#(origins is a slog ok i don't like origins very much. sorry)
tricoufamily · 10 months
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djservo · 7 months
movie recs w bro auras??
ohhhh you shoulda never asked me this question I think about those things way 2 much.. get your reading glasses on pal it gets real ugly down there
ok firstly want to clarify wit "bro aura" there's "whoa this character is so [bro]" in a singular characterization way n then there's "ohhh this is somethin the bros would do" in a situational way n then there's a more general/subtle yet distinctive vibe like the Pathos n Dynamics of it all... that's how i think of it at least all very convoluted yes but just 4 distinction 🦠 that being said I think these recs are more situational/dynamics rather than than str8 up characterizations bc if i tried listing all the individually sergio or joaquin aura coded movies we'd be here forever and i have a pie in the oven rn i don't have the time!!! ok onward .
Some Like It Hot (1959) — sorry to be corny but it's a classique for a reason!! Tony Curtis is so demure and Jack Lemmon is god's favorite court jester U can't take ur eyes off that man's mannerisms + they both play off each other so well!!! I love dummies stumbling thru silly hijinks!! I'd also recommend Matt Baume's video essay on the making of the film for a TMC #herstory moment
The Odd Couple (1968) — kinda theeee opposites-as-roommates movie, not my fav tbh it's a bit of a slog when Jack's not on screen but worth it if you want like a Cinema Classic Bro (brorigin..) moment that's kinda the foundation for the opposites-as-roomies dynamic
Paul Newman + Robert Redford are the original bros in my heart so Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid (1969) is a must and U might as well (in fact I implore you to) toss in The Sting (1973) to cement the fact that their chemistry is magical even just from the way they look at each other with those freaky beautiful blue eyes man it's like they're telekineticing... telekineticizing... shakspear luv.... I got into cards bc of this card trick Paul's character does ugh truly titillating work...
Rope (1948) inspired by Leopold and Loeb (the original Billy + Stu from Scream if u really think about it) sociopathic buddies with a buttoned-up formality that gives it this smexy polite n repressed edge (don't you love when the killers are true gentlemen!) this film also has a fun gay history so pair with Matt Baume's vid if u end up watching! if you like murder mysteries I think you'll enjoy
all 3 of the movies I did simstober edits based on obviiiii though I feel like generally every other 80s/90s horror movie has bro moments + I'm sure I've even posted a few rando screenshots here if u wanna dig around. I rewatched Re-Animator (1985) last month + almost did that for this year's simstober edit instead 🤭 and An American Werewolf in London (1981)!!!! good ol chummy back n forth right from the start + it also has the best transformation scene Ever (to me).. the Fright Night remake (2011) if u wanna stay in that 'friend comes back wrong' lane (the original is so good too but doesn't have as much buddy interaction if rmbr correctly)... also Lair of the White Worm (1988) which is soooooo fkn fun and worth it for the campiness alone but THAT ENDING !!!! I think about it all the time, it's one of my favs!!
Thelma & Louise (1991) is monumentalllll (lightly referenced in this bro post a couple years ago hehe) if U watch Butch Cassidy u gotta pair these two together, outlaw buddy movie marathon baybee!! & while we're in '91 might as well toss in Point Break ("I know you want me so bad it's like acid in your mouth" bonk) there's just somethin about late 80s/early 90s homoerotic undercover cop/action cheese .. the devastating n overbearing power of friendship(+love) or somethin... something gay was in the water in '91
if u don't mind more of an ensemble film Jason Lee + Jeremy London's characters in Mallrats (1995) are so spot on right down to their stupid conversations + even their outfits and PATHOSSSSS🤌 wise, that general meandering 90s feel ticks the bro aura in my head well BRAIN TURNING TO MUSH god this is getting long but I feel like I'm barely scratching the surface OK buck up (<-me to myself)
situationally Y Tu Mamá También (2001) is prob obvious when it comes to 2 friends getting into a Thing that drastically changes their dynamic (not that that's necessarily the bros .) + Splendor (1991) also fits the 2 guys 1 woman dynamic too but in a sillier way + Araki's style is a treat for the eyes just in general. Hush! (2001) also fits that dynamic but they're actually boyfriends rather than just friends (girl wants one of the guys to get her preggo bc she wants a baby & kinda forces herself into their relationship. me as hell. jk) but it's surprisingly really heartwarming!!! perf for the holidays!! Plan B (2010) is sooo underrated, that's another silly plot where a guy wants to get back with his ex-girlfriend & he hears that her new bf is bi so he tries to seduce the current bf to get him away from her...???? soo fkn silly and fun but Also surprisingly sweet and charming!! I posted about Matthias & Maxime (2019) when I first watched it bc it felt that uncanny... tbqh I'd recommend any early Xavier Dolan to immerse urself in joaquin's early québécois herstory (I totally ripped his backstory from I Killed My Mother not that we would even KNOW that @ djservo's slow ass smh) but this one in particular is soooooo....??!!! just watch it and report back to me . and i'm sorry to say in the year of lord 2023 that The Social Network (2010) is still that bitch to me hand covers bruise I WAS YOUR ONLY FRIEND YOU HAD ONE FRIEND oh my god JAIL TIME mr fincher for making me emotional over BILLIONAIRES !!!
