#(don't let my opinions influence your voting of course)
hillbilly---man · 9 months
do you have any internal rules about what makes a good/bad olympic mascot, like how you say a flag should not have words on it (I agree by the way. unless its funny)
Kind of!
Most of it is just vibes, to be honest.
-I prefer the single mascots to the ones that come as a big group
-I also tend to not care much for the CGI ones. I think they're kind of boring
- I really like it when you can tell something about the host based on the mascot! Like if you can just look at it and think "hmmm. That guy looks French/Greek/Soviet/Canadian etc"
-And honestly........ I'm a sucker for cool merch. If I can go on eBay and buy a bunch of vintage stuff with a mascot on it, it makes me like that mascot a little more
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clatoera · 2 months
For the choose violence ask game - 1, 12, 18, 19, 22, 23
oh bestie you did not come to PLAY with this list okay okay okay I dont even know what i'm about to get myself into but okay!
The character everyone gets wrong and why?
I mean..we all know i have really strong opinions on the baby careers from the 74th, but a lot of that is based on extrapolation. So, instead, I'm going to go with my queen Enobaria. Yes. She has her little shark teeth. Yes she is a D2 victor. But she also is the only one left. Enobaria, we can assume, loses all of her friends either in the games or in the war. Of course people like to see her as crazy and blood thirsty, and yes I truly believe she could have won the Quarter Quell. That being said..when we see her in the end of Mockingjay she is the only Career left. period. And when she votes yes to the games it's like..not this over enthused yes because she loves the hunger games..it's let them know how it feels. Let the Capitol know how it feels to train and die and watch the children you mentor die and the friends you've made die and be abused and it's not about the glory of the games. It's about let everyone know how to feels to be the victor, to be the mentor, to be the person who watches someone they knew even briefly die. I love you Enobaria you will always be famous.
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I have written 200k words on unpopular characters that people should like more so this one doesn't seem like i'll do much difference in answering but I'm going to go with Glimmer. Glimmer is a teenage girl who is immediately represented as a sex object. That is how she is presented; sexy. She's a teenager, literally no older than 18. Yeah we can hate her for whatever reason we want (which we don't really have a reason to) but I think it's important to recognize why she exists within the story and what I think the bigger point of her is and it's to represent how the capitol views them. She is, to me, very clearly a parallel to Cashmere who we know was a full fledged sex trafficking victim by snow. That is VERY Clearly what he fate would have been. She was a child being sold as a sex object so she could possibly survive, baby girl they could NEVER make me hate you!
18. It's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on..
Enobaria, period.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I have absolutely no shame/horror/etc over the fact I like anyone, I quite literally run a blog titled "mother of all careers apologists". We know who I like. We know I like Cato and Clove and Glimmer and Marvel. This is not news. I am not ashamed. It is my entire brand at this point.
22. Your favorite part of canon everyone else ignores?
I actually answered this one yesterday right here, it's the fact Peeta and Katniss come out of the arena with physical impairments and that Peeta is an amputee and that largely influences his story in Catching Fire in the arena!
23. Ship you've unwillingly come around to?
Again...I don't really think I came around to anything unwillingly. I run a Clato blog. I wrote Cashbaria into my stories. I consider myself a pioneer of Glimmer/Marvel shipping territory. If anything I think I make other people come around to ships against their will. Welcome to the fun house of career x career shipping that crosses district lines and weasels into everyone's hearts.
Thank you friend!!!
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felikatze · 1 year
genuine q, is triangle strategy good? I couldnt get past the name and wasnt sure if it was worth the investment ;-; pls sell me u seem like u know
triangle strategy is a top-down srpg from the team behind octopath, as you can easily tell by the phenomenal spritework
the story follows serenoa wolffort, new lord of the wolffort territory after his father falls ill. when the duchy of aesfrost suddenly declares war on the kingdom of glenbrook, of which serenoa is part, the people of house wolffort suddenly find themselves the last line of defense against the invading enemy.
joining serenoa is his fiance, frederica aesfrost, the younger half-sister of aesfrost's duke. she was set to be wed to serenoa as a political ploy to strengthen the bond of the two countries, but finds herself stranded in another land after her brother has thrown her to the wolves.
