duologies · 7 months
the beauty of chinese names is the many possibilities i can choose from when coming up with a pairing name for qinglan and yuanfei. qingfei ("light [as in weight] flight"). yuanlan ("far orchid"). my personal favourite is feilan ("flying orchid"). the list goes on.
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mmchoa · 5 years
despite graduating, choa finds herself revisiting yosul in her free time. one would think that after graduating, a student would be more than happy to be free of the institution that put them through the wringer, but not choa. a challenging academic environment was where choa thrived. she had always worked better under pressure, and that characteristic of hers carried over into her curse-breaking career, which was known for its many occupational hazards. ( she recounts the number of times she's landed herself in the hospital ward: from a curse gone awry to being chased out of crypts guarding ghouls and everything else in between. ) it was because of her occupation that brings choa back to her alma mater, toting a canvas bag brimming with scrolls, charts, notebooks, and reducio'd textbooks. a professor she often keeps in touch with had made a request of her, an opportunity rather to help cultivate the minds of yosul's young hopefuls. she had been skeptical at first, but had been easily won over after being pestered by ornery owls.
retracing her steps down a familiar path towards yosul's library, she enters the building, making a bee-line for the tutoring center down below. with dexterity, choa opens a door with her elbow, catching it with her foot and pushing it open with her hip, slinking into the familiar room whilst distributing her belongings onto the heavy mahogany table pushed flush against the wall. ( she's rather early, which isn't a surprise since classes have yet to end, giving her ample time to set up her charts and organize her notes. )
by the time she's done setting up shop, she hears the door jam jiggle alerting choa that her tutee had made it right on time. " hey !— " she greets just as her pupil enters the premise " —you made it right on time. get settled first and then we can talk about classes, electives and your options for pursuing this particular career path, should you choose to do so. "
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mmjina · 5 years
similar but not quite the same, virtually so; but frankly, not enough. see also: jina and @mmyuanlan before the peace treaty, the glo-up, and insert the manic one on one competition between the two smartest girls in their cohort. CIRCA 2017
𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, you want to be better than the rest. 
you read books until they’re practically imprinted in your mind. you close your eyes and your mind still runs a mile a minute, keep up, keep up -- they taunt you. you’re to be the best, not ahead of the curve, you are the curve. self-awareness is second to self-egos; pampered and bruised. tossed to wolves and torn apart all for the sake of an outstanding academic reputation. the next day, it will begin again.
it’s a repetitive cycle, the slate is never clean, it’s darkened with blood and sweat and tears jina never cries because her eyes are bloodshot and her smile is strained. but she raises her hand high, shoulder brush, maybe a little too passive-aggressively against another’s. she doesn’t spare the slightest glance backwards as her name is spoken like a spell, like it’s obvious that she would be the first to come up with the answer. 
like it’s expected, because she was kwak jina. 
this was her reputation. untainted by her mother’s crimes, unhindered by the legacies her sisters unravel: no -- kwak jina is unlike her sisters before her. she is not serious, she is not fun personified; she’s not a breath of fresh air nor does she excel at escapism. 
she’s haughty, possessive, temperamental and withers at the lack of attention. above all, she is an egoist. she wants to be the best, second in line had never been her frame of work nor would she bow down to someone like -- she blinks, smile ripe against bright teeth -- someone like yuanlan. the name rolls off her tongue as she stares at the list of students, written off by examination scores and paired like cattle for their latest DADA practicum. unlike last time, perhaps the advantage had been lost.
because right next to yuanlan’s was her own -- she bites back a groan, heavily feeling her eyes roll to the back of her head as she turns to stare the other down, arms crossed before she makes up her mind and makes the first move. “it appears,” she breathes through her nose, trying to calm the flares of annoyance already prickling at the back of her neck. “the professor thought it was wise to pair us up for today’s practicum.” her tone is flat, a declaration of if you fuck this up -- i’ll fuck you up whispered between unwritten lines. 
