten Gliedmaßenbereichs) durchgeführt werden;
👉Obwohl die Supermikrochirurgie insbesondere bei Kindern schwierig ist, sollte sie versucht werden.
👉Dieses Problem wurde nur in Europa (meine Spezialarbeit) und 3-4 Mal weltweit veröffentlicht.
👉Meine Spezialisierungsarbeit wurde auf internationalen Kongressen und nationalen wissenschaftlichen Kongressen erläutert/präsentiert (Quelle: siehe👇).
🦋Amputationen sind nicht nur eine „Verletzung“ eines Menschen, sondern ein vielschichtiges Problem, das psychosoziale und soziale, materielle und moralische Auswirkungen hat.
🦋Als Autor zu diesem Thema werden wir eine wichtige Warnung an Patienten und ihre Angehörigen mit Verletzungsproblemen oder an Ersthelfer richten!
🦋Bitte informieren Sie sich über die Notfallmaßnahmen in dieser Angelegenheit! Machen Sie es! und bilden Sie die Plastische, Ästhetische/Rekonstruktive Chirurgie und deren Unterabteilung, Hand- und Mikrochirurgie, so schnell wie möglich aus!
🦋erste Intervention und Details finden Sie im Internet und in meinen wissenschaftlichen Publikationen!
🦋Quelle: Retrospektive Analyse von Handverletzungen bei Kindern im Alter von 0–6 Jahren: Klinische Studie.👉Klicken Sie für den Link!👇
#Fingeramputation #Amputation #Replantation #Fingeramputation #Fingeramputationschirurgie #rekonstruktive Mikrochirurgie #plastische Chirurgie #estettiktokosok🌬🎭💙 #Fingeramputation #drazimetozdemir #opdrazimetozdemir #Handchirurgie #Türkei🇹🇷 #istanbul🇹🇷 #turkeysurgerytiktok #tictokistanbul # Handmikrochirurgie #plastikcerrahiistanbul ☎️+905322058604☎️+ 905054925755 # fingeramputeeprobleme
‎ملحوظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والعربية
🇮🇶🦋تحدث عمليات بتر الأطراف/الأعضاء (الإصبع، اليد، القدم) في جميع الأعمار لأسباب مختلفة.
‎🦋الأسباب الأكثر شيوعًا هي حوادث العمل، والإصابات المنزلية، وحوادث المرور، وإصابات أدوات الثقب/القطع وغيرها من الأسباب.
‎🦋يمكن إجراء عمليات بتر الأطراف (على مستوى الإصبع أو أطراف الأصابع)، أو إعادة الزرع (جراحة مجهرية فائقة في منطقة الطرف المقطوع) اعتمادًا على السبب؛
‎👉على الرغم من صعوبة الجراحة المجهرية، خاصة عند الأطفال، إلا أنه يجب تجربتها.
‎👉تم نشر هذه المشكلة فقط في أوروبا (أطروحتي التخصصية) و3-4 مرات في العالم.
‎👉تم شرح/تقديم أطروحتي التخصصية في مؤتمرات دولية ومؤتمرات علمية وطنية (المصدر: انظر👇).
‎🦋إن عمليات البتر ليست مجرد "إصابة" للإنسان، بل هي مشكلة متعددة الأوجه لها آثار نفسية واجتماعية واجتماعية ومادية ومعنوية.
‎🦋باعتبارنا كاتبًا في هذا الموضوع، سنقدم تحذيرًا مهمًا للمرضى وأقاربهم الذين يعانون من مشاكل الإصابة أو المستجيبين الأوائل!
‎🦋يرجى التعرف على الاستجابة الطارئة في هذا الشأن! افعلها وقم بتدريب الجراحة التجميلية والترميمية وقسمها الفرعي، جراحة اليد والجراحة المجهرية، في أقرب وقت ممكن!
‎🦋المداخلة الأولى والتفاصيل تجدونها على الإنترنت وفي منشوراتي العلمية!
‎🦋المصدر: تحليل بأثر رجعي لإصابات اليد لدى الأطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 0-6 سنوات: دراسة سريرية.👉انقر للحصول على الرابط!👇
‎#بتر الإصبع #بتر #إعادة الزرع #بتر الإصبع #جراحة بتر الإصبع #الجراحة المجهرية الترميمية #جراحة التجميل #estettiktokosok🌬🎭💙 #بتر الإصبع #drazimetozdemir #opdrazimetozdemir #handsurgery #turkey🇹🇷 #istanbul🇹🇷 #turkeysurgerytiktok # ticto kistanbul #handmicrosurgery #plastikcerrahiistanbul ☎️+905322058604☎️+ 905054925755 # مشاكل بتر الإصبع
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The Rise of Medical Tourism in Plastic Surgery
In recent years, the world has witnessed a remarkable surge in the popularity of medical tourism, with an increasing number of individuals traveling abroad in pursuit of affordable, high-quality healthcare services. While medical tourism encompasses a wide range of medical specialties, one particular field that has gained substantial attention is plastic surgery. Among the global destinations sought after for top-tier plastic surgery procedures, Melbourne, Australia, stands out as a prominent choice. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the fascinating world of medical tourism in plastic surgery, highlighting the role of Melbourne and its "Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne" in this phenomenon.
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The Essence of Medical Tourism
Medical tourism refers to the practice of individuals traveling to foreign countries to receive medical treatments or services. The motivations behind medical tourism are multifaceted and may include factors such as cost savings, accessibility to advanced medical technologies, shorter waiting times, and even the allure of combining medical procedures with leisure travel. While this trend is not limited to any specific medical discipline, plastic surgery has carved a significant niche within the medical tourism landscape.
The Global Appeal of Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery encompasses a range of procedures aimed at enhancing or reconstructing physical appearance, and it can have both medical and aesthetic benefits. From breast augmentations and facelifts to rhinoplasty and liposuction, plastic surgery offers solutions for individuals seeking to improve their self-esteem, correct congenital anomalies, or restore physical function.
The global fascination with plastic surgery can be attributed to various factors, including the influence of media and celebrities, evolving beauty standards, and the broader acceptance of cosmetic procedures. Additionally, as plastic surgery techniques have become more advanced and less invasive, the appeal of these procedures has grown exponentially.
The Rise of Melbourne as a Medical Tourism Hub
Melbourne, the capital of the Australian state of Victoria, has emerged as a key player in the global medical tourism industry, particularly in the field of plastic surgery. The city's reputation for excellence in healthcare, a high standard of living, and its cultural diversity have contributed to its growing popularity among medical tourists.
