#(we don’t ship ccs here smh)
aratinafaghat · 1 year
Hmmmnngh. I jus wanna see them kiss 🥺
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
Dan-Dan, how you doing love? Idk if you already answered this so feel free to ignore it if you have. Now that you read Lady Midnight, do you have any prediction of which Blackthorn will die in the second book? I’m curious to know if you’ll guess it right 👀👀 Your commentaries are keeping me sane btw! Luv u
Lety!! I am doing good. I am on sick leave indefinitely hence I have a shit load of time to read and fuck about on tumblr :) It’s the life god intended for me (except for that being sick part lmao) How are you? I hope you are doing well - all things considered.
Okay. Oof. I haven’t actively thought about this because I am scared so let’s do this right here right now. This is going to be a little hard because I have miraculously avoided spoilers and have no clue about the TDA. Like what even is gonna happen next?? Who knows?? But since I’ve read LM, I have some idea of the significance of the characters. Okay let’s do this shit by the process of elimination.
Helen - 6/10 - The reason why Helen chances of dying is a high is because from what I see she isn’t really significant to the plotline - which is a shame because she has so much potential smh. So, if she dies (while it might be really sad) it won’t cause a massive change. But it’s not super likely either because CC would be mad to destroy the only lesbian couple in the current timeline. Let them be in peace in Wrangel Island please - LA is a shit show, let them stay in polar bear land!!!
Julian - 0/10 - Let’s be real. He is the main. He ain’t gonna die. While CC might be angst queen, she ain’t no R.R Martin.
Mark - 0/10 - Mark’s storyline is one of the best among the Blackthorns tbh. He has been taken hostage, tortured and now he is getting back to normal. His character is unique because he is loyal to nephilim but also has some feelings towards faeries - especially with the cold peace going on. His arc is going really well so far with his struggle of trying to fit back into nephilim life and trying to understand his role in his family and the whole thing with Emma/Cristina/Kieran. So therefore killing him in the middle of his arc would be really bad writing and I don’t think CC would make that decision.
Ty - 4/10 - Other than Julian and Mark, Ty is the only other Blackthorn who has a designed and well-defined role in the family and even as a character in TDA. While CC might not kill him because of his representation (he has autism and also he is gay/bi - idk) I think it is mostly because he has an established role unlike the latter, whose roles are a little ambiguous. Ty is the strategist of the team and without him, it would be hard for the team to move further in their missions. I also think he might not die because of Kit - I think it might be a ship/dynamic that might be developed in TWP. 
Livvy - 9/10 - She is my biggest concern and therefore I have drones monitoring her at all hours. I think Livvy is most likely to die because of several reasons. Her character is still not established well. Her role is ambiguous in the family. But the main reason I think she might die is because of her connection to Ty. I know CC will make this death really painful, so I feel that it might be one of the twins - because that’s just cruel - especially since they are so dependent on each other and love each other to death. But like I said, I don’t think CC will kill Ty. I also think if Livvy dies, it might be an important point of Ty’s character arc and give him a something to deal with or do other than just being the strategist of the team. I think it would lead to his own plotline as opposed to being the sidekick like he is right now. I do hope I am wrong though. 
Dru - 7/10 - Again another underdeveloped character who has a vague plotline. The only reason she has a lower score than Livvy is because Livvy dying and ‘abandoning’ Ty is more angstier than Dru dying. Yikes.
Tavvy - 0/10 - I don’t think this is going to happen. He was almost killed in Lady Midnight so it is unlikely that he will be killed again. Also, we already lost one little boy in TMI, so Tavvy dying seems a little repetitive. So, nope.
Arthur - 10/10 - This is just wishful thinking and I have zero regrets.
PS - I don’t know whether the blackthorn dies in LoS or Qooad so I am super anxious to start the next book.
PPS - I am lowkey hoping Annabel is ressured and then dies again since she is also a blackthorn. But that’s def not gonna happen also very cruel omg what’s wrong with me???
PPPS - If anyone spoils this death for me, I will ruin your life :)
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Debunking The ccResponse to my Proof post
CC Nonsense is so easy to debunk.  
This is their response to me calling them out for using manips as “proof” that cc was and is real.  
A group of grown adult women thought THIS was irrefutable and such good evidence that it was a perfect response to shut me down. In fact, they comment about the fun they are having several times.  I’m dumbfounded honestly by the ridiculous things they hold up as proof.   It’s so stupid.
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gifs found here (x)
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And it’s D who is the one looking blissfully happy. He mirrors C’s movements so much here and his expression is someone who is
C is the focus of that. This exists and can’t be explained away.
Let’s start with my debunk post from yesterday. If you haven’t read it you can read it (X). Essentially, what we learned is that this photo 
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which is one of their most treasured “proof” pics is a manip. 