not a movie but I've been sick n wanting something easy on the brain so I've been rewatching Boy Meets World from the start and if you don't already know, I based the bro apartment on Eric + Jack's in s5 and I've finally reached s5 and MAN O MAN!!! goldmine of bro auras through n through honestly cory + shawn have their moments too but literally just watch any eric + jack compilation on youtube (or jump to s5 tbh) to see the vibes it's actually so serious that I've been building an apartment from scratch in my feverish haze to closer resemble their with a working balcony it's soooooo soo gravely serious to me wait what were talking about again
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elibean · 8 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
no need to apologize! this is a great question, thank you for asking! i think i'll go with anime just 'cause it's easiest (i have a MAL and rank every series i watch from 1-10). i originally had movies in here but i think i'm gonna cut them out and just keep it to series and ovas. and "why do you love them" is an AWESOME question I never get! i don't know if i'll be able to explain myself well, but I'll try!
fullmetal alchemist ('03). why? this was pretty much my gateway anime. it's been over 10 years I believe since I've last seen any of it, so it's entirely possible that my opinion has since changed. but i definitely have nostalgia goggles on for it, and i know it is actually good, too haha
2. natsume yuujinchou (specifically seasons 6, 5, 4, and 3). why? some seasons of natsume i have rated higher than others, apparently. natsume is a special show. due to the nature of how long it is, there is the drawback that sometimes it feels like it repeats itself and tells similar stories. but even then it is just such a good story of found family and finding love after a life of strife, and it's just. very good. (i do think it should end soon though before it feels like it's just recycling old stories)
3. made in abyss. why? season 1 still stands out to me above the movie and 2. it was such a special experience. the art, the animation, the background art, the music, it all comes together to create such a fascinating world. the weak point would definitely be its characters, but even then everything else comes together so well that it doesn't really matter. it has one of the best first episodes of any anime (when the sun came up over orth and the music cued in I knew I was hooked) and I also adore season 1's ending; if the show never got a continuation, it could have ended right there and I would have been content (not a lot of other anime can say the same about their endings!).
4. steins; gate. why? it's also been a very long time since i've seen this one, so possible my opinion has changed. still, I remember being super interested after the first episode, and the following 12 that people tend to critique as being "slow" or a "slog" never really felt that way for me. there was always something fun and interesting going on. i compare this one with link click a lot, just because people tend to go the magica route and i firmly believe steins;gate is the better time travel show (though lc isn't over yet so maybe an unfair comparison. still it'd take a LOT for lc to reach anywhere near the heights of steins;gate to me). when okabe goes back over and over to try and save mayuri, i just remember being absolutely floored. really good stuff.
5. vinald saga. why? it's just such a well constructed story. and the author's comments about not wanting a world with war is so interesting, given how violent the first season is. it's really interesting to watch thorfinn grow and change (and i never understood the hate that he was too violent or annoying or a brat? he's just a kid who's lost everything, cut him some slack jeez). i love the last shot of season 1, corny as it is-- all the memories reflected on the dropping knife was great. and askeladd was one of the best villains i've ever seen. he's not even ~morally grey~ or anything; he's pretty strongly in the wrong, but his thinking and motivations and everything are so interesting and compelling. i don't think it's perfect; there are flaws for sure (i wasn't the biggest fan of how in s2 canute just. decides to turn his ships back after a small conversation with thorfinn lol) but it is very good.
