doukeshi-kun · 1 month
Ahem…Keshi…any thoughts about pornstar!nikolai? 🎤
I just think he’d be perfect for that job. He has a nice physique, a huge cock, he’s got the stamina, the enthusiasm— he’d be having so much fun. Just imagine something similar to the director!nikolai x reader AU, but here, Nikolai would be a well-known and pretty successful porn actor already, and the reader is a newbie and she gets to be Kolya‘s co-star!! Totally not losing my mind about this :>
𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙗𝙞𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧
replies ✥ i couldn't articulate my thoughts well but here's a drabble because i definitely agree with you hio. i agree with you a HUNDRED percent. will i probably make this another au/series? most likely ayeee
contents ✥ n.sfw 18+, fem!reader, petnames
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“Nice to meet you, sugar.”
You shyly accept Nikolai's hand, shaking it. Your heart is beating fast as he sits right next to you with a few papers in hand. You know what are those—they are contracts and briefings for a short porn movie you are about to film with this hot star right next to you.
You have known Nikolai since a few years ago when you first stumbled upon his video on a website while you were trying to satisfy yourself from your own sexual frustration. Safe to say, most, if not all, of his videos, certainly did help you get off. You have heard from some of your lucky pornstar friends that has worked with him of how good he is in bed.
Not to mention, his physique is enough to make your imagination run wild.
You started as a camgirl, before a few producers reached you out, offering roles. You declined them though, as you are anxious to venture deeper into the industry. However, you did accept this particular offer a little too quickly. An offer to film a porn video with Nikolai—who doesn't want that?
“Are you nervous?” He asks. His voice is sultry and gentle, though his grin is naughty and playful. You nod slowly. Your eyes can't help but trail from his body to his crotch. He is wearing a compressed black shirt and grey joggers. He is sitting with his legs spread as he skims the pages of the contract. It is just the two of you in the small prep room, as the staff are probably out there preparing the scene—you don't care. It is hard to think when Nikolai is beside you.
“My eyes are up here, sugar.” He says in a teasing voice and you look up immediately with a flustered face. Nikolai cackles—his voice is so nice. “You’re so cute. Don't be sorry, I'm used to it.” He winks.
You smile sheepishly, fiddling with your fingers. This prep room is hot—too fucking hot, even with the AC on. The very cock you watched almost every night is just within your reach. Your mouth waters, so you reach your cup of water to quench your non-existent thirst.
“I actually haven't seen you before... in videos.” Nikolai suddenly says as he puts down the papers on his thigh.
“Oh, right. I'm— This is my first recording for this kind of stuff.” You reply. Nikolai tilts his head, confused.
“Wait, so... Wait, do you even know what are we about to do right now?”
“I-I do! I mean, this is my first recording as a p-pornstar, you know. I am actually a camgirl... before I got offered to this.”
“May I see?”
You want to die—Nikolai wants to watch your videos? You are not even that popular but you do have a following. He gives you his phone, for you to search yourself. “Well, I guess.” You say as you search your own site for him to see. He grins, taking the phone once you find it.
He scrolls through your page, humming and chuckling at something you wish to not know. He looks at you, eyes studying you up and down and then to the screen. “You’re a faceless camgirl. No wonder I haven't seen you before.”
Nikolai clicks on one of your videos and you squeal in embarrassment when you realize that video was recorded when you were wearing a very sexy harlequin costume. You remember the whole time you were pleasing yourself to the camera, your mind kept replaying a certain porn video that was starred by Nikolai. It is impressive how you did not scream out his name when you squirted right onto the camera.
“You look sexy in that, sugar. So gorgeous!” He praises and your cunt clenches when you hear it. “I happen to love this sort of costume myself.” He adds and you swear your stomach feels funny at this point.
“I'll dress up like that more for you.”
You bite your lips, realizing you just said it. But you know you cannot be timid, especially as a pornstar. So you give him a little sly smile, bringing your face closer to him. “What if I say that I dress like that because of you?”
Nikolai snorts, nudging your chin teasingly. “Confidence, I see. I like that too.” He says before he clicks on the 'Follow' button. “How about this, sugar? If you do well for today's filming, I'll bring you to my place.”
Your eyes widen. You want to nod eagerly, you do. But suddenly, the door to the prep room is opened from the outside. A staff calls for Nikolai to get him ready. He gets up and fixes his joggers. Your eyes catch the sight of the lines of his cock—it's big—through the fabric and you find yourself swallowing your saliva at the excitement brewing in your heart. Nikolai smirks, knowing well that he just got himself a jackpot.
“Look forward to it, sugar. You're gonna have fun, I promise ya'.”
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©doukeshi-kun 2024 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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karasuya-hompo · 6 years
ME:A 096 きょうも がんばる
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 ローカーのアジト襲って、ゾライの生まれ変わりくんを拉致ってこなければ。 「そういう流れだったっけ?」 「大筋はそうだろ」 「ニュアンスがまったく異なると思うのだが?」
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 そんなこと言いつつも、スットコ氏のジャンプメリーに、息ぴったりなメリーを出してくれるジャールくん。  ジャールもリアムもメリー系スキル持ってるので、たまに三人して殴ってたりもしますねぇ。 「………………」 「どうしたライダー?」 「どうせまたろくでもないこと考えてんだろ」 「いや、難易度下げてメリー系縛りのプレイってできないかなと���ょっとな」 「”系”ってことは、スキルならいいってことか?」 「そう。と言ってもおまえらは勝手にいろいろやるから制御できないとして、俺自身はメリーアタックと、ジャンプメリー、チャージと、まあノヴァも入れていいとして、……って他になにか殴るスキルってあったっけか?」 「……なくね?」 「じゃああと一つは、バリケードとかクロークみたいな、攻撃じゃないスキルで。アニヒも入れてもいいかな」 「そういえば、メリーアタック以外の能力をすべて下げるmodがあったのではないか?」 「そう。それ使って、使わないスキルの派生は、たまにそのスキルの強化以外になるやつもあるしな。銃器に入れるmodはメリー強化とかで」 「楽しそうだけど、今はやるなよ?」 「いくら俺でも、あのエイローチとかと近接やる気はないから安心しろ」
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 おっ、クライオガントレットで凍結させたところに、リアムのハボック炸裂!  PS4ではカメラいじれないので、分かりやすい画にならないのが残念。 「ところでライダー。なぜ我々はこんなところに来てコンテナをあさっているのだ? 急いで先に進むのではなかったか?」
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「3号は”マーカー出ない探しもの”の途中でやめてるんだが、それがここに渡ってくる手前だったんで、このへんこまかく見て歩いたことないなぁと」  ま、いつもこと。
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 なんかいるけどカバーできる場所ねぇなぁ……て考えてるなう。  樹木を見つけたのでそれを利用して戦闘開始。  センチネルに、インヴェージョン、アニヒレーション、オーバーロードというスキルをセットしてます。  インヴェージョンは敵の防御を下げるデバフスキル。今までほとんど使ってこなかったなぁというわけなのですが、これは銃撃と合わせるスキルかな。テックスキルとか当ててもダメージ上がってる気がしない……。  それに、4号はここまでバイオティックメインでやってきているせいで、テックスキルのリチャージが長く感じられてならなかったりしてます。テックスキルは全体的にリチャージ速度遅いのでねぇ。
 それにしてもこのへん、けっこうコンテナ落ちてます。3号で探してたレムナントもいくつか見つけたし。  というわけで「古いパラーヴ」となってるローカーのアジトへ。  英雄ゾライの生まれ変わりであるターヴォスくん、��かし「誰か助けてくれ!」とか言ってるとこ聞くと、英雄の心まで引き継ぐわけではないのだなと思ったりもw  そしてここでは、うっかり一度ころころされ、敵が一匹亜空間に入ってしまったがため進行不能になり、で二度やり直してます(ಠᾥಠ)
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 で、ゾライくんと一緒に向かう三つ目のモノリス。こいつ、3号で一度はスキャンしてるはずなんだけど、「こんなのいたっけ?」と思ったりする……。そもそもこの形状の生物の記憶自体がなくなってるっていう。  ちなみにモノリスで見つかるゾライのオーディオログ、先に調べないと聞けなくなる……? ログ調べる前に残骸スキャンしたら、もうそこで「she」と言い始め、女性だったと分かって驚くシーンすっ飛ばされました。
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 そんでやってきたハヴァールのヴォルト。ここの段差下にあるバリア宝箱を3号は取りそこねたので、今度こそちゃんとゲットしなければ。……たとえ中身はショボくてもっ。  しかしここ、重力井戸の部屋で一戦あって、その奥がすぐ中枢なんだけど、脱出するときにまた戦うっていう。  ただ、敵ももやもやに殺されてくれるので、しばらくだけコンソールの傍あたりで戦って(敵をできるだけ奥にとどめて早く全滅させるため)、ある程度したらダッシュで逃亡。
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 よし、ゲット! 中身すっごい大したことないけど!!
