#(with the other Angeal I did the hug meme for; I got a thread going with them so they'd already met under different circumstances)
onewingedxngel · 2 years
🫂from Angeal
Hug my Muse Inbox Meme
Serenity in Destruction
"I'm all right," Sephiroth insisted, though something about his tone was off. The life-sustaining fluids of countless Wutaians had sprung forth to meet the outside world for the first time, now staining his leather coat, painting his gloves bright crimson and caking his hair in heavy smatters of blood.
The soldier had witnessed it. His conditioned lust for violence, his brutality on the battlefield, his utter lack of mercy towards both the innocent and the guilty. Around him lay the bodies of warriors with hands still clutching their weapons as if they could somehow save them, ninjas mutilated beyond recognition with exposed organs and twisted limbs, civilian faces forever frozen into contorted fear as they unsuccessfully begged for their lives, and limp mothers with arms still wrapped around the corpses of their lifeless children.
Sephiroth knew not why, but this time of all times, his arm was shaking. His left hand, still clutching his sword, trembled with energy and emotion he did not understand. He was not supposed to be affected like this, not by carnage, nor by the taking of life. Yet haggard breath snarled through parted lips, his body hunched over as he looked to the ground, where blood dripped from his form.
And that was when the soldier had embraced him. How he despised it. Angeal could see, without a doubt, what Sephiroth was trying so hard to conceal. Sephiroth was the perfect soldier, unbound to hesitation or mercy, and unafflicted by festering feelings of remorse. He knew not why he was quivering, why his eyes were burning. This weakness had been stamped out of him when he was a child. It was merely a reflex; perhaps he'd seen something that triggered his subconscience to respond so irrationally. That’s what it had to be.
But he had not the strength to push Angeal away. In silence he stood limp and exhausted, allowing the embrace, eyes locked into the distance. 
The bodies were endless.
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