#(his smile to himself in that last gif while looking at harvey's would-be spot. after having hung up)
prettyyoungandbored · 4 years
Both Sides Now [’Second Place’ Sequel]
Pairing: Bale!Bruce Wayne x Reader
Summary: 8 years after Rachel’s death and taking place before the events of “The Dark Knight Rises”, Bruce and Y/N meet and relive a painful memory. 
Tagged: @kittenlittle24​ @fzzziiiieee
Read ‘Second Place’ before you read this. 
Author’s Note: Y’all ain’t ready for this. 
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It wasn’t clear how he found her, but she wasn’t upset. She’d secretly hoped the day would come.
Eight years had passed since she walked out of the Wayne penthouse, since she and Bruce broke it off, and since Rachel had passed. Sometimes, when the memories come back to her it feels like they happened the month before. 
She smoothed her jeans as she made her way up the stairs to Wayne Manor, the pitter-patter of rain surrounding her as she attempted to keep dry with the umbrella over her head. When they were together, he was living at the penthouse in the middle of the city, she had dreamt of living in the Wayne Manor and raising a family of their own, but life had other plans as it always does.
She exhaled quickly and adjusted the strap of her purse on her shoulder. She knocked on the door and closed the umbrella.
Butterflies flew in her stomach as anticipation and anxiety ran throughout her body. She wondered how he looked. He had disappeared from the public not too long after the Dent memorial, as did Batman. In the wee small hours of the morning, she used to lie in bed and look outside the window, waiting for him to stand outside like he used to. He used to spend so many nights at her place at the end of his Batman shift. But eventually just like their relationship, her silly hopes came to an end and she stopped waiting.
The door opened and Alfred greeted her. His eyes lit up at the sight of her.
“Miss Y/L/N.”
He opened the door, letting her in. He closed the door behind her, taking her umbrella. She slid off her raincoat, placing it on the rack beside the door. Her smile widened as she wrapped her old friend into an embrace.
“You haven’t changed a bit,” she marveled.
“I could say the same for you,” he responded warmly.
“How are you doing?”
“Well enough. Yourself?” 
“I’ve been quite alright. Busy, but alright.” 
She eyed the manor, noticing the white sheets over the furniture and home decor. She heard Bruce lost money in a bad investment, but didn’t know what to believe considering he was one of the most the smartest men she’d ever met. It was strange seeing the proof with her own eyes, but she didn’t care. Her reason for coming was bigger than him losing his fortune. 
“So this is the famous Wayne manor,” she sighed. “Bigger than I expected.” 
Alfred chuckled. “It’s certainly something else. I’ll take you into the living room. Master Wayne will join you shortly.” 
She followed the older man into the packed up living room. The only piece of furniture that was unpacked was an emerald velvet. While the windows were covered, slim rays of sunlight peaked through, adding tiny bits of sunlight into the dreary room. She took a seat on it and smiling at Alfred as he left. 
She set her purse down and rested her hands on her lap. She eyed the room, imaging what it must’ve have looked like prior to it’s current state. Bruce was insistent on making the place exactly how it was prior to the fire. She remembered teasing him about how specific he was with the interior decorator about having certain, specific colors in certain, specific rooms. 
Then from the corner of her eye, she spotted a painting that had yet to be covered. Her eyebrows furrowed, curiosity taking its course. She got up and knelt down in front of it to find it a was oil painting of Bruce and his parents, Thomas and Martha. Bruce looked like he was at least 10 years and had a stern expression on his face. Y/N chuckled at the thought that knowing how impatient the man tended to be, how dreadful posing for the picture must’ve been for young Bruce. 
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
She turned her head, her body springing up. A heaviness weighed over her chest, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Her breath hitched.
Age had been incredibly kind to Bruce, minus the grey stripe in the side of his hair. He played it casual with a plain grey tee, jeans. His playful, mischievous eyes stayed on her as he flashed the smile that still made her weak in the knees.
Her lips curved into a small, slightly embarrassed smile. “You always did like to make an entrance.”
Bruce stared at her in wonderment, amazed at how she’d managed to look the same after all these years. The way she smiled at him brought him the comfort he once felt when being in presence and it reminded him of a home he’d missed. 
He chuckled. “I can’t help it.”
He started walking toward her when she noticed the limp in his walk. Her smile fell a bit.
“Shattered knee,” he explained casually. “Years of Batman injuries caught up with me.” 
“Here, let me-.”
“It’s quite alright.” He laughed it off much to Y/N’s surprise. He limped his way to the sofa, taking a seat. Y/N followed close behind, taking a seat beside him and turning to face him. 
“So how have you been?” he asked.
“I’ve been well,” she answered. “Still doing event plannings and whatnot. How about you?”
He shook his head. “I’ve been better but, it’s all good.” 
“I heard,” she agreed, nodding her head. The heaviness of the subject of him losing everything lingered in the silence that followed. Feeling somewhat comfortable, Y/N took a deep breath. “Are you going to be ok?”
He nodded reassuringly, almost too confidently. “I have some thing I’m working on.” 
“Well that’s good to know. You know, if you ever need anything-.” 
He waved his hand. “I’m alright. I appreciate it though.” 
“Bruce, you know I’m being serious.” 
“I know and I appreciate it, but I’m ok for now.” 
She gave him a small smile, silently agreeing to drop the subject. She shifted in her seat, clearing her throat.
“I have a daughter,” she admitted, pursing her lips back. 
Bruce’s eyes peaked up, his face lightening up in interest. “You’re kidding.”
“Her name is Mallory,” she beamed. She pulled out her wallet, pulling up a photo. 