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
three, two, she’s going to make it! seol slams her hand down on the handle of the door leading to the baek ho dorms, and she SWEARS she feels it budge. 
a moment passes. she pauses, trying to jiggle it, as if it’s going to make a difference. it’s Magic that’s keeping the door locked, and the bobby pins in her hair aren’t going to help her macgyver her way in. seol glances surreptitiously to her sides, before sliding her wand out her sleeve and whispering an ‘alohomora’.
damn it.
fine. okay. she expected this anyway. if her little unlocking charm was able to unlock the door to their dorms, seol’d be very worried for the security of the place. she massages her scalp with her fingertips, squatting down with a weighty exhale. it’s way past curfew, and seol isn’t inconsiderate enough to wake her roommates up to let her in. she caused this mess, so she’s going to fix it herself.
the phone rings a couple of times before yuanlan picks up, and seol greets her with a flat “heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp.” 
for @mmyuanlan ♡
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mmjiyi-blog · 5 years
she’s sitting on her haecheong23, hovering a couple of metres above the ground, waiting for the underclassman to finish her classes and pop up at the field. jiyi swings her legs as her broom leisurely glides across the tops of the stadium, circling around and trying to spot yuanlan.
she likes the 4th year, even though reason for her entrance into the team still makes her bitter; but that’s on haneul, not on the younger girl, so jiyi shoves the resentment for later and focuses on the practice they’d made time for. yuanlan is still new to the team, and they’re working out the kinks in their teamwork. ( if anything, at least she’ll definitely be a better beater to work with. she’s still bitter, sue her. )
which is why she’s waiting for the other girl, to practice with her one on one without any other distractions; they need to be able to work seamlessly before they even try to tackle the chaos of the rest of the game. she’s seen the younger girl play before and has played against her, but this is their first year playing together. jiyi knows her style is a little unorthodox – she’s less brute strength with the bludgers and more feints and dodges, but she’ll adjust to match yuanlan the same way she’d learnt to for the other beaters she’s worked with.
the girl in question finally shows up, and jiyi swoops down, calling out to her cheerfully, “yuan! yuanlan!” she waves, and lands right in front of the other girl, throwing her arms around her. “finally! did you get the bludgers from the lockers?”
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mmhanbin · 5 years
when he wasn’t working himself to the bone shadowing senior healers at the ymmc, hanbin could be seen skulking around yosul, hanging around the ju jak common room, and, though rarely, sitting in as a teacher’s aide for potions. it killed time until his next shift, and if he got lucky, he could pocket a few spare ingredients for his personal collection back home—because hanbin liked nothing more than to pretend he was a mad scientist cooking up shit in his bathtub. ( don’t tell heeyeon though ! she’d like like gut him with a carving knife should she ever find out ) it all went towards a worthy cause ! truly. one day hanbin’s crazy concoctions could save someone’s life, but until that day came, he was more than happy to practice, because practice makes habit, and habit hones skill. and what better way to practice than to help the students currently going through the motions ? the potions laboratory was currently unsupervised due to the professor stepping out for a quick supply run, so hanbin took it upon himself to slink through through the rows, peering over the shoulder’s of students slaving away at creating a draught of peace, a particularly complex potion that’s always in high demand at the ymmc. 
stopping behind a student who almost did a misstep with the potion, hanbin plops himself down unto the empty stool beside her whilst casting a quick geminio on the papers strewn around her cauldron. shuffling them into an organized stack, he hums whilst skimming the instructions, eyeing her cauldron to find the particular step she was on. 
“draught of peace is a really complex potion that’s hard to get right on the first try,” hanbin explains while gently nudging her away from the cauldron so he could look at it more thoroughly. “luckily we can still save this batch. it won’t be perfect, but it’ll get you a passing mark—” he offers her a reassuring smile, hoping to convey that he was here to help “—you see here how the potion is still more purplish than pink ? you need to let it simmer more before adding the syrup of hellebore. so give it a couple more minutes. if you need anymore help, just give me a holler.”
