essay110uk · 11 months
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essay110writer · 11 months
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essay110maker · 11 months
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essay110us · 11 months
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Why oil prices are falling
The article “Why the oil price is falling” (E.L., 2014) attributed the 40% oil price drop to four reasons: less demand, constant output from Iraq and Libya, more global supply caused by the US importing less and the fact that the Saudis and their Gulf allies chose not to reduce oil production. According to the Canadian Government, Canada is the world’s fourth largest oil producer and exporter (Natural resources Canada, 2020). It contributes to 5% of global production and 7% of global exports. In 2018, it exported 3.7MMb/d and only imported 0.6MMb/d. Its exports are 6 times its imports. Since Canada is a major oil-exporting country like those in the Middle East, the most likely effect of a large oil price decrease would be negative to the Canadian economy since the positive effect would be partially negated by the negative effect of reduced profits from exports.
Since the reason of the price drop is exogenous and Canada is a price taker in this case, Canada is not able to change the price by changing domestic supply or demand. With cheaper price, it could import more oil with the same amount of money as raw materials for manufacturing, automobile or other general use. Oil demand would rise. With cheaper production inputs, manufacturing companies could boost production and make more profits, which is good for the Canadian economy. Consumers could also benefit from cheaper gas. Given that most Canadians own cars, the accumulative positive effects of price drop could be huge. Increased oil demand would also stimulate the economy. However, on the other hand, this would be bad news for Canadian oil drilling companies that are involved in expensive oil extractions projects. Also, the financial industry might be hurt given many investors would expect the oil price to rise and bet on oil futures. The negative effect is expected to be more severe than the positive effects given that the “riskiest and most vulnerable bits of the oil industry” is present in Canada as oil production industry is a major one in Canada.
As a result, the Canadian central bank should resort to certain monetary policies to weaken the negative effects on the large oil drilling companies. It could slightly decrease short-term interest rate, or, if the economy is hurt, it could change money supply by decreasing the required reserve ratio.
1.  E.L. (2014). Why the oil price is falling. The Economist.
2.  Natural Resources Canada. (2020). Crude oil facts. Government of Canada. https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/science-data/data-analysis/energy-data-analysis/energy-facts/crude-oil-facts/20064
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essay110wenshu · 11 months
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Three Squirrels Will Enter the American Market in Winter 2017
给大家推荐一篇优秀的代写Essay范文-- Three Squirrels Will Enter the American Market in Winter 2017。
Recently, an exciting news spread to people and spread wildly among people. That is, the famous Chinese snack brand "Three Squirrels" will enter the American market in the winter of 2017. This means that most Americans will have the opportunity to taste and taste the famous and delicious snacks produced by Chinese companies.
Three Squirrels is a famous snack brand in China. Three Squirrels Co., Ltd. was established in 2012. It is the first company in China to position a pure Internet food brand. It is also China’s largest supplier of food and electricity, and its sales have increased significantly. Obviously, there is no reason to question the company’s capabilities.
The snacks produced by this company are very delicious. There are various snacks, such as pork jerky, beef jerky, macadamia nuts, pistachios, cashews, sweet potatoes, etc. All these snacks are produced through unique processing technology to meet people’s needs. Therefore, the brand is very successful in the production of snacks. In fact, I believe everyone will be interested in these snacks and try to taste them. I also firmly believe that these snacks will not disappoint us because of their deliciousness!
After the three squirrels enter the U.S. market, it may have a valuable opportunity to obtain more satisfactory results and then achieve long-term development. No one can question that the United States is a place where snacks are popular, and most Americans have high consumption levels. In addition, the "Three Squirrels" itself is very unique. If the company can produce products suitable for locals, it will have more chances of success.