World-Class Healthcare Infrastructure
One of Melbourne's primary attractions for medical tourists is its world-class healthcare infrastructure. The city boasts state-of-the-art hospitals and medical facilities equipped with the latest technology and staffed by highly trained medical professionals. This commitment to excellence in healthcare has earned Melbourne a reputation for providing safe and effective medical treatments.
Accredited Plastic Surgeons
The pursuit of beauty and self-improvement often leads individuals to search for the "Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne." Melbourne has a thriving community of board-certified and highly skilled plastic surgeons who are recognized internationally for their expertise. These surgeons adhere to stringent standards and are known for their commitment to patient safety and satisfaction.
Affordability and Accessibility
While quality healthcare is essential, affordability plays a crucial role in the decision-making process of medical tourists. Melbourne offers competitive pricing for plastic surgery procedures compared to many Western countries, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking top-notch care without breaking the bank. Moreover, Melbourne's accessibility through well-connected airports and its status as a major international gateway enhance its appeal to medical tourists from around the world.
Cultural Diversity and Multilingual Support
Melbourne's cultural diversity is another factor contributing to its popularity among medical tourists. The city is home to people from various cultural backgrounds, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for visitors. Many medical facilities in Melbourne provide multilingual support, ensuring that language barriers do not hinder communication between patients and healthcare providers.
The Role of "Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne"
In the realm of medical tourism for plastic surgery, the keyword "Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne" holds significant weight. These plastic surgeons are the backbone of Melbourne's burgeoning medical tourism industry, and their expertise and reputation have a profound impact on attracting international patients.
Board-Certified Excellence
The term "best" in "Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne" signifies a level of excellence and competence that goes beyond mere qualifications. These plastic surgeons are typically board-certified, which means they have undergone rigorous training and evaluation to meet the highest standards in the field. Certification ensures that patients are in the hands of surgeons with proven expertise in plastic surgery.
Reputation and Patient Testimonials
The reputation of plastic surgeons in Melbourne is often built on the experiences of satisfied patients. Word-of-mouth recommendations and online reviews play a crucial role in establishing the credibility of these surgeons. Prospective medical tourists frequently conduct extensive research, seeking out patient testimonials and before-and-after photos to assess the surgeon's skill and the results they can expect.
Commitment to Patient-Centered Care
"Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne" are known not only for their technical proficiency but also for their commitment to patient-centered care. They prioritize open communication, thorough consultations, and a personalized approach to each patient's unique needs and goals. This dedication to the well-being of their patients creates a sense of trust and confidence, which is vital in the field of plastic surgery.
Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures for Medical Tourists
The allure of Melbourne's "Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne" extends to a wide range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Some of the most popular plastic surgery procedures sought by medical tourists in Melbourne include:
Breast Augmentation: Breast augmentation, also referred to as a "boob job," entails enhancing the size and contour of the breasts. Considering Melbourne's cosmetic surgeons have a reputation for producing results that look natural, many ladies from over the world seek them out for breast augmentation treatments.
Rhinoplasty: Another extremely popular operation is rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery. Expert plastic surgeons in Melbourne can improve the nose's appearance and function while addressing cosmetic and functional concerns.
Facelift: By renewing and tightening facial tissues, facelift surgery aims to reduce the appearance of aging. The "Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne" are renowned for their skill in producing facelift outcomes that improve a patient's overall appearance while yet seeming natural.
Liposuction: A body reshaping treatment called liposuction eliminates extra fat from certain locations. For liposuction in Melbourne, patients from other countries come to get a more toned and shaped body.
Tummy Tuck: Also known as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck involves the removal of extra abdominal skin and the tightening of the underlying muscles. In order to restore a flatter, firmer midsection, medical tourists frequently choose to have this procedure in Melbourne.
Non-Surgical Treatments: In addition to surgical operations, Melbourne's plastic surgeons provide a range of non-surgical procedures like laser therapy, Botox, and dermal fillers. These choices are designed for people looking for less invasive ways to improve their looks.
The Journey of a Medical Tourist
For those embarking on the journey of medical tourism for plastic surgery in Melbourne, the process typically follows a well-defined path:
Research and Consultation: The first step is extensive research. Prospective medical tourists seek information about Melbourne's "Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne" and carefully review their credentials, patient testimonials, and portfolio of work. After selecting a surgeon, a consultation is scheduled either in person or virtually.
Pre-Procedure Preparation: Once a surgeon is chosen, the patient works closely with the surgical team to prepare for the procedure. This involves discussing the treatment plan, setting expectations, and arranging for necessary pre-operative assessments.
Travel Arrangements: Medical tourists make travel arrangements, which may include booking flights, accommodations, and transportation within Melbourne. They also consider factors like visa requirements and travel insurance.
The Surgical Experience: On the day of the procedure, patients are welcomed into the state-of-the-art surgical facilities of Melbourne. The surgical team, led by the esteemed plastic surgeon, conducts the procedure with meticulous care.
Post-Operative Care and Recovery: Following the surgery, patients receive post-operative care and guidance on recovery protocols. The plastic surgeon and their team provide detailed instructions on aftercare and schedule follow-up appointments.
Enjoying Melbourne: Medical tourists have the opportunity to explore Melbourne and experience its vibrant culture and attractions during their recovery period. This combination of medical care and leisure travel is one of the unique aspects of medical tourism.
The Impact of Medical Tourism on Melbourne
The rise of medical tourism, particularly in plastic surgery, has had a positive impact on Melbourne's economy and healthcare sector. The influx of international patients contributes to the growth of the city's medical infrastructure, supporting local businesses and creating employment opportunities. Additionally, the cultural exchange between patients and the local community enriches the social fabric of Melbourne.
The Ethical Considerations of Medical Tourism
While medical tourism offers numerous benefits to patients, it also raises important ethical considerations. These include issues related to informed consent, continuity of care, quality assurance, and legal recourse in the event of complications. Healthcare providers, both in Melbourne and in the home countries of medical tourists, must navigate these ethical challenges to ensure the well-being of patients.
The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Medical Tourism in Plastic Surgery
The rise of medical tourism in plastic surgery, with Melbourne at its forefront, represents a dynamic shift in how individuals access and experience healthcare. The appeal of seeking the services of "Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne" is a testament to the city's reputation for excellence in plastic surgery. As medical tourism continues to grow, it is imperative for stakeholders in the healthcare industry to collaborate in order to uphold the highest standards of patient care, safety, and ethical practice.