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Wu Zao
Wu Zao is usually regarded as the third woman poet of ancient China, after Li Ch’ing-chao and Chu Shu-chen.
The poems by Li and Chu share themes that justified their intention for writing, like "loneliness and grief after her husband died" as well as a sombre tone that fits more into the trend of "feminine sensitivity" in ancient Chinese poetry culture.
Reflecting on her writing process, Wu rather set herself apart from the two:
“Not to lean over the balcony where autumn worries are whispered/ with outspokenness/ we shall break the railing of earth and sky. ”
She wrote with casual style, personal tone, and clearly homoerotic verse.
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In her twenties, she washed off her makeup, tied up her hair and dressed in men's clothing. Unlike Mulan, this was out of Wu's own expression and longing.
She went on outings among male poets, rowed down the river while singing, and didn't return until drunk.
After dusk, she wandered around the "red-light district" in Suzhou, and flirted with women. It is said that a performance artist named Qinglin fell in love with her. Not declaring her true identity, Wu wrote Qinglin a poem as a gift:
“Same as the many women with a gift for poetry,
only I / am the crazy one,
have to take in / the promises of a jade-like beauty.
As misty waves / engulf the many lakes of Spring,
Wait for / a boat painted in red/ that shall/ carry you away with me.”
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Traveling around the country hand in hand with entertainers was the stereotypical life style of male poets in ancient China. But in Wu's poems, the women were given the equal status and devotion was declared by the poet. By the lakeside, in the mist of spring, the two understood and appreciated each other.
Although there were male poets in her orbit, she hung out more often with talented women.
In her three poems each addressed to Yuanlan, Yunxiang, and Shanbao, Wu used plum blossom and water lilies as metaphors for the three women's poet chic.
Around the year of 1826, a women's literature group named The Jade City, House of the Fairies was initiated by her teacher, where Wu chanted poems and discussed paintings with her fellow soulmates.
Their gatherings were followed with long separation
as Wu wrote:
“From now on/ every chilly moonlit night / we tremble/ at each end of the sky."
In later years, eight of her poems were devoted to the remembrance of that time.
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“Wu Zao | Legacy Project Chicago.” Legacy Project Chicago, https://legacyprojectchicago.org/person/wu-zao. Accessed 7 Dec. 2021.
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mmjaehyun · 5 years
"so... it turns out that some counter-curses can actually be pretty easy.” swiftly, he pulls his wand out of his pocket. “out of the three dark charms, we know that curses are the worst in severity. let’s practice how well you know your counter-curses. stand up and try it now.”
jaehyun flips to the next section of the Curses and Counter-Curses textbook before pushing back the kitchen stool and letting his legs touch the ground. they face each other, standing almost exactly two feet apart. when he peers down at her, he can’t help but notice her features are strangely... cute? almost mesmerizing. but back to more pressing matters.
there’s a single light dangling above them, glowing a dim yellow. the atmosphere is irreparably quiet, existing in stark contrast to the absolute high that jaehyun typically experiences when he gets to talk about anything related to dark magic or the dark arts. he wonders (worries) if yuanlan feels the same.
“alright, so, i’m going to cast a really harmless curse on you right now, and you’re going to practice performing a counter-curse to reverse the spell. super easy — you’ve definitely done this before, probably as a kid.” he laughs, holds up his wand. “whatever you do, make sure that you don’t break eye contact with me.”
silence, then the slight of a friendly smile. “locomotor wibbly.” the jelly-legs curse.