the other major character is roland glenbrook, the second prince of glenbrook. with his father and brother both slain, he's now heir to the throne - a position he never expected to fall on him, and he now struggles as the main target of aesfrost's attacks.
there's a ton of others with these three and four more as the central cast of seven, but they're the most important.
the story is fucking fantastic. roland's guilt at the death in his name, frederica's struggle to find herself and what she believes in, serenoa's stern upkeep of his duty as lord wolffort - man, i love all of them.
the story's main gimmick are the scales of conviction. at many points during the game, serenoa is faced with a choice on how to advance, and he asks the other characters for counsel. so, all the characters vote. you, as serenoa, cannot directly decide which path to take. you have to convince the characters to vote in your favor.
the story paths reconvene at specific points, so there's not a huge amount of branching paths, but convergence points actually still adjust dialogue to reflect your decisions. at the very minimum, two playthroughs will feel COMPLETELY fresh, and i'm speaking from experience here, i beat the game twice in a row, and the shit i saw was completely different. i beat my first playthrough without setting foot in aesfrost even once.
and let me tell you, the decisions are hard. there's no clear right answer. no matter what you pick, your actions will have severe consequences. characters all have their own opinions on what's right, and it's up to you to set your values. liberty, utility, morality - that's the core three paths of this game, with specific game actions raising your conviction, an invisible stat, in each. conviction stats don't matter that much. they influence when you unlock optional characters, and how easily your companions are swayed by your arguments following the corresponding conviction.
the character development reflected in the system, mwah. characters who start out with one alignment gradually shifting toward the other, fantastic.
that's as much as i'm saying on the story, for now.
as for gameplay, it's really good. there's three types of "gameplay"
first, is the straight cutscene. these are all rather short. you'll never find a scene above fifteen minutes without interruption, which keeps the story feeling brisk and moving. it's an easy game to pick up and play for a short while, yet still feel like you're advancing.
second, is exploration. you travel through small maps (which will inevitably be the maps for battle). here you can talk to your friends, find optional items, learn the layout of the map for later, and answer optional questions for extra conviction. exploration will also always feature before a decision. by exploring, you can find additional information to sway your companions with, so it pays off to keep your eyes open.
third, is battle, of course. this has been a fire emblem blog for a couple months, so it is somewhat similar, by virtue of being an srpg. though there's no "phases": a unit's turn in the turn order is decided by its speed stat. it also has a riff on octopath's boost system. you accumulate one point per turn, and spend points to use special abilities. additionally, maps have height, which affects damage and attack range. always keep the high ground, bucko. also, no permadeath, because jesus christ, if this game had permadeath i'd be fucked.
what this game has over FE is incredible unit feel. every single characters is unique in their abilities. weapons can be upgraded, but not traded, and special abilities are unique to each character. like, there's three archers in the game, right? but one of them is a flying unit who specializes in status ailments, one of them has traps and knockback, and the last one focuses on having the longest range in the entire game.
there is no such thing as interchangable units. who you deploy in battle is highly context dependant. a map with high cliffs? better deploy the guy who can build ladders. though he's kind of useless outside of that. it's raining? better pack your lightning mage for additional damage. even the three healers all work differently. one has straight up heals, one has regen over time, and one specializes in boosting items.
it's a breeze to level everyone up, too. never worry about taking someone underlevelled into the field! thanks to insane exp scaling, they'll catch up quick. but exp scaling works the other way around, too. you'll never be overlevelled. ever.
all around, it's an incredible game with a great story and decent gameplay. i admit, the story was what kept me hooked more than the battles, but they were fun, too! none of them ever felt too easy (though i hear hard mode is garbage). the variety in playable characters is amazing, which leads to a ton of different possible approaches for maps. if you die, you get to keep exp, so it never feels like a waste to struggle till the end, and there's never motivation to reset.
if the fanart has convinced you to give the game a shot, please do. i queued that fanart in march, but i still adore this game a shitton. there's a golden route following specific choices, but i'd still recommend going for one of the three base endings on a first playthrough. follow your heart. choose what you think is right. save a guide for later.
cuz, man. i never even finished the golden route, but the morality ending made me sob so bad. it's fantastic. the liberty ending is great in its irony, too. i never did the utility ending cuz i think it's dumb, though, lmao. but that's just my choice! that's the choice i get to abstain from!