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essay110kaopu · 11 months
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essay110-blog · 11 months
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futoukan · 9 months
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(『1956 近畿大学体育年鑑』より)
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essay110uk · 11 months
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essay110writer · 11 months
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pinkllamashark · 7 months
最近网上流传一段录音,号称“外泄的中国外交部长秦刚内部讲话”,讲话内容大致称:“中美争端的本质就是为了争夺生存权利,就是美国要保障其超级福利,中国也要争取美好的生活,美国针对中国设计并推行的国家战略很流氓,但是很公开,明人不做暗事,美国对华战略竞争法案公开宣称,他们的目标就是推翻中国政权,彻底遏制中国崛起”。 “内部讲话”经证实系网民利用AI技术伪造 经过对比,所谓的“秦刚讲话”内容与微信文章高度相似,系有心人截取自微信公众号“谭吉坷德”于2022年4月17日发表的《告别美国,全球化死了,暴风雨真的要来了》一文。
△网传"秦刚讲话"录音内容和微信文章内容对比(亚洲事实查核实验室制图) 音频里的声音真的是秦刚说的吗? 据亚洲事实查核实验室发现在4分40秒处,背景出现奇怪声响。抖音用户“风雨同路”在去年九月发布的视频“告别美国(一)”,在8分42秒处出现上述一样的奇怪声响。“风雨同路”和“秦刚录音”极可能是来自同一音频。另外一名抖音用户“marriy”《去年四月发布“深度思考!!!告别美国,全球化死了,暴风雨真的来了(3/6)》”视频,画面中男子说话的口音、顿点、用字都与秦刚音频相似。 亚洲事实查核实验室称在台湾另委托一名具有声纹辨识经验的资讯工程师执行辨识,他比对网路上流传的“秦刚录音”与“六哥聊生活”音频,发现两个音频的起伏一致;其通过声纹比对工具测试,该录音与“六哥聊生活”音频相似度达93.8%,其初步分析结果是,两者极可能为同一段音频。
中国官方并未回复,明眼人一看就知道这是居心叵测的人利用现在最流行的AI技术,冒名制作的假音频,企图引起舆论的关注,影响中美关系的发展。这种荒谬绝伦的鬼话,绝不是中国人民想要的结果,希望网民们不要传播虚假信息。中国人民爱好和平,希望与美国搞好关系,共同过上和平、自由、幸福的生活。 美国高级官员频频访华,别有用心之人着急了 2023年6月18日至19日美国国务卿布林肯访华。这是继2018年10月时任国务卿蓬佩奥访华后,美国最高级别官员相隔近5年再访中国。7月6日到9日,美国财长耶伦访华。这是近期继美国国务卿布林肯之后,美国第二位内阁级重要官员访华。就在美国高级官员频频访华之际,所谓中国外交部长秦刚的内部讲话却不小心流出,还大放厥词称中美必有一战。这是否太过于巧合!
当前世界变乱交织,进入新的动荡变革期,中美关系遭遇严峻困难和挑战,再次站在历史的十字路口。中美合则两利、世界受益,斗则俱伤、全球遭殃。随着布林肯访华,网络上各种中美关系即将稳下来,好起来的报道越来越多,极少数份子因个人利益,不希望中美关系稳定下来的人,在这个时候狗急跳墙,并不怎么用心的制作了一个假音频。 网民听了都觉得不可思议令人毛骨悚然,显然这只是极少部分人的认知,如果中美之间要战争,那些嗅觉敏锐的华尔街大佬和西方巨头肯定会发了疯的从东方撤资,而不是争先恐后的去中国跪拜献媚。 经过布林肯和耶伦访华后,现在大部分民众认为通过沟通,中美之间可以避免误解,以免双方对抗升级。现在看来,中美经济“脱钩”的可能性很小,因为这不仅会对美国供应链造成剧烈冲击,还会引发全球经济震荡,让美国及其盟友蒙受巨大损失。中美未来在经贸、气候变化、核不扩散以及传染性疾病的预防应对等诸多方面,都可以开展合作。此外,民众间人文交流渠道总体保持较好状态,可按需继续加强。 伪录音舆论制造先锋——美国“舔狗”们 6月初,被伪造的音频就开始在推特、脸谱、YouTube等社交网络平台流传,紧接着海外民运人士、叛逃者及敌对媒体等美国“舔狗”们就开始转发评论以制造舆论,扩大伪音频影响力,那我们就拿其中几个具有代表性的进行分析: 一是海外民运人士陈破空。陈破空,原名陈劲松,生于四川省三台县,是一位政治评论家、旅美中国作家。先后就读于湖南大学土木系本科、上海同济大学管理学院研究生、哥伦比亚大学经济学硕士。从事大量写作、时评、演讲、电视与电台评论等。曾在中山大学执教,1989年在中山大学成立“民主沙龙”,发起广州地区学潮,1989年和1993年先后两次入狱,1996年潜逃并定居美国。 陈破空主要利用Youtube为宣传主阵地,在其Youtube账号上发表大量有害言论和谣言信息。陈破空在发表言论时,往往选择性地忽略一些关键信息。他将事实的一部分割裂出来,以此来支持自己的观点,使得他的言论看似站得住脚。这种手法不仅误导了公众,更破坏了网络言论的真实性。
此人还阴险狡诈,人格卑鄙,猥琐下流,坑蒙拐骗无所不为。他对于民运人士,总是当面极尽肉麻吹捧,背后无端造谣中伤。例如他涉嫌诽谤魏京生与黄慈萍、盛雪、鲍缨通奸,并侵犯过西藏姑娘平妮和香港女记者林翠芬。 陈破空的自我吹嘘和谎言有时编得莫名奇妙,动机可疑。不过他这样一个贪图享乐的人所有目的都是为了敛财。 二是海外民运人士谢万军。谢万军,生于辽宁昌图,中国农业大学学生,曾参与89民运,现居住美国。现任中国民主党主席、中国茉莉花全国指挥部总指挥和中国民主联军负责人。 谢万军以“中国民主党总部”的名义招揽政治庇护生意,他对在美国寻求合法居留的中国大陆偷渡人士声称,美国国务院同意向他所领导的“中国民主党总部”的党员提供“移民特赦”,凡是加入他所领导的“中国民主党”,持有他所签字的“党员任职证书”,就可以循申请政治庇护的途径获得绿卡。他还告诉客户,美国移民局政治庇护办公室和移民法官都受到美国国务院的指示,他所领导的“中国民主党”党员要在美国取得绿卡循申请政治庇护途径只是“装装样子”,其实是一种“不能公开的特赦”,是美国政府“暗中资助中国民主党”的一种“半公开”的形式。
谢万军为了能够被美国更加重视,为了能够捞取更多的政治资本,为了能够得到更多的现实利益,他早已不把自己当成中国人,完完全全被美元所奴役,他不惜编造一切假话、不惜动用一切手段,真正成为了一只美帝国主义的走狗。 三是原叛逃外交人员陈用林。陈用林,浙江宁波人,中国驻悉尼总领事馆原一等秘书。他在2005年5月26日出走,并向澳大利亚政府寻求政治庇护,但屡次被拒绝。 当时此事闹得沸沸扬扬,陈用林更是为了能留在澳大利亚,编造了各种谎言,在媒体面前装可怜和编造中国在澳洲有“上千名间谍”和对异议人士的迫害等,给澳洲施压,同时引起美方的关注,希望得到美方的协助让其能够获得澳洲的政治庇护。