In this global quest for self-improvement and enhanced well-being, the convergence of plastic surgery and medical tourism is poised to shape the future of healthcare delivery, offering individuals the opportunity to change their lives as well as their appearance. As Melbourne remains a beacon of excellence in plastic surgery, the city's "Best Plastic Surgeons Melbourne" will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in this transformative journey.
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yash0001 · 7 months
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Body Conturing Surgeon.
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rahul-dalal · 8 months
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Best Plastic surgeon- Dr. Rahul Dalal
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Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇹🇷🦋👇Fonksiyonel doğal görününen tamponsuz(hastaların %95’i) burun estetiğinde(rinoplasti) en önemli kriterlerden biri uzun dönem(1-2 yıldan sonra) burun şekli ve hava yolu açıklığında sorun olmamasıdır.
🦋Bu hastamızda olduğu gibi(10. yıl) kafatası, burun dorsumu(sırtı) ve dudakla açısı doğru hesaplamış olmalı.
🦋Kadınlarda bu açı daha fazla(mesela burun dorsumu daha ‘kaydırak’ gibi) iken erkeklerde daha düzdür.
🦋Bu nedenle ameliyat sonrası 1.3.5.ve 10 yılda Estetik ve Plastik Cerrahınıza bilgi vermeniz çok önemlidir.
🦋Ameliyat sonrası ödem 6-12 ayda büyük oranda geçse de gerçekte burnun milimetrik şeklini alması 2 yılı bulur.
🦋ikincil(sekonder yada yeniden ameliyat)veya revizyon olmak isteyen hastalar bu sürelere riayet etmeli aksi halde istenmeyen sonuçlar daha fazla yaşanmaktadır.
🦋Burun ameliyatı sonrası dünyada az veya çok Cerrahlar revizyona ihtiyaç duyabilir, bu beklenilebilen bir durum olup revizyona hasta-hekim beraber karar vermelidirler.
🦋Hastaların gerçek üstü beklentileri ve sosyal media ve basının olağandışı beklenti yaratmaları da revizyon ameliyat kararında ne yazık ki yanlış karar verilmesine neden olmaktadır.
🦋Ayrıca hastalar ameliyat sonrası ilk 3-6 ayda başta olmak üzere 2 yıla kadar burun yapısının değiştiği unutulmamalıdır.
🦋Ameliyat sonrası uzun dönem 2 yıl sonrası görünüm temel kriter kabul edilmelidir(👉videoda görülen hastamın ameliyat sonrası 10. yılı🌺👉👉).
🦋Bu bizim kliniğin revizyon yapmadığı anlamına gelmez, amaçımız bu riski olabildiğince en aza indirmek temel felsefemizdir.
🦋Revizyon ameliyatları dünyada en iddialı kliniklerde bile gereklidir, hastaların bunu bilerek ameliyat olmalarında fayda vardır.
🦋Biz klinik olarak ameliyat öncesi 3Dvectra(3 boyutlu görüntüleme)sistemi ile ameliyat sonrasının planlanmasını yapmaktayız ve bu sistem hasta ve cerrah açısından büyük önem taşır.
🇻🇬🇱🇷🦋👇One of the most important criteria in functional, natural-looking tamponless (95% of patients) nose aesthetics (rhinoplasty) is that there should be no problems with nose shape and airway patency in the long term (after 1-2 years).
🦋As in this patient (10th year), the angle with the skull, nasal dorsum (back) and lips must have been calculated correctly.
🦋This angle is greater in women (for example, the dorsum of the nose is more 'slide'-like), while it is flatter in men.
🦋For this reason, it is very important to inform your Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon 1, 3, 5 and 10 years after the surgery.
🦋Although the post-operative edema largely disappears in 6-12 months, it actually takes 2 years for the nose to take its millimetric shape.
🦋Patients who want to undergo secondary (secondary or re-surgery) or revision must comply with these periods, otherwise undesirable consequences are more likely to occur.
🦋Surgeons around the world may need more or less revision after nose surgery, this is an expected situation and the patient and doctor should decide on revision together.
🦋Unfortunately, the unrealistic expectations of patients and the extraordinary expectations created by social media and the press also cause wrong decisions to be made regarding revision surgery.
🦋Also, patients should not forget that the nose structure changes, especially in the first 3-6 months after surgery and up to 2 years.
🦋The long-term post-operative appearance after 2 years should be considered the main criterion (👉my patient seen in the video is his 10th year after surgery🌺👉👉).
🦋This does not mean that our clinic does not make revisions, our main philosophy is to minimize this risk as much as possible.
🦋Revision surgeries are necessary even in the most assertive clinics in the world, and it is beneficial for patients to undergo surgery knowing this.
🦋As a clinic, we plan the post-operative period with the 3Dvectra (3D imaging) system before the surgery, and this system is of great importance for the patient and the surgeon.
Hinweis: Türkische, englische, deutsche und arabische Beschreibung
🇩🇪🦋👇Eines der wichtigsten Kriterien für eine funktionelle, natürlich aussehende tamponlose (95 % der Patienten) Nasenästhetik (Rhinoplastik) ist, dass es langfristig (nach 1-2 Jahren) keine Probleme mit der Nasenform und der Durchgängigkeit der Atemwege geben sollte. .
🦋Wie bei diesem Patienten (10. Lebensjahr) muss der Winkel mit Schädel, Nasenrücken (Rücken) und Lippen korrekt berechnet worden sein.
🦋Dieser Winkel ist bei Frauen größer (z. B. ist der Nasenrücken eher „rutschenartig“), während er bei Männern flacher ist.
🦋Aus diesem Grund ist es sehr wichtig, Ihren ästhetischen und plastischen Chirurgen 1, 3, 5 und 10 Jahre nach der Operation zu informieren.
🦋Obwohl das postoperative Ödem innerhalb von 6–12 Monaten größtenteils verschwindet, dauert es tatsächlich 2 Jahre, bis die Nase ihre millimetergenaue Form annimmt.
🦋Patienten, die sich einer Zweit- (Zweit- oder Nachoperation) oder Revision unterziehen möchten, müssen diese Fristen einhalten, da es sonst eher zu unerwünschten Folgen kommt.
🦋Chirurgen auf der ganzen Welt benötigen nach einer Nasenoperation möglicherweise mehr oder weniger Revisionen. Dies ist eine erwartete Situation und Patient und Arzt sollten gemeinsam über eine Revision entscheiden.
🦋Leider führen auch die unrealistischen Erwartungen der Patienten und die außergewöhnlichen Erwartungen, die durch soziale Medien und Presse hervorgerufen werden, dazu, dass bei Revisionsoperationen Fehlentscheidungen getroffen werden.