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 そしてちーん 0(:3 )~ ('、3_ヽ)_  そこから更にちーんすること3回。
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 ギリギリでクリアしました (#゚Д゚#)ウオォォ  段差登るのに引っかかってトチったりするだけで間に合わなかったりするので、かなりギリギリです。  ナラティヴだと、いくら敵が弱いっていったって全滅させて出てたくらいなので、モヤモヤの移動速度も遅いんじゃないですかね? 「ぶっちゃけ、絶対うまくいくって分かりきってるイーオスのヴォルトより、はるかにヒヤヒヤしたよな、迫ってくるモヤモヤ見ながらコンソールいじるのw」 「 ほ ん と そ れ な 」  で、「ライダー、なにがあったの?」と通信してくるキーランさん。「やったんだぜ!」というと「冗談でしょう。そんなこと……冗談じゃないのね」か。jestは冗談とかからかう。jesterだと道化師とかになるんじゃなかったっけ?(←調べろ
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 以前にもスクショ出してる、二回目のアンガラたちとの会話。でもなんかこういう、できるだけいっぱい出てくるとこって記念撮影したくなる。 「俺のために集まったのか?(C)」  を選ぶと「パーティするのか?」とちゃらけるのですが、それガン無視してターヴォスくん通常台詞でした。誰か反応してくれw
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 テンペストに戻って、エフラ氏と通信。モーシャイ救出作戦への参加……てか実際は主導権があるわけですけど、それを取り付けた後、うろうろと仲間に話しかけに。  ギルとは「ポーカーやります?」という話。  ❤飛ばしたら「ストリップ版があるって聞いたなぁ。それやろうってんじゃないよな?」とかぬかすスットコ氏。ギルはギルで「もし俺たちでストリップポーカーやったら、結局あんたがすっぽんぽんになりますよ」ときた。  これはポーカーシーンの会話も楽しみですな(๑ ิټ ิ)  で、ドラックに「小僧って呼ばれるのイヤなんだが(L)」と言うと、「覚えておくが、つい口滑らしても悪く思うなよ」ですな。……絶対kid呼びし続けるだろこのジジイ……。
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 これ、一個ずつスキャンはできるけど、リサーチポイントは増えない……たぶんスキャンできるのがバグなんだろうな。発着場にあるシャトルは、濃いオレンジで表示されるのにどうやってもスキャンできないし、これもバグか。  で、ケットの昇華施設でSAMがハッキングしてるとき、「新しい友達の前で恥かかせないでくれよ」とか言ってますな。そういうこまかい台詞は未だにちゃんと読んでないままここに至ってたりするけれど、会話途中でとっととハッキングポイントに行って待ち、ハッキング中には銃を出して待つ、というメタさ加減。  おや、リアムの「ケットのペットの頭撃ちぬいたな!」に続いてジャールの「私の気に入りだ!(あるいは得意技?)」。ヘッドショットしたのがジャールなのかな。スットコ氏、アデプトになって以来お気に入りはDHANなので頭とかいちいち狙ってないし。でもたまたま当たっただけかどうかなんて、こいつら判断できないしなこいつら……。ライダーの行動以外で、お互いに反応して喋ってくれると楽しいなぁ。
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 ああんこれイヤぁ。手投げ弾そのものは避けても、これ出てくるとしばらく戻れない。  戦闘中、アンガラチームが喋ってる内容は、やっと中に入れた、と念願が叶ったようなものですねぇ。喜ぶ場面には相応しくない気がしますけど、死んでもいい覚悟でここを攻めたいと思ってきた彼等にとっては、一日千秋の場所。不穏ながら、歓喜するのもなるほどと。  そういえばシャトル内でも、「stay safe」に「レジスタンスにそんなものないわ」的に言われますね。安全なんか求める気持ちがあったら参加してない、てことだと思います。であればこそ、二手に別れる際にヘクト氏が「楽しみだ」と言うのも道理。命なんかまるで惜しんでにいから、ケットに一矢報いられる、それが楽しみで仕方ない、という。  また、相手がいくらかでも理解しあえる存在なら、意思疎通できる相手を殺すのを楽しみだなんて言うのは不謹慎なわけですけど、アンガラにとってのケットは悪以外のなにものでもない、さんざんなことされてきてる。だからこそ、良心の呵責なんて僅かにも覚えない、ということでもあるのでしょう。  たぶんこれ、舞台が現実世界で、戦ってるのが「敵国の人間」だったら、殺しまくるのを楽しみにしてる発言は相当不穏だし、不謹慎だと騒ぎたがる自称良識ある人々も山程出そうです。  けれど実際に戦い続けていて、最初の動機とか理由なんてどうでもよくなるくらいに殺し殺されてきて、それに耐えて生きのびてきたら、そう言い出すほうが「普通の人間」な気がします。
 という真面目な話はさておき。  ディスラプ弾が入ったコンテナあるのは、使ってくれってことなんだろうなぁ。ゲーム的親切設計。
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 ……今見ると、かつて見たときよりほんと、アルコンで小物だなぁと思う光景。この大きな像とか、ほんと馬鹿じゃね?(ㅍ_ㅍ)  でもこういうのに圧倒されありがたがる愚民がいるのも現実なのだなきっと。
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 そしてよく見てるとかなり撃たれまくってるレジスタンスたち。  そんなものを眺めてる間中、スットコ氏の呼吸音(寒冷地仕様)がうるさくて仕方ないっていう。 「ライダー……」 「分かってるって。行こう」
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 ちなみにこの壁は、弾がもったいないので殴って壊してます:( •ᾥ•): 「おまえって、大胆なようでいてけっこう小心だよな」 「慎重で賢明と言え」 「万一に備えて万全を期すのはいいことだ」 「その点おまえはあんなへっぽこ作戦で……」 「あーあーあーあー聞こえなーい」 「? なんの話をしてる?」 「……そういえばジャールって、ちゃんと"まだ俺たちに馴染んでないタイミング"で喋ってるよな、こんな漫才でも」 「書き手の良心だろ」
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 こうして同行してると、リアムって(ばかちんだけど)ほんといい奴だなと思いますね。  ケットがどうやって生まれてきてるかを目撃した後のジャールに、「先に進まないと」とか言いたいのに言い出せないとか、相手を思いやる場面が顕著。  そういう、人とのつながり、相手のことを大切にすればこそ、軽率にばかちんなこともしてしまうのですがw
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 ケットのヌードなんかついじっくり眺めてたりもしましたが、今回初めて「助けようがなかった(L)」と声掛け。 「責められるべきはケットだ」 「(そう言われても、あるいは思ったとしても)気休めにはならない」 「ああ。だがレジスタンスにとっては戦う力(燃料)にはなるかもな」 「そうかもしれないな」  そしてモーシャイの姿を見つけたところあたりで、ふと冷静になるのです。そういやストーリー進行上、なかなか厳しい戦闘ってのが要所にもうけられているけれど、この後もそうだったなと(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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 そんなわけでカーディナル戦!  ザコをきっちり始末して回ってから戦う、堅実な戦法で。  しかし、ザコに気をとられて接近を許したら……
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 ぎゃあっ∑(✘Д✘๑ ) 「我等はここの秘密を守るためなら死ぬまで戦う!」  とカーディナル女史。台詞のタイミングはシーンと関係ありませんが、この近接拘束は逃れる方法のない即死攻撃でしてチーン 0(:3 )~ =͟͟͞͞(’、3)_ヽ)_  しかし二度目で無事撃破(✧≖‿ゝ≖)  最後の発着場までとシャトル待ち、初めてモーシャイさんのバリアに心底感謝しましたね。なにせ弾基本的にすべて防いでくれるので、カバーもせず撃ち続けられるっていう。  フィーンドの相手も、極力モーシャイのバリアの中でやればケットの攻撃は無視できてだいぶ助かりました。  テンペストに戻ったらみんなとお話。  ジャールの選択肢にはフレンドアイコン(2人並んでるみたいなヤツ)が出てきたので、どうやら最初の❤を取らないと、ロマンスフラグは潰れるのかな?  ギルとの会話は、ジルがプロドロモスの人口増加プランに積極的だって感じの内容。まあね、銀河中に十万とかの危うい状況なので、結婚して普通に子供産んで育ててだけじゃなく、それこそ精子・卵子の提供で子供"作って"でも増やさないとヤバいことをゲームが自覚してるかはさておき、先遣隊も人口増加についてはきちんと考えていて、その一つとして、希望する人に、結婚していなくても一定の条件さえクリアすれば、養子を育ててもらうみたいな流れなんでしょう。で、ジルからそのこと聞かされたギルは、この時点でもぼんやりと協力求められてることは感じつつ、とりあえず今は、疎遠だった父親のこと。
 おや……アヤに向かうワープ中、カロが「スカージが船を引っ張るみたいに感じる」とか言いますな。恐怖や不安からのただの錯覚かもしれませんけど、一種引力みたいなものが互いに働くのであれば、ラストバトルでのスカージを武器にするって展開に、こっそりつながってるんですよねこれ。  で、無事に送り届けた後でまた一つ、聞き流しで聞きとったモーシャイの台詞一つ。「私たちは長い間自分たちだけでケットと戦ってきたけれど、もう終わりです。あなた方との協力を話しあわねばならない時が来ました」てな内容。
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 アヤのヴォルト。  それぞれの星のヴォルトがことごとく機能停止している中で、アヤのだけは活動してたのはホントなんでなんでしょうなぁ。  ハヴァールのは、停止したけどゾライが必死に2つまでモノリス起動したおかげで、かろうじて惑星全体が致命的な変化を遂げることはなかった、というだけですし。(それってつまり、モノリスにもいくらかの環境制御能力みたいなのがあるってことになるんだが、言及はされてなかった記憶)  早く続きやりたいけど、ANTHEMが発売されて数年たつくらいまでは開発されない気もするし、また7年とか待つのかなぁ(遠い目
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doukeshi-kun · 4 months
n...nikolai throat training u w his fingers....he presses down on ur tongue and massages the back of ur throat and hhmfngmgnf. he makes u pull his gloves off w ur teeth first
𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙖𝙩-𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜
featuring ⨳ nikolai gogol x fem!reader
content ⨳ n/sfw+smut, finger-sucking, hand fetish ig, saliva... a lot, reader gags a lot
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“I just barely touch your tongue, sweetheart.”