It is super long so under a cut
I have no idea why Abby came back at me with the specific gif set above and this photo because they still prove nothing. Both men are known for being funny in interviews and that is exactly what is happening here but slow it down, clip out a 1-2 second piece, loop it in a gif and suddenly the moment because so much more than it ever was. Watch the entire video and the moment isn’t special at all. Chris always answers to get a laugh-hence “oh God” and “I was scared shitless”. I don’t know why being scared shitless during his first sex scene is proof of cc. Cory spoke about being terrified as well. Darren’s response is very serious-100% theater major. He gives a long answer, thoughtful answer and then turns on the charm at the end, going for a laugh to break the tension.  He leans forward Chris for less than a second as you can see from my screen grabs all taken at 3:17
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and says “what do you think Chris?” The intimacy- and Flower’s “BESOTTED” moment- that the cc fandom has long romanticized in this interview is simply not there when you watch the video played at regular speed and in real time.  
Darren isn’t mirroring Chris’s movements- in fact he is quite serious when answering the question and he doesn’t seem to be all that aware of Chris beside him until he gets to the end of the question. As you can see in my screen grabs above, he doesn’t  look blissfully happy or besotted until the last two screen grab when he purposefully makes a cheesy smile at Chris and says “what you think Chris?”.  That was 1/2 a second in real time. The cc fandom and @flowersintheattic254 have spent 4 years purposefully NOT watching the video, instead realying   entirely on a manip and a handful of gifs along with their fabricated  version of what is going on on stage. They are literally gaslighting themselves.  
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They want to believe this is darren - I can’t help them. But if THIS is your proof, you are in sad shape.  Especially when you are putting that against 
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You have a headless photo taken 6 years ago as your only non-Glee proof. That is pretty sad. Can you imagine a prosecutor taking that to court. “Yes, your honor, this photo of a tiny part of a man’s chin, his head cut out of frame and most of his body obscured by a cat is my proof that Chris and Darren are in a relationship”. Abby should know that this is proof of absolutely nothing. In fact, if you would listen to Chris with your ears instead of your eyes- you would know this is Will: Chris has confirmed Will is his boyfriend in several interviews.  Holding this photographed chin portion up to Will’s chin, it is easy to see that it could be him. That along with Chris acknowledging Will is his boyfriend and the many photos we have of them going about their lives as a couple, his outright denial of any romantic relationship with Darren and the fact that Darren identifies as straight, the evidence adds up to it being Will in the photo.  
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I know you want it to be Darren, but assessing evidence isn’t about what you want to find, it is about looking objectively at the evidence and putting it all together in context.  You can’t take an isolated moment, slowed down and gif’d to within an inch of it’s life and call that proof.  
Evidence that supports Will as Chris’s boyfriend-  Will attended Hannah’s graduation and was with Chris for his mom’s funeral whereas Darren was seen eating lunch with friends in LA.  
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Photos where they do boyfriend things. 
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All of the credible evidence leads to the photo is Will. You claiming it is Darren simply because you desperately want it to be isn’t “credible evidence”, it’s simply the foolish, baseless claims of a few strangers who believe their fantasy is more important than the reality of the people involved.  In order to believe it is Darren, you have to dismiss all the overwhelming credible evidence that says it is Will.
Also real 
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I have NO idea why these are considered “also real”. They are both gifs cut from videos produced for Glee Promotion. These were filmed as part of Chris and Darren’s job responsibilities. Chris actually refused to do The Wedding interview and had to be forced to do it. 
I have no idea how you can listen to The Wedding interview. and come away feeling like it was cc positive. It is an indication of how deluded you are and how bad you are at HEARING with your ears. In fact, you once again are “listening with your eyes” by screen capping it to turn it into a gif so you can fixate on 1/2 a second of content and pretend it represents the entire interview. When I first saw the interview, I was stunned at how anti-cc the it was. The entire interview is about how bad overzealous Kragen fans are-”the crazies” and how neither man wants to get your attention so they just stay off social media. 
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This is a gif of Darren cracking up is when Chris suggests future-Kurt should be played by Marcia Gay Harden. It’s really funny and Darren laughs-so what? The video is supposed to fun- he’s doing his job. 
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Here we have Chris’s closed off- his arms wrapped tightly around himself to protect himself. Darren might be boisterly laughing but Chris isn’t.  He’s barely giving anything. But regardless of what is really being shown here- - these videos were filmed 5 or 6 years ago as part of Chris and Darren’s work...what the hell do they prove related to cc? Absolutely nothing. They prove that both men did the job they were paid to do. They also prove you guys insist on using gifs to prove your fantasy because they are the best way to manipulate reality into showing what you want to see.   
Look at Naya cracking up at Darren, does this prove she loves him? NO, of course not- just like Darren laughing in a PR video he was paid to make doesn't’ prove he loves Chris. 