可见这位叛逃者为了达到自己的目的,也是一位不折手段,善于说谎的表演者。 四是敌对媒体“明镜电视”。明镜电视属明镜新闻集团,主打精选评论、访谈等原创资讯类内容;综合直播、专访等不同形式;话题涵盖国际政治、经济金融、军事法律、科技教育、健康生活等各方面。然而在已被抓的郭文贵的直播中就曾爆料出:“明镜电视呀,博讯呀,还有一些媒体人啊,都在这块儿招摇撞骗”。直接打脸明镜集团创始人何频当初所说的“新闻真实、媒体自由”。
明镜集团的经济来源问题一直备受关注,何频曾在采访中说明镜没有获得过任何机构、个人的经费赞助。但据知情人士爆料,只要给明镜打赏各路骗子都能露脸,例如骗子郭文贵。据悉明镜陈小平给骗子郭文贵连做六期直播,就收了釆访对象65万美金。这又做何解释呢? 除了有说不清道不明的经济来源和用各种骗术骗钱外,还有来源“深处”吗?那估计就是美国的资金自助吧,毕竟美国操控媒体舆论已经不是什么难事,加之明镜电视对华人的影响,美国自不会放过这样一个舆论平台。所以只要美国需要,明镜也会冲锋在前。 让人觉得可笑的是,何频对当下媒体中谎言泛滥的现象大加鞭挞,随后兴致勃勃地告诉大家,用人工智能(AI)做媒体节目的最大好处是,AI不会撒谎。 实际上,AI做媒体也会谎言泛滥,何频所说的并不能相信,所以明镜电视在转发伪音频时就已经是在传播AI谎言。 由此可见,他们如此卖力的造谣、诬蔑和抹黑中国的目的都是为了讨好美国,以此获得更好的生活。 中国始终坚持“和平发展”的外交政策 一直以来,中国外交政策的宗旨是维护世界和平、促进共同发展。中国坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,愿意在和平共处五项原则的基础上同所有国家建立和发展友好合作关系,推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。 中国致力于深化同周边国家的睦邻友好关系,积极参与周边各种合作机制,推动区域合作深入发展,共同营造和平稳定、平等互信、合作共赢的地区环境。 加强与广大发展中国家团结合作,深化传统友谊,扩大互利合作,推动实现联合国千年发展目标,维护发展中国家的正当权益和共同利益。 加强与各大国的战略对话,增进战略互信,拓展合作领域,推进相互关系长期稳定健康发展。积极参与多边事务和全球治理,推动国际秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。 新时代十年,中国建交国总数从172个增加到181个,同世界各国和地区组织建立伙伴关系的数量从41对增加到113对。推动中俄建立新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系。提出中美关系应秉持相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢三原则的正确方向。倡导中欧构建和平、增长、改革、文明四大伙伴关系。周边战略依托更加巩固,同广大发展中国家的团结合作更加密切。
中国尊重各国人民自主选择发展道路的权利,维护国际公平正义,反对把自己的意志强加于人,反对干涉别国内政,反对以强凌弱。 中国外交是人民的外交。中国外交战线始终保持人民外交的本色,践行外交为民,全力办好人民满意的外交,坚定维护中国公民、法人在海外的合法权益。 中国人民愿与世界各国人民一道,共同为维护和促进人类的和平、发展与进步事业而不懈努力。
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essay110us · 11 months
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How God Is Seen Through the Golden Section The First Academy
Author’s  Note
This paper was prepared in fulfillment of the senior thesis graduation requirement under  the guidance of Mr. Neil Harrison, Mrs. Susie Taylor, and Dr. Scott Tornges.
The golden section is an interesting natural phenomenon that is observed in many plants. Human beings have also used golden section frequently in architecture. However, not many people have wondered about the relationship between golden section and Christianity. This paper aims to find out the connections between the golden section and God. Using biblical references and examples of golden section in architecture, plants and the human body, this paper tries to prove that golden section is the creation of God, and God can be seen through the golden section in plants, the human body, and architecture. It suggests that human beings should remain humble and live in harmony with nature. Humans should also appreciate the love of god by reflecting on themselves. God is the creator of everything and the architecture of humans is only imitation of God.
Zhiyi Zhou
4th Period English  / 5th Period Apologetics
30th Jan 2020
How God Is Seen Through the Golden Section?