A bunch of lies. Two of his fingers are deep at the back of your throat and you keep gagging, drooling saliva on your chin. Nikolai chuckles deeply as he keeps you closer to his chest. You're on his bed, between his legs, choking on his fingers while his other hand gently massages your throat.
“Come on, suck them. You wanna take my cock but you're already gagging on my fingers? Ah, you poor girl.” he mocks. You whimper against his fingers before your mouth encloses them. You start sucking, while his fingers rub and press on your tongue.
“You're doing good, keep it up.” Nikolai giggles as his hand that's on your throat tightens, purposely and slowly cutting off your breathing. Your chest heaves as you whine around his fingers—body arches as your sucking on his fingers becomes sloppy. He doesn't press on your tongue but your tongue is slithering and licking around his skin.
Nikolai grins mischievously before he suddenly thrusts his fingers slightly harder into your mouth and you gag terribly, mouth waters as you let out a small whimper. He pulls his fingers out before his hand turns your chin up and his lips connect to yours.
The kiss is wet and you could only savour his advance before you moan directly into the kiss—as you feel sudden wet touch on your pussy. Your hand is frantic to your crotch, only to realise that Nikolai is spreading your folds and easily rubs your clit with the very fingers you choked on.
You break the kiss as you feel him slipping his well-lubed fingers inside, causing your hips to buck as you moan against his neck. Nikolai smirks before his other hand grabs your face and two of his fingers tap your lips.
“Knock, knock, open up, sugar.” he teases with impressed coo, seeing you open your mouth and your tongue falls out to lick and suck on his fingers. Nikolai only cackles, his tone is full of mockery as his smirk feels more and more humiliating—how funny it is for him to see your thoughts become a mush with just his hands?
Well, at least he knows you are trained well.
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 4 months
stalker nikolai p....: proposing...,..
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙖𝙡
featuring ⨳ stalker!nikolai gogol x fem!reader
content ⨳ general dark romance vibes lmao, reader is unconscious (you just sleeping dw), nikolai being your husband in a nikolai way :)
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It's cruel to drug you with sleeping pills, that's what Nikolai thought.
That's why he force-fed you melatonin gummies instead. From two sweet gummies to six and now you are peacefully laying your head against his chest, arm hugging him as if he is a teddy bear. Nikolai would not lie—he is freezing right now on his spot.
To have you sleep on his bed is one thing, but to have you against him, so close like this? No matter how many times he has touched you, seen you, fucked you, Nikolai would always and always get too excited.
His heart is beating so loudly, he could feel it. And he hopes that the rhythm of his heart beating to you becomes the melody that serenades you to dive deeper into the dreamland.
Maybe force-feeding you melatonin gummies, pretending it is just normal candies is a good choice. You were so good at biting the gummy off his fingers every time he offered it to you. His fingertips still remember the slightest touch of your lips and teeth.
But he wouldn't do this often, no. It's only for today, tonight, right here, in his campervan—just for a special occasion.
Nikolai needs to reach to the drawer right by his working desk, so he gently and carefully moves your head and body off him, placing his pillow beneath your head—Oh, he would surely do a nasty, nasty thing with that pillow, knowing you laid your head on it. Not now, not now. Gosh, Nikolai needs to get himself right.
He reaches down, hand instinctively opens the bottom drawer but closes it immediately when he realises he opened the wrong one—Fuck, I hope she won't smell that.
He should dispose of that human skin quickly. Tomorrow would do. He knew that the recruiter who met you had something else in mind when he invited you to a one-to-one meeting with him. Job opportunity, his ass. And that man was too dumb to arrange your meeting in a public space—all Nikolai needed was to be out of your sight range, which he considers himself to be professional about.
Nikolai does not want to dwell in the past. His precious love won't be bothered and he can continue with this agenda he has been thinking ever since you shot him in his thigh. He promised to himself that he would marry you if you bleed him. And you did! Nikolai could not be happier. Not to mention, this wound you did on him had marked his skin—for him, this is the proof of your love.
He reaches the second bottom drawer, finally finding what he wants. He takes the small red velvet box. This is just one of the many rings he has bought for you. But this particular is special.
He takes your hand, slipping the ring onto your ring finger. It fits perfectly. He twirls it a bit, making sure it is not too tight on your finger. He prefers if you don't take it off, but that would bring you long-term issues.
“Hmm....” you stir in your sleep, still deep in it. Nikolai cackles to himself before he lowers himself to lie next to you. He faces you, linking your hand with his. On his ring finger, there is also a similar ring.
He wishes to kiss you right now, but he wants your permission still. So he just holds your hand, staring at his wife's sleeping face with a serene smile. He brings your hand and kisses the back of it softly.
“I do,” he says. And he repeats that action to each of your knuckles.
“I do,”
“I do,”
“I do,”
“I do,”
“I do.”
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 4 months
I like that one scene when stalker!kolya was being teased by his darling in the part2.
It is indeed fun to tease him
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙞𝙢
replies ⨳ i love teasing stalker!nikolai too mueheh enjoyy
content ⨳ nikolai gogol x fem!reader, some n/sfw, teasing, obsessive (and pervy) thoughts, just the usual stalker!nikolai and reader's dynamics
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“Yes, I know, Erika. But the financial reports for the last several months have shown that Funhouse 16 is barely visited and has suffered quite a loss. It performed very badly compared to others. It is better to demolish it and change to a new one than renovate it again.” Nikolai says, wanting to roll his eyes annoyed. Currently, he is on a video call with his staff, sitting at his working desk in his cramped campervan. The reason why he stays here instead of going to the main tent and directly facing his staff is because you are in his campervan now. He doesn't want to leave you alone.
It has been over an hour and Nikolai still has more to go through. He wants to spend time with you, knowing you are lying on his bed, bored and have nothing to do besides waiting for him to finish work. Ah, he feels a little guilty for making you wait. He will surely treat you to a nice dinner as an apology today.
Nikolai could not help but keep glancing at you. His eyes constantly move towards you, staring for a few seconds before he remembers he has to listen to Erika's babbling. Well, could you blame him for losing focus over you? Especially when you are on his bed, gosh, Nikolai wishes he could tie you in his bed and lock you in here forever but that would be too rough for his little bird.
“Sir, what do you think?” one of his staff calls. Nikolai turns to the camera, barely remembering what the hell is going on but the mindless notes he jotted on his own paper helps him to respond professionally.
“Well, to be fair, this...” his words falter a bit when he hears shifting noises from his left. He tries to focus again and continues to give his insight, but his curious eyes cannot help to look at you.
Nikolai feels like his breath is getting ripped away instantly.
You are on his bed, completely topless, your bra is on the pillow as you are wearing one of his shirts that you took from his bundle of clothes—he doesn't even have the time to fold them. But Nikolai certainly sees your tits and your soft tummy and your ribs and your back and your—
“Ah— Uh, where the hell was I?” Nikolai asks and he hears Erika's voice. However, his attention is on you. There is a subtle playfulness on your face when you take off the shirt again, completely baring your naked upper body to Nikolai before you crawl to reach another t-shirt of his.
His face is blushing. His cock is hard. His stomach feels funny. His chest is heavy and surely he finds it harder to breathe. It is not the first time he sees you naked but he still loses his shit when he sees just a bit more of your skin. Lust erupts and his love blossoms again.
“Just a minute—” Nikolai mutes his microphone and turns off his camera and looks at you. You turn to him too with a grin. Ahh, that fucking grin when you teased him a few months back after his circus show, asking for his signature on your boobs.
“You're killing me, sweetheart.”
“What? I'm getting sleepy, so I just want to prepare for a nap. Nobody likes to sleep with a bra on and in an uncomfy blouse.” you reply, puffing the pillow. Nikolai's eyes trail to your bra and your blouse that are scattered on his bed. He wants to steal them. He wants to keep them in his possession. He wants to add them to his collection. He will buy a new one and he will steal it again after you wear it. Please, please, please.