genuienly, the choice system is fucking fantastic. you never really notice how the story converges because each path flows so naturally into it. again, minute dialogue adjustments to make everything smoother. and on my first playthrough, i became invested in the subplot following frederica and the roselle, so i just naturally slid into making decisions that further explored that path. on my second playthrough exploring other options, it was still all new and fresh. convergence points in the story are also incredibly short, typically only one sub-chapter, and then you're off to your next consequence.
other things of note: the voice acting cast of the game isn't exactly star studded. a lot of these people are new to the scene, and you can tell. i still love their performances, though, particularly serenoa and frederica in the ending sequence. though i think everyone does a well enough job, and that adds its own flavor of charm. play in japanese if you want but please give the english cast a shot, at least.
the first chapters are also rather slow. shit hits the fan in chapter 4, so you know when to expect The Good Stuff. the demo only goes up to that point, but the debut demo actually features a vertical slice from chapter 7. if that demo's still around, i'd recommend it over the other one if you're unsure and wanna test the game first.
i cannot recommend triangle strategy highly enough, even if its name is incredibly stupid
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recalibr8 · 5 years
The Mot Just-ice
“You are quite political, aren’t you”
I think I’d been ranting for a few minutes between patients, medical notes in one hand, Mrs Potato Head in the other. My trainee was being politely nervous. Again. Packing up the wax crayons, I reflected it might not be her but might be me. And this election. I decided to diffuse and find something to be outraged about on Facebook. I found this.
‘NHS bosses accused of gagging staff during election campaign:
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Staff say some trusts have gone too far in applying rules on political impartiality. Health workers have been told not to get involved in any political debates on social media during the campaign. NHS organisations have also banned staff from appearing in uniform or featuring any of their equipment, such as an ambulance, in their online posts or profiles’
Turns out the NHS guidance on communication standards during the election is out and Trusts have personalised their guidance. https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/general-election-guidance-letter-001254.pdf
You’ll see the introduction actually uses the word ‘Purdah’. Anyway, these are the highlights.
‘-the day to day operations of the NHS must continue unimpeded;
- as always, the NHS must act and be seen to act with political impartiality, and its resources must not be used for party political purposes; and
- during the election period, democratic debate between candidates and parties should not be overshadowed by public controversy originating from NHS bodies themselves
You should ensure your organisation and staff behave impartially towards all candidates and political parties, and do not influence the election outcomes, whether inadvertently or intentionally.’
In fairness, given this I can see why Trusts put out some draconian guidance.
And there’s this...
‘Social media and web: Nothing contentious should be posted on your website or social media accounts. Updates/posts, including blogs, should only convey essential factual information.’
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Ok, that night Maria Condo’d my social media. Salted it. Bonfire of the inanities. Took ages. Turns out I AM political.
But then I read a bit further...
‘Staff activism: NHS employees are free to undertake political activism in a personal capacity but should not involve their organisation or create the impression of their organisation’s involvement.’
Confused, I went out to friends and it turns out one isn’t just a good bloke and fellow Doctor Who obsessive but is the Digital Communications Manager at NHS England and NHS Improvement. Alright! So who better to guide us through this because frankly being Neutral Janet on Facebook is driving me back to drink. https://thegoodplace.fandom.com/wiki/Neutral_Janet
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So what are we all asking? Here are some questions from a range of doctors. Being doctors, some are statements. Obviously!
1. Basically if you ever relate a broader political point to your personal experience as a doctor, I.e. talking about knowing that waiting times are going up because this is the data or your experience from your workplace, does this count as "criticism of your local organisation" that would get you into trouble? If we are not allowed to use our personal experience it effectively gags us, and also removes one of the most effective campaigning tools we have. Most people don't care about data, but they will be swayed by a personal story (even the daily mail suddenly got briefly sympathetic to immigrants once they had some photos of people washed up on a beach).
2. For me, never before has the role of doctor been more important as 'activist'. Let's call it 'doctorvist'. At a time when the Home Secretary tells us angrily that child poverty has nothing to do with her (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/priti-patel-poverty-government-blame-austerity-general-election-tories-a9211741.html), political problems become medical in the end - childhood poverty has a medical consequence that affects an individual's life course. We see this first hand don’t we have a duty to share?