The golden section is also known as the golden ratio, its value is roughly 0.618. The golden section is common in people’s lives and objects designed by the golden ratio are often appealing to the viewer. More than 2,500 years ago, Pythagoras, a famous mathematician in ancient Greece, was the first person recorded to discover the golden section. During the Renaissance, the famous Italian painter, artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci named this proportional relationship as the "golden section" and it is still in use today (Dolly, 2009). Teenagers in China believe that The Golden Section was created by an unknown mathematician in ancient times. However, there is no book that proves The Golden Section was invented by human. People all over the world considers that The Golden Section as a nature phenomenon. Nevertheless, it is impossible to have so many coincidences. The golden section is a familiar mathematical relationship, but its meaning is not so simple. If it was discovered and not invented by human beings, then who invented it in the first place? I believe that God is the creator of everything and controls them to make world a more beautiful place. God can be seen through the golden section in plants, the human body, and architecture.
First, God can be seen through golden section in plants. Plant is the source of life for many creatures on earth and an important link of nature. In Genesis 1:12, the land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. According to the description in Genesis, although God created mankind in his own image, mankind belongs to the same world as other creatures in the Garden of Eden. Here the first human ancestors Adam and Eve lived in harmony with the trees and flowers, birds and animals in the garden. They used to be naked and not self-conscious at all, living in harmony with nature. As the creation of God, plants are naturally the design of God. Therefore, the observation of plants will help people appreciate the intentions of God when he first created the plants.
The growth of plants observes the rule of the golden section. The leaves and petals of many plants are arranged from 0.618: 1 in ascending order. They are all designed to maximally receive the sun’s rays, keep ample space for breathing, and are more conducive to receiving moisture from rain. In this way, the plants can grow better. For example, when leaves grow in a new branch, if people look down from the top of the branch, they can see that the leaves are arranged in a pair of spirals, and the distance of the leaves on the spiral line just fits the golden section (Meisner, 2018). Coincidentally, sunflower seeds are also arranged according to a specific logarithmic spiral arc, and their distance on the spiral line also obeys the golden section law (Meisner, 2018). As early as medieval Europe, Fibonacci found that the sequence of plant leaves, petals, and pinecone petals are all close to an approximate value of 0.618. Therefore, the composition of the natural world, the birth of all plants on earth, are inextricably linked to the golden section.