“You're saying my shirts are comfortable for you?” Nikolai smirks and you shrug your shoulders. The shirt you wear is quite thin and as much as he wants to not be a pervert, his mind already wanders.
“Comfy enough. And I look cute in it,” you chuckle, running your hands on your breasts just to get him worked up. And oh, he did. Nikolai takes off his headphones and gets up, eyes hungry, licking his lips.
And he stops when you place your foot on his chest, slowly pushing him back to sit on his chair. You trail your foot down his torso and lightly brush his boner before you pull away quickly as Nikolai tries to catch your ankle.
“You have work. Go to work."
“No way. Can't you fucking see how hard I am?” he whines. “I'm gonna end the meeting now.”
“No, Kolya. You already complained to me that you have a lot of work and you want to finish it today. So, do your work.”
Nikolai looks at you and bites his lips in frustration. Well, he cannot really argue with you. He knows he will obey you one way or another and you know how devoted he is to please you. He, frustratingly, turns himself to his laptop again. However, before he could prepare for the meeting again with a raging boner under his pants, he sees you getting off the bed and scoots to him.
And there, you sit on the floor, right next to his legs. You lean your head between his thighs, yawning. And Nikolai's hand instinctively places itself onto your head, caressing your hair gently.
“Uh-uh, no touching. But well... I take it back,” you yawn again. “This feels nice. Makes me feel sleepier.” your murmur, leaning your head directly on his clothed cock. And Nikolai has to hold himself back, cussing under his breath.
He will tug your hair and force his cock in your throat later, but for now, he will play nice.
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©doukeshi-kun 2024 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 5 months
imagine visiting stalker!Kolya before a show, staying with him inside his campervan. Could it be painting his nails, trying makeup on him or just playing with his hair as reader and him cuddle?
I love domestic scenarios ☹️🤍 (plus, I developed an obsession for stalker!Kolya)
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙘𝙪𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙨
replies ⨳ nikolai is supposed to be obsessed with us, not the other way around ( ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ) btw thanks for pulling me out of writers block lmao enjoy this short drabble gshdjsh
notes ⨳ stalker!nikolai series
contents ⨳ fluff, obsessive thoughts, fem!reader
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Nikolai is nervous.
His brain is short-circuited and he cannot stop staring at you. He has around five more hours before he has to leave for a show, though he still has some paperwork to review. And yet here he is, on the bed, with his girl lying against his body, carefully painting baby blue nail polish on his nails.
He found out—through... interesting method—about your sudden interest in nail arts. He even bought a complete set of manicures for you, intended to surprise you with the set once he visited you. But you came to visit him instead, and thus he decided to just give you straight away.
“Do you want a small flower?” your question snaps him out as he glances at his blue nails. Your hand is holding his, checking whether his thumbnail is dried or not. Nikolai swallows hard. His skin flares when he realises how close you two are, how he could smell you, how he could feel you. His finger twitches when he sees your skin is touching his.
Too much. Too much. You're too much.
Even after so many months, you're still too much for his poor heart.
“I-I do,” Nikolai says, smiling softly at you. You turn your face towards him and he almost gasps by how close your faces are—I could kiss you right now. I really want to kiss you. Please, I really want to kiss you. May I, love? I'll be good. Just a kiss, please, little dove.
“You okay? You seem to be... out of it,” you ask, reaching for a small packet of nail ornaments.
“Can I kiss you?”
You raise your eyebrow. It's rare for Nikolai to ask permission to kiss. He doesn't even ask permission to invade your house while you're sleeping and yet here he is, with puppy eyes, baby blue nails and a beige sweater, asking if he can kiss you. You nod slowly and Nikolai giggles happily before he leans forward, kissing your lips. shortly.
“Haha! I'm happy!” he exclaims before he kisses you again. You cannot help for a smile crook on your lips at his childish reaction.
“Ooh! You smile! How adorable!” Nikolai cups your face with his hands, pulling both your cheeks together so that they pucker your lips. “I'm gonna fucking eat you, I swear to God,” he whispers.
Whatever he means by 'eat' —whether literally or sexually, you do not really want to know.
“F-Funny....” you mutter before you tap his arm. “Let me go or you won't get a flower on your thumb,” and Nikolai is quick to obey you, pulling his hands away and offering his painted thumbnail. You glance at him for a second—noticing his gaze is darkened. You decide to ignore it for now. You may have an idea of what Nikolai might be thinking, but he is one unexpected guy. Everything he does seems spontaneous even when he has planned for it long beforehand.
As you're sticking the daisy charm on his nail carefully, your phone rings. You reach it and Nikolai leans forward, trying to listen to your conversation just because he can. You shoo him, pushing him by his chest to give yourself a personal space because he is invading almost every one of your spaces. Pouting, Nikolai huffs and stays on his spot as you answer the phone.
But Nikolai is not giving up. He leans just slightly, enough to see the name on the screen. A common name for men. And he finds his heart races faster when he hears a faint masculine voice talking to you on the other side. Nikolai frowns—well, this enthusiasm doesn't seem nice.
He could barely hear what's the man babbling about, so he depends on your facial expression to figure out what's happening. He could hear muffled, jumbled words like 'work', 'rejected', 'apply', 'coffee', 'out', 'free time', 'help', 'together'—
“That would be wonderful. Thanks. Yeah! Okay, see you there. Thank you so much.”
You end the call, finally looking at Nikolai who is now quiet. You sigh, knowing he probably listened to chunks of your conversation with the hiring man. “Kolya...” you call softly as you scoot closer again to him. Your hands tangle themselves in his fluffy hair, caressing his soft white strands.
“You goin' on a date?” Nikolai pouts.
“It's for work, Kolya... He'd help me to secure another position I've applied for. It's not a date.” you explain carefully. It's not that your current job at the cafe is bad, but you need a more stable financial source. Though Nikolai has offered to take care of you fully, you still want to work for yourself.
"Hm~ I know." Nikolai leans closer, exhaling softly at the way your hand caresses his head. He finds himself getting more possessive and easy to get jealous when it comes to you. He needs more time to think rationally when it comes to keeping you around with him.
“I trust you. You won't—” he hugs you tighter, closer. “—leave me, right?”
Your bodies are embracing one another. You bury your face in his chest as your hands caress his hair and face and neck and shoulder and chest.
“Don't you leave me,” he warns. He makes a large step forward and grabs your arm tightly. “You do not leave me. I love you so much. I love you to the Hell and Heaven. I will not let you leave. We are meant to be together, love, we are meant to be! I need you in my life. I need you, to be my freedom. You and I, we complete each other, little dove.” his mouth is forming a deranged smile as he begins to get impatient.
A distant memory rushes past your mind. You stay still before a soft nudge of his knee against your stabbed thigh pulls you out of that lane of memory. You tug on him tighter and look up at him. You hold his face, kissing his lips slowly, once again making sure of yourself. He moans lowly and smirks against your lips. His hand holds the back of your head as he returns your kiss.
Words aren't enough to describe your declaration to him. It's enough to just—I won't leave you.
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 7 months
𝙛𝙚𝙢!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙗𝙨
featuring ⨳ fem!nikolai x fem!reader
contents ⨳ n/sfw, tits-sucking, soft dom!nikolai i think, tits and boobs and breasts and bosoms and tiddies
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“You're so soft, darling.”
“Mmh...” your lips are tight as you try to control your moaning. Nikolai does not mind the noise, she just enjoys the way you're trying to control yourself as her slender fingers twirl your nipples.
“So peaky, so cute,” she mutters before she leans forward, sucking one of your nipples just for a quick second. It's enough to make your body jerk upward, trying to get more of that sensation for a longer time.
“You're such a cute little thing,” she says, chuckling when your face is flustered by her soft yet dominant voice. You're naked, your cunt was fingered by her roughly earlier and she just gave her attention more to your breasts now.
Her hands slowly trail away from your chest but you are quick to grab her wrists. “K-Keep touching, p-please, mommy...” you mumble shyly. Nikolai cackles at your neediness but she moves her hands away, resting on your waist now. She leans once again, kissing your nipple for a few more seconds before parting away.
“I want you to play with mine,” she says as she raises her body, still having you under her. She unbuttons the white satin robe and lets it loose, revealing her tits to you. She takes your hand before she puts one of your hands on her chest.
“It's soft, right?” she asks and you nod, eyes cannot move away from her gorgeous body. Nikolai chuckles before she gently moves your hand to fondle her tits. “You have to— mmh... massage them like this... And then— Y-Yes, like that. My, my, you're such a quick learner, aren't you?”
Your hands are fondling her tits. They are soft and tender. She moans softly as she helps you get up before she puts her hand on the back of your head. Your eyes look up to her before she grins naughtily. Then, she presses your head to bury your face deep into the crook of her bouncy tits.
“Mmh— K-Kolya—mmh!” your voice is muffled as she rubs your face on her tits. Her hard nipples graze on your lips and you open your mouth, letting your tongue roll out, lapping her nipple.