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mindmischiefrp · 5 years
site-wide event
ohohoho it’s finally here: the pairings for the event!! below the cut, you will find a list of who is affected by the love potion and who-loves-who etc. you’ll find some love triangles in the mix, just to ~spice things up a bit :^) the number is uneven atm, but the sign-up will be open until friday the 19th at 11:59 pm pst to allow for new applicants to join in on the fun if they so choose! if you would like to join in on the match-making portion of the event, please like this post here. now, onto the fun stuff!
ic guidelines:
as mentioned before, commencement party’s set at the grand dining hall, which for the evening is transformed into a spacious venue for dinner and drinks (although alcohol is charmed to bubble up and combust in the drinker’s face if the drinker is underage— first to third years, stick to your virgin daiquiris).
the party is not just for staff and students, but alumni as well.
black-tie event, although not strictly.
dinner is served at 6 pm.
the effects of the love potion will occur after dinnertime and last until midnight.
ooc guidelines:
any ic interactions for the event can be played out until july 31st; includes inbox prompts, script, etc. the sky’s the limit!
related party threads taking place outside of the love potion fiasco are also fair game!!
tag your posts with #mm:event1
go crazy go stupid and have fun :’)
♡ who your muse likes ← who likes your muse
(please, if i’ve made any mistakes, contact me!):
ahn minhee @minheemm
♡ lee harin ← moon haejin
bang seojun @mmseojun
♡ hwang choa ← hwang choa
bang sooyoung @mmsooyoung
♡ won jiyi ← won jiyi
pip banthou @mmpip
♡ kwon nari ← tba
chae seonchan @mmseonchan
♡ han seol ← han seol
cheng mara @maracmm
♡ kwak jimin ← jung wonsik
choi haesol @mmhaesol
♡ kwak jieun ← lee haram
han cheol @mmcheol
♡ kwak junsu ← kwak junsu
han saetbyeol @mmsaetbyeol
♡ jung heeyeon ← lee jaeho
han seol @mmseol
♡ chae seonchan ← chae seonchan
hwang choa @mmchoa
♡ bang seojun ← bang seojun
jeon hyemi @mmyemi
♡ moon chaerin ← moon chaerin
jo daehyun @mmdaehyun
♡ kang jisoo ← kang jisoo
jung heeyeon @mmheeyeon
♡ kang hanbin ← han saetbyeol
jung wonsik @mmwonsik
♡ cheng mara ← ryu eunyeong
kang hanbin @mmhanbin
♡ ryu eunyeong ← kwak jieun
kim hangyul @mmgyul
♡ kwak jina ← lee haesung
kwak jieun @mmjieun
♡ kang hanbin ← choi haesol
kwak jimin @mmjimin
♡ lee jaeho ← cheng mara
kwak jina @mmjina
♡ lin yun ← kim hangyul
kang jisoo @mmxjisoo
♡ jo daehyun ← jo daehyun
kwak jungmi @mmjungmi
♡ lee yejin ← lin yun
kwak junsu @mmjunsu
♡ han cheol ← han cheol
kwon nari @mmnari​
♡ moon haejin ← pip banthou
lin yuanlan @mmyuanlan
♡ won changmin ← won changmin
lin yun @mmyun
♡ kwak jungmi ← kwak jina
lee haesung @sungmm
♡ kim hangyul ← shim sowon  
lee haram @mmharam
♡ choi haesol ← lee harin
lee harin @mmharin
♡ lee haram ← ahn minhee
lee jaeho @mmjaeho
♡ han saetbyeol ← kwak jimin
lee yejin @yejmm
♡ qin meihua ← kwak jungmi
moon chaerin @mmchaerin
♡ jeon hyemi ← jeon hyemi
moon haejin @mmhaejin
♡ ahn minhee ← kwon nari
park minbyeol @minbyeolmm
♡ zhou linkai ← zhou linkai
qin meihua @mmeihua
♡ shim sowon ← lee yejin
ryu eunyeong @mmeunyeong
♡ jung wonsik  ← kang hanbin
shim sowon @mmsowon
♡ lee haesung ← qin meihua
won changmin @mmchangmin
♡ lin yuanlan ← lin yuanlan
won jiyi @mmjiyi
♡ bang sooyoung ← bang sooyoung
zhou linkai @mmlinkai
♡ park minbyeol ← park minbyeol
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mmyuanlan-blog · 5 years
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i am SO late i’m SORRY but uh i’m very excited for this so either like this for me to come to you & plot or just come to me ! i’m jes, she/her & in the gmt+8 timezone!