Bruce took it from her, studying it. The child had Y/N’s smile and eyes as she smiled photogenically at the camera. His heart melted at the sight of her. “She’s beautiful. How old?” 
“Just turned three.”
“So you’re married?” he asked, looking up from the photo.
She chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I, uhm...I used a sperm donor.”
Bruce nodded and she cleared her throat. “I’ve always wanted to be a mom-.”
“I remember that.”
In the time they were together, he couldn’t help but notice how Y/N looked at children and babies she passed by on the street. When things became more serious between them, she told Bruce her dreams of becoming a mom. Bruce, secretly having wanted kids himself, was in for it and the two spent time talking about a future with a child. 
“Anyway, I just decided to go for it,” she went on.
“Were you ok?” he asked. “You know, with the delivery and everything?”
His mind wandered to the what if once again, imaging himself in the room with her, holding her hand as she had a mini-breakdown. He’d remind her she could do it, while pressing multiple kisses on her forehead and hands. 
“My parents and friends supported me. I also had a great doctor and team of nurses to help me.” 
The dream in his mind died. Nevertheless, there was some comfort in knowing she wasn’t totally alone. 
“Are you seeing anyone?”
She shook her head. “I was for a while but that didn’t work out. It ended amicably though.” She paused. “What about you?”
He shook his head. “You’ll be happy to know you were the last.” 
Her cheeks filled with color. “Wow, you’re kidding me.” 
“I’m not.” 
“You didn’t even sneak anyone in while you hung in here all these years?” 
He shook his head as Y/N cocked her head back in astonishment. “Holy shit. That’s a long time for you.” 
He laughed. “Yeah, yeah it is.” 
Y/N cleared her throat and she fiddled with her fingers. While the small talk was great, she knew just why he called her here and she was ready to get to it. “I’m glad you called me.” 
“I am too. It’s good to see you.” 
She pursed her lips back, exhaling through her nose. “After...uhm...her voice trailed off as she sat up. 
Bruce’s head lifted a bit, his body leaning toward her, waiting eagerly. 
She sighed, realizing she had to rip the bandaid. “After what happened with us and to Rachel, I went to therapy and...while for the most part I was able to come to terms with most of it, there’s still...I still...” She stopped, chuckling. “God, this is fucking embarrassing.” 
“It’s not,” he assured her. “Whatever is you want to say or ask, please. Go for it.” 
She swallowed hard, pursing her lips. “Something Rachel brought up with me was that the night I went back to the apartment, you were going to propose to me.”
Bruce lowered his head, the memory coming alive in his mind. 
“Was that true?” she asked.
He shifted his head up. “It was.” He reached into his jean pocket and pulled it out. 
Y/N’s heart leapt at the sight of it. He handed it to her as she brought the ring closer to her eyes. It was a simple silver band with a .75 carat round diamond, with two little diamonds on each side of it, like the leaves of a flower. It was like watching her wildest dream come true in the palm of her hand. 
Tears sprung from her eyes and she quickly wiped them, sniffling her nose. 
“Y/N, what happened between Rachel and I...” his voice faltered. “We couldn’t be together because of Batman. Then she moved on with Harvey and I moved on with you.” 
“But you didn’t fully move on,” she pointed out. 
He nodded. “There was a lot between Rachel and I that we didn’t exactly come to terms with. When it became clear to me that I wanted to spend my life with you, I told Rachel. She told me she felt the same and wanted to be with Harvey. The kiss...neither one of us meant for it to happen, but it did.” 
“You don’t regret it though?”
He shook his head. Much to his and her own surprise, Y/N gave him a small smile. “I understand.” She paused. “Would you ever have told me about it?” 
“Fair enough, I guess,” she sighed. “This leads me to a follow up question, why was she the first person you told that you were giving up Batman?” 
“Because a long time ago, she said that when I ended Batman we could be together. I wanted her to know that I was ending Batman but that I chose to be with you.” 
“Were you going to tell me?” 
“Of course.” 
She leaned forward. “It took me a long time to come to terms with everything and if I’m being honest, it took me a long time to really forgive you.”
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I have to ask you something that’s been bothering me for years.”
“By all means.”
“Did you ever actually plan to have a future with me?”
A small smile crept on his lips. “I did.”
“But you said Rachel-.” 
“A part of me loved her still, but a larger part of me loved you more.” 
She felt her heart shatter once again, just as it did almost eight years ago. “There are so many times I wondered if I had made a mistake walking out that door.” 
“You were rightfully angry, Y/N-.” 
“Not then. That morning after I woke up and you were on the couch and you...and I...” She exhaled. “I wish I never walked out the door that morning.” 
He nodded his head. “And I wish I had stopped you. After all these years, I still wish I did.” 
There was a sense of peace in his words. She still mattered to him, a conformation that she selfishly wondered about all these years.
“Do you wonder what we could’ve been?” Bruce asked, breaking the silence.
“Do you?”
“All time.”
She tilted her head, smiling. “Me too.” She sighed. “I sometimes live in the past too, Bruce.”
She sighed. “I better go. I have to pick up Mallory.” 
His heart broke, realizing their meeting had come to an end. “I’ll walk you out the door.” 
She swung her purse over her shoulder as the two walked together to the entrance of the house.
Stopping at the front door, Bruce scratched back of his head. “Would you ever try again? With me?”
Just as he began to regret his words, he felt her hand caress his cheek. She smiled. “When you’re ready, give me a call.”
As she walked away, Bruce watched her, a hopeful smile played on his lips. 
“I take it the meeting went well?” Alfred inquired. 
“Very much so.” 
“She showed you pics of the child?” 
“Her name is Mallory. She’s beautiful.” 
“Did you tell her?” 
Bruce turned to Alfred. “Not yet. Soon though.” 
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