“S-Suck it, pretty girl,” she commands and you wrap your lips around her nipple as one of your hands fondle her other breast. Nikolai mewls in pleasure, pushing your face deeper as you suck hard on the bud.
You feel like you're short on breath—your nose is squeezed on the tender skin of her breast and you could only smell her fragrant body. She smells peachy. Nikolai pulls you even closer, practically smothering you with her plump tits. You could feel her knee rubbing against your wet cunt. Saliva is drooling on your chin.
“Ngh— fuck..” she breathes softly as she slowly lets you go, and a thin string of your saliva is connecting to the tip of her nipple to your lips. Nikolai twirls her fingers on that saliva string, catching the wetness before she brings her hand down to your cunt, probing your clit.
“A-Ah...!” you gasp loudly as she rubs that sensitive nerves.
“You did so well, baby. My princess deserves her pretty reward, yes?”
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 23 days
omg i just had an idea…..nikolai tokyo drift street racer….he’s tatted and wears pressed on shirts….oh mygod..
𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙧!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚
replies ✥ *gasp* new character unlocked??? hello street racer!nikolai muehehehe
content ✥ fem!reader, petnames
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You were left alone by the bar. Your friend has been gone for about an hour now, spending her time with her partner who is one of the racers here. You are self-conscious of the environment of this street racing gang and you have found solace in staying just by the bar.
The noise of cars, the screeching of tyres and road, the cheers and curses from the people, sexy ladies standing by expensive cars—Oh, this place is so not for your introverted self. You wish you could go home but you have no exact idea how to get back without your friend's guidance.
You sigh once again as you watch the race of three cars that are happening right now. The cars are so fast—like a bullet. But you do not find it fun to just wait until a car is approaching the same checkpoint.
“Hey, pretty.”
You hear someone say, but you don't turn around since you thought the call was not for you. Until the person pokes your shoulder multiple times, causing you to turn quickly.
And you see a smiling man standing right beside you—his smile is adorable and innocent, and yet his appearance is rough. He has his white hair tied into a small bun, wears a compressed black shirt with matching pants and his arms are covered in abstract tattoos.
Beautiful man.
“Hello, pretty.” He says again, propping his hand on the bar table, looking at you. You feel heat rushes to your face and your stomach is twisting. He is standing so close—close enough that his cologne is practically ingrained in your head now.
“You alone?”
“Obviously.” You reply almost too quickly, your tone sounds sarcastic. And you are quick to correct yourself upon seeing his amused face. “I-I mean, I wasn't alone. I had my friend and she's... gone somewhere.”
He grins. “You look new. Is it your first time coming here?” You nod slowly, eyes scanning his face—he is indeed a pretty man. His skin is flawless, though there is a scar slit down his left eye. He smiles at you and offers his hand. “My name is Nikolai. You are?”
You look at his hand—rings and silver bracelets. You reach it and your heart makes a small jump upon feeling his touch. You mutter your name and Nikolai hums pleasedly.
“Nice to meet you, love. Now, I'm cutting to the chase here. I think you're really cute.” He says, not bothering to hide his flirtatious manner. He clasps your hand with both of his and says excitedly, “Since your friend isn't around, she doesn't mind if I steal you for a moment, right? Oh—Oops, silly me. I should've asked you if you're already someone else's. So do you have any partners or something?”
He talks so smoothly—but a little rambling. Something about his tone reminds you of a jester. Lively and witty. Humorous and theatrics. It is a complete contrast to his looks.
“No, I don't see anyone at the moment...”
He giggles. “Well, isn't that perfect?” He releases your hand, nudging his head to the parking area that has a fleet of racing cars. “Would you like to come with me? I can show you around. Besides, isn't it boring to just sit here and drink your third glass of cocktail?”
“Well... you are right, but—”
“Come on, baby. I'll show you fun. You gotta have some fun if you came here after all those troubles.” He tries to convince you again. You are unsure. You do feel bored, yes. And now that you have a company, it's not a problem to have fun a little, right? Your friend is gone and this man is being all buddy-buddy.
“I guess I could...”
Nikolai smirks as he gestures for you to follow him. You do, trailing him by his side. He asks you a couple of casual questions. Though you are getting comfortable with him, you cannot help but notice curious eyes from passersby.
Is he well-known here? Why do they look at me like that? Or am I kissing my own ass?
Timid by the unwanted attention, especially when you are finally entering the proximity of other racers, you cling your hand to Nikolai's tattooed arm, scooting closer.
“Ah, don't you worry baby. These people not gonna eat you.” He says. “No one's gonna bother you. If they do, I'm gonna shoot them.”
“What— That's not funny..!”
“Oops, my bad, darl'.” Nikolai grins, guiltless. He stops by a dark red racing car with black and white patterns around it. You scan the car, noticing a common occurrence of a theme here. This car must be expensive when you see the logo on it.
“You’re pretty rich.” You say when you touch the patterns. They feel like stickers and surprisingly, you see it is almost peeled off. Nikolai taps the car proudly.
“Uh-huh. Expensive car, cheap stickers. Don't get me wrong, I just love to dress her up frequently. Cheap stickers are easy to take off.” He explains. “Let's get inside. I decorated the interior more.” He opens the door, inviting you to get in. You follow him, getting into the passenger seat, and indeed, the interior of his car is much more flamboyant.
There are small decoration pieces of jester masks, the dashboard is covered with black and white stripes-printed fabric, and a few red pompoms are hanging on the rearview mirror. The backseat is covered with white fabric with black diamonds printed on them. There are two small cushions on the seat too.
“Phew, okay.” Nikolai enters the car after he is done talking with other racers briefly. He closes the door and starts the engine, turning on the AC and radio. You lean forward, looking outside. Colourful racing cars all around.
Suddenly the car is moving out from the parking lot. You turn to Nikolai. Your eyes cannot stop staring at his tattooed arms, trailing down to his body. You almost forgot what you wanted to say to him, distracted by his physique.
“Nikolai? Where are we going?”
He smirks and says nothing as he drives his car to the racing road.
“Wait. Wait, are you racing now? Wait, I thought you were just gonna show me around—”
“I said I'm gonna show you fun, didn't I?” Nikolai grins teasingly. More cars are approaching the starting line. The fierce noise of roaring engines is all around you. You look outside the window beside you, seeing that the spectators are all spirited up for another race for the night. You even see your friend among the crowd, with a beer in her hand.
A presence looms behind you and you feel his warm breath teasing your neck. Nikolai reaches for the seatbelt right next to you. His scent salivates you and you swallow nervously when you peek a glance at his bicep. Your stomach makes a funny twist when he is just too close.
Nikolai cackles at your face when you turn to him. He grins and stretches his arms.
“Buckle up, darling! If I win this race, I'll get your number!”
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©doukeshi-kun 2024 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 25 days
Sooo…about pornstar!nikolai…as if deepthroating him wasn’t difficult enough, imagine filming an anal scene with him :( and once again, he’s too big :( his dick just keeps slipping out :( if he even manages to get in :( what do you do?
RRRRRRRR *barkbarkbark*
you said he is a head-pusher, right? yea, head-pusher indeed. i feel like instead of 'redoing' the scene, he will just keep teasing your hole with his dick :3 he'll tell the crew to keep the recording of his dick slipping out in the finished video. but if you have to take a break because your ass and your back are fucking sore, nikolai would come to take a rest in the prep room with you too ;]
imagine both of you 'practicing' anal scene in the bathroom together, while the crew members are outside. in that small space, you only have his arms to hold to endure the soreness. nikolai even offers you to bite his biceps while he's pounding your ass from the back—“there you go, baby... biiig stretch...” 🤭
oooh imagine when you're at home and ready to film your own video in your own website, and you know nikolai has subscribed to your content. and for the first time ever in your personal channel, you're stuffing your ass with a dildo, almost as big as his own dick, wishing nikolai is watching to see how you have improved so much now.
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doukeshi-kun · 8 months
What happens on days where Nikolai and his family go to the beach to have fun and his wife is wearing a swimsuit (not extremely revealing since their kids are there but just enough for Nikolai to go awooga)
𝙙𝙖𝙙!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙨𝙬𝙞𝙢𝙨𝙪𝙞𝙩
replies ⨳ i love this sm I LOVE
contents ⨳ fem!reader, babymama!reader, oc kids (yuri, mari, karol), fluff, suggestive
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Karol coos sadly as Nikolai ties the lace of the boy's beach shorts. Yuri is standing by his side, already wearing his blue swimsuit. Karol wants to mimic his dad, so he insists on just wearing a pair of shorts.
“You already put on your sunscreen, Yurochka?” Nikolai asks before he stands up, looking at himself in the mirror. His loose white shirt is unbuttoned fully and his sunglasses are resting on his head. He adjusts his grey swim trunks before he gives the sunscreen on the sink to Karol.
“Here you go, Karol. Your turn.”
Karol grins as he takes the sunscreen. Nikolai then grabs the bag that holds the rest of his and his kids' belongings before leading them out of the men's restroom. He holds Yuri's hand as Karol is trailing closely by Yuri's side.
