#*narrator voice* not to be outdone sarah librarycards must respond to one benign book rec fivefold
librarycards · 1 month
Hi :) With many (including myself) asking you for book recs, I thought it might be nice to recommend you a book. I just read Zong! by M. NourbeSe Philip for a class on literature about the Middle Passage, and I thought its experimental nature might appeal to you, plus Philip's struggles with language/genre and telling untellable stories documented at the back of the book. The poetry is a powerhouse with a lot to dig into, and I highly recommend it! (I would warn, however, that while somewhat abstract, it does deal with various sensitive subject matters such as slavery, murder, dehumanization, sexual assault, and more)
thank you, i *love* Zong! and have read it several times - most recently for a grad class on hybrid poetics.
If you liked (or were enthralled/horrified/profoundly affected by) Zong!, you may also be interested DMZ Colony by Don Mee Choi, Lose Your Mother by Saidiya Hartman, Under Flag by Myung Mi Kim, Whereas by Layli Long Soldier, and Occultations by David Wolach.
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