redux-pain · 1 year
chapter 11: South End
映画を見終わった客が ぱらぱらと出てくる中に、 エノキダが上機嫌で 歩いてくる姿があった。
The movie finished people are exiting the theater. Shigeru looks happy.
That was great!
/Enokida came walking out of the theater in a good mood, among the crowd of customers who’d just finished watching a movie./
[ENOKIDA:] Wow, that was a great movie.
なぜこんな映画がマイナーなのか わからないぐらいだね。
特にえん罪で苦しんでいたあの若者が、 最後に殺人犯になるところなんて。
I don’t get why it isn’t popular.
I liked that the hero ended up the criminal.
[ENOKIDA:] I don’t get why something like that is so obscure.
Especially that young man who was falsely accused and wound up a killer in the end...
まさに人間性を深くエグった作品 じゃないかな。
The movie really shows humanity.
Kinda scary.
[ENOKIDA:] It really digs deep into human nature.
...Scary stuff.
もしぼくがあんな風に、何を言っても 信用されなくなったらどうしよう。
It could happen to anyone.
What would I do in that situation?
[ENOKIDA:] It could happen to anyone.
What would I do if I wound up like that, where no one believes you no matter what you say?
「エノキダさん、  今回の映画はどうでしたか?」
That would suck.
How was the movie?
[ENOKIDA:] That would be so awful, Kii-chan...
[SAKAI, offscreen:] “Enokida-san, how did you like the movie?”
どうしました? お気に召しませんでしたか?
いえ…あまりに深い内容に…… いま打ちひしがれているところです。
What’s wrong? You didn’t like it?
I loved it. I was impressed!
[SAKAI:] What’s wrong? Didn’t you care for it?
[ENOKIDA:] That’s not it... It was just so intense I’m feeling really stricken right now.
あらら、それは映画にとって 誉め言葉ね、ありがとう。
Wow, great review! Thanks!
You’re welcome.
[SAKAI:] Oh, my. That’s quite the compliment for any movie. Thank you!
[ENOKIDA:] Sure...
これから帰って、キーちゃんと 人について語り合うつもりです。
I will go home and talk about it with Kee
Ok, take care!
[ENOKIDA:] I’m gonna go home and talk about mankind with Kii-chan now.
[SAKAI:] Okay. Take care!
人に人生の大切さや、愛の尊さを 教えてくれるんだから……。
It was so great.
Importance of life... Respect of love...
[SAKAI:] Wasn’t that a wonderful film?
It shows you the importance of life, and the value of love...
え? 私に話?
特にあなたのような若い人が 喜びそうなものはね。
I have nothing to say.
Especially to you.
[SAKAI:] Hm? You want to talk about something?
There’s nothing I can tell you that you’d appreciate...
Especially given how young you are. 
{MEMORY: He’ll Come Again
男の来訪 The Man Comes His Visit
現在公開されている新作映画 を観に訪れた、ある男の事を 考え、深い悩みを覚えている。
Going to see the  new movie, he thinks about that man and worries.
She’s remembering a deep concern as she thinks of a certain man who came to see the new movie’s premier in the theater.
He was here
On opening day
The killer?
I don’t know
He came after all
On opening day
Is he the killer?
I don’t know
I spoke to him
Said he had moved
It’s not the killer
Seemed so nice
I spoke to him
He said he was very moved
He can’t be the killer
He seemed so nice
It’s all in my head
He was a cop
Can’t be the killer
I’m overthinking this
I mean, he’s a policeman
It just couldn’t be
……あら、いやだ。 ちょっと、目まいがして……。
Oh I feel dizzy.
[SAKAI:] ....Oh, dear. I’m feeling a little dizzy...
{FIX or LEAVING without doing anything:
Please see the movie.
You may like it.
[SAKAI:] Why don’t you try seeing it too?
I’m sure you’ll get something out of it.
[if you LEAVE, she remains smiling, but if you use FIX she changes to the worried sprite just before the scene ends]}
{STRAY LINES: (It looks like this should be used if you leave and then come back, but you can’t actually come back if you do leave the scene.)
あら? 今度は何かしら?
What? What’s happening?
[SAKAI:] Hm? What is it this time?