🦋Außerdem sollten Patienten nicht vergessen, dass sich die Nasenstruktur insbesondere in den ersten 3-6 Monaten nach der Operation und bis zu 2 Jahren verändert.
🦋Das langfristige postoperative Erscheinungsbild nach 2 Jahren sollte als Hauptkriterium angesehen werden (👉mein Patient im Video ist im 10. Jahr nach der Operation🌺👉👉).
🦋Das bedeutet nicht, dass unsere Klinik keine Revisionen vornimmt. Unsere Hauptphilosophie besteht darin, dieses Risiko so weit wie möglich zu minimieren.
🦋Revisionsoperationen sind selbst in den anspruchsvollsten Kliniken der Welt notwendig, und es ist für Patienten von Vorteil, wenn sie sich einer Operation unterziehen, wenn sie dies wissen.
🦋Als Klinik planen wir die postoperative Phase vor der Operation mit dem 3Dvectra-System (3D-Bildgebung), und dieses System ist für den Patienten und den Chirurgen von großer Bedeutung.
‎ملحوظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والعربية
🇮🇶🦋👇أحد أهم المعايير في تجميل الأنف (عملية تجميل الأنف) الوظيفية ذات المظهر الطبيعي (95٪ من المرضى) هو أنه لا ينبغي أن تكون هناك مشاكل في شكل الأنف ومسالك مجرى الهواء على المدى الطويل (بعد 1-2 سنة). .
‎🦋كما هو الحال في هذا المريض (السنة العاشرة)، يجب أن يتم حساب الزاوية مع الجمجمة وظهر الأنف (الظهر) والشفاه بشكل صحيح.
‎🦋هذه الزاوية أكبر عند النساء (على سبيل المثال، ظهر الأنف أكثر شبهاً بالانزلاق)، بينما يكون مسطحاً عند الرجال.
‎🦋لهذا السبب، من المهم جدًا إبلاغ جراح التجميل والجراحة التجميلية الخاص بك بعد 1 و3 و5 و10 سنوات من الجراحة.
‎🦋على الرغم من أن الوذمة التالية للعمليات الجراحية تختفي إلى حد كبير خلال 6-12 شهرًا، إلا أن الأنف في الواقع يستغرق عامين ليأخذ شكله المليمتري.
‎🦋يجب على المرضى الذين يرغبون في الخضوع لعملية جراحية ثانوية (ثانوية أو إعادة جراحية) أو مراجعة أن يلتزموا بهذه الفترات، وإلا فمن المرجح أن تحدث عواقب غير مرغوب فيها.
‎🦋قد يحتاج الجراحون حول العالم إلى مراجعة أكثر أو أقل بعد جراحة الأنف، وهذا وضع متوقع ويجب على المريض والطبيب اتخاذ قرار بشأن المراجعة معًا.
‎🦋لسوء الحظ، فإن توقعات المرضى غير الواقعية والتوقعات غير العادية التي خلقتها وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والصحافة تتسبب أيضًا في اتخاذ قرارات خاطئة فيما يتعلق بجراحة المراجعة.
‎🦋يجب أيضًا ألا ينسى المرضى أن بنية الأنف تتغير، خاصة في أول 3-6 أشهر بعد الجراحة وحتى عامين.
‎🦋يجب اعتبار المظهر طويل الأمد بعد العملية الجراحية بعد عامين هو المعيار الرئيسي (👉المريض الذي يظهر في الفيديو هو عامه العاشر بعد الجراحة🌺👉👉).
‎🦋هذا لا يعني أن عيادتنا لا تقوم بأي تعديلات، ففلسفتنا الرئيسية هي تقليل هذه المخاطر قدر الإمكان.
‎🦋جراحات المراجعة ضرورية حتى في أكثر العيادات حزماً في العالم، ومن المفيد للمرضى أن يخضعوا لعملية جراحية وهم يعلمون ذلك.
‎🦋نحن كعيادة نقوم بالتخطيط لفترة ما بعد الجراحة بنظام 3Dvectra (التصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد) قبل الجراحة، وهذا النظام ذو أهمية كبيرة للمريض والجراح.
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Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇹🇷🦋Yanak inceltme yada popüler adıyla ‘Hollywood yanağı’da denilen ameliyat kısa süreli,kalıcı, etkin ve sonuçları çok başarılıdır.
🦋Buccal Fat Pad (BFP)Removal ,Partial buccal lipectomy, Hollywood yanağı, yanak yağı aldırma,yanak inceltme gibi isimlendirilir.
🦋Temel amaç yuvarlak, kare yada geniş yanaklı, elmacık kemiği(zigoma/malar bölge) çıkıntılı olmayan yüzü ince görünmeyen kişilere yapılabilir.
🦋En sık kadınlara yapılsada son yıllarda erkekler de tercih etmektedir.
🦋Yanakta bulunan bu yap yastığını ilk olarak 1732’de Heister tanımlamıştır.
🦋1802’de M.F.X.Bichat anatomik yapısını ayrıntılı açıklamıştır.
🦋Dr.Bichat adıyla anılan ‘Bichat yağ yastığı’ 4 uzantıya ve 3 ayrı loba ayrılır.
🦋Posterior(arka) lob; temporal, ptergoid, ptergopalatin be bukkal kısımlardan oluşur.
🦋Ameliyat tekniği: lokal anestezi genelde yeterli olup iki taraflı üst çene(maksilla) lateral(dış) mukozasından 5-10 mm’lik insizyon yapılarak ‘fatpad’in %40-50’i çıkartılır.
🦋Ortalama volüm 6mm kayıptır( kadınlarda 7.2-10.8 mm ve erkeklerde 7.8-11.3 mm).
🦋Bu miktardan fazla çıkartmalarda yanakta çökme ve/ veya asimetri oluşabilir.
🦋Bu ameliyatı bazı otorler 25 yaş sonrası için önerirler.
🦋Ameliyat süresi 20-40 dakikadır.
🦋Ameliyattan hemen sonra belirgin görüntü oluşsa da 2-3 hafta ödem/şişlik görülmesi doğaldır.
🦋7-10 gün korse kullanımı, antibiyotik, ağrı kesici, gargara ve ağız hijyeni önerilir.
🦋Genelde dikiş alınmasına gerek yoktur 1 haftada eriyecektir.
🦋İdeal görünüm 2-4 ayda ortaya çıkar.
🦋Deneyimli cerrahlarda komplikasyon minimaldir.
