nicholaslehoy · 1 month
open / @classcursestarters
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while  everyone  else  was  probably  playing  it  safe  ,  nick  didn't  have  the  patience  to  spend  his  time  waiting  around  to  be  interviewed  by  useless  police  officers  .  it  was  clear  that  they  didn't  use  their  skills  in  inquisition  the  first  time  around  and  he  was  curious  what  new  evidence  could  have  been  overturned  after  ten  years  .  far  from  a  detective  ,  his  curiousities  were  completely  self  serving  and  somehow  he  had  managed  to  rope  somebody  else  in  .  yes  ,  nick  admittedly  cared  little  about  chris  being  gone  but  he  was  rather  intrigued  by  the  idea  there  was  something  out  there  to  be  found  .  no  body  ,  no  crime  .  "  here  we  are  ,  "  as  his  sports  car  ,  windows  rolled  down  ,  pulls  up  at  the  far  edge  of  devils  lake  ,  the  ground  drying  out  from  the  flooding  from  two  weeks  ago  and  no  police  cordons  in  sight  .  he  hadn't  seen  a  murmur  of  cordons  or  additional  searches  ,  materials  moving  backwards  and  forwards  .  no  ,  nick  was  ready  to  launch  his  own  investigation  and  his  unfortunate  ride  along  was  going  to  be  a  part  of  that  whether  they  liked  it  or  not  .  an  unexpected  duo  .
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michaelgeary · 1 month
open / @classcursestarters
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for  many  ,  it  was  an  uncomfortable  experience  .  on  the  other  hand  ,  michael  appeared  to  be  thriving  in  his  newfound  role  as  the  second  coming  of  religion  in  lincoln  city  .  for  the  first  time  ,  he  was  getting  along  with  his  father  (  who  may  have  still  doubted  this  new  leaf  too  )  and  seemed  to  be  a  very  respectable  member  of  society  .  it  had  only  been  two  weeks  but  he  left  nothing  but  good  omens  in  his  wake  ,  the  brightness  that  he  cast  almost  making  people  forget  the  darkness  of  what  else  was  going  on  .  michael  never  spoke  of  chris  ,  never  thought  of  him  …  tried  not  to  get  too  tangled  up  in  his  association  with  the  night  in  question  while  they  waited  for  police  to  ask  them  again  ,  what  had  happened  .  on  this  particular  day  ,  he  had  just  finished  his  reading  at  the  library  .  a  line  of  happy  children  and  parents  filtering  out  as  he  leans  against  the  wooden  table  that  was  set  up  beside  the  spot  he  had  been  occupying  .  he  was  nothing  but  full  of  lovely  ,  kind  deeds  for  the  ever  deserving  community  that  surrounded  cursed  devils  lake  .  "  i'm  sorry  to  say  that  you  already  missed  the  reading  … it  was  one  of  my  best  renditions  of  little  red  riding  hood  …  "  fingertips  walking  across  the  table  momentarily  as  he  settles  to  sit  ,  "  or  did  you  just  come  to  see  me  ?  "
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kaiwildcr · 1 month
𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 : event starter. 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 : open , @classcursestarters .
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           walking  around  ,  kai  made  a  point  to  𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐃  his  parents  .  his  mother  trying  her  hardest  to  get  his  attention  without  coming  off  desperate  to  everyone  around  them  .           (       keeping  up  appearances  ,      )         classic  kathy  wilder  .  especially  now  that  she  felt  like  she  had  some  social  standing  .  she  didn't  want  to  come  off  as  a  mother  with  an  estranged  son  and  a  missing  son  .  although  ,  villainizing  one  son  and  having  one  vanish  off  the  face  of  the  earth  may  have  been  the  𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓  victim  fuel  .  but  of  course  ,  that  wouldn't  have  went  with  her  illusion  she  was  trying  to  give  off  to  the  world  .  his  father  on  the  other  hand  ,  made  it  much  easier  to  avoid  him  .  the  other  male  not  making  any  type  of  effort  .  if  anything  ,  it  seemed  both  kai  and  carter  wilder  were  just  drinking  their  way  through  this  event  .  like  father  ,  like  son  . . .  how  heartwarming  .         ⏤        downing  another  glass  ,  kai  wandered  over  and  picked  up  another  one  .  moving  through  the  crowd  of  people  before  stopping  as  he  spoke  .  not  really  pay  attention  to  who  was  near  .        ❛      wonder  if  there's  a  way  to  get  our  hands  on  that  video  .     ❜
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riverxcalloway · 1 month
setting: locked in who: open to anyone @classcursestarters
This whole event, it felt weird. Fucked. Like River was waiting for the next shoe to drop. And maybe that was more of a him thing. Maybe he was projecting. He hadn't been back in this godforsaken town since high school and it was making him uncomfortable. He kept wondering what people were doing, because right now it all felt like a farce. Everyone was pretending like this shit didn't feel like the start of some horror film, and it was causing his anxiety to sky rocket.