“Where's mom? And Mari?” Yuri asks when they are already at the beach, with Nikolai laying a mat on the sand, under the shadow of a tree. Nikolai smiles at Yuri — always looking out for people he cherishes. He pats Yuri's head, messing with the boy's hair.
“Mama and Mari are probably still in the restroom, Yurochka. They know where to find us. And Karol! Why are you white?”
Karol looks at Nikolai, confused — his face is completely covered with sunscreen, an excessive amount of it too. Yuri scrunches his face, seeing Karol's proud face as the little gremlin makes an 'X' gesture with his arms, aimed at the sun.
“Extra protection! Sun is ev— waaa!”
He whines when Nikolai starts to rub his face, making sure the sunscreen is applied evenly to his face and neck. Karol tries to fight Nikolai's hands but his effort is clearly futile against his own dad.
Karol stops resisting immediately. He pouts but he lets Nikolai do what he wants. Yuri is already sitting, looking around to look for his sister and mother, sometimes watching his dad apply some sunscreen on Karol's back.
As soon he turns to his right, he sees you and Mari walking towards him. Mari gets excited quickly and runs towards them, immediately lunging herself on Nikolai who still does not notice you are coming.
“Oh!” Nikolai turns around quickly and his smile gets broader once he sees his little princess, adorable in a pink and yellow swimsuit. She also has a small beach hat on her head.
“You look cute, malyshka.” Nikolai smiles, pinching Mari's cheek lightly. Mari happily twirls and shows her twin braids.
“Mom did it for me!”
“Is that so?” Nikolai chuckles. “Seems like your braiding skill has...” his words falter when he turns his head towards you. His eyes widen as they travel your whole body, up and down multiple times.
“Mari! Let's build our sand empire!” Karol is quick to drag Mari to leave the shade and to the beach. Yuri stands on his feet quickly and follows his two little siblings, warning them to not go far. You only watch the kids leave you and your husband in the shadow as they are now having fun at the beach.
“My goodness, Karol is just too excited, isn't he?” you comment as you finally sit beside your husband. You turn to Nikolai and realize that he is very much staring at you — from head to toe.
“Do I look too pretty?” you ask, clutching the long tropical robe you wore over your white one-piece swimsuit. Nikolai's eyes twitch at your assumption before he shakes his head, smiling slyly.
“You look sexy, gorgeous.”
“Oh, you...” you shyly nudge his face to the side. Nikolai chuckles at your touch as he turns his face to you again. “Not going to lie though... It feels a bit too tight right here,” you mumble as you fix the fabric beneath your breasts and of course your husband would shamelessly stare. Your breasts do get bigger after three pregnancies after all and Nikolai loves that.
“Yeah? Like this? Want me to fix it?” Nikolai grins as his hand reaches that part, purposely nudging your breasts so they shake a bit. You slap his hand away lightly, only making him laugh.
“You're such a pervy,” you mumble, slapping his thigh, which makes Nikolai groan lowly, covering his mouth in frustration. He feels extremely bothered and giddy — who wouldn't feel so when your sexy wife is by your side?
“You're driving me crazy, love.”
Nikolai could not keep his hand to himself as he holds your thigh, squeezing it lightly. “You're so pretty, love. I just can't,” he says, leaning closer. But you are quick to halt his advance by placing a hand on his bare toned chest.
“Baby, please, just a kiss.” he pouts.
You laugh softly, only making Nikolai smile more. Your hand that is on his chest trails up to his chin. You pull him closer, pecking his lips shortly.
“There. Now go check on the kids. Mari and Yuri are burying Karol in the sand now.”
Nikolai grins. “Yes, ma'am.”
He stands and wears his sunglasses back. Before he walks to his kids, he immediately seizes your jaw, bringing your face upward only to plant a kiss on your lips, a bit longer than before. Your giggle muffled by the kiss only makes him smirk against your lips.
“Just you wait tonight, love.”
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 2 months
𝙖𝙡𝙩!𝙜𝙖𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙡 + 𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣
notes ✥ omg keshi finally writes another character??
content ✥ gn!reader, petnames (my child, little lamb, dearest), alt!gabe is being creepy but nothing serious, is this horror or an attempt
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“I really can't thank you enough.”
“Oh, dearest. You have repeated such gratefulness so many times.”
“I-I know. It's just… you know, it's dangerous out there at this hour and you went through the trouble to get me some groceries.” You sigh as you unpack the groceries that your friend had bought for you. He is just standing right at the entrance of your kitchen, watching you. His stance is straight and tall.
You met ‘Gabriel’ through an internet online space. Though you know the danger of technology these days, especially in Mandela County, you cannot help but keep connecting with Gabriel. After several online conversations—both of you decided to go out for a friendly date, as you call it.
And you are glad that you decided to continue talking with him in that online space. Fortunately, he is not an Alternate or some kind of monster you have heard stories about. Gabriel looks like a literal angel—his skin is fair and flawless, his hair is blonde and long. Though he looks slender from afar, he is much more toned than you expected. His eyes are sharp and dark—for some reason, his gaze is full of mystery as if he possessed some kind of forbidden knowledge. Plus, his gaze does feel a bit malicious—but that's probably your imagination.
“Is it that dangerous?” Gabriel asks as you are unloading stuff into your fridge. You pause and turn your head towards him, confused. Is he unaware of Alternate’s existence?
“W-Well… Yes.” You say. “Have you never experienced any… paranormal encounters?” You ask. As you remember correctly, Gabriel has said he has been here in Mandela County since long ago. He looks older than you—it is very likely he has seen some shit, no?
Gabriel instead smiles before he cackles. His cackle does not sound humanly for a quick second before he eyes you again. “Right…” He says before he leaves the kitchen. You frown, confused by his strange act. He feels… off, tonight.
You shrug and continue to arrange the stuff in your fridge before you hear a loud thud coming from the living room. You rush out from the kitchen, only to find nothing out of the ordinary in your living room.
Your living room is dark, lacking any lights other than the moonlight from the window. You look around, trying to find Gabriel. He wouldn't just leave unannounced, right? He is a polite man.
“Gabe?” Your small voice echoes in the room. “Gabe, where are you?” You ask again as you walk slowly to the door, making sure it is locked—it is a basic step to avoid confrontation with any Alternate after all.
You check the window and for a second, you see Gabriel's reflection in the glass—he is standing at the kitchen’s entrance, with a strange wide grin on his face. You gasp, turning around quickly, only to find no one is standing there.
And the first thing that comes to your mind is just—you are having an encounter.
Breathing hastens, legs fasten, you run to your room and immediately, you slam the door shut and twist the lock. You drag the stool from your dressing table and block the door with it.
“The window…” you mumble, remembering the only window you have in the bedroom. You rush there and push the curtain away to check the lock. However, you notice that the night sky which is supposed to be illuminated with moonlight has turned solid black.
There's no cloud waving away, there's no moon shining through. A complete darkness.
“My, my.”
Your fingers are shaking and your fingertips feel numb as you notice a very tall man in a white robe, dark eyes and sinister grin standing just right behind you from the reflection on the window. He is staring at you, right at your reflection.
Your throat is struggling to make a noise, even a simple call for help. Even when your body has a little courage to take an inch step back, you only stumble against his chest and it dooms on you when you realize how close he is right now to you and how dangerous this situation is.
You don't even know if praying even helps.
And yet, your heart is repeating prayers to God, asking Him to forgive all your sins, give you an ounce of mercy and save you from this misfortune—just save me, save me, God, please save me, help me, help me, help me
“It is almost endearing to hear you beg for me to save you from myself, my child.”
His voice is a deep haunting whisper as he brings his hand—his fingers are strangely slender and long, his nails are sharp—and traces your face with the tip of his nails. You shut your eyes, trembling in fear as you feel slight pain from the tiny scratches on your skin.
“God, h-help me, h-help…” The words come out like a string of cries—and the being behind you just laughs, mocking your fruitless prayer. You refuse to open your eyes, in fear you might stare back into his reflection.
Gabriel’s hand strokes your cheek before you feel his touches slowly leaving you. He traces his finger from your cheek to your neck and down down to your spine before it retracts away.
“I have feared my little lamb too much, it seems. It was fun to play with you for a moment, my dear. I will see you tomorrow. Do not hide. I will find you.”
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©doukeshi-kun 2024 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 6 months
I've been fantasizing about kolya's hands so much
I want him to choke me, spank me, slap me, insert his fingers into my mouth, pinch me, poke me RAHHH
𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨
replies ⨳ here to complete your fantasy
notes ⨳ i don't do/open request. i just write what i wanna write out of impulse lmao
contents ⨳ just rough playful stuff, gn!reader, nikolai is a meanie, nikolai here is also stalker!nikolai btw
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“If you scream, I might have to be rougher, sweetheart. Or is that what you like?” he asks softly as his hand is around your neck, tightening for each breath you take. You gasp, holding his forearm, looking up at him as you are beneath him.
