#(but Im okay w occasional sharing to friends/mutuals bc its like sharing a Netflix password yknow. like if I Know the person its different)
enderspawn · 2 years
ok so i finished the first episode of blood in the baiyou… and i am OBSESSED. i love these very pathetic 30 year old men, and i LOVE the descriptions of the fucked up shit going down (not to mention the sound design…). the way charlie described what happened to rat???? and whatever happened with rolan to make him leave… and rands sister in the past… i’m so excited for the mystery here and also for them to all go insane and explode. dear god they’re so squishy they’re gonna die.
i think i’m obligated to check out the other campaigns now bc if i like them half as much as this one episode then i know it’ll be great. thanks for giving me the excuse i needed to finally start listening <3
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