🦋Bazı araştırmalarda komplikasyon %8.45 bildirilmiştir.
🦋Bu komplikasyonlar; ödem, kanama(internal maksiller arter), enfeksiyon, asimetri, trismus, fasial sinir bukkal dal yaralanması, paratis bezi stenson kanal yaralanması sayılabilir.
Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇻🇬🦋Cheek thinning, or popularly known as 'Hollywood cheek' surgery, is short-term, permanent, effective and its results are very successful.
🦋Buccal Fat Pad (BFP) Removal, Partial buccal lipectomy, Hollywood cheek, cheek fat removal, cheek thinning.
🦋The main purpose is that it can be performed on people with round, square or wide cheeks, without protruding cheekbones (zygoma/malar area), and whose face does not look thin.
🦋Although it is most commonly performed on women, men have also preferred it in recent years.
🦋Heister first described this cheek pad in 1732.
🦋In 1802, M.F.X.Bichat explained its anatomical structure in detail.
🦋The 'Bichat fat pad', also known as Dr. Bichat, is divided into 4 extensions and 3 separate lobes.
🦋Posterior lobe; It consists of temporal, pterygoid, pterygopalatine and buccal parts.
🦋Surgery technique: local anesthesia is generally sufficient and 40-50% of the 'fatpad' is removed by making a 5-10 mm incision in the lateral (external) mucosa of the bilateral upper jaw (maxilla).
🦋The average volume loss is 6 mm (7.2-10.8 mm in women and 7.8-11.3 mm in men).
🦋Decals exceeding this amount may cause sagging and/or asymmetry on the cheek.
🦋Some authorities recommend this surgery for people after the age of 25.
🦋Surgery time is 20-40 minutes.
🦋Although a clear appearance occurs immediately after the surgery, it is natural to see edema/swelling for 2-3 weeks.
🦋 7-10 days of corset use, antibiotics, painkillers, mouthwash and oral hygiene are recommended.
🦋 Generally, there is no need to remove stitches, it will dissolve in 1 week.
🦋The ideal appearance appears in 2-4 months.
🦋Complications are minimal in experienced surgeons.
🦋In some studies, complications were reported as 8.45%.
🦋These complications; edema, bleeding (internal maxillary artery), infection, asymmetry, trismus, facial nerve buccal branch injury, paratis gland Stenson canal injury.
Hinweis: Türkische, englische, deutsche und arabische Beschreibung
🇩🇪🦋Eine Wangenverdünnung, im Volksmund auch „Hollywood-Wangenoperation“ genannt, ist kurzfristig, dauerhaft, effektiv und die Ergebnisse sind sehr erfolgreich.
🦋Entfernung des bukkalen Fettpolsters (BFP), partielle bukkale Lipektomie, Hollywood-Wange, Wangenfettentfernung, Wangenverdünnung.
🦋Der Hauptzweck besteht darin, dass es bei Menschen mit runden, eckigen oder breiten Wangen durchgeführt werden kann, ohne hervorstehende Wangenknochen (Jochbein-/Malarbereich) und deren Gesicht nicht dünn aussieht.
🦋Obwohl es am häufigsten bei Frauen durchgeführt wird, bevorzugen es in den letzten Jahren auch Männer.
🦋Heister beschrieb dieses Wangenpolster erstmals im Jahr 1732.
🦋Im Jahr 1802 erklärte M.F.X.Bichat seine anatomische Struktur im Detail.
🦋Das „Bichat-Fettpolster“, auch Dr. Bichat genannt, ist in 4 Fortsätze und 3 separate Lappen unterteilt.
🦋Hinterlappen; Es besteht aus temporalen, pterygoidealen, pterygopalatinalen und bukkalen Teilen.
🦋Operationstechnik: Lokalanästhesie ist im Allgemeinen ausreichend und 40–50 % des „Fettpolsters“ werden durch einen 5–10 mm langen Schnitt in der seitlichen (äußeren) Schleimhaut des beidseitigen Oberkiefers (Oberkiefer) entfernt.
🦋Der durchschnittliche Volumenverlust beträgt 6 mm (7,2–10,8 mm bei Frauen und 7,8–11,3 mm bei Männern).
🦋Abziehbilder, die diese Menge überschreiten, können zu Durchhängen und/oder Asymmetrien auf der Wange führen.
🦋Einige Behörden empfehlen diese Operation für Personen nach dem 25. Lebensjahr.
🦋Die Operationszeit beträgt 20-40 Minuten.
🦋Obwohl unmittelbar nach der Operation ein klares Erscheinungsbild auftritt, ist es natürlich, dass für 2-3 Wochen Ödeme/Schwellungen auftreten.
🦋 7-10 Tage Korsetttragen, Antibiotika, Schmerzmittel, Mundwasser und Mundhygiene werden empfohlen.
🦋 Im Allgemeinen ist es nicht nötig, die Fäden zu entfernen, sie lösen sich innerhalb einer Woche auf.
🦋Das ideale Aussehen stellt sich in 2-4 Monaten ein.
🦋Komplikationen sind bei erfahrenen Chirurgen minimal.
🦋In einigen Studien wurden Komplikationen mit 8,45 % angegeben.
🦋Diese Komplikationen; Ödeme, Blutungen (Arteria maxillaris interna), Infektionen, Asymmetrie, Trismus, Verletzung des Wangenasts des Gesichtsnervs, Verletzung des Stenson-Kanals der Paratisdrüse.
‎ملحوظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والعربية
🇮🇶🦋تنحيف الخد أو المعروفة شعبياً باسم "جراحة خد هوليوود" هي عملية قصيرة الأمد ودائمة وفعالة ونتائجها ناجحة جداً.
‎🦋إزالة وسادة دهون الخد (BFP)، استئصال شحم الشدق الجزئي، خد هوليود، إزالة دهون الخد، تنحيف الخد.
‎🦋الغرض الرئيسي هو أنه يمكن إجراؤها على الأشخاص ذوي الخدود المستديرة أو المربعة أو العريضة، دون عظام الخد البارزة (منطقة الوجنة / الوجنات)، والذين لا يبدو وجههم نحيفًا.
‎🦋على الرغم من أنه يتم إجراؤه بشكل شائع على النساء، إلا أن الرجال يفضلونه أيضًا في السنوات الأخيرة.
‎🦋وصف هيستر وسادة الخد هذه لأول مرة في عام 1732.
‎🦋في عام 1802، شرح M.F.X.Bichat بنيته التشريحية بالتفصيل.
