migiudesp · 1 year
年末年始の食材・包材確保は早めに 【1分で読める!飲食店利益改善コンサル】 【1日1改善ブログ】毎日更新1160日目 #買い手より売り手が強く変移している #飲食店の悩み解決 #飲食コンサル
何事も早め早めの行動、特にこういう使うことが決まっているものは前もって発注しておいた方が良いのでお伝えさせていただきます。 年々増えていますが買い手より売り手が強くなってきています。 そして、運送会社も同様に昔は顧客の方が強すぎましたが今は、運送会社も無理はしなくなりました。 こうしたことから、どうしても欠品や配送の遅れが多くなってきます。 代替の効かない包材や食材などは今週中に手配をしておいてくださいね。それでは一日一改善で顔晴りましょう(^^
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muaji20060213 · 2 years
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感謝燙金貼紙不乾膠 - 款式:圖示 - 尺寸:圖示 - 💰卡片125 貼紙155 - #包材#燙金貼紙#不乾膠#不乾膠貼紙 - ⛓️160010⛓️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEqzbghZ4w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yung-da · 4 months
工廠廢棄物清除 洽詢專線;0966581698曾經理 LINE ID:0966581698 傳廢棄物照片,廢棄物數量,清運地點,會有專人為您報價
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hb-1860 · 1 year
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ccathurine · 2 years
手作成就解鎖。punch needle
上個月開始了新手作,Punch needle! Punch needle是戳針/戳繡,在台灣翻譯 俄羅斯刺繡(punch needle embroidery),這是一種不會刺繡的人,在短時間也能輕易上手的,快速完成刺繡作品。 在選擇這項手藝時,其實是先看上簇絨地毯(tufting),電動戳槍、地毯刺槍,在台灣已開始流行,一些手作教室也開課,但一堂課成品地毯一件,價格也要2000多元,不便宜,google簇絨槍也不便宜678千都有,上萬也有,但是它可以做出大幅作品,視覺效果很棒;退而求其次,我還是自己用手戳、戳、戳吧~做點小而美的精緻小物! 這次直接買了材料包,包含了工具與材料,不用各別去買回,拿到材料包就可以直接製作。 豹紋。杯墊…
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sakurashop · 3 months
國內運費試算表下載 郵局便利包裝體積換算公式 怎麼判斷立體包裹是否裝得進去平面寄件袋 紙袋包材摺厚度的方法
其實袋子的前後兩片長度就是包裹最長/次長邊加最短邊各圍一圈!所以本文四大主題判斷袋子是否裝得下立體物品、運費比較表、摺紙袋和破壞袋可裝長度都是一樣的公式和原理喔! 詳見 https://saksq.blogspot.com/2023/11/freight-calculation.html
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stservice · 9 months
型枠屋さんの産業廃棄物です。 主にとても上質な合板 ベニヤ板です。 社長様従業員様総出でお手伝い頂き、短時間で作業終了致しました。 有難うございました。 感謝致します。 ***********************************東京都足立区保木間5-39-5-501電話 03-6661-2714メール [email protected] https://shobunya.jpSTサービス 下 稔昌        ***********************************
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dayyoungtaiwan · 9 months
PET封口式包裝蛋盒10粒裝 (雞蛋保護盒.雞蛋包裝盒.PET雞蛋盒.土雞蛋.洗選蛋)NO. ED-10L|台灣專業蛋盒製造商-文賀實業股份有限公司(DAYYOUNG)
政府宣布8月起禁用“PLA蛋盒” 因為無法被有效回收且對環境造成不良影響 因此,我們推薦您改用“PET材質的蛋盒”
"PET蛋盒"是可回收的, 並且能夠更好地保護您的雞蛋。 我們的"PET蛋盒"具有更高的耐用性和更好的密封性, 可以保持雞蛋的新鮮度。
PET封口式包裝蛋盒10粒裝 🥚🥚🥚歡迎來電洽詢🥚🥚🥚 🔺文賀實業股份有限公司 🔺營業時間:周一至周五 08:00-17:00 🔺TEL : 04-852-8984 🔺E-mail :[email protected] 🔺官方網站:https://www.dycup.com/tw
蛋農 #PET蛋盒 #蛋盒製造商 #文賀實業股份有限公司 #新鮮雞蛋 #不同大小的雞蛋 #可回收 #環境消費者 #政府禁用 #PLA蛋盒 #PET材質 #耐用性 #密封性 #新鮮度 #ISO22000 #HACCP #食品安全管理系統 #封口式包裝蛋盒 #雞蛋保護盒 #雞蛋包裝盒 #PET雞蛋盒 #土雞蛋盒 #洗選蛋盒
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gorigorculture2021 · 11 months
Exploring Eternal Flowers, Floating Blooms, and Creative Workshops with Material Kits
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In recent years, the art of floral arrangements has taken on a new dimension with the introduction of unique and long-lasting flowers. Two such captivating varieties are 永生花 (yǒngshēng huā) and 浮游花 (fúyóu huā), which have revolutionized the way we appreciate and create floral displays. Accompanied by engaging workshops and convenient material kits, enthusiasts and novices alike can embark on a creative journey that transcends traditional flower arrangements. Join us as we dive into the world of 永生花, 浮游花, and the inspiring possibilities they offer through workshops and material kits.
永生花 (Yǒngshēng Huā): The Beauty of Everlasting Flowers
永生花, or "eternal flowers," refer to preserved flowers that retain their natural beauty and freshness for an extended period. These flowers undergo a unique preservation process, allowing them to maintain their color, shape, and texture for months or even years without the need for water or sunlight. This enduring beauty has made 永生花 increasingly popular for various occasions, including home décor, weddings, and corporate events. These everlasting blooms offer a sustainable alternative to fresh-cut flowers, reducing waste and providing a long-lasting symbol of beauty and elegance.