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ksawatari · 8 months
ティアキン、DLCないんか。たぶんDLCで補足されるんだろうなと思ってたから旧賢者たちの味がめちゃめちゃ薄いのとかカッシーワが謎にいなくなってるのとかを許容してたところはあるが?? っていう。マジで。
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peko-tokimizu · 8 months
懐旧 | ぺこ #pixiv
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noelink · 3 years
ありがとう… 貴方のおかけで
全ての神獣と 英傑達の魂が解放されました
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kan100 · 7 years
【任天堂スイッチ】ゼルダの伝説#85 あのエノキダがまさかの結婚!?【生声実況】
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ponsans33 · 7 years
村づくりの全手順、発展に必要な人の居場所まとめ | ゼルダの伝説 ブレスオブザワイルド 攻略大百科
アッカレ湖に新しく作ることができる「イチカラ村」を発展させる手順、村作りに必要な人の探し方を紹介します。 村作りのはじめ方 村作りを始めるにはハテノ村で自分の家を購入し、内装の家具をすべて揃えてミニチャレンジ「幸せを運ぶ匠」をクリアしている必要があります。詳しい手順は以下の記事を参考にしてください。 [embeds id=1478 style=] ミニチャレンジ達成後にハテノ村でエノキダに話しかけるとアッカレ地方での村作りが始まります。   イチカラ村の場所 アッカレ地方にあるアッカレ湖の中央に位置する島のような場所にあります。街道沿いに陸路もつながっています。 村作り 村ではエノキダから、村を発展させるための手伝いを依頼されます。 依頼1 薪の束10個 最初は薪の束10個を要求されます。木を切り倒しまくりましょう。 手順2 力の強いゴロン 次に腕っぷしの強いゴロンを連れてきます。…
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teasoku · 7 years
【ゼルダの伝説ブレスオブザワイルド攻略まとめ】 http://ift.tt/2lP00H2
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redux-pain · 1 year
Chapter 11: Kisaragi Train Station 2
昨日メロディ、帰って来なかったから、 心配して来てみたけど。
なんかナミちゃんもメロディも、 忙しいみたいだね。
Melody didn’t come home so I got worried & came.
Nami & Melody both seem really busy.
[ENOKIDA:] I came here because I was worried after Melody didn't come back yesterday.
She and Nami-chan must be busy with something.
あんなに自由にいろんなものと、 心を通わせれるなんてね。
But Nami’s amazing.
Being able to open her heart to so many animals.
[ENOKIDA:] Nami-chan is really something special.
She can communicate with so many different creatures.
エノキダは振り返り、 鳥と話をしている ナミの姿を見て、 何度も感心していた。
何を話しているのか、ヒミツって 言って喋ってくれないけど。
Enokida turns around & looks at Nami talking to the birds, admiring her.
She won’t tell me what they’re talking about,
but I���understand...
/Enokida kept turning his head around, looking in admiration at Nami talking to the birds./
[ENOKIDA:] She won't tell me what they're talking about. She says it's a secret.
But I understand...
だって、なんだってキーちゃんが 教えてくれるからね。
あれはね、世界慈母神様と交信して いるに違いないんだ。
Because Kee Chan tells me.
She’s communicating with the ”Mother God.”
[ENOKIDA:] Because Kii-chan tells me.
Nami-chan is communicating with the Great Mother Goddess.
世界慈母神様って、まあキーちゃんの 親みたいなものと言えばいいかな。
The ”Mother God” is kind of like Kee Chan’s parent.
She’s from the Light World.
[ENOKIDA:] The Great Mother Goddess is kind of like Kii-chan's parent.
She's a being who dwells in a world full of light.
私たちのこの世の悩みをそのお力で、 取り除いてくれるんだ。
小鳥は世界慈母神様の御使いだからね。 ……そういうことさ。
エノキダは奇妙なリズムの 歌を口ずさみながら、 郵便局に帰って行った。
She uses her power to help us in this world.
The birds are the ”Mother God’s” angels, you know.
Enokida whistles a strange tune as he returns to the Post Office.
[ENOKIDA:] She uses her Power to help dispel our troubles in this world.
Birds are the messengers of the Great Mother Goddess, you know.
[ENOKIDA exits]
/Enokida headed back to the post office, humming a tune with an odd rhythm./
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ksawatari · 10 months
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redux-pain · 5 years
I didn’t notice anything in particular here, other than to note that any response more negative than Cool will cause Nami to leave angrily and not share the information about seeing the slasher.
Anger will prompt her to mention some of her animal friends, including... another Pii-chan?! I thought I’d fully solved the Pee-chan mystery, but maybe there are even deeper depths.
メロディやピーちゃんや、 ゴロンタ君
Melody and Pee-chan and Goronta.
“Melody and Pee-chan and Goronta-kun”
Anyway, we know Melody, and Pii-chan (#2?) would be a bird. Goronta seems to be a tiger character from an old children’s show, so Goronta-kun is presumably a cat.
だって、郵便局のエノキダさんは、 昼休みになると必ず公園に行って、
奇妙な歌を口ずさみながら、 エイヤエイヤって踊っているし。
ハンバーガー屋の店長さんも昼は、 映画観に行っているもん。
Mr. Enokida at the Post office goes to the park
and sings weird songs & does dances on lunch break.
And the Triple Step manager sees movies on his break.
When she’s talking about Enokida after the Surprise reaction, she says he makes the sound, “Eiya! Eiya” while dancing, and she doesn’t name Triple Step specifically, but calls it “the hamburger place.” (Maybe this was written a little earlier in development, when they still had the energy to write all these dialogue variants that start to fade as the game goes on?)