‎🦋تنقسم "وسادة الدهون بيشات"، المعروفة أيضًا باسم دكتور بيشات، إلى 4 ملحقات و3 فصوص منفصلة.
‎🦋الفص الخلفي. وهو يتألف من الأجزاء الصدغية والجناحية والجناحية الحنكية والشدق.
‎🦋تقنية الجراحة: التخدير الموضعي كافٍ بشكل عام ويتم إزالة 40-50% من "السادة الدهنية" عن طريق إجراء شق 5-10 ملم في الغشاء المخاطي الجانبي (الخارجي) للفك العلوي الثنائي (الفك العلوي).
‎🦋متوسط ​​فقدان الحجم هو 6 ملم (7.2-10.8 ملم عند النساء و7.8-11.3 ملم عند الرجال).
‎🦋الملصقات التي تتجاوز هذه الكمية قد تسبب ترهل و/أو عدم تناسق في الخد.
‎🦋توصي بعض السلطات بإجراء هذه الجراحة للأشخاص بعد سن 25 عامًا.
‎🦋مدة الجراحة 20-40 دقيقة.
‎🦋على الرغم من ظهور مظهر واضح بعد الجراحة مباشرة، إلا أنه من الطبيعي رؤية الوذمة/التورم لمدة 2-3 أسابيع.
‎🦋 يوصى باستخدام المشد لمدة 7-10 أيام، ويوصى بالمضادات الحيوية ومسكنات الألم وغسول الفم ونظافة الفم.
‎🦋 بشكل عام ليس هناك حاجة لإزالة الغرز فهي ستذوب خلال أسبوع واحد.
‎🦋يظهر المظهر المثالي خلال 2-4 أشهر.
‎🦋المضاعفات ضئيلة عند الجراحين ذوي الخبرة.
‎🦋في بعض الدراسات، بلغت نسبة المضاعفات 8.45%.
‎🦋هذه المضاعفات؛ وذمة، نزيف (الشريان الفكي الداخلي)، عدوى، عدم تناسق، ضزز، إصابة فرع الشدق في العصب الوجهي، إصابة قناة ستنسون في الغدة النظيرية.
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✏️Note: Turkish,English and German description is below.
🇹🇷🇹🇷Saç ekiminde artık klasik hale gelen FUE (Folicular Unite Extraction) yönteminin bir şekli olan DHİ(Direct Hair Implant) geliştirildi.
👉👇DHİ tekniğinin avantajları;
👉DHİ(kalem tekniği de denir) yönteminin FUE’den farkı saç greftlerinin tek tek alınıp, tekrar tek aşamada ekilerek, greftlerin daha az zarar görmesi sağlanır.
👉FUE yöntemi gibi mikromotor kullanılır, ancak kullanılan ‘Choi implanter kalemi’ çapı daha azdır(0.6-1mm arası).
👉Dönor alanda hiç iz/ skar kalmaz.
👉Dönor alandan alınan greft oranı %3’ü geçmez ise gözle görülür seyrelme anlaşılamaz. 👉Her saç grefti, 1-2-3-4 saç teli içerir( ortalama 2.5 saç teli).
👉Tek aşamada yerleştirmede mantık tekli olanların en öne ve asimetrik( düz şekilde ekilmez), diğerlerinin sırasıyla arkalara yerleştirilir.
👉Tek tek yerleştirilen greft oran daha fazladır, yani yüksek sayıda ekime oşanak sağlar.
👉Titiz çalışmayı gerektirdiğinden normal seç ekiminden(ortalama 6-8 saat) daha uzun sürer(10-14 saat).
👉Daha doğal ve saç ekimi ‘yapılmamış’ gibi saçlar çıkar.
👉Tek dezavantajı Choi kalemleri kişiye özel olduğundan maliyeti yüksektir.
✏️Note: Turkish, English and German description is below.
🇻🇬🇱🇷DHI (Direct Hair Implant), which is a form of the FUE (Follicular Unite Extraction) method, which has now become a classic in hair transplantation, has been developed.
👉👇Advantages of DHI technique;
👉The difference between the DHI (also called pen technique) method and FUE is that the hair grafts are taken one by one and replanted in a single stage, ensuring less damage to the grafts.
👉A micromotor is used like the FUE method, but the diameter of the 'Choi implanter pen' used is less (between 0.6-1mm).
👉There is no trace/scar left in the donor area.
👉If the graft rate taken from the donor area does not exceed 3%, visible thinning cannot be understood.
👉Each hair graft contains 1-2-3-4 hair strands (average 2.5 hair strands).
👉The logic in single stage placement is that the single ones are placed at the front and the others are placed asymmetrically (not planted straight) at the back respectively.
👉The rate of grafts placed individually is higher, which means it allows for a higher number of transplants.
👉As it requires meticulous work, it takes longer (10-14 hours) than normal planting (6-8 hours on average).
👉More natural hair looks like it hasn't been transplanted.
👉The only disadvantage is that since Choi pens are personalized, their cost is high.
✏️Hinweis: Die türkische, englische und deutsche Beschreibung finden Sie unten.
🇩🇪🇩🇪DHI (Direct Hair Implant), eine Form der FUE-Methode (Follicular Unite Extraction), die mittlerweile zu einem Klassiker in der Haartransplantation geworden ist, wurde entwickelt.
👉👇Vorteile der DHI-Technik;
👉Der Unterschied zwischen der DHI-Methode (auch Stifttechnik genannt) und der FUE-Methode besteht darin, dass die şHaartransplantate einzeln entnommen und in einem einzigen Schritt wieder eingepflanzt werden, wodurch eine geringere Beschädigung der Transplantate gewährleistet wird.
👉Ein Mikromotor wird wie bei der FUE-Methode verwendet, der Durchmesser des verwendeten „Choi-Implanterstifts“ ist jedoch geringer (zwischen 0,6 und 1 mm).
👉Wenn die Transplantatrate aus dem Spenderbereich 3 % nicht überschreitet, ist eine sichtbare Ausdünnung nicht nachvollziehbar.
👉Jedes Haartransplantat enthält 1-2-3-4 Haarsträhnen (durchschnittlich 2,5 Haarsträhnen).
👉Die Logik bei der einstufigen Platzierung besteht darin, dass die einzelnen Pflanzen vorne und die anderen jeweils asymmetrisch (nicht gerade gepflanzt) hinten platziert werden.
👉Die Rate der einzeln platzierten Transplantate ist höher, was bedeutet, dass eine höhere Anzahl von Transplantationen möglich ist.
