#3 hours of randomized but relevant learning to name two dragons
muse-rising · 5 months
How to Name Your Dragon
AKA: How I spent the last hour and a half of my life on something that should be simple and straight-forward. Specifically, this dragon (who is not finished yet):
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My new(ish), Solstice-hatched gen 1 with all gem genes and eyes (cries in that's all my current funds).
1. Stare at your dragon in their final state. Try to figure out the vibes they give you. Tip: Use their hatchdate for inspiration. 2. Websearch for names that mean things the dragon makes you think of: names that mean something relevant to the dragon's appearance, theme, or hatchdate. Check out a few of the resulting (usually baby naming) sites that pop up. 3. Write down possibilities as you come across them. I do this in the dragon's bio. 4. Play with some of the names and sounds to try a few of your own creation too. Or combinations of meaningful names. 5. Stare at the dragon's picture some more while trying each name out loud. Pit them against each other to the death. Last name standing wins. 5a. This sometimes involves cross-referencing the meaning of each name because some of these sites are literally just making it up rather than giving you the actual meaning from the actual origin. 6. Do a little spot research on the name source (ie language, fictional work, mythology, and or country of origin. 6a. This sometimes provides inspiration to plop down for creating some lore later. Either way it just makes sense to at least learn a little about the source before you use it. 7. Remember that there was a thematically appropriate pendant or something Galadriel gave Frodo on the whole "Light in the darkness" theme your Solstice dragon has going on.
8. Research Galadriel looking for the name of the thing. 9. Find pretty names and words in that research you might use, research those to see if they're appropriate. 10. Increase your in-depth knowledge of Galadriel and Tolkien's possible folk and myth inspirations on elves as angels. 11. Find what you're looking for and realize that name's not right. 12. End up researching Luthien/Tinuviel (forgot how I got here lol) to learn a little more about her than just the basics. 13. Realize while you like the meaning of "nightingale" for your dragon, Tinuviel doesn't seem to really suit them. 14. Check Silmarils just in case they might yield a gem or two and because you're only aware of the basics. 15. Go back to nightingale. Look up more names that mean nightingale. 16. Cross reference those in case the source is making things up. 17. Highlight the Latin "Luscinia" from nightingale wikipedia. It's a good one. 18. Research the symbolism of nightingale for both lore inspiration and verification it suits the dragon meaning-wise. 19. Read a pretty line by a poet named Percy Shelley. 20. Look him up before officially quoting it in the bio to make sure he's not a horrible creep. 21. Discover he was into political justice and free love way before the US went wild for it in the 60s and 70s and was an atheist in a time that got him shunned for it. 22. Read about his love affair and eventual marriage to Mary Godwin - wait...wouldn't that make her Mary Shelley. 23. Realize this poet is the same poet you knew Mary Shelley had married. 24. Read more about Mary Shelley while you're at it because while you know some of it, it's from an episode of Dr. Who primarily and you're curious about some of the things brought up in Percy Shelley's wikipedia. 25. Write a post about how it took you WAY too much of your life to pick a name. In my defense, I learned a whole lot tonight about a lot of random things. Even more if you count the hour and a half before that where I spent naming a different dragon and learning a bunch of stuff about Azerbaijani, Iran, Persia. + their modern and historical views of queer people. and the Ghost Busters universe/timeline.
Final name for the pictured dragon: Luscinia (Latin name for nightingale - which etymologically could mean "Little seen (as in the twilight) singer" or even "famous singer." Might also be "Little understood singer" referring to the mystery of their nightsong. Oh! 26. Remember that somewhere in there included research into the Greek language for many other names and in what order they tend to use adjectives+nouns. Also Circe, Callisto, and Kalliope research. My brain is full of learning. Azerbaijani/Ghost Busters research-prompting dragon was named Zulejxa. A day later: 27. Remember you also did a bunch of reading up on Amaryllis flowers both in general and according to flower language.
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sepiadice · 5 years
NavyDice Campaign (2019/8/30): Poor use of Apples
So I was sitting about, attempting to play more Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Due to a pleasant kismet, it was my first day off of four in a row. I was also awake until Four AM being sick, so it was a mixed sort of day.