3. I have a sneaky interest in public health and most of what really needs to be done is at broader policy / political level . The FPH website is full of this sort of thing . I never see why we can't share objective data to highlight issues pertaining to health . Wasn't that also part of the message of the last State of Child Health?
4. My question is: if we want to use social media to share personal opinion or for doctor activism, how far can we go with what we post or share? At the moment I’m not even sure whether it’s ‘allowed’ to share a published opinion piece. Can we comment on political posts that we disagree with?
5. ...there are organisations with a vested interest in keeping NHS staff quiet...is there?
6. Having worked for an NHS trust on comms, the answer is totally dependent on the individual trust and its policies and levels of conservatism. Why?
And here, are the answers. As far as anyone can.
“Hi Serena,
So, basically, of course you can be an activist for Labour (or any other political party), as long as in a personal capacity).Doctors are all over Labour campaign materials. As long as everything is related to your personal experience, then that's fine.
And of course you can use data. That's all in the public domain anyway, so if you say, 'I've seen waiting times go up etc etc, therefore I'm voting Labour, no one can have a problem with that.
That problem would come if you said, every doctor I know is voting Labour because waiting times went up, or if you claimed that was the view of your trust or hospital.
I would add the caveat, that your own employer may have issued different guidance, I can only speak for the national guidance sent out by NHSE and NHSI.
1. Be yourself.
2. Use active and engaging language.
3. Make content accessible (we work in healthcare after all), so use alt text on photos, subtitles on videos etc.
4. Don't get into arguments online. No one has ever changed their mind in a twitter argument, so you're just wasting your breath.
5. Share best practice in your trust. We need to spread good work across trusts, and the more that happens, the better for patients, basically.
In summary, you do you, follow the GMC guidance obviously (don’t defame, don’t identify patients or staff, talk only as yourself not your Trust and bottom line, don’t put the trust people have in doctors in danger https://www.gmc-uk.org/-/media/documents/personal-beliefs-and-medical-practice_pdf-58833376.pdf?la=en&hash=BD5B72478B48DBC6A09E4787EC7C525F6050B62E)
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Please, stay in touch with me about your adventures. I’d love to publish your media journeys. It’s could be fun. It’s could be surprising and beware subliminal messaging. Very obviously, tell everyone lots about benefits or unfortunate results.
Serena x
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37h4n0l · 7 years
Oh great, so now a lowly anon can't even come to vent to the one person they think would understand their sentiments, because someone's going to feel offended and write you an essay on how it's 'not all YOI fans' instead of maybe, idk, acknowleding that there has to be something off about the fandom as a whole if so many people are already sick and tired of it (some even to the point of making anti-blogs, which I don't necessarily agree with, but at least can see where they're coming from).
And oh, about 91d being ‘hardly a brainpower draining masterpiece’ - sure, that is, if someone knows how to make a use of their brain in the first place, which apparently is too difficult of a skill for your average viewer, judging from how many people did not understand the ending or where it came from, completely misunderstood the characters, thought of Avilio and Corteo’s relationship as the central one to the plot etc. I guess your average brainpower may not be enough sometimes.
And here I am now, issuing an essay as well, because I want to express my position on this very clearly. (Massive longpost).
I’m sorry if my latest reply came off as hostile towards either side of this issue, I didn’t intend it to sound like that. For anyone to whom this is not understandable; this is about the fandom, which can many times be a big influence on how someone perceives the show as well. To put it in the simplest terms, seeing something over and over again everywhere makes you tired of it quickly, whether it’s about an entire franchise, a ship or a common fan theory or opinion. I will speak for myself; although I’m not as salty as you are, anon, I’m annoyed at how yoi and vikt/uuri are all over the place. Mostly when they keep appearing in other fandoms’ tags (the one where it went the furthest would be the ks tag, that hellish corner of tumblr). The ‘not all’ part is included in all this. If I decided to go after every yoi fan, I’d be going after people I like, followers and friends of mine. 
I don’t think I have enough involvement in the yoi fandom to start denouncing its failures internally. I’m part of this weird group of people who liked certain things in yoi, maybe watched it as it aired, thought it was an okay-ish show but got over it quickly and didn’t keep obsessing. I think a line needs to be drawn between behaviour that simply pisses us off personally and more ‘objective’ problems (I put it in quotation marks to refer to things that are a nuisance to a wider group of people). 