👉Da es sorgfältige Arbeit erfordert, dauert es länger (10–14 Stunden) als das normale Pflanzen (durchschnittlich 6–8 Stunden).
👉Mehr natürliches Haar sieht aus, als wäre es nicht transplantiert worden.
👉Der einzige Nachteil besteht darin, dass die Kosten für Choi-Stifte hoch sind, da sie personalisiert sind.
‎✏️ملاحظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية أدناه.
🇮🇶🇸🇷تم تطوير تقنية DHI (زراعة الشعر المباشرة)، وهي شكل من أشكال طريقة FUE (استخراج وحدة البصيلات)، والتي أصبحت الآن كلاسيكية في زراعة الشعر.
‎👉👇مميزات تقنية DHI؛
‎👉الفرق بين طريقة DHI (وتسمى أيضًا تقنية القلم) وطريقة FUE هو أن بصيلات الشعر يتم أخذها واحدة تلو الأخرى وإعادة زراعتها في مرحلة واحدة، مما يضمن ضررًا أقل للبصيلات.
‎👉يتم استخدام محرك صغير مثل طريقة FUE، ولكن قطر قلم تشوي المستخدم أقل (بين 0.6-1 ملم).
‎👉 لا يوجد أي أثر أو ندبة في المنطقة المانحة.
‎👉إذا كان معدل التطعيم المأخوذ من المنطقة المانحة لا يتجاوز 3%، فلا يمكن فهم الترقق المرئي.
‎تحتوي كل طعمة شعر على 1-2-3-4 خصلة شع (متوسط ​​2.5 خصلة شعر).
‎👉المنطق في وضع المرحلة الواحدة هو أن يتم وضع المفردات في المقدمة ويتم وضع الآخرين بشكل غير متماثل (غير مزروع بشكل مستقيم) في الخلف على التوالي.
‎👉معدل الطعوم التي يتم وضعها بشكل فردي أعلى، مما يعني أنها تسمح بعدد أكبر من عمليات زرع الأعضاء.
‎👉 نظرًا لأنها تتطلب عملاً دقيقًا، فهي تستغرق وقتًا أطول (10-14 ساعة) من الزراعة العادية (6-8 ساعات في المتوسط).
‎👉يبدو الشعر طبيعيًا وكأنه لم تتم زراعته.
‎👉العيب الوحيد هو أنه نظرًا لأن أقلام تشوي مخصصة، فإن تكلفتها مرتفعة.
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✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,İtaliano🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
🦋Lazer sistemleri kliniğimizde FDA onaylı olup USA🇱🇷 üretimidir.
🌺Kliniğimizde kullanılan lazer sistemleri;
👉Epilasyonda kullanılacak yöntemler;
🖍️klasik ağda,
🖍️ince iğne epilasyon,
🖍️Nd-YAG lazer,
🖍️Alexandered lazer,
🖍️Diod(buz, ütüleme yada saten)lazer.
🦋İğne epilasyon, beyaz kılları lazer görmeyeceğinden kullanılır.
🦋IPL ise yüzeyel ısı yaratarak etki gösteren lazen olmayan bir sistemdir❗️
🦋IPL epilasyonda kullanılsa da bir lazer sistemi değildir, etkisi de lazerler kadar etkili olmayıp seans sayısı oldukça fazladır.
🦋Alexander lazer çok etkili olup en fazla siyah kıllarda etkilidir.
🦋Diod lazer( buz lazer/ ütüleme lazer) ise 4 mevsim kullanılabilen etkili bir lazer türüdür.
🦋Nd-YAG lazer ise yüz kılları ve kılsı tüyleri sarartmak için kullanılır.
🦋 Seans sayısı kıl, cilt tipi, cinsiyet , hastalıklar ve hormonal duruma göre değişir.
🦋Kıl döngüsünden dolayı seanslar 1 ay arayla yapılır( kontroller ise 2 hafta arayla).
🦋Dünyada en etkili lazeler, kliniğimizde de olup 8-18 ayda kılların %90’nın yokedilmesi amaçlanır(çok sayıda bilimsel araştırma sonucu!
(Bakınız! www.pubmed.com).
🦋‘’%100 veya garantili lazer epilasyon’’ diye bir tedavi yoktur❗️
🦋Kliniğimizde genital lazer epilasyon uygulaması da yapılmaktadır.
🦋Ayrıca erkeklere özel( genital bölge) lazeri de uygulanmaktadır.
✅Önemli Uyarı❗️
🖍️paylaşılan fotoğraflar/videolar hasta onayı alınıp, tanınmayacak şekilde kamuflaj edilmiş olup, yalnızca bilimsel bilgi paylaşımı için yerleştirilmiştir❗️
🖍️Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası fotoğraf/video paylaşımı amaçlanmamıştır❗️ ☎️+905054925755☎️+905322058604
☎️+902122349699 ☎️+905413563446
✅www.azimetozdemir.com.tr ✅www.besthaircenter.com.tr ✅www.burinoplasti.com ✅[email protected]
✅ Önemli uyarı❗️❗️❗️
✏️Paylaşılan fotoğraflar/videolar hasta onayı alınıp, tanınmayacak şekilde kamuflaj edilmiş olup, yalnızca bilimsel bilgi paylaşımı için yerleştirilmiştir.
✏️Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası fotoğraf/video paylaşımı yapılarak maddi kazanç amaçlanmamıştır.
✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,Italian🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
🦋Laser systems in our clinic are FDA approved and produced in USA🇱🇷.
🌺Laser systems used in our clinic;
👉Methods to be used in epilation;
🖍️classic wax,
🖍️fine needle epilation,
🖍️Nd-YAG laser,
🖍️Alexandered laser,
🖍️ Diode (ice, ironing or satin) laser.
🦋Needle epilation is used because the white hairs cannot be seen by the laser.
🦋IPL is a non-laser system that acts by creating superficial heat❗️
🦋Although IPL is used in epilation, it is not a laser system, its effect is not as effective as lasers and the number of sessions is quite high.
🦋Alexander laser is very effective and is most effective on black hair.
🦋 Diode laser (ice laser / ironing laser) is an effective laser type that can be used in 4 seasons.
🦋Nd-YAG laser is used to bleach facial hair and hair.
🦋 The number of sessions varies depending on hair, skin type, gender, diseases and hormonal status.
🦋Due to the hair cycle, sessions are performed 1 month apart (checks are 2 weeks apart).
🦋The most effective lasers in the world are in our clinic and aim to eliminate 90% of the hair in 8-18 months (as a result of many scientific researches!