“F-Fuck you…” you snarl between the difficulties. Nikolai laughs as his hand is choking you hard while his other hand is poking your stomach, tickling you. “A-Ah!” your body contorts.
“Not nice, sugar. You're angry at me, but why are you leaving the window open, knowing I would sneak in?” a pinch on your skin. “Naughty, naughty one. Freaky little one is too shy to admit,” he teases with a grin as he turns your head to the side, kissing your cheek.
“An open w-window is n-not an i-invitation,” you are struggling to speak. Your hand reaches up and suddenly, you slap his face hard, “Asshole,”
Nikolai's head is turned to the side but he is just chuckling with a smug smile. He releases your neck and then he returns a mild slap on your cheek before he seizes your face.
“Mmh— A-aah…” you whimper, thighs tighten around his body.
“‘f course you like it rough,” he mocks as his thumb rubs your lips and slips in—instinctively, you suck his finger as your teary eyes gaze up at him. Your tongue is twirling around his thumb and Nikolai groans lowly, cackling as he lowers his hips, grinding lightly against your crotch—indeed, you can feel his boner.
“Fuck, you're the death of me, little dove,” he breathes in frustration before his other hand lands a couple of spanks on your thigh. “Off.”
And while driving his thumb deeper, only for you to suck it and drool it with saliva, your hands are reaching your waistband, trying to pull off your pants.
Nikolai smiles victoriously. His little dove is just too easy.
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 1 year
It’s quite hard for me to imagine this but I’ll still share my thoughts bc just imagine service dom!Nikolai
I am the happiest thinking about it, my guilty pleasure 😭✊🏻
𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙢
replies ⨳ i'll make you the happiest, bae
notes ⨳ 18+ content, fem!reader, petnames, oral (f. receiving), light fluff
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“S-Stop... I can't hold it 'nymore—” you whine as your fingers curl around his white hair. Nikolai hums against your clit as the tip of his tongue slides out from your cunt, only to lap itself on your swollen clit.
“K-Kolya— Too much, too much..!” your hand tries to push his head away as your pelvis is heaving hard. He has made you cum three times and he still wants to keep going, urging you to make his face sticky and wet with your arousal.
Nikolai grabs your wrist, stopping your attempt as he groans deeply against your cunt. He is too greedy as he brings his fingers into your sloppy pussy again. They slide in easily and start thrusting as your thighs tremble. Nikolai's lips trail from your clit, up to your pussy and up to your tummy. He presses soft kisses and gentle little bites on your stomach while his fingers are restlessly pounding into you.
You cry, your mind in shambles as you could feel both of his delicate and rough touches on your body. You grip the sheets as Nikolai looks at you with a smirk.
“Come on, baby. Just one more— One more for me, m'kay?”
Once his fingers curl hard onto that sweet spot of yours, your lips part open as you moan in pleasure. A clear stream squirt out from your cunt and Nikolai coo proudly. Your eyes are rolled to the back as your hips slightly thrust up. His fingers leave your cunt and he slaps your pussy hardly a couple of times as you squirt right on his palm, urging you to release more.
“Good girl. Good messy girl,” he breathes sensually as his face comes closer to your face. His fingers once again plunge themselves and instead of fucking you dumb again, his hand is just caressing your cunt. The heel of his palm kneads on your clit slowly.
Nikolai almost chuckles at your fucked-out expression. He connects his lips with yours, kissing you roughly before you nudge his chest to get some oxygen. He lets you go as his mismatched eyes stare straight into you.
“Yes, baby? What do you want?” he asks softly as his fingers finally leave your pussy for good. He brings them to his lips, sucking them clean. You look at him, exhausted. “You okay? Felt good?”
“T-Too g-good...”
Nikolai chuckles before he pecks your lips again. “Good. Then I'll make you feel a lot more,” he says as he climbs over you. His hand fondles your tits and you immediately hold his shoulders, halting him.
“A b-break, please..?”
“... Of course, dear.” he helps you get up and he sits, leaning on the headboard. He pulls you towards his chest as you lean against him. Nikolai takes the water that he puts beforehand on the headboard and gives them to you. You take it and slowly drink the water with Nikolai massaging your sides.
Then, you feel his hand slowly trail to your cunt again. You stop drinking and look at him. He is giving you a soft smile, yet his finger is lewdly slipping in between your folds, teasing your sensitive clit again.
"Tell me what you want, baby. I'll make sure everything feels good for you.”
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 10 months
𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙙𝙖𝙙
featuring ⨳ nikolai gogol, gn!reader + oc!daughter
contents ⨳ fluff, slight slight angst, reader isn't mentioned a lot, established relationship, the daughter is oc
notes ⨳ this is from the conversations in discord with friends who have collective baby fever and thirst for dad!nikolai in one random day
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Nikolai is more than happy to pick up his daughter from kindergarten. Usually, you would pick her up since you have a small break just enough time for you to grab your daughter, buy her food and send her home. Nikolai's not home usually at four, busy with his shady business. So when you call him to go and pick up his daughter, he is over the moon.
He is already waiting by the car, eyes looking for his adorable daughter walking out from the gate. He is just casual, with a white button-up, rolled-up sleeves and a pair of black pants. But that's still enough for some people to take several glances at him.
Nikolai ignores their attention — he's only thirsty for the only person he loves the most, his beloved — you.
After about five minutes of waiting, he finally sees his daughter walks out of the gate. She is looking at the ground. Her white braid is hanging low and her green eyes are dull. She is clutching her red schoolbag, a bit tense.
Nikolai is a sensitive person — especially when it comes to emotions. So he certainly notices his daughter is acting weirdly. Yes, she's visibly distraught with her thoughts when she accidentally walks past Nikolai's car.
“Mari,” he calls.
His daughter, Mari, flinches out of her thoughts and turns around. Nikolai smiles and before he could crouch and opens his arms for her, she already runs straight into him, bumping into his legs.
Nikolai chuckles, smiling affectionately. He pats her head — she is short, obviously, just reaching his knees. Nikolai crouches and hugs her, giving a smooch on her cheek.
“Papa pick me up?” Mari asks as her tiny hands hold his face. Nikolai coos, overwhelmed with the adoration in his heart. He nods.
“Yes, malyshka,” he replies as he pinches her cheek, making her whine in annoyance. Nikolai only laughs before he stands up again and opens the car door. He bends to help Mari to take off her school bag. There's a charm of red pompom hanging on her bag, similar to Nikolai's hair tie.
He puts the bag under the seat and then he picks her up, getting her onto the seat. He reaches for the seatbelt, putting it on her. “Comfy?” he asks and when she nods, Nikolai smiles proudly to himself. Before he closes the door, he kisses her forehead once.
He gets into the driver's seat and turns on the engine. He drives out from the kindergarten area, sometimes taking a glance at his still disturbed daughter.
“Rough day at school, malyshka?” he asks.
“Hm...” she nods a bit, stroking her braid sadly —that trait is very similar to what Nikolai would do when he's sulking towards you.
“Wanna tell me?”
“Papa... am I... am I ugly?” she asks, lips quivering and Nikolai almost brakes abruptly at the question. He frowns and immediately parks his car on the side of the street, looking at his daughter.
“No. No, you aren't ugly. What nonsense! Mari, you are the cutest girl in the world! The most adorable, the prettiest, the most glamorous!” Nikolai says. “Who said that?”
She's smiling at her dad's words but she's starting to sob. “T-These boys in my class... called me ugly and weird... They say meanie things! And... and then they touched my cheeks and...”
“They what?” Nikolai grips the steering wheel and has to internally exhale a deep breath without sighing out loud to his daughter.
“They say bad words to me... And they touched my cheeks...”
“.... Did they hurt you?”
“O-One of them... like... pinch it...”
“Does the teacher says anything?”
She shakes her head.
“Do you know their names? The boys?”
She says three names.
Nikolai takes out his phone and types something in it. But not long before she tugs his sleeve. He turns to her and she looks scared.
“Papa... are you angry...? Y-You're scary now...”
Nikolai purses his lips — bad habits come up again. He suddenly remembers the frustrated words from his colleague — “Gogol, can you behave well? Your whole presence is scaring my customers. My God, why are you here in this casino anyway?”
Nikolai swallows hard. Of course... He was a very dangerous person several years ago. He made horrendous, gruesome and grotesque crimes. He killed people left and right. All to just reach his extreme ideals.
And now he's here, almost ten years later, having a family. Does he deserve this? After murdering a lot of people, taking them away from their families — and now he is having one, himself. Does he even deserve to have a family? Is he deserving of this future he's trying to live in when his past is constantly trailing in his shadow? Will this guilt follow him to hell and eat him slowly from inside? Will he find himself caged again? Will the freedom be out of his reach?
Nikolai jumps at Mari's high-pitched scream. He looks at her and she's crying — she looks worried and she is panicked when she sees her dad being silent. She doesn't know why but she cannot help but feel a very scary feeling from his silence.