Anyways, I suddenly got a text from NavyDice[1] asking if I was up to play Dungeons & Dragons in about ninety minutes, at a location I hadn’t yet visited that was a half to full hour away (depending on traffic).
So obviously I agreed. Because I’m desperate and IndigoDice’s campaign has apparently fallen.[2]
So I got the address, plugged it into the Google Maps app, and went off, listening to a Dungeon World Actual Play podcast episode,[3] brainstorming my character since my original plan to transfer Autumn Quill over had to be abandoned due to everyone else playing a spellcaster.
So time to experiment with other new things. Like using the full strength of the Souvenir Mug Rule!
Anyways, this new campaign features three members of the improv group (Navy[4] GMing, as well as GoldDice[5] and LimeDice[6]) plus a friend of NavyDice who we’ll assign the nickname… Tetrahedron.[8]
In true NavyDice fashion, prepare for time shenanigans!
Acer ‘Maple’ Palmatum (SepiaDice/Me) Level 5 Elf Fighter. I recalled this image while brainstorming, and decided to just run with it.[9] While making the character, I’d decided she had a military history and a desire to help the helpless. Also likes cute things. We’ll see if any of that pays off. I’d give her a Scottish accent if I could remember to do character voices. As she’s named for a tree, her given name is probably actually ‘Palmatum’.
Garland (LimeDice) A spellcaster of some sort? 
Poppi (GoldDice) Another spellcaster, who used Intelligence and Wisdom as her dump stats so… there’s concerns?
Mumble (Tetrahedron) Bard. Talks very quiet, as is his namesake.
Once characters were complete, we took turns inventing a brief history of the party and why we’re hanging out together.
For the actual campaign, we heard of a job dealing with a band of brigands bothering a town. We travel there and meet with the local marshall, Masem, who is grateful for our help.
The party rents a place at a bed & breakfast and waits to be needed.
So we open on the party doing small things that reveal character. Garland is reading a book. Poppi is mesmerized by a pretty mobile that was hanging about. (I forget what Mumble was doing). Maple is doing push ups.
A knock comes on the door. It’s Masem. The brigands are coming to attack the market space. Maple follows the marshall, the squishier party members follow behind.
In the market, Masem and Maple pose as they wait for the brigands to arrive. Garland and Mumble position themselves for optimal support. Poppi gets distracted by apples, and failing to purchase them since everyone else ran.
Combat ensues. The first wave of six brigands fall to sword and spell, and a second wave (featuring a very definite midboss) arrives, and similarly gets cut down.
As the citizenry start to celebrate, Maple hears a ticking coming from the midboss.
After a short back and forth between me and NavyDice to determine if Maple would know the concept of a bomb, we determine she wouldn’t immediately come to that conclusion. Maple investigates the midboss, and discovers he has a vest under his shirt with many magic scrolls that are starting to autocast. I decide that’s enough information to follow my initial instinct, and Maple shouts for people to run.
Maple attempts to scoop Poppi up, but fails the strength check, kinda ruining the moment but whatever.
Most of the town’s out of the blast range as the scrolls deploy in a massive fireball. Once the smoke clears, Maple removes her excess equipment and gets to work cleaning rubble and moving bodies. The local lord rides a carriage down to thank the heroes (our party) and announce a feast. Maple irritably asks him why his bodyguards aren’t helping with disaster response, and the lord sends the guards to do so.
The rest of the party goes to enjoy the celebratory feast the lord was announcing, but Maple stays until the work is done. I’d decided to play her as a Capital-Aytch Hero, so that’s what I’m sticking to, possibly to my occasional detriment.
Eventual she notices those helping the effort beginning to get awkwardly antsy to attend the feast, but don’t want to leave before one of the people who just saved the market from brigands. So Maple relents and leaves for the party, probably with plenty of soot on her.[10]
Everyone’s gathered at the feast, medals are awarded, toasts are started, all that stuff ceremony that Maple lost a taste for due to her time serving in a military.[11]
Then the church bells ring, and a darkness envelops the town, killing everyone.