浮游花 (Fúyóu Huā): Captivating Floating Blooms
浮游花, or "floating blooms," is a mesmerizing floral concept that adds a touch of whimsy and enchantment to any space. These delicate flowers are carefully prepared to float effortlessly in water, creating stunning arrangements that resemble a dreamy scene. By harnessing the buoyancy of certain flowers, such as lotus, orchids, and lilies, floral designers and enthusiasts can create captivating centerpieces, tranquil water gardens, or even floating installations. The ethereal nature of 浮游花 evokes a sense of tranquility and harmony, making it a popular choice for spa centers, meditation spaces, and tranquil home environments.
工作坊 Engaging Workshops: Unleashing Your Creative Potential
To delve deeper into the world of 永生花 and 浮游花, workshops offer an excellent opportunity to learn techniques, gain inspiration, and unleash your creative potential. Workshops conducted by experienced floral artists provide participants with hands-on guidance, sharing valuable tips and tricks to create breathtaking arrangements. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, these workshops cater to all skill levels, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for exploration and growth.
Participants can learn various aspects of floral design, including selecting and pairing flowers, arranging compositions, incorporating color harmonies, and mastering the preservation techniques for everlasting flowers. With expert guidance, you can create your own unique masterpieces, infusing personal style into every arrangement. Workshops also provide an avenue for networking and connecting with like-minded individuals, fostering a vibrant community of floral artists and enthusiasts.
材料包 Material Kits: Convenient Tools for Creativity
To facilitate the artistic process and make it accessible to a wider audience, material kits are available for enthusiasts to embark on their creative journey. These kits typically contain a curated selection of 永生花 or 浮游花, along with essential tools, accessories, and step-by-step instructions. With a material kit in hand, individuals can explore their creativity at their own pace and convenience, transforming their spaces with breathtaking floral displays.
Material kits are particularly beneficial for those who prefer a DIY approach or for those who may not have immediate access to specialized floral shops or workshops. They allow individuals to immerse themselves in the art of floral design from the comfort of their own homes. Material kits also make thoughtful gifts, enabling others to discover the joy of creating with 永生花 and 浮游花.
The introduction of 永生花 and 浮游花 has opened up a world of artistic possibilities in the realm of floral design. Through engaging workshops and convenient material kits, enthusiasts and novices alike can embrace the beauty and longevity of these captivating blooms. Whether you're preserving the essence of flowers with 永生花 or exploring the magical allure of floating blossoms with 浮游花, the creative journey promises inspiration, learning, and a sense of fulfillment. So, why not embark on your own artistic adventure today and discover the captivating world of 永生花 and 浮游花? https://gorigor.com/
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vedfolnirtw · 1 year
當秋天來臨,天氣逐漸變冷的時節,總會想要喝一些能夠暖身子的熱茶飲。這次特別選了幾款天仁茗茶的茶包回來,畢竟我的心還不定(唱),總想能一直換著喝不同口味。 等擺上櫥櫃時才發現,現在的包材設計挺人性化,但也有不人性的地方。 請參考下圖,他們家不同產品都有不同外盒樣式,而且都另外開了刀膜,讓使用者可以直接「凸開」一個口子,方便拿出茶包,這是挺人性化的地方。 天仁茗茶包裝盒的開口 雖然這樣開發製造成本還比較高,但是當不同體積、高度的盒子一起擺在櫃子裡,就顯得很不人性化了。 如果不同產品的盒子擺在一起,頂部可以對齊平整,等於多了一個平面隔層,可以再拿來塞其他的東西,讓空間利用度達到最大化。甚至消費者下次選購都會因為固定了空間而多了回購相同品牌的可能性。 另外,泡茶包本來就是一個比較興趣導向的非專業行為,代表消費者不會在那邊跟你把茶經奧義朗朗上口。 結果天仁茗茶的外包裝盒上,說明泡茶方…
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muaji20060213 · 2 years
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長方形創意封口貼裝飾50張 - 款式:藍/綠/粉 - 尺寸:圖示 - 💰125 - #包材 #封口貼 #封口貼紙 #封口貼紙設計 - ⛓️160011⛓️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEqELBhO9y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yung-da · 7 months
#永大環保 甲級 #廢棄物清除公司 #專營廢棄物清除 #事業廢棄物處理 #廢泡棉處理 #廢塑膠處理 #廢處理橡膠 #廢布處理 #鋁箔處理 #太空袋處理 #生活垃圾包月 #工廠垃圾清運 #食品報廢 #商品銷毀報廢 #廢木材處理 #廢棧板清運 #裝潢板處理 歡迎來電洽詢。
LINE ID:0966581698
掃QR code 傳廢棄物照片,廢棄物數量,清運地點,會有專人為您服務
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3cholic · 11 months
冰冰好料理 肚子餓的好夥伴!蔥抓餅、多種口味包仔推薦
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hb-1860 · 1 year
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stservice · 9 months
木製梱包材の廃棄処分です。 木梱包材 パレットは、付着物が釘まで1.5t 6㎥まで総額20000~45000円です。 クロス壁紙・蝶番・プラスチック・などが着いていると【廃棄料+人件費 諸経費】になり、少々お高くなります。 ***********************************東京都足立区保木間5-39-5-501電話 03-6661-2714メール [email protected] https://shobunya.jpSTサービス 下 稔昌        ***********************************
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