Also, what the fuck were Chris Wilder's parents doing here? Yeah sure, their foundation had something to do with the school's rebrand, but did they really have to be here? His foot was tapping out any nervous energy that was building in his body, and River decided in that minute, he needed a cigarette. He was almost towards the doors of freedom when the sound of numerous phone notifications went off, and then the slamming of the doors in front of him followed. Great, they were locked in. "You have to be fucking kidding me." He grumbled, turning to the person next to him he continued. "Think the windows locked too?"
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swcctsecrets · 1 month
setting: plot drop 2 event tagged: @classcursestarters
Eyes. There were eyes on her from every spot in the Great Hall, but Helena was used to that. Usually, the intention behind the stare was one of wanting and not...whatever this was but there was nothing she could do about that. That video - how on earth was it taken? Nothing untoward was in it, nothing that would have ruined her but still, she had to imagine the point was to make people talk and that certainly was accomplished. Finally, she couldn't ignore it anymore, turning suddenly to the person closest to her that was obviously looking in her direction. "Do you need something?"
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abstractguilt · 2 months
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thankfully, being back in the abysmal, boring, underwhelming state of OREGON wasn't enough to put a damper on vincent's mood as he traipsed around town like he owned it, the thrill of the unknown lying before him enough to have him high without the assistant of any uppers ( okay, maybe some assistance but, primarily the thrill ). having already found himself well acquainted with one of the local bars, one he hasn't scene since he was using his last name to get him through the door when he was eighteen, vincent was shaking hands and accepting drinks from many who recognized him — either from st. mary's or from his lucrative career. people were greeting him by name when he couldn't even remember their faces, though he felt no shame about that; in fact, it was amusing as fuck. vince felt like a celebrity, which was the exact fuel his inferno of an ego needed. feeling the weight of someone's eyes on him, vincent turned, offering the face a widespread grin as their gazes met; ❛ hey there.... you !! youuuuu, you you you... uh, do i know you ?? ❜
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cherrycursed · 2 months
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LOCATION : newspaper stand in lincoln city .
cherry  had  never  left  so  returning  wasn't  exactly  difficult  .  she  had  rolled  her  eyes  ,  huffed  and  puffed  but  the  moment  her  mother  had  heard  about  this  bullshit  then  there  was  this  gleam  in  her  eye  that  cherry  could  not  avoid  .  she  was  like  a  magpie  who  had  seen  something  shiny  ,  the  prospect  of  her  daughter  rediscovering  her  glory  days  harnessing  so  much  hope  that  cherry  was  ready  to  crush  in  one  fell  swoop  .  it  was  the  message  that  had  gotten  her  ,  though  ...  crawled  under  her  skin  and  brought  back  the  strange  nightmares  that  haunted  her  about  devils  lake  ...  someone  disappearing  below  the  murky  waters  never  to  be  seen  or  heard  again  .  halting  her  walk  as  she  yanks  a  newspaper  off  ,  "  jesus  fucking  christ  ...  is  this  town  really  so  fucking  lame  that  this  is  newsworthy  ?  "  she's  not  really  talking  to  anybody  ...  fixated  on  the  announcement  about  alumni  evening  . 