intro for lin yuanlan, 19, she/her, half-blood, of chinese descent, currently in her 4th year at yosul in cheong ryeong ! here is her profile & bio, there’s going to be a summary below the cut & some rough connection ideas that we can work out in more detail !!
background & random facts: 
half-blood. has always wanted to prove her worth, wants to feel like she belongs here in the wizarding world.  there’s always been this hollow feeling in her until the day she found out she’s part of the wizarding world. has always thought that there must be more to life & the world than this mundanity she is living
her parents are both chinese, her father was living in korea when her mother met him on a business trip. they fell in love & her mother decided to move there and start a family. born in daejeon, south korea, yuanlan speaks both korean & chinese, but more fluent in korean
her parents never put too much pressure or expectation on her but somehow that made her more determined to do the best she can does well in school, she might not be the best in subjects but she maintains balanced results so that she comes up higher in the ranks overall
electives: dada, study of ancient runes, wizarding literature best subjects:  1. charms 2. history of magic 3. wizarding literature (one would think of her as not being to concentrate on books but on the contrary, they are one of the few things that can give her constant stimulation)   worst subjects: 1. potions 2. herbology 
beater on varsity quidditch team. lots of power in that tiny frame. releases stress by murdering bludgers. don’t mess with her when she’s got a bat in her hand
duelling club member !
likes exploring the castle. she can be company when you want to go on adventures, she’s always up for new experiences!
even though she does her best in school she doesn’t care much for rules & stuff, so she’s never been a prefect. seems too troublesome & pretentious. it doesn’t look like much fun either
future aspirations? unclear, but she knows she wants to do something big, something great. she wants to help humanity in some way. maybe she’s gonna join the government, become an auror; maybe she’s gonna join some underground anti-dark magic organisation. she’s keeping her options open
dislikes sweets but loves chocolate. make it make sense
doesn’t have much actual romantic relationship experience. mostly due to her inability to stay interested in someone for a long time, and to open up to someone. she’s not good at flirting or expressing emotions sljsdkfk she always feels like she’s still young & has a lot of time so expects herself to not settle anytime soon
personality-wise: cherry bomb
a living contradiction, a walking paradox
can seem like a different person in front of different ppl and in different situations. one moment she’s dancing in the corridors & the next she’s staring out the window at the stars, being nostalgic & wondering abt the meaning of life. sometimes she wonders if she wakes up someone different every day
the cherry side of her: she can be very friendly & outgoing, very loud, always has something to say. that’s how she made most of her friends. could be the life of the party if she wants to. isn’t the best at being sweet & caring, but very supportive. can be a motivational speaker, if something happened she would want to get revenge for you if necessary
the bomb side: can change her mood in literal seconds. temperamental, short-tempered. easily irritated. SO prideful. might react strongly to insults, will definitely react strongly to aggression towards her friends and family. doesn’t often start fights but will 100% finish them. got a whole list of hexes & jinxes to use. she does NOT back down easily in fights or debates. once she made up her mind, it’s not easy to change it
sometimes she can be a little,,, fake when she can gain something from it. like treating you like a friend when she hates your guts because you’re influential or because she has no friends in that class. this is where the typical slytherin cheong ryeong traits comes in -- calculating & manipulative
protective towards those she cares about, very selfless when it comes to them, but rarely lets others care for her because she’s so used to being the stronger one. ambitious, has big dreams. gets bored easily, needs stimulation & excitement.
sometimes she’s so reckless & would put everything on the line. sometimes she’s so hesitant & can’t make a decision for the life of her
not good with feelings & emotions! hates showing vulnerabilities
possible connections:
friends in the same house, friends in the same year, friends in the same house & same year !
give her a best friend! someone she can trust to reveal worries & stuff to
adventure buddies! explore the castle together!