Cycle 2
There’s a knocking on the front door.
Ah, so Navy is repeating a campaign he’s told me the story of. I decide not to beat around the bush and just let Maple be immediately be on the ball. Call it battle-won instincts of quickly reading the situation.
Maple answers the door and tries to inform Masem about the groundhog day loop we’ve entered, but the marshall is too concerned by the brigands to listen. Maple instead runs off to the market without listening to the mission text.
This time, she intends to save more people.
This time, she’s not going to waste time with the random mooks.
This time, Maple heads straight to the mid-boss with the bomb vest. If she can stop him before he gets to the marketplace, maybe she can mitigate the damage.
However, running towards the guy triggers some attacks of opportunity[12] from the generic brigands, but Maple ignores them. They don’t matter.
However, when she’s facing Bomb-Vest and the brigands flanking him, their combined attacks do drop her to exactly zero, and Maple falls and I begin making death saves.
Then Poppi decides it’d be hilarious to throw an apple at me. Tetrahedron points out that any damage taken while in this state means autodeath, so GoldDice rolls to hit.
And succeeds. Killing Maple with an apple. My friends, readers!
So I’m out of the cycle, and tune out because I’m an inattentive jerk and wanted to try and find the visual reference for my character.[13]
Eventually, the brigands are felled through a method that nearly kills Mumble, the local lord rides his coach down for easy publicity points as he rewards our party and mourns the fallen, there will be a feast, Maple will be given a hero’s funeral, and other familiar notes.
Some investigation might’ve occurred? I think mostly it was just a tad more somber because Maple died.
Then the church bells ring, and a darkness envelops the town, killing everyone.
Cycle 3
There’s a knocking on the door.
Okay, this time the party’s a little smarter. Mumble uses Leomund’s Tiny Hut to contain the explosion, and only he and Bomb Vest dies.
Okay, successfully saved the innocents. Maple takes the time to fill Masem in, who is skeptical despite magic being real so such temporal shenanigans shouldn’t be out of possibility. But using the evidence of (limited) precognition, Maple gets him to accept that maybe this is a thing that happens.
Masem gets called away to a crime scene, and Maple and Garland invite themselves along. Because information is important, and you don’t know what’s relevant.[14] Poppi goes to church, because… well, out of character, to investigate the church bells. In character, Poppi thinks its the Lord’s Day.
Someone blew a hole in the side of a vault, then a second one to escape. Masem investigates with the help of player characters who do what they want by virtue of being player characters.
We manage to, through the powers of basic deductive reasoning and basicer math, figure out which safety deposit box was emptied despite the bank manager’s attempts to be as unhelpful as possible.
Masem gets called away to officiate an execution. Maple assigns Garland to stay back and keep investigating as she keeps following Masem to learn what his day’s like.
Garland and two to three town guards (played by NavyDice, Tetrahedron, and myself)[15] do some more investigation of the vault, before eventually finding and descending into… either the showers or just inexplicable underground tunnels. The guards banter about why they’re taking orders from this random spellcaster guy, how this is an obvious horror movie set-up, how Garland’s orders to split up flies in the face of local bards tales of Scoobert Doobert and the company of mystery,[16] and other fun. They die there when the cycle ends.
Maple follows Masem away, and learns they are hanging the leader of the brigands they’ve been fighting. Which is fun.[20]
Public death spectacle concluded, Maple and Masem go to attend the lord’s feast. Maple notices Masem getting called away for some new distraction, but she decides not to push her luck in case observing it would affect it, and because she’d inserted herself a lot into Masem’s day as is.
Then the church bells ring, and a darkness envelops the town, killing everyone.
Cycle 4
There’s a knock on the door.
The rest of the party wants to regroup and discuss. Maple wants to save people and immediately rushes off, ignoring pleas that people dying don’t matter.
Instead of helping, Garland and Mumble decide to investigate the bank early, and Poppi hangs out at the church belltower to watch what happens in the market.
I roll percentile to determine Maple’s fate. 08. So, due to negligence by the rest of the party (again), Maple dies. Again. As does Masem. And a bunch of innocent standerbys. And also the lord’s manor via explosion I think? I was still trying to find that piece of art. Which I found used as a gentle nudge to the rest of the table that Maple’s a girl. Cut, but still obviously feminine.
