#100/52 outfits omg we are finally in triple digits heck ya
calpicowater · 2 years
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Week 43.4/52: October 24th - October 30th 2022 | Day in KTown 🥔 
Haven’t gone to Coquitlam for food adventures in ages! Went to try Arirang Hot Dog with Jesslyn and it was pretty huge and yum!! I got their poutine corn dog which is basically just potato corn dog with gravy and cheese curd on the side.... LOL.... but it tasted quite good. Had a cheese pull for days. A bit bigger than Chungchun but it’s also more expensive so it evens out lmao. We only ate one corndog each so we went to have early dinner at Kimbap Cheonguk. Got cheese gimbap & beef gimbap. Also got a plate of spicy rice cakes - long time no eat. Their rice cakes were super spicy and yum I LOVE IT. The rolls kept falling apart when I was trying to pick it up LOL FAIL. WAS SO FULL AFTER. Ended the day with green grape ade from Cafe Bono. I LOVE GREEN GRAPE! 💚
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