ブツブツ言いながら歩いていて、 こっち見てニヤ~って笑うんだ。
それで無視して歩いていたら、 こっちに近づいてきたから。
He was walking, talking to himself, and smiled at me.
Also, when she’s talking about the slasher, she says he wasn’t just talking but muttering, and specifies a niyaaa~ grinning sound effect that just makes him sound... scarier.
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redux-pain · 5 years
chapter 20: post office
[note: The main thing in this one is that it inconsistently translates the Japanese present tense into the English present tense, resulting in a weird scene where Enokida is slipping between tenses while clearly talking about the past. You *can* do this in informal speech (”So I’m just sitting there, right, and what do you think happens then...?”) but you do have to stick to one tense after choosing it.]
「キーちゃん……  なにかあるのかな……」
エノキダが、 土偶のキーちゃんを 一生懸命なでている 姿がある。
”Kee-chan... What do we have...”
Enokida can be seen stroking Kee-chan, the clay doll he carries with him.
[Enokida, off screen:] “Kii-chan... I wonder if something’s going on...”
/Enokida could be seen vigorously petting his clay doll, Kii-chan./
はぁ……しょせん私は変な 郵便局局長ですよ……。
Hm, I guess I’m a weird post office manager...
But I shouldn’t be ignored.
[Enokida:] Sigh... I’m just a weird post office manager, after all...
But I still shouldn’t be ignored.
紅の丘からナミちゃんと メロディが帰ってきたんだけど、
最初は『ただいま』って 普通に帰ってきたんだ。
Nami & Melody came back from Rainbow Hill, but
first she’d say ”I’m home” when she got back.
[Enokida:] Nami-chan and Melody came back from Rainbow Hill...
At first she said, “I’m back!” just like any old [time] she’d come back.
[note: In Japan it’s customary to announce your leavings and arrivals with set phrases like “I’m off!” or “I’m back!”. You may have noticed how many of Atsuki’s conversations end with characters making sure to say something like “Okay, bye!” or “Well, I’ll be going now!”, where western readers are more used to characters just leaving at the end of a scene.]
だけどしばらくすると、 ずっと黙ったままで、
こっちが語りかけても、 何にも喋らない……。
But after a while, she wouldn’t say anything,
even if I talk to her, she won’t talk to me at all.
[Enokida:] But after a little while, she got very quiet...
and even if I spoke to her, she wouldn’t say anything...
逆に、『だまって』って 怒られるほどなんだ。
そして突然、プイってどこかに 行っちゃったんだよ。
She even gets angry and tells me to shut up.
Then she suddenly went off somewhere.
[Enokida:] In fact, she got so mad she told me to be quiet.
Then all of a sudden, she just went off somewhere.
[note: だまって could be either “Be quiet” or “Shut up” depending on context; Nami can be pretty rude with people she disapproves of, but I think “Shut up!” is a little too much for a much older man who’s one of the few people she likes.]
『外に出ないで!』って 一言だけ残して……。
Just said ”Don’t go outside!” and left...
I wonder what happened?
[Enokida:] All she had to say was, “Don’t go outside!”
I wonder what happened?
ちょっと気になるからさ、 もし2人を見つけたら、
一度ここに帰って来るように 言ってくれるかな?
I’m a bit worried, so if you find those two,
Could you tell them to come back here once?
[Enokida:] I’m a little worried, so if you see the two of them...
Could you tell them to come back here?
今日は少し冷えるから、 お鍋でも用意しておいてあげよう。
It’s cold today, so I’ll make them some soup.
Yeah, that’s what I’ll do!
[Enokida:] It’s chilly out today, so I’ll get the pot ready [for them].
Yeah, that’s what I’ll do!
[note: Soup is a fine guess, but he doesn’t really specify what he’s going to make in the pot.]
メロディには、美味しいお肉を 用意してあげよう。
あの2人、きっと喜ぶ だろうね、キーちゃん。
I’ll get some yummy meat ready for Melody.
They’ll be so happy, won’t they, Kee-chan?
[Enokida:] I’ll get some yummy meat ready for Melody.
I bet those two’ll enjoy that, Kii-chan.
ああ、そうそう。 君もよければ今晩一緒にどうかな?
あの2人の友達なら 私はいつでも大歓迎だからね。
Oh yeah... How would you like to join us tonight?
If you’re their friend then you’re welcome anytime.
OK, I’ll see you later.
[Enokida:] Oh, that’s right. Would you like to join us tonight?
You’re their friend, so you’re welcome any time.
Goodbye, now!
[note: Here’s one of those set phrases I was talking about. Even though he’s asked Atsuki to dinner, he doesn’t technically use any phrase that says “See you later!”. He literally says he’s been bothering Atsuki, but it’s just a more polite way of saying goodbye that shows he’s a polite character.]
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kan100 · 7 years
【任天堂スイッチ】ゼルダの伝説#51 エノキダと一緒に村づくりを開始【生声実況】
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