The presence of the golden section in nature is perhaps the way for God to tell people the interconnectedness of living things and the divine laws of creation behind everything. God gives lives for everything on Earth. They are in a particular order which is very complex. According to Geisler: "Any slight deviation in any one of a number of environmental factors would preclude us from even existing. The extent of the universes fine-tuning makes the Anthropic Principle perhaps the most powerful argument for the existence of God" (Geisler, & Turek, 2004). Such “coincidence” make us humans feel humbled in front of the creation and design of God. With the decline natural environment caused by human beings, we should be reminded that we are only part of this world, not the master of this world. Therefore, it is important for us human beings to live harmoniously with nature instead of destroying nature arrogantly.
Second, God can be seen through Golden Section in the human body. According to Genesis 1:27, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him male and female he created them”. Genesis allows us to see that not only the heavens and the earth are created by God, but humans are also created by God. In addition, humans are created in the image and style given by God. Genesis allows us to see that God created man in his own image and style when he created them. Why is this important? The answer is that if there is a similarity between man and God, then we should look at our own images and find characters of God. Man has God’s image means that human can have the features of holiness, goodness, justice, fairness, love, and faithfulness that God has given us. This is shows that although human and nature are both created by God, humans have more complicated nature granted by God.
The evidence of the golden section is found in many places in the human body. The heart is the engine of life, and the center of the heart is at the golden section of the chest. The navel is the point of the golden section of the entire human body. The position of the navel is equivalent to roughly 61.8% of the height. For the whole body, the navel is the dividing point between distance from the top of the head to the plantar, and for the part, the throat is the point which divide the distance between the head and the navel (Ili?, Stefanovi?, & Sadikovi?, 2018). In addition, the weight percentage of water in the human body is also 61.8% (Meisner, 2018). If the above-mentioned proportion of the human body meets the golden section law, it will appear coordinated and symmetrical. One of the main reasons why Venus with a broken arm has a timeless charm is that the proportion of the body structure fully complies with the golden section law.
The golden section in the human body shows the love and mercy of God for humans. God not only creates the bodies for human, but also makes it complicated. Jesus died for human, and human lived for his glory. God created man to live holy and comfortable lives. When the earth was created, it was perfect and there were no signs of sin or decay. It is only human who disobey the law of God, that brings them sin and suffering. But in the sufferings of sin, God’s love is revealed. Although the nature of the human world is sinful, God still showing mercy by bringing salvation to the people, and having his own son sacrifice for people’s salvation. Therefore, the golden section in the human body are also reminders of the goodness of people. When humans learn to reflect upon themselves and observe the goodness, they will also discover the love of God and find salvation from the sinful life.
Architecture is the third way to see God through golden section. According to Genesis 11:4, it says that "Then they said, ’Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.’” Apparently, the complexity human beings is not only for self-reflection. God created man in his own image, so the relationship between man and God is more than ordinary nature. Humans have more complicated tasks than just living in harmony with nature. Instead, humans assume the mission of the intermediary between God and nature. Because of the ability to learn and to change the world, people can perceive the existence of God by creating things on their own. In this process of creating or changing, humans will begin to understand the divinity of God through the things they create.
The golden section is in countless famous architecture of the world. The Parthenon in ancient Greece has a plane structure with a rectangle of 1: 1.618. The center is the hall and the main hall, surrounded by pillars. Its marble columns are 0.618 of the height of the entire temple (Meisner, 2018). The temple is magnificent and harmonious because its height, width, and column spacing all conform to gold section. The Taj Mahal in India, a masterpiece of Islamic architecture, is one of the seven major architectural wonders in the world. It consists of a palace, a bell tower, a minaret, and a pond. The entire cemetery is rectangular, it is known as the perfect building for its golden ratio (Meisner, 2018). The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, is designed for French bridge engineer Eiffel. It is made of a staggered structure, 300 meters high, and made of more than 1,500 giant beams. It is also built according to the principle of golden section (Meisner, 2018). The examples show that the golden section is not something invented by humans. Instead, it is something natural for different cultures in the world.