??: maybe she intentionally or unintentionally put a hex / jinx on you. you either decided to remember it forever and wants revenge, or it’s just something they bonded over & became friends bc of that?
unlikely friends: the two might be polar opposites, or they’re too similar, so similar that both are fiery enough to be enemies but somehow they can get along or even become good friends?
study buddies / someone helping her / someone she’s helping ! see the best & worst subjects listed above
quidditch! can be ppl on the team / ppl teaching her & helping her get better / ppl she’s teaching to help get better / ppl who just like to talk about quidditch with her! if they’re on the same team they can either argue a lot (because she’s not good at following orders & is too confident in her own strategies) or they’re really good friends who always practice together!
an older muse can be a kind of mentor or role model !
younger muses like siblings. she likes the feeling of being needed, depended on
fake friends: as mentioned above, there are ppl she’s friendly to even if she dislikes them maybe because there are advantages she can gain or because there’s no one else she can talk to in that class. you can either mistake it for genuine friendliness, or see through her but still play along, or anything else you think of !
rivals / enemies: maybe because of studies, maybe because her fiery temper led her to intentionally / unintentionally offended you. maybe she doesn’t like you and your attitude and fails to hold back when shading
crushes: either she has a crush on you or you have a crush on her. anything works tbh. when she gets crushes she won’t admit it easily because she’s gonna go through a lot of over-analyzing, confusion and denial. she’s most likely not going to make a first move
exes / past flings: cause she hasn’t been able to make herself stay in one relationship for too long. it’s always casual & experimental for her. maybe you’re not over it, maybe they’re good friends now, idkkk
whew that was long lmao i applaud you if you read all of that! hmu to plot or just to chat if you want to !!
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maracmm · 5 years
Garosu-gil, like the rest of the city, is caught in an in-between: the last of winter beginning to recede to let spring roll in green, but there’s little to show for it. A bristling in the air remains and her cheeks are pink with the cold, the branches of the line of gingko trees barren and lined silver with rain. Walking along here makes her think of a similar path taken elsewhere at another time, identical only in essence. There are no docks here, the span of the harbor facing Kowloon, or the bag of curly fries she’d get on her way home, but the pan-warm hotteok in her hand now is about as close as it gets. 
Yuanlan is in her periphery, and Mara steps a little ways ahead so she is in full view. “So.” 
There’s a little twinkle in her eye, a hint of wholly girl-like anticipation. Up until now it’d been just her and the testosterone overload that’s the school team. Imagine the delight (and relief) when the Chollimas’ newest addition turned out to not be another one of the boys; fast forward a couple weeks, and here they are now: partners in misery turned partners on a mission. 
“What’re you in the mood for?” She ticks off the choices with her fingers as she walks. “Bakery down the street’s good, cafe to the left is nice, and if we walk a little further and take a right there’s a place for dim sum.” 
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mmharam-blog · 5 years
the eyewitness. @mmyuanlan
these past few mornings, afternoons and sunsets– yosul has been more or less in a stalemate. not many ruts and cracks under everyone’s feet for haram to watch them trip and fall, the potholes being their everyday tug-of-war with what confines them.
surprisingly enough, haram finds diversion in this placidity itself.
it’s because no games jump from ‘start’ to ‘finish’ directly. it’s because there are tussles and detours, resets and the odds. the days’ dice happened to continuously roll to ‘1,’ and the pawns have only taken just that much step. it’s a slow churn: like the girl sitting in far right of the front row, gnawing on the tip of her nail as she looks at the boy by the presentation lectern in detest. careful whispers through the ears and hidden snickers. translucent labels on everyone’s back: team a, team b, team c, and so forth. unspoken tensions that root from the most rudimentary desires. recognition. validation.
in short, what haram is saying is—there are no turning points without a proper buildup.