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Watch the unaltered video for a real perspective. 
@leka-1998 Apparently she is CONVINCED too much love, and all of the other headless images on C’s IG are just the PA.  Apparently C just likes to cut off his head for shits and giggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am having way too much fun with this.(Me too, it’s fun explaining “credible evidence” to a lawyer who doesn’t understand it. When are you going to provide evidence that isn’t simple to discredit? I keep waiting for this to get harder but so far it’s utter nonsense.) 
Umm...”all the other headless images” aren’t there like 2 other headless images? No, I don’t think Chris cuts them off for “shits and giggles”, I think he cuts them off because cc assholes come on his social media and terrorize him when he posts Will’s face- especially back during Glee days- so he tamed it down so you hags would not bother him.  This isn’t rocket science here, it’s pretty simple. If you listen to Chris- of course you don’t-but if you did, you would see that your “proof” doesn’t align with what Chris says. Instead you “listen with your eyes” and disregard his pleas to stop shipping him with Darren. 
All of your evidence is in the form of a screen grab or a gif, have you ever wondered why that is? Has it ever occurred to you that none of your evidence comes from Chris or Darren’s mouth? In fact, you go to great lengths to prove what they say is not what they mean. It’s a sick game you play, but I suppose you know that which is why the “#1 rule of fandom is DO NOT involve the players”   
I will admit it is all history if they can give me ONE photo he looks at her like
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Again, so weird that you used more Klaine screen caps as your evidence. It’s like you don’t understand that Klaine is different from Chris and Darren. 
I have no clue why you think these are excellent examples of anything but get ready to admit it is all history, my friend. Your photos are literally screen grabs from PR videos, smh.  I posted a bunch of responses to this challenge- you can see them: besotted (X), kisses (X), Wedding (X), Reception (X), Random (X), Video 1 (X), 2 (X), 3 (X) 4(X) Romantic 1 (X), 2
Some of the photos I included: 
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THIS is a photo of a BESOTTED Couple!!!!!
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This is also a photo of Darren BESOTTED.
flowersintheattic254 I want to play some more!!!!!! (OH Me Too, THIS IS TOO EASY) Can Michy rewrite D adding C to his lines on C’s birthday. Was that dubbed Michy and created by us.
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I’ve never understood why you believe this joke is proof of cc? It’s a hilarious joke, but it’s really benign and certainly not indicative that they are lovers. They are former coworkers and this was right after Glee ended, so the joke is funny and timely. Today the joke would probably fall flat except within the fandom. Here you are again LiSTENING WITH YOUR EYES as you refuse to acknowledge both that Chris had named Will as his boyfriend and Darren had named Mia by the time this joke was told.  Now, 4 years later Darren is married to Mia so IDK why this is still so exciting for you guys.  Please explain to me why you believe this joke is proof of riot material...why is it something to get excited about other than it’s clever and funny? Again you have to take it out of context of all other evidence about their personal lives, ignore their outright denials they are couple, ignore Darren’s claims he is straight, believe he is lying every time he speaks about his sexuality, fabricate an entire backstory to the joke and believe it is as wink wink nod nod to fandom that they are a couple. It’s just a joke- the whole show was full of them.   To me, your delight with this has always reeked of desperation...and don’t kid yourself, after Darren told this joke every night, he went home with Mia. 
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Or maybe some more glee panel. Look at D here.
Or shock horror, which bastard manipulated their legs to look like they were together?!!😮
I love BTS pics that show how close and relaxed they are with each other Michy.
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He’s laughing at a joke here...I don’t get your delight. Again- believing this is special requires you to disregard everything Darren and Chris have said about their lives and to belief this one old gif supercedes the thousands of photos we have seen that disprove cc is viable. But even if you weren’t sure back when this gif was new, now we know that Darren is married to Mia and Chris has published Will’s face on his social media many times. In light of new information, your original theories about what these gifs show have been proven wrong and you need to amend your theories. Or at least that is what a reasonable, intelligent person who cares about the truth would do. History would indicate that you are incapable of amending your theories when new information comes to light and that you only care about your fantasy- the truth is inconsequential to you. History also indicates your “proof” is always taken as an isolated event because each time you are forced to ignore the mountain of evidence that disproves your theory. 
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Yes, they are absolutely standing right next to one another but so what? This pic doesn’t prove they are in a relationship. If being next to some proves a relationship then Abby get married every time she rides the subway. They are coworkers on set- getting ready to film a scene together. This is a shot of their legs taken when they were standing around Zac getting directions when they first arrived. Once again, you manipulated a photo to make it look like something it isn’t.  But that is always how you “prove” cc is real- you lie and manipulate.  Darren hasn’t even been in hair and make-up yet, this very early in the day. 