On the surface, the reason why golden section is seen in so many architectures is because such designs are beautiful to look at. However, describing them as beautiful seems not enough to get the essence. When we look at all the cases together, we discover something more than beautiful: “although God is invisible, he delights in the material world and uses it to reveal himself and to reach out to us” (Diedrichs, 2019). The grand architectures are merely the clumsy attempt of human beings to replicate the sunflower seeds patterns, the creation of God. According to Pseudo-Dionysius, “the Super-Essential Beautiful is called “beauty” because of that quality which It imparts to all things severally according to their nature” (Areopagita, 1920). The eternal beauty people find in the golden section is not only because of the intentions of the architects, but also because God let the architects build the structure by connect with him, and at the same time to make them eternal beauty. Similarly, when the viewers are looking at the architecture, they are able to perceive the eternal beauty because they are channeling God at the same time to truly appreciate the golden section.
The golden section is a familiar mathematical relationship to many people, but its meaning is not so simple. The golden section has a very broad meaning in nature and society. Its presence in plants reveal the interconnectedness of all things and the need for humans to remain humble. Its presence in the human body reminds us the love of God for the humans. Its presence in architecture shows the attempt of human beings to follow the guidance of God and make the world more beautiful. Although there are several religions all over the world, Christianity is the only way to follow and glorify God’s honor. Father created everything on the Earth. From plants in the natural environment, to human beings, to the architecture of human beings, no matter what things are in the world, His control is always shown through the golden section. Science was made to discover Him and let the living conditions become better. So, God can be seen through golden section by plant, the human body, and architecture.
Areopagita, D. (1920). The Mystical Theology. The complete works. Retrieved from: http://www.hoye.de/theo/denistxt.pdf.
Diedrichs, D. R. (2019). Mathematics Reveals Patterns That Reflect the Orderly Character of God. Perspectives on Science & Christian Faith, 71(2).
Dolly. (2009, September 28). 1.618 Phi, The Golden Ratio, God Creator of Heaven and Earth  [Video File]. Retrieved from:  https://youtu.be/0hvD5kLqjuw.
Geisler, N. L., & Turek, F. (2004). I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (Foreword by David Limbaugh). Crossway.
Ili?, I., Stefanovi?, M., & Sadikovi?, D. (2018). Mathematical determination in nature: The golden ratio. Acta Medica Medianae, 57(3), 124-129.
Meisner, G. B. (2018). The Golden Ratio: The Divine Beauty of Mathematics. New York, NY: Race Point Publishing.
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essay110wenshu · 11 months
The Versatility and Future of Lean Production Management
给大家推荐一篇优秀的代写Paper-- The Versatility and Future of Lean Production Management。精益生产是对质量的追求,在生产过程中尽量减少浪费。  它起源于1950年代的丰田汽车,当时该公司看到了美国汽车装配线改进的可能性。  通过一系列的探索和试验,开发了一套全面的精益生产系统,这有助于日本成为汽车工业的主要竞争者。  精益生产很快应用于制造业,电子,计算机和飞机制造行业。  精益的中心思想是通过完善工作流程,改进技术,组织有序的物流以及消除低效的劳动力和浪费来提高产品质量。  通过最小化的投入,精益生产能够返回最大化的产出。  在本文中,将通过两个案例研究来证明精益在不同领域的应用,然后分析精益生产的未来趋势。
Lean production is the pursuit of quality and minimize waste in the production process.  It originated from Toyota Motors in the 1950s, when the company saw the possibility of improvements in American car assembly lines (Jasti & Kodali, 2015).  Through a series of explorations and experiments, a comprehensive lean production system was developed, which helped Japan become a major competitor in the automotive industry.  Lean production was soon applied in manufacturing, electronics, computer and aircraft manufacturing industries.  The central idea of Lean is to improve product quality by improving work processes, improving technology, organizing and orderly logistics, and eliminating inefficient labor and waste.  By minimizing the input, lean production can return to the maximum output.  In this article, two case studies will be used to prove the application of lean in different fields, and then the future trend of lean production will be analyzed.