Things I personally don’t like: Vikt/uuri ship dynamics, simply because I’ve seen way too many ships like that already and I find them boring due to the lack of angst. Yk’s lack of character development and how the fandom still pretends there was one, as if it could be settled by simply making a stereotypically ‘nerdy’ character do a cool thing out of the blue. The way there’s a yoi or vikt/uuri AU for literally everything, every fandom and every ship. This fandom idea about vn and yk being yp’s ‘parents’, ignoring yp’s anger and disappointment towards vn and antagonism towards yk. I must emphasize how I’m not sitting in front of a computer screaming in utter rage at these things; it goes more like me sighing deeply and going like ‘not again’. 
Wider problems: CALLING PEOPLE WHO DISLIKE YOI HOMOPHOBIC. I want to underline this at least thirty times. Calling yoi progressive, innovative and a pioneer of gay representation while hating on fujoshis and the yaoi/shonen-ai genre. Yoi is (sorry for putting it bluntly) a fusion between a sports anime and a shonen-ai, except the latter would at least have explicit gay romance, while the vikt/uuri kiss was declared by the author to be ‘up for interpretation’. SHIPBASHING, especially the one against otay/uri for it supposedly being underage. Spamming another fandom’s tag with complaints about how yoi is much better than that particular thing (coughKScough) even if it’s an entirely different genre.
I’m reserving a separate paragraph for the Crunchyroll Awards shitstorm. I don’t have a very definite position on anime awards in general and how they should be held (if there’s even an objective way to do that), and while my personal annoyance towards the CR ones persists, I’m not surprised it went the way it went considering it was based on audience votes. Still, calling yoi ‘anime of the year’ is a bit of a stretch. I would’ve personally worded it differently, maybe ‘most popular anime of the year’ or ‘audience favourite’ or something like that. The ‘art is subjective’ versus ‘quality’ debate is a very complicated one. Someone could say that since a lot of people liked yoi, that must mean there was something about it in which it exceeded other anime; and while it’d be hard to pinpoint what that is, we should consider that good PR plays a great role in this as well - being able to target the right audience at the right time and advertise in a compelling way. I remember the times before yoi was released, when all we had was the trailer including the infamous ‘only I know your true eros’ scene; plenty of people were already sold back then. Of course, when you have high expectations of something, you won’t start watching it as some overly analytical movie critic to nitpick every detail. People like their expectations to be fulfilled. Besides the overall quality, there are other things to argue about, and what is often brought up is the animation. Consider: if someone was asked whether yoi had the best animation in 2016, you’d expect them to admit it didn’t, wouldn’t you? And yet yoi won the animation award - by popular vote. We can argue whether it’s more fair to have a committee in the judging process, but letting the audience vote has a downside; mainly that votes won’t always be used as intended. Crazy hypothesis; could it, perhaps, be that a lot of people were emotionally attached to yoi and voted for it in every category? Popular vote is what leads to initiatives being cancelled when 4chan decides to troll them, it leads to Boaty McBoatface and things like that. 
Now, after this huge rant, let’s move on to what happened in the 91d fandom. In my opinion, it’s not like people didn’t have the ability to understand - they didn’t want to. Simply because they perceived avil/ero (let’s censor this word as well for safety) as ‘problematic’ and preferred to ignore the role it played in the plot. It doesn’t elevate people who understood the ending above anyone, it just shows that somehow a lot of people have a very biased view on this - some for not wanting angst to exist, others for not wanting homosexuality to exist - and it results in a huge chunk of the fandom ignoring hints. If yoi was blown up by PR, 91d had the opposite problem; it’s hard to tell whom such a show should be targeted at, so they didn’t go with a precise demographic, they just released material and waited to see who was attracted to it. Is 91d for Fujoshis ™? The hints at gayness are too subtle for that. Is it for people interested in the plot and not the emotional side? How do you explain the last episode and the ending to them? Maybe this is also the reason why the fanbase is so unusually small. 91d is just hard to categorize, that’s the conclusion I came to - and people want it to belong to already existing tropes very desperately, which is where the reaches come from. 
As for this entire discussion; anyone is always welcome on my blog to give their two cents on it, anon or not. All I want to avoid is 1) anyone attributing malicious intent to me 2) people assuming I think things that I haven’t explicitly stated.
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