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@flowersintheattic254 the h/edwig joke has been caught on video, but ofc, obviously we fucked with the audio. 
Nobody thinks you fucked with the audio you twit. Reasonable adults simply don’t think a benign joke told on stage is scandalous or indicates they are lovers. 
Just adding a few more special, genuine moments of D absolutely adoring his man, i mean co-worker he hates  
I have never said they hate each other so you need to get someone else to debunk that. In fact, I don’t think I have ever heard anyone except the cc fandom claim they hate one another.  It’s part of only seeing “always” and “never”. 
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According to the cc lexicon- Chris and Darren are married or at least live together and have for several years and Darren is under an onerous contract that forbids him from letting the world know he is gay AND that he is in love with Chris Colfer. In fact they are forbidden from interacting in public and their characters were broken up in season 4 in order to break them up in real life.  So you are suggesting that Darren is sooooooo in love that he just cannot stop staring at the man he lives with for the 4 minutes he is on stage with all eyes on them even though he could lose everything under the contract? Cuz that seems like a shitload of risk for simply looking at Chris in a crowded room. According to your logic, Jenna is staring at Darren. I have no clue what he is looking at. He is certainly looking in Chris’s direction but given all the information we have- Darren was dating Mia-now he is married to her, Chris was living with Will-still is, Chris and Darren haven’t spoken in 4 years at least cubically  and they both denied they were a couple many times, I can say that the evidence does not support your claim that he is looking lovingly at Chris because they are passionate lovers and he just can’t help himself. I just posted a bunch of pics of Darren looking very lovingly at Mia while also holding her close and smiling- your 2-second gif vs all the evidence proving he is in a real relationship- married- with Mia- it doesn’t come close to comparing.  Google “Darren Criss and Mia Swier” and scroll for an hour- you see thousands of photos of them looking very much like a loving couple. Your handful of 4-9 year old gifs are pitiful and don’t prove anything except Chris and Darren were coworkers on a TV show where they played boyfriends.     
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I’m not going to waste my time debunking these. They are literally the same as the above gifs- ALL onset Glee-in fact the top two are from more Glee promo videos in the same vein as the ones above. Still -they prove nothing.  
And of course the time C looked at D look he was the entire world
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Again a slowed down gif from set. Do you see the patten of manipulation here? I wouldn’t say he looked at him like he was the entire world, It looks ot me like Chris looks up at him as Darren speaks to him and then he looks down. You slowed it down to make it more dramatic. It’s a very effective technique to change the mood- TV shows and movies do it all the time.  
But yep all we have is a few IG likes, that is correct Michy, that is all we got. 
I honestly have NO clue what you are insinuating here.  
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Aw remember all those behind the scenes of them having fun together too. Guess these never happened either Michy.
Oh we are back to your favorite Bryant Park. They are coworkers killing time on. set. I don’t know why you believe this is so interesting. Yes, they are really cute but Newsflash: coworkers can have fun and joke around together and not be lovers. They had to kill hours before filming started. In fact they had to kill a lot of hours that day. They were on set for 11 hours and filmed a tiny fraction of that time. Once again, you have to take this out of context of all the other CREDIBLE evidence of Miarren and Chill, as well as both men denying a relationship and Darren is straight in order to believe this is something exciting.  
You showed me 1 pic that wasn’t on set. That should tell you everything. Honestly, I know you fully believe your own nonsense and you can’t understand how everyone else isn’t buying into it. But really, I should just respond to this with LOLOLOLOLOL because your evidence is so pathetic and absurd it is laughable. How a grown women can believe that a handful of 4-9 year old gifs representing 1 or 2 second taken from promo videos made for Glee-all slowed down for dramatic effect- can add up to solid proof of a secret relationship is mind boggling.  But it’s even worse because you are a lawyer -you know that evidence isn’t something taken out of context. You know that evidence is looked in its entirety and that includes what Darren and Chris testify about their own relationships.    
remember that time D called C the life of the party on National TV?  
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Remember the time Darren was asked “Do you take Mia to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love, honor and cherish til death do you part” and he said “I Do” ? That trumps your “life of the party” comment. Why do you think calling a coworker “the life of the party” is indicates love? He also said “I’m straight” and that he wasn’t in a relationships with Chris- but you discount that because you don’t want to hear it -even though he has repeated those comments many times. Nope this is about you latching on to anything you can. It’s really embarrassing       
Chris may be the life of the party but he said this about Mia on TV- to a much bigger audience :  
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I know you do not understand symbolism and you insist on taking this beautiful sentiment literally-and tying it back to Cunanan- so it makes no sense to you, but it is incredibly romantic. It’s a very beautiful, loving  sentiment for one’s life partner.
@ajw720, @flowersintheattic254, @leka-1998
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