“—and lastly, yuanlan and haram. everyone, pair up with your partners for the last 10 minutes of class to exchange contact information and project details.”
he’s in the far back row of the lecture room, where light rarely hits. yuanlan, somewhere in the foreground. just where he likes everyone to be.
(spotlights should and will always be on the lay figures, not him.)
“hey.” haram, having made his way to meet her mid-way, now hovers over her with a wave of his hands. “yuanlan, right? i don’t think we’ve talked before.” the boy’s a corpse without an intuitive mind and his set of perceptive eyes. he senses some sort of a catalyst with the way she eyes him– so he gives her a wide smile, harmless and from the heart. about damn time.
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mmchoa · 5 years
☏ + ☠ !
send a symbol for a text ! // ( accepting )
send ☏ for a vague text《 💬 ➠ yuanlan 🌱 》 : i hope you're prepared for what i've got in store for you《 💬 ➠ yuanlan 🌱 》 : 🤪
send ☠ for a misguided advice text《 💬 ➠ yuanlan 🌱 》 : if you only focused on your studies like i did《 💬 ➠ yuanlan 🌱 》 : you'll miss out on a lot of things 《 💬 ➠ yuanlan 🌱 》 : you'll feel the need to compensate for that in your twenties《 💬 ➠ yuanlan 🌱 》 : and your twenties? an experimental time of your life where you're walking a fine line between being an adult and fucking up
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mmpip-blog · 5 years
like a bird.
starter for @mmyuanlan !
the wind whips through pip’s hair as he whizzes across the quidditch pitch, circling around and slowly coming to land beside a familiar figure on the ground. after most training sessions pip challenges yuanlan to races, more-so for the fun of it, the adrenaline of racing through the nearby trees and around the goal posts. it’s a nice way to wind down, and on their way home they get to catch up, pip always interested in gathering any gossip he can get his hands on.
today is no different. the sky’s darkening, night nearing in as he lands and shoots yuanlan a smile. “you ready?” he asks, brushing his hair out of his eyes as he watches the other team members leave the pitch, heading off to end their day however they please. “it’s cold up there.” he comments, looking upwards towards the slightly cloudy sky. even though the weather isn’t perfect pip’s never been one to abandon a good race just because it might rain.
hopping back onto his broom he kicks off and hovers about a foot off the ground, eyes on yuanlan. “what route do you want to take today? through the trees first, or second?” his eyes move over to the surrounding trees, thinking of how fun it feels to weave through them, the adrenaline from almost smacking right into tree trunks making his entire body tingle and vibrate with excitement. 
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mmseol-blog · 5 years
☏ + ☢ !
send ☏ for a vague text
💬 : sorry!!! just ignore what you saw please 👼
send ☢ for a desperate text
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mmjiyi-blog · 5 years
“do you think a dog animagi could have puppies?”
jiyi’s collapsed on the field, the soft, soft grass that’s way too inviting and cool under her back, after a long day of practice. “could, what, huh?” she turns her head to the left and looks at yuanlan’s head through half an eyeful of grass. “i mean. huh. maybe?”
she thinks about it; does that fall under magical theory? gotta ask sunwoo if it does, because merlin knows she hasn’t remembered a single thing from that class ( she does, however, know how to fall asleep 5 minutes into it ). or maybe just transfiguration, but all she remembers of that is standing very, very still when professor rhee turned into a large spider. she shudders to think of the offspring that particular animagus form might have.
jiyi throws an arm over her brow and shakes her head, flicking little bits of grass over herself and yuanlan. she’s too tired to think, let alone come up with animagus theory; she yawns and lets all her teeth show.
“i just wanna play with some doggos… when is coach gonna give us a break?”
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