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scottst · 4 days
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maybe its the drinks that she had prior to arriving to the carnival , but vivian couldn't help but feel distracted from the messages as soon as she laid eyes on the ferris wheel . vivian's fear of heights was forever at odds with the memory of her jumping off the roof of her house as a teenager . . . although the smaller things got the higher she went made her nervous , it was the encouragement of her missing neighbor who gave her the bravery she needed to just . . . leap . he always was there to break her fall and that's what vivian suspects made her fear tolerable . except , he wasn't here anymore and the fear remained the same . " i'm going to get on that ride by the end of the night . " vivian announced nervously as she dug into the box of popcorn in her possession , cheese dust lingering on her fingers as she popped one right into her mouth as if keeping her mind distracted from the spiraling reason why she was at the carnival in the first place . she was in the carnival because she wanted to , not because of the dare . . . heather's voice echoed in her mind , but it still flickered in the face of the supposed joy that failed to register in her heart . " just . . . not right now . i kinda need to prepare for it . " typical of her to backtrack , vivian cleared her throat as she glanced over at her companion , a smile blossoming on her lips . " what about you ? is there something you want to do next ? "
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simply-mira · 1 month
setting: one week later tagged: open @classcursestarters
Mira seemed to be one of the few that hadn't been in attendance at the alumni event the week prior. She had a 14 hour night shift and couldn't even think about calling out considering how short staffed the hospital was right now. But she had heard about what happened through the grapevine, and honestly, she was kind of sad she had missed out. Everyone in her graduating class comes back home and suddenly there is drama in Lincoln City again, and she wasn't there to watch it all unfold.
But it sounds like the cops wanted to keep everyone around. Apparently they had found something that had belonged to Chris? She wasn't sure but it sounded like this cold case might not be so cold anymore.
Entering the local farmers market, Mira headed over to the fresh produce booth to shop around. As she was inspecting the peppers, she was surprised to meet the gaze of someone she hadn't seen since high school. "Oh, hey." The raven haired girl greeted, trying not to revert to the awkward teenager she was the last time they saw each other. "Heard about the alumni event, sounded crazy."
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cainthewicked · 6 days
hello ! if you're interested in a starter with this melodramatic bisexual jock , just leave your muse's name in the comments <3
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nicholaslehoy · 2 months
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open event starter ; @classcursestarters nick  had  returned  for  the  drama  of  a  reunion  ,  a  small  thought  still  existing  about  which  idiot  amongst  them  decided  to  send  out  the  dares  but  it  had  proved  to  be  much  more  entertaining  .  the  video  had  showed  nothing  but  he  was  intelligent  enough  to  know  that  the  art  of  "  shit  stirring  "  would  soon  sensationalise  it  if  helena  didn't  dig  her  claws  in  hard  enough  .  after  all  ,  why  would  someone  want  them  to  see  that  if  there  was  an  innocent  explanation  ?  the  whole  thing  sent  ripples  through  his  body  ,  goosebumps  of  excitement  as  he  considered  the  festering  resentments  about  to  be  stirred  up  .  as  soon  as  the  speeches  were  over  ,  like  an  upstanding  citizen  ,  he  made  his  way  around  the  parents  instilling  his  charms  ,  talking  about  the  magic  of  the  school  and  how  fantastic  it  would  be  for  their  children  .  nick  didn't  care  at  all  but  throwing  caution  to  the  wind  ,  he  was  excited  with  the  idea  of  his  own  importance  .  "  it  was  lovely  meeting  you  ,  mr  and  mrs  nolan  ,  i'm  sure  that  your  sweet  daughter  ,  nina  ,  will  do  just  fine  as  a  shining  star  of  new  horizons  ,  "  a  handshake  with  the  devil  ,  false  promises  in  the  corners  of  his  smile  ,  unaware  of  the  person  that  was  now  standing  beside  him  . 