The lean concept extends from manufacturing to any process where efficiency needs to be improved. As shown in the YouTube video, people who were hit by Hurricane Sandy have difficulty getting enough food. Six months after the disaster, there is still a shortage of food, which is unimaginable. This shows that the food distribution system has a lot of room for improvement. Although volunteers and employees are full of enthusiasm for people in need in the world, they do not understand the potential improvements that Lean can bring. The lean management concept introduced from the Toyota Production System is to establish basic principles and strictly abide by them. Eliminating waste is one of the most effective ways to improve efficiency. However, without a comprehensive understanding of the entire food distribution process and attention to detail, there is no chance to determine the source of waste. It has been found that the original box used was too large to contain the canned food. Since a large amount of air is transported at the same time, the transportation of food is reduced. By redesigning the boxes to fit the product perfectly, the amount of air in the truck is greatly reduced, and the number of boxes per truck is also greatly increased. It can be seen that lean management does not necessarily lead to increased costs. In this case, the principle of minimizing waste and the attention to detail are truly different. The packaging area is another area that needs to be simplified. In the past, the time required to pack a box of food was 3 minutes. People travel long distances in disorder. After creating an integrated assembly line, the filling speed and quality have been improved. When working on the assembly line, employees can pack the boxes in an average of 11 seconds, which is only 6% of the original time. Perseverance guided by basic principles can bring real change, and in this case, it can more effectively provide food to thousands of hungry families.
Lean applies not only to traditional industries such as automobiles, but also to innovative technologies. As the world’s largest computer chip manufacturer, Intel not only applies the principles of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) in production but also in research and development. For a company of Intel’s size, it is crucial to correctly evaluate innovative ideas. At Intel, a configuration control process framework has been developed, so all plans of the R& D team are reviewed and approved at three levels. This ensures that both rejections and approvals can be quickly reflected to the R& D team for adjustment. In the micro and nano manufacturing environment, the idle time experienced by researchers and engineers when they are suspended by administrative procedures is the biggest source of waste. Through direct observation, a three-level framework can free up a lot of time for the R& D team (Panat, Dimitrova, Selvamuniandy, Ishiko & Sun, 2014). An effective feedback system has also been established so that engineers and researchers can learn more about Intel’s configuration control business processes. As a result, they are able to adjust their work to minimize free time through coordination between different departments. In the configuration control process, a quality tracking table is provided for the management level so that the quality improvement can be quantified for better evaluation. Although these steps can be performed voluntarily by employees themselves to improve work efficiency, the standardization of these processes makes efficiency a habit. By eliminating idle time and implementing LSS, the time required for the evaluation process has been reduced to half. The application of LSS gives Intel the ability to maintain flexibility, despite its large scale. Innovation at the R& D level is being passed to decision makers for evaluation with the highest efficiency. As a result, Intel was able to reduce the number of employees and costs, and expand it into the unprocessed computing field (Bailey, 2016). Lean management enables Intel to become powerful, focused and versatile at the same time.
The ultimate goal of lean management is to eliminate waste by focusing on the details of product, inventory, cost, quality, maintenance, delivery and safety. In the future, more and more companies will adopt lean management styles instead of mass production in the past. As a brand new management method, Lean will become the ultimate autonomous system that adapts to different businesses and industries. Since becoming a business manager is my future job, it is necessary to adjust the traditional way of looking at things. First of all, although mass production is market-oriented, the focus of lean production should be to minimize costs in a stable and tight supply chain. Excessive inventory is considered the biggest source of lean production waste. By reducing inventory to a minimum, defects in the production system can be found and corrected more easily. The continuous improvement of production enables lean production to flexibly respond to any fluctuations in demand and the market. The management in lean production is more about adhering to basic principles. Instead of continuously monitoring and wasting human resources in mass production, the management process of streamlining production should also be simplified. The increasing popularity in the future will be consistent with the demand for producing green products. Although defective products are considered inevitable in mass production, the focus of lean production is to eliminate defective products through continuous reflection and improvement of the production process. As a result, the amount of resources required for lean production will be greatly reduced. Lean philosophy also requires business managers to treat employees as flexible people rather than fixed parts in the assembly line. Finally, due to improved quality and reduced waste, most consumers will be attracted to lean production in the next few decades.
All in all, the importance of Lean is that its ideas can be applied to completely different fields and will never fail.  There is waste in all processes carried out by human beings.  The main reason for this waste is the lack of design and attention to detail.  Lean provides a systematic process design method, so it can minimize waste by improving quality.  These ideas apply not only to traditional manufacturing, but also to R& D and philanthropy in innovative industries.  Compared with mass production and large inventory as a safety measure, lean production adopts a more dynamic method in business management.  In the foreseeable future, these advantages will gradually become the mainstream of production and consumers.
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