Anyways, no one gets to learn what Maple learned yesterday, because screw them, they left her and everyone else to die, and Maple doesn’t write off anyone if there’s a chance to save them.
And there’s always a chance.[21]
Anyways, Poppi spends the day observing while Garland and Mumble annoy a bank clerk, find the brigands hideout, and Mumble convinces one of them he’s a god.
When Maple dies, I use it as an opportunity to take a break and look through social media. Tempers out of character knowledge and lets me take a break from being Permanently ‘On’ for hours at a time.[24]
Eventually, the church bells ring, and a darkness envelops the town, killing everyone.
So ends the first session.
I’m excited for the rest of the campaign, though I am (progressively) remembering details from the last time NavyDice ran it, so hopefully that doesn’t ruin the fun. Especially since I’m super excited to play Maple, and I don’t want to add her to the list of characters who deserve a second chance.[25]
Until next time, may your dice make things interesting.
[1] Who has not formally adopted the ColourDice naming convention, but does have a D&D Instagram? [2] I’ve got plans for that group, however, so stay tuned. [3] Concluded my prejudices against Powered by the Apocalypse is true and I will never willingly touch it. [4] Previously credited as Lyons. [5] Previously credited as Maddie. [6] Previously credited as Jose. He assigned himself the color green, but my brother took that color and I couldn’t convince him to pick something more specific. I rudely haven’t consulted Jose on the reassignment. He can yell at me if he reads this.[7] [7] No one reads these. [8] I’ll figure out a consistent guest player naming convention one of these essays. [9] Next time: glasses. Maybe. [10] There’s an amount of Vimes in this character. Actually, Maple may turn out to just be Sam Vimes. Which I’m okay with, even if I want to play her with an amount of bloodthirsty glee when fighting bad guys… [11] For once, 5e’s dumb background rules actually helped flesh out my character in a satisfying manner. [12] A mechanic I don’t think has ever added fun to D&D. It always feels petty. [13] Which took hours to find! But the references are saved to my phone now. [14] Hint: anything the GM draws attention to is relevant. [15] Always allow players to play NPCs so they can take the mickey out of other players. [16] GM tip! Always let real world media exist in universe. Makes it easier to make references, and justifying it is a lot of fun![17] [17] GM tip! Regardless, someone will always be confused by the concept of sandwiches due to the apocryphal tales of John Montagu, despite insisting sandwiches only existing since the 18th century is ridiculous, and evidence of similar food arrangement has existed long before the famed event.[18] [18] There was a tedious argument with the High School group that I’m apparently still annoyed by. But Good Eats has my back, so I’m confident.[19] [19] While my footnotes are cascading, I’ve been humoring the concept of a ‘Adventurer’s Cookbook’. Which would likely just be a camping cookbook with genre writing as flavor, and the recipes arranged in esculating terms of difficulty. [20] Not actually fun. [21] One of this campaign’s experiments: using the ‘It’s what my character would do’ defense. Because I like to try and justify things.[22] [22] Maybe someday I’ll experiment with justifying Failure to Communicate and Teacher/Pupil relationships.[23] [23] Because, to be clear, I really hate both. [24] GM tip! Let players (and GMs) take breaks. Either by pausing the game, or letting there be lulls where portions of the table can get away from losing focus and think about Other Things. [25] A list that includes Trix and Teddi.
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bluerosesburnblue · 6 years
Liz Liveblogs Bravely Second: Chapter 3
Bravely Second Chapter 3: Up, Up, and Away is now on, and being posted in a decent amount of time. I think we’re gonna go steady straight to the end of the game at this rate!
Agnès seems to be okay in the wake of the Skyhold getting hit and going down. She didn’t even notice. Her knitting got messed up and she’s mad. God, if Agnès ain’t me
Oh, and Tiz spotted her lost yarn through video call. Cuuuute
SP reading from Luxendarc? VP Appleberry, explain!