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michaelgeary · 1 month
setting : locked in ! who : open to anybody @classcursestarters
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unlike  others  ,  michael  didn't  feel  any  distress  over  the  school  being  locked  down  .  he  would  say  ,  if  asked  ,  this  was  because  it  was  gods  plan  but  really  ,  it  simply  made  no  difference  to  him  .  he  was  certain  that  he  would  be  having  just  a  good  time  here  as  anywhere  ,  feeding  off  the  energy  ,  concern  and  worry  of  others  .  he  was  rarely  affected  by  how  other  people  felt  ,  drenched  in  his  own  emotion  at  all  times  and  unable  to  see  anything  other  than  what  he  wanted  .  a  lot  had  changed  but  some  things  hadn't  and  as  he  skirted  around  the  great  hall  ,  loosening  the  tie  of  his  suit  as  a  signal  of  relaxation  rather  than  stress  ...  his  feet  led  him  to  the  old  grand  piano  .  he  was  sure  there  should  have  been  a  cloak  of  dust  as  if  they  were  the  last  to  play  it  (  or  the  grand  organ  )  .  there  had  been  a  time  when  the  instrumental  opportunities  had  been  an  honour  but  now  ,  they  were  all  grown  up  .  he  opened  the  lid  and  sat  down  ,  beginning  to  play  a  tune  that  he  was  sure  would  be  very  calming  in  the  current  climate  .  he  really  was  a  saint  ,  he  thought  ,  trying  his  best  to  make  everyone  feel  better  about  things  .  notes  played  ,  each  one  perfect  as  they  had  always  been  beneath  his  fingers  .  someone  standing  nearby  ,  "  care  to  play  a  note  ?  "  as  if  oblivious  to  the  situation  they  find  themselves  in  ,  space  created  beside  him  . 
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kaiwildcr · 1 month
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 ⏤ open , @classcursestarters .
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             as  much  as  kai  just  wanted  to  say   "   fuck  it   "   and  𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄  despite  the  police  telling  everyone  to  stick  around  . . .  he  also  didn't  want  to  go  .  his  head  spinning  with  the  idea  that  something  of  chris'  was  𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃  . . .  who  found  it  ?  when  ?  and  why  was  it  suddenly  popping  up  now  ?  as  much  as  kai  wanted  to  𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃  like  he  didn't  care  about  everything  that  had  happened  ,  the  disappearance  .  he  did  ,  at  times  it  was  all  he  could  think  about  .          (      constantly  eating  at  his  brain  .     )         ⏤        sitting  down  ,  an  almost  annoyed  sound  coming  out  of  kai's  mouth  as  he  plopped  down  on  the  seat  .         ❛      it's  like  it  doesn't  matter  how  hard  you  try  and  get  out  of  this  fucking  town  ,  you  still  can't  get  out  .     ❜         not  to  say  he  wasn't  capable  .  he  had  been  gone  the  last  ten  years  after all  . . .  but  here  he  was  ,  back  .  a  tether  he  wanted  broken  .          ❛      some  hotel  california  type  shit  .     ❜
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noelsovain · 1 month
location: unspecified participants: noel crawford & open ( @classcursestarters )
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"fuck." noel evidently didn't care if anyone over heard him as he made zero attempt to lower his voice, if anything one could assume he had raised his voice when releasing the expletive. clearly, he was unhappy with the current predicament but then, so was everybody. and while he definitely didn't want to be stuck there - he did find some comfort in the fact that he wasn't alone. in fact, that comfort is what enabled him to allow a smile across his face as he turned to the nearest person. "how about we try to make the most of this situation?" he arched an eyebrow, "i'm sure there's plenty of mischief to be found."
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swcctsecrets · 1 month
setting: plot drop 2 event tagged: @classcursestarters
This was not ideal. Not in any fucking sense of the word and Iris knew her stepmother was most likely behind the security system being triggered. Them being trapped in here was not because of the possible flood, she knew that escaping to higher ground was the smartest decision and yet...that was no longer an option. Fucking Yvonne. "This is not good," she mumbled to herself, trying to fight the urge to go into a panic at having all of her control stolen from her but she couldn't help but think about that video, a welcome distraction from the current chaos. "At least we have something to talk about."
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abstractguilt · 2 months
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❛ — oh damn it. damn it damn it damn it !! ❜ sanem cursed, standing on the sidewalk as she poked furiously at the screen of her phone that had now gone dark with a freshly painted acrylic. of course sanem to leave the house with an uncharged phone just as everyone from her past was returning to her present, her hunt for the cast of her past now being brought to a screeching halt. as much as she was a woman now, she still carried the same girlish fury she had as a child, stomping her foot as she grumbled to herself, stuffing the now useless device into her purse. great.
looking up, sanem's eyes immediately found the face of someone familiar — though age and adulthood had now graced their features. playing it off as if she didn't recognize them, sanem gave an almost pitiful smile and a wave to try and grab their attention, playing up the role of a damsel in distress. ❛ uh — excuse me !! you wouldn't happen to have a phone charger on you, would you ?? ❜
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