6. this boy cuaght a merman. why? ok this one objectively does not deserve a 10. it's a 30minute ova about a boy falling in love with a merman. that's it. it's not incredible or amazing or ground breaking. buuuuuut it's my favorite soubi yamamoto ova and i adore soubi yamamoto and so she's getting a place on this list. she is responsible for animating, storyboarding, backgrounds, directing, etc etc everything in here, it's incredible (and she was only like 25, or something when she did it. fucking bananas). i love her please go check out her works (besides crystallization)
7. noragami. why? ok again probably not objectively THAT good, but this is one of the first anime that got me to read the manga, and here I am some 10 years later (ok a little less than 10 years because I didn't start reading the manga the year it started publishing, I think). noragami's MANGA is incredible and amazing and wonderful. but I do believe (much against the popular opinion amongst noragami manga readers) that the anime is also amazing, and YES that includes season 1. the crew behind it really loved the manga I feel (at least the director did, and there's proof for that) and adapted it faithfully and well. noragami is a story of found family and of turning your life and fate around, and it's very good.
8. she and her cat: everything flows. why? this one is only 4 episodes, 8 minutes each. it tells a story of a 20-something (actually she's still in college iirc) who lives on her own with her cat, and is trying to be an adult. but it's told from the cat's perspective. it's so sweet; the cat comments on how she "grooms herself" (brushes her hair, puts on her interview clothes) and "looks pretty" and things and it is just so great. i love the line (not a direct quote) "she opens that heavy door again today and heads out. on the other side of that door is a somewhat unforgiving, somewhat cruel world. but she's doing her best to learn to love that world. and i love her for that." just....so good (also the show made me cry)
9. yuru camp. why? second iyashikei on this list! SOL/iyashikei is actually my favorite genre of anime, generally speaking, but it can be hard to do it well. yuru camp ABSOLUTELY does it well. i read a commentary once ages ago, about how one of the great things about yuru camp is that the girls are allowed to just... be girls, and it always stuck with me. there's no fanservice, and these girls really feel like real characters who exist. there was another commentary (maybe same one?) about how rin is this introverted, more lonesome character, but she enjoys the solitude. but what's cool about yuru camp is she is never forced to change or become more extroverted; her friends accept her for who she is, nadeshiko will invite her out but not push her, and then sometimes she does go out! and she changes and becomes a bit more social, but never gives up solo camping. AND the more extroverted, outgoing character INSTEAD comes to embrace solo camping! what a cool idea, executed amazingly! so the characters are a strong point here, but the banter and camping is a lot of fun too. i still haven't watched the movie, but i'll get there eventually!
10. odd taxi. why? this one is 100% on the writing. it is so clever and quick-witted, it's a ton of fun to watch. i've never watched any other anime like it. the mystery/thriller aspects are a lot of fun too, and i remember reading reddit threads and theories on this one as it was airing. what was so cool is that they plant subtle hints that you can ABSOLUTELY catch if you have sharp eyes (i likely wouldn't have if it weren't for reading others' theories) and you can know things before characters do. lot of fun.
wow this was so much fun to write up! thank you so much for the question!
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animalinvestigator · 2 years
hello coda!!!! ur digimon posting is making me want to get into it but i am suddenly overwhelmed by the watch order lists theres so much digimons to be watchedt !!!!! what did u watch/play first what do u recommend....anyway keep doing ur thing safety!! love and light !!!
Hello anonymous. Sure thing, i can give you some reccomendations, BUT please know that i am a relative digimon n00b myself, so this may or may not be good advice, but this is what i've learned and maybe it will help.
in terms of digimon youre not missing much if you either choose to only watch the anime or only play the games -- one or the other doesnt really rely on information for the others, so if you want to watch the anime the games are optional and vice versa. they're fun tho.
for anime here is the situation: digimon adventure and digimon adventure 02 are one continuity, and then all subsequent seasons exist in different universes with different rules.
which season i reccomend you watch first depends on what you are looking for in a show to begin with. Adventure is the first season, and generally the one that most people will reccomend you start with. However adventure is very much a purely saturday morning cartoons type show, with a pretty consistent monster of the week formula, weak characters and not the strongest story -- it's really fun, but personally, i really value compelling consistent character writing above pretty much anything else in a show, so as im watching it i get the sense that if i had started htere, i would have stopped 15 episodes in and never watched another digiman again.
i started with digimon tamers (the third season, and first in a new continuity), which is much more character driven + more emphasis on narrative, and if that's what you value like i do, i really reccomend you start there. its really a fun and compelling show. and, since it stands on its own, you don't really need to know the "rules" of digimon very well, or be familiar with any other media in the series to watch it. (BTdubs the rules of digimon change slightly in every continuity so keep on your toes)
ONE more thing i will add before i start listing the orders i reccomend, is that you should really watch the first ever movie before you watch digimon adventure, it is required reading before you watch digimon adventure. You could watch it before tamers too, if you want. its extremely good so you should really just watch it whenevr yoyu want. But make sure to watch it before digimon adventure because digimon adventure takes place in that timeline. and i cannot stress enough that it is insanely good.