There was nothing to explain. The laser energy was the same as the stuff we use in the Bravely Second hourglass. I sense a meta chapter coming on
Something is sealed in Skyhold. The Kaiser and Anne are worried it may break free. And they’re refusing to let Nikolai look into the laser. They’re sending Geist, who I remember from the demo. His asterisk job was kinda useless, at least for my playstyle. So they’re sending a torturer because... why not
I don’t know if I mentioned it, but they pronounce “Anne” as “Ann-eh” and that kinda messes me up?
Game is crazy if it thinks I’m not going to immediately turn around and grind out all of the ocean’s bestiary entries
Monoceros are terrifying oh gosh I think that was my first game over so far? I got unlucky with a group of four lurking out of sight
Also, Striped Rabbies are fish? Weird
Hey Liz what did you do today? Oh, you know, spent three hours completing bestiary entries
Man, I’ve gotta be about halfway through the game at this point. The team’s level 45, bestiary entries are about 50% complete in all categories that aren’t Dragons and Bosses... There’s supposed to be six chapters, right? Maybe some of the later ones are shorter
It’s the prettiest city in all of Luxendarc: Florem!
Staging, huh? Tell me it’s not another beauty pageant
Oh are those Ancheim NPCs there because I took deRosa’s side in the sidequest? Sorry guys... if it’s any consolation I intend to undo evicting you from your homes?
Ah. Flower Festival time. Of course. At least the festival workers seem to have realized their errors from last game and they’ve replaced the beauty pageant with another contest, and they pick both a male and female winner now. Exciting... I guess
Nobody in Florem knows anything about the Skyhold or the attack on it, but the Matriarch is gonna send their baby vestaling, Sylvie, with us to put up a shield. I... do not have high hopes for this child’s continued existence
Just put the barrier up and Sylvie is not dead yet, but I’m still worried for this mute child
Oh??? My God??? Is the “Revealing Outfit” that Magnolia found just a cloth diaper? Isn’t that the DLC outfit for Tiz?
Great, the Empire’s here for an inquisition. Because Florem totally has a giant laser cannon, guys! This random passerby definitely knows where that came from!
The Florem battle background is gorgeous, though
What is Geist’s accent? It’s as unplaceable as Tommy Wiseau’s
Also he just killed two guys on stage. I guess the Kaiser doesn’t care about subtlety if this is the guy he’s sending
And he’s using his gameplay gimmick of undoing turns to revive them. While I appreciate the nod to his job class, does this really count as a “turn,” Geist?
Also it’s kind of messed up that he can kill someone, revive them, and they retain their memories of dying. Though is it really any worse than normal JRPG resurrection?
How did this man, completely covered in blood, manage to make his way to the stage completely unseen in the first place?
Alternis, baby, back for the save yet again!
...aaaaand he’s down yet again. But now he’s taking advantage of his Dark Knight abilities to hit Geist back
“What a power couple!” They all ship Edea/Alternis
The crowd is naming Edea and Alternis the winners of the pageant because Edea would sacrifice herself for the city, and Alternis would sacrifice himself for Edea
“It seems that even with my helmet donned, I cannot hide my manly charms.” This isn’t Alternis, is it? Thought his line delivery was a little different. That’s gotta be Ringabel, at least in this scene
The mood whiplash in this scene is incredible! We’re going from Geist threatening to brutally maim everyone, revive them, and do it over and over until someone confesses, to “OH AREN’T ALTERNIS AND EDEA A CUTE COUPLE haha what a situation” gags
So no one seemed to understand Magnolia’s burst of French, which is understandable since contact with the people of the moon has been limited, but this guy in the crowd speaks French, too???
“Our” tongue? Do we have a moon immigrant on our hands or something?
“The language of the Sagitta”. So the Sagitta are an ancient tribe that defeats Ba’al. Speaking of Ba’al, I feel like we’re probably about due for another fight with one
So I guess we’re gonna go chat up the Sagitta elder. Give them info on the moon for their info on the giant laser of death
Lotus of the Sagitta. I see the symbolism. He’s gonna die, isn’t he?