(See! www.pubmed.com).
🦋There is no treatment called "100% or guaranteed laser epilation"❗️
🦋Genital laser epilation is also performed in our clinic.
🦋Also, men-specific (genital area) laser is also applied.
✅Important Notice❗️
🖍️the shared photos/videos were taken with patient approval, camouflaged in an unrecognizable way, and were placed only for scientific information sharing❗️
🖍️It is not intended to share photos/videos before and after surgery❗️ ☎️+905054925755☎️+905322058604
☎️+902122349699 ☎️+905413563446
✅www.azimetozdemir.com.tr ✅www.besthaircenter.com.tr ✅www.burinplasty.com ✅[email protected]
✅ Important notice❗️❗️❗️
✏️The shared photos/videos have been camouflaged in an unrecognizable manner, with patient approval, and have been placed solely for scientific information sharing.
✏️No financial gain is intended by sharing photos/videos before and after surgery.
✏️Hinweis: Türkisch🇹🇷, Englisch🇻🇬, Deutsch🇩🇪, Italienisch🇫🇷, Französisch🇷🇺, Spanisch🇪🇸, Russisch🇷🇺 und Arabisch🇸🇾 Beschreibung ❗️
🦋Lasersysteme in unserer Klinik sind von der FDA zugelassen und werden in den USA hergestellt🇱🇷.
🌺Lasersysteme, die in unserer Klinik verwendet werden;
👉Methoden zur Epilation;
🖍️klassisches Wachs,
🖍️Alexandered Laser,
🖍️ Diodenlaser (Eis-, Bügel- oder Satinlaser).
🦋Nadelepilation wird eingesetzt, da die weißen Härchen für den Laser nicht sichtbar sind.
🦋IPL ist ein Nicht-Laser-System, das durch die Erzeugung von Oberflächenwärme wirkt❗️
🦋Obwohl IPL bei der Epilation verwendet wird, handelt es sich nicht um ein Lasersystem, seine Wirkung ist nicht so effektiv wie bei Lasern und die Anzahl der Sitzungen ist recht hoch.
🦋Der Alexander-Laser ist sehr effektiv und eignet sich am besten für schwarzes Haar.
🦋 Diodenlaser (Eislaser / Bügellaser) ist ein effektiver Lasertyp, der in 4 Jahreszeiten eingesetzt werden kann.
🦋Nd-YAG-Laser wird zum Bleichen von Gesichtshaaren und Haaren verwendet.
🦋 Die Anzahl der Sitzungen variiert je nach Haar, Hauttyp, Geschlecht, Krankheiten und Hormonstatus.
🦋Aufgrund des Haarzyklus werden die Sitzungen im Abstand von 1 Monat durchgeführt (Kontrollen im Abstand von 2 Wochen).
🦋Die effektivsten Laser der Welt befinden sich in unserer Klinik und zielen darauf ab, 90 % der Haare in 8–18 Monaten zu entfernen (als Ergebnis zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen!).
(Siehe! www.pubmed.com).
🦋Es gibt keine Behandlung namens „100 % oder garantierte Laser-Epilation“❗️
🦋Genitale Laserepilation wird in unserer Klinik auch durchgeführt.
🦋Außerdem wird auch ein männerspezifischer Laser (Genitalbereich) angewendet.
✅Wichtiger Hinweis❗️
🖍️Die geteilten Fotos/Videos wurden mit Zustimmung des Patienten aufgenommen, auf unkenntliche Weise getarnt und nur zum Zweck der Weitergabe wissenschaftlicher Informationen platziert❗️
🖍️Es ist nicht beabsichtigt, Fotos/Videos vor und nach der Operation zu teilen❗️ ☎️+905054925755☎️+905322058604
☎️+902122349699 ☎️+905413563446
✅www.azimetozdemir.com.tr ✅www.besthaircenter.com.tr ✅www.burinplasty.com ✅[email protected]
✅ Wichtiger Hinweis❗️❗️❗️
✏️Die geteilten Fotos/Videos wurden mit Zustimmung der Patienten auf unkenntliche Weise getarnt und ausschließlich für den Austausch wissenschaftlicher Informationen bereitgestellt.
✏️Durch das Teilen von Fotos/Videos vor und nach der Operation wird kein finanzieller Gewinn erzielt.
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#☎️+90505492#telengiectasia #telengictasiatherapy #drazimetozdemir #istanbul #foam sclerotherapy #Telengiectasia #capillary vein cracks
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✏️Damar çatlakları olarak adlandırdığımız ‘telenjektazi’ yüzeyel damarların ciltten görünür hale gelmesidir❗️
✏️lazer dışında en etkili tedavisi köpük skleroterapidir ❗️
☎️+902122349699 ☎️+905413563446
✅www.azimetozdemir.com.tr ✅www.besthaircenter.com.tr ✅www.burinoplasti.com ✅[email protected] foamscleroterapy #Telangiectasia #teleangiectazsialeg #telengiectasia #telengictasiatherapy #drazimetozdemir #istanbul #foam scleroterapy #Telenjiektazi #kılcal damar çatlakları
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🦋👇Prominent ear is a developmental disorder that occurs in the 20th week of the fetus in the womb.
✏️Contrary to popular belief, it is not related to external reasons such as incorrect swaddling or laying down of the child.
✏️ It is seen in 4-5% of the population, usually occurs in both ears, and rarely in one auricle.
✏️Treatment: Surgery (otoplasty) should be performed at the age of 5-6 before the child reaches school age.
✏️The purpose of the surgery is to normalize the damaged cartilage shape and reduce the increased distance/angle between the skull and the auricle.
✏️The surgery takes between 40-90 minutes, although it varies for each patient.
✏️ Since the incision made in the surgery is stretched to the line behind the ear, there is no visible scar over time or it is minimal.
✏️The risk of reverting to prominent ears increases in surgeries performed after the age of 6. In this case, revision otoplasty is performed.
✏️The surgery can be performed with general anesthesia in children and local anesthesia in adults.
✏️ It is recommended to wear an ear corset for 1-2 weeks after surgery.
✅ Important notice❗️❗️❗️
✏️The shared photos/videos have been camouflaged in an unrecognizable manner, with patient approval, and have been placed solely for scientific information sharing.
✏️No financial gain is intended by sharing photos/videos before and after surgery.
☎️+902122349699 ☎️+905413563446
✅www.azimetozdemir.com.tr ✅www.besthaircenter.com.tr ✅www.burinoplasti.com ✅[email protected]
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