SO. FOR the shows, here are my reccomended orders:
If you prefer monster-of-the-week, fun goofy over-the-top 90s shounen played completely straight:
Digimon adventure (the 1999 movie) -> digimon adventure (the 1999 show) -> digimon advnetuer 02 (unvetted i havent gotten this far) -> tamers and continue on chronologically
IF you prefer more character driven, subversion and narrative driven writing:
digimon tamers -> Digimon adventure (the 1999 movie) -> digimon adventure the 1999 show -> digimon adventure 02 and so on and so forth.
Keep in mind as of right now ive only watched tamers and adventure -- everything else is just me filling in the blanks with the knowledge ive gained from my intent research : )
Im unfamiliar with where the 2020 digimon adventure reboot and the tri shows fall on this list but since the reviews ive seen of adventure 2020 are generally unfavorable and tri is like a continuation of the original adventure (I fucking think dont quote me i havetn messed with tri) you should just ignore those for now.
as for the games generally people reccomend digimon world for the psx or one of the more recent installments in the digimon story continuity like cyber sleuth. i've played both and they're great places to start! cyber sleuth can be a slog and digimon world is very obtuse but they're very fun if youre persistent.
OK hope that helps!!! Sorry i talked a lot ^-^
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mlynar-nearl · 1 year
omg hi it is anon here i apologise for uh. my previous ask, i must have been more than a little insane, very sorry. but yes actually, my original idea was that since both he and skadi are technically bounty hunters (and bounty hunting is technically all about taking down one person and turning them in for the reward) hed probably be a good single target guard (is it called dreadnought? i think it is) but frankly he seems so oddly versatile to me like he could be a specialist too tbh or a vanguard as the other anon pointed out like personally i dont quite like agent vanguards (but thats probably cos im not using them right) but i think it would suit him as well ! as long as toland is a melee it sounds abt right (to me) tbh (maybe not a defender tho thats just a bit hmmm) and honestly, if they r shifting up mlynar im so doomed cos i barely have 50-ish pulls for old man nearl like....... even if gavalter/pozy banner was nice and only made me spend 70 for gavalter + pot2 pozy i dont have much savings at all.... but i guess its a little nothing opening my wallet cant fix (absolutely in pain) and er, yes i do suggest honkai (out of personal bias i love the game), but objectively, i would say that the game is not in the best of places rn it feels quite desperate for money ? like they r throwing out cashgrabs and all but the story (up to 32+) is really great ! i mean certain chapters are a slog but when it hits hard it really hits hard. the game is also kind of weird in that the real game only really starts once youre 70 at least and can somewhat build or 81 and starting to really get invested in other game modes. all in all, i just think that you really have to slog through the first few bits to get the fun parts. the spin off star rail which is coming soon is probably better if you want to be casual. ok wow this is long i shall stop here. thank you and once again, have a nice day :D
i may have to open my wallet as well but it'll be worth it. i've planned this in advance. the old man will be worth it. knock on wood though because i have about as many pulls as i tend to expend on a limited banner left over from gavial/pozemka (approx 170, the outlier so far has been ling since mr lee decided to evade me for like 290 pulls and i got max pot on ling instead with the spark store plus times she came home instead of him...so that was miserable.)
mostly i just want him to be moved up because 1. i'm impatient 2. i'm impatient. everyone's mad that dorothy got pushed back a bit for 3rd anniv but i don't CARE just give me my OLD MAN.
as for honkai i've heard good things about the lore but less so about the gameplay so that tracks. i try and minimize how many gacha games i play and arknights is the only one i consistently whale on and i justify it to myself by the quality of the story, gameplay, and the fact that blorbo from my games is there. though for other games if they end up having something like the arknights anime i'd be interested in getting into that.
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