“Papa, a-are you sick? P-Please, I'm scared..!” she cries and Nikolai's heart breaks at her tears. He realizes he just daydreams about his inner chaos while his daughter needs him. This feels just as hurt when his beloved spouse is crying to him. Nikolai unbuckles her seatbelt and carefully picks her up to sit on his lap.
He hugs her, kissing her head.
“I'm okay... I'm okay, shh... Don't cry, okay? I'm not sick, alright? I'm just distraught.” his voice is soft and soothing as he strokes her hair — just the same as his. Her eyes are also just like his, except her face resembles her mother more.
“I just don't like what the boys did to you. I promise, I promise they won't hurt you or touch you or call you names anymore.” Nikolai looks at her and she stares before slowly nodding back. He smiles at her again.
“If they touch you anymore, you say what?”
“I say 'No'.”
“Good. Then, what else? What did papa teach you?”
“Then... you say.. uh.. I have to... kick their balls!”
Nikolai laughs and his laugh is contagious enough for the spirited girl to giggle. “Yes, you got it right! And then, if they touch your cheek, you will do this...” Nikolai forms a loose fist and slowly gestures it to her cheek, poking her skin with his knuckles. “Pow.” he says, playfully.
She grins, looking at him contently and follows his step. She clenches her tiny fist and pushes it to Nikolai's cheek. Though Nikolai does not even feel a thing, he purposely turns his head sideways, according to the direction, just to show Mari that she 'punches' him.
“Good girl! Yes, like that. And do it harder to them! Like really hard! That's called, a punch.”
"A... pun. Pun!”
Nikolai cackles, eyes almost close at how hard he smiles at his daughter's cuteness. “Okay, malyshka. That's close enough. Now, do we wanna get desserts? To cheer you up? Ice-cream or waffle?”
“Both!” she claps her hands excited. She's already imagining a thick waffle with drizzles of chocolate sauce, and two scoops of vanilla ice-cream topping the delicacy.
“Okay, let's go! I know bestest place for a waffle and ice-cream! Anything for you, okay?” Nikolai says before he puts her back to the seat and buckles her seatbelt.
“Goddamn!” Nikolai looks in the mirror, seeing a car honking at him before passing him. He clicks his tongue. “What the hell is his problem, dude?”
Mari gasps and slaps his hand. He looks at her, pouting, already he can listen your voice scolding him for saying bad words in front of the kids. “Bad words! Baddie words! Papa cannot say that!”
“I did not say anything.”
She gasps. “Gaslighting!”
“Where the hell did you learn that?”
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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doukeshi-kun · 3 months
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩
featuring ⨳ stalker!nikolai gogol x fem!reader
content ⨳ just his usual stalkerish behavior, noncon touching
notes ⨳ i am practicing uhghuh
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The rain is heavy. Thunderstorms in the night sky. Even with the windows tightly closed, you are shivering under your duvet. If you trace your arm, perhaps your fingertips will run across tiny bumps on your skin. It is a bit regretful on your part because you wear a sleeveless top to go to sleep. But it was not that cold when you climbed on the bed a few hours ago.
Heater. Perhaps you could turn on the heater. If it's too hot, you can just discard your duvet away.
You slowly pull away the duvet of your chest but your eyes catch a sight of a tall figure standing quietly just beside your closet. The figure is all black and the only thing that is fully visible in this room lack of light is his mask and his white hair.
You gasp and pull the duvet over your head, hiding.
Hiding from the monster.
You have never thought you would encounter a paranormal phenomenon, especially during this cold, cruel weather. What is it? Slenderman? A spirit? A mimic? A demon? You do not want to find out—this confined space, this blanket, it is already your safest space.
If this is a nightmare, you want to wake up.
“Are you cold?”
“Ah—” you gasp when you feel a cold touch on your ankle. You let out a small whine, trying to pull your foot away but then your ankle is grabbed tightly, with a thumb rubbing your skin gently.
“You're cold,” the figure whispers and goosebumps creep up your spine when his voice sounds nearer. It is like he is behind you, looming over your lying body. His hand from your ankle goes loose but it makes its way up your leg, touching your calf, thigh, and waist until it rests on your tummy. His skin touches yours and you can hear his heavy breathing as you feel his hand pressing slightly on you. You gaze down to your stomach, seeing a large palm touching your body before it retracts.
This is not a demon, a ghost or a monster—this is just a person.
“Haa... F-Fuck...”
You hear him groaning under his breath as if he's muffling a moan. You don't know what he is doing but you do not want to look. You let yourself hide beneath the duvet, praying to some deities to shoo him away.
“I'm sorry, my dove. I must have scared you,” his voice looms over you again, this time much gentler. Then you feel his hand hold your shoulder before a whisper tickles your ear. “I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, little love,”
Tomorrow? What happens tomorrow? Breakfast, work, lunch, work, a short tour at the haunted fair to grab new merch, maybe a cheap dinner at the convenience store. What happens tomorrow? What's so special about tomorrow?
You get up abruptly, pushing the duvet off your head as you sit up on the bed. The rain is still pouring heavily, though the thunder has calmed down. The room is starting to feel warm and you hastily get up to the heater, only to see it has been turned on and set to the right temperature you always prefer.
You turn to the closet, the place where you first see the black figure. None. Empty. He is gone. He has disappeared. Sleep couldn't slow down the pace your heart is beating right now. All you could think of were his gentle touch and his consoling voice.
And you already miss him.
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©doukeshi-kun 2024 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
243 notes · View notes
doukeshi-kun · 11 months
Just imagine a little baby tugging on Nikolai's braid while he holds it in his arm and he wants it to stop but then the baby smiles and giggles being all happy
𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮
notes ⨳ if nikolai is so not fixed to his freedom and ideal, i know he'll be the best baby daddy. this is the hill i'll die on
contents ⨳ fluff, fem!reader, nikolai is so husband heemheem
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“Ow, don't do that.”
“Hey, chub, I said don't pull it.”
“Oh, and now you're touching my face.”
You only smile to yourself when you see Nikolai trying to avoid the touchy hands of your two-year-old niece that was in his arms.
You are supposed to take care of your niece today but you get sick this morning. Nikolai, being the great boyfriend he is, takes your niece and decides to be a babysitter for his side job today. You could only imagine what kind of face your sister made when she came to give her daughter, only for his clumsy ass answering the door for you.
And now he is in the kitchen, cooking warm borscht for you. He is wearing black sweatpants and an apron. Yeah, that's it. His bare back is for your eyes to see and ravage.
In his arm, there's your niece. His other hand is busy stirring the pot.
“Ow..! Malyshka, don't tug it, please.” Nikolai's still fighting your niece. You think she might have seen Nikolai's pompom hair tie and thinks it is a toy. She giggles when she touches the pompom too.
“Alright, that's it. Uncle's gonna put you down.” Nikolai rests the wooden ladle on the pot and puts down your niece on the floor right by his legs. He quickly pulls the hair tie and puts it on the counter while he braids his hair back, to make sure it is not messy.
Your niece crawls to him and pulls his pants. She makes a grabby motion towards Nikolai, wanting him to pick her up again.
“Yeah, a minute, malyshka,” he says to the baby as if she would understand him. But seems like she understands by how she giggles in high-pitch.
“She really likes you.” you remark and Nikolai finally looks at you.
“I know. I just have that charm, what can I say?” he replies. He looks at you proudly and you snort at his boastful reply. Your eyes do not leave him — the sight of Nikolai in the kitchen, wearing only an apron, braiding his hair fast and flawlessly. His fingers swiftly criss-crossing strands of his hair without even looking at it. It is like a natural thing he can do without even trying.
He looks so domestic.
And the way the muscles in his arms flex — gosh. You know Nikolai is far from bulky. He doesn't hit the gym religiously too. But damn, every part of his body is just doing wonders to you.
“Don't look at me with those eyes in front of a kid, birdie. I know that look.”
You pout and immediately look away with heated cheeks. Nikolai laughs mischievously at your face. He secures his braid with the pompom hair tie and picks up your niece into his arm again. He lowers the heat on the stove and walks towards you. You move back, not wanting your fever to get to your niece.
“Get away, Kolya. I am still sniffy. You might get sick too.” you say and Nikolai covers your niece's face before he leans towards you.
“I don't mind getting sick.” he gives a soft kiss on your nose. “Besides, I can see you wearing only an apron cooking for me, yeah?” he teases again, with a kiss on your forehead.
“Not going to happen.”
“I will make it happen.” he pecks your lips shortly before suddenly his head is tilted to the side.
Your niece giggles happily when she gets a touch of Nikolai's braid. Nikolai stands straight and uncovers your niece's face. In her small tiny hands is his braid. She is touching the pompom with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.
She looks up at Nikolai and you expect his grumble again. But he just chuckles softly, with a tender expression on his face.
“This malyshka is so naughty. I hope her future cousin won't be this grabby.” Nikolai says shortly before he leaves for the kitchen. You blink at his words.
“Wait, what? Future... cousin...?”
Nikolai turns to you with a playful grin.
“Seems like someone is having baby fever. I expect you'll make me a daddy next year, darling.”
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @cherikolya
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