#'wingman out of 10' brought to you courtesy of academicgangster
boasamishipper · 2 years
don't know if someone already asked for Icemav for the ship asks but yeah
who’s the cuddler: they're both pretty much always down to cuddle, and both of them have a soft spot for being the little spoon.
who makes the bed: whoever leaves it last, which is mav nine times out of ten.
who wakes up first: ice. he's more of a morning person than mav is. (unless it's one of those days where mav gets up at the crack of dawn to work on one of his bikes or his plane.)
who has the weird taste in music: ice. his spotify playlist has the wildest variety of bands anybody in the navy has ever seen, and nobody dares ask him about it. (mav stumbles upon weird music more often and sends it ice's way. he knows like five bands/artists and he sticks to them.)
who is more protective: it's pretty equal. mav will fight anybody who insults ice, and ice will make whoever insults mav wish they were never born.
who sings in the shower: both of them (mav gravitates towards 80s music, and ice prefers ballads). occasionally they duet, but usually that's saved for when they do the dishes.
who cries during movies: mav. not to say that ice doesn't - pride and prejudice (2005) gets him Every Damn Time - but mav tends to get more emotional during particularly good movies.
who spends the most while out shopping: ice spends more on food and clothes. mav spends The Most of the two of them, but that's because he buys all those motorcycles.
who kisses more roughly: mav.
who is more dominant: ice.
my rating of the ship from 1-10: wingman/10, baby. icemav ftw.
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