#(crying in the club over this dfuigdhuh HE LOVES HIM SO MUCH DON'T LOOK AT ME AAAAAAAAA)
devctiion · 2 years
A letter arrives addressed to the General. Its envelope is plain, save for the intricate pattern of a maple leaf stamped onto the seal. It reads as follows:
May this find you in good health and in even better spirits. I had hoped that this letter would arrive in a timely fashion. Although, I apologize if it has not. Though, I always have faith that the winds will bring this to you at just the right time. One must always believe, even in something that others may deem arbitrary. Without that hope, we are no more than that which has sunken into still waters.
I thank you for placing your unwavering trust in me. I promise I will return sooner than you think.
On a similar note, our Traveler friend has acquired an amazing Kamera. I'd never seen one of these that could create pictures in color. With their permission, I traveled all around Liyue with it in my possession. I had you in mind as I took these photos.
While they are stunning, I have the feeling that they do little to compare to experiencing such views for yourself.
One day, I believe that you will. And if I so happen to be by your side when that day comes, I might even consider myself one of the luckiest men in Teyvat.
You are in my kindest thoughts, always.
Take care, Kazuha
(Happy Birthday, Gorou!!!)
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As the sun sets on the day of his birth, Gorou really isn’t expecting any more surprises this late into the evening. Everyone has given their congratulations, he surprisingly got to bake a cake with Kokomi (of all things!), and his ears and tail have survived relatively intact. He’s feeling tired but content as he turns in for the night for some well-deserved time to himself.
Hmm, maybe he’ll even take the time to indulge and use some of that fur grooming oil that Yae Miko sent him…
It’s as he’s preoccupied with these innocuous thoughts that he finds himself faced with a letter. Half of the envelope is sticking out, wedged into his door to keep the wind from blowing it away, and he carefully wiggles it out to get a look at the sender. There’s a maple leaf stamped onto the wax seal.
“Kazuha…!” The name escapes him in an elated gasp, eyes widening and ears perking up alertly. As eager as he is to read it, he still hurries inside first to open it. Inside, so that he can use his letter opener to carefully preserve the wax seal. Only once it’s carefully set off to the side does he spread out the contents of the envelope across his work table, his tail thumping excitedly against his cushion like a muffled metronome.
Saying that Kazuha sent him a letter and some photographs does not really do any justice for what an actual gift these things are to him. He reads the letter first, eyes glued to the familiar, shaky handwriting that makes his chest squeeze with tenderness just looking at it. The words are just so Kazuha that he can practically hear them in his head as he reads them, and oh, you would think they hadn’t seen each other for years, rather than just a month or so, with how fervently Gorou misses him right then.
Since there’s no one around to really judge, he brings the page up to his nose and sniffs it carefully. He may not have senses as keen as Kazuha, but his nose is still better than most humans. It smells like the ink they use in Liyue, like the salt spray of the wide ocean between here and there, like Kazuha’s weathered hand moving across the page to cross that distance between them with his lovely prose. He commits it to memory before putting it to the side as well carefully.
Then he begins sorting through the photos one by one, giving each one his diligent attention. He is an Earth Kitsune, after all. Witnessing history is an unspoken duty that they’ve always carried with them, and these photos are something precious that he wants to carry as well. The places Kazuha has been, the sights that he has seen, the experiences that he wants to share with him… they will all be remembered for eternity.
When Gorou takes out a clean page to write his response, he makes sure to begin his letter with,
I’m already the luckiest in Teyvat, because I was able to meet you.’
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