Helllooooooo sidequest. Guide says Barras vs. Einheria
Well, Edea’s the new superintendent of Florem schools because the old one got tired of it and Edea was standing close by. Seems legit
So survey teachers on Co-ed schools vs. Non-Co-ed. So is that the big fight this go around?
“Ms. Rhea Veeling”? Ohhh boy
Swetti Tracsute... in Eternian sky night garb? Was he from the first game or has it taken me so long to play this one that it feels like he was from a whole other game
Eugh. It’s a battle of gender stereotypes. Can we noooooooot
For the record, my stance is that the owner of the school or whatever should be free to choose whether it’s co-ed or not. That’s it. If there’s sufficient demand for both, then neither of you are in the right. HOWEVER, since this doesn’t seem like it’s going to be about the school itself, per se, but about the equality of the sexes. In which case, uhhhh there shouldn’t be any discrimination by sex on a legal level?
Aaaaand Swetti’s lost me with his “school is about falling in love, not learning!” spiel
You’re both wrong. Sidequest closed. Give me both jobs already. I’ll fight both of you if I have to
So while Bravely Second’s sidquests are an interesting idea, I do wish they’d mixed it up a bit. Every single one of them feels like I’m resolving some petty childish squabbling on the side. None of them are relevant to the story and they’re just getting predictable at this point. Remember in Bravely Default when we had a sidequest where the party’s alternate-universe selves all died in one of the other universes they went to and got to see what the people they loved were like without them? Tiz’s brother Til, Olivia Oblige, Alternis and Braev... yeah, I remember when they were deep and poignant. Now look at us. We’re deciding what the Florem school district should do with its time, and it will inevitably end with two people from the last game fighting and us having to defeat one of them. They’re just so... irrelevant and not even well-written to compensate?
In general I’m on Swetti’s side. Cooperation between the sexes is the only way to get rid of discrimination between them, and Florem doesn’t have ANY co-ed schools yet, so opening one up is probably a good idea. So naturally I gotta kick his ass, for Worst Timeline purposes
Or kick Barras’s ass, since he’s here now. Hey, dick. How’s your bitch girlfriend doing now that she’s doomed the continent of Eisen to a slow economic death?
So Rhea was one of Einheria’s soldiers in the Bloodrose Legion in the last game, just like Swetti was one of Barras’s. There’s the tie-in, I guess
And Rhea is just being obstinate... for the aesthetic? To keep Florem beautiful? She isn’t even making a point! She just doesn’t like the idea of guys being around! “I’m all for equal rights for men and women but they’re just so grosssss...” that’s not an argument. Stop.
And now I’ve gotta battle through the Twilight Ruins to make my report. This is so aaaaaaarbitrary
The bestiary entry for the Twilight Ruins enemy, Dark Stomper, has Voice call the moon civilization “our civilization”. So Voice is a Moon man?
“Your decision is probably going to drag us into a battle against the losing faction” even Tiz is pointing out how same-y these all are
Guess the sidequest is over already. Just time to kick Barras’s ass for being right
I may have charmed Swetti and let him do most of the damage to Barras. Whoops?
Seems like the anti-co-ed argument is BUT TRADITION. CHANGE TAKES TIME. Yes but opening up a school with optional enrollment is exactly the small change that would... oh forget it
Innovation>tradition for me. Sorry, it just is
And Rhea has a crush on Swetti. Because that’ll be a healthy relationship where all they do is scream at each other
Whatever, let’s get back to it with the Sagitta
And the Sagitta forest is gorgeous. I’m so glad this is what we get after that abysmal sidequest
I worry that a boss is coming up every time the Adventurer gives me the option to rest in the cottage
I never thought I’d hear “open sesame” spoken in French but there it is. The password for Sagitta Village
“You fear this is the end? True despair lies in the lack of a future. The unchanging world... We call it the end layer” The first NPC I talk to in a village shouldn’t be allowed to be so ominous OR title drop!
So the Sagitta were told that they descended from the moon people, but few believed it was true
And Elder Sirius is determined to blow the Skyhold to pieces, Agnès’s safety be damned. Okay, dude, chill for five minutes while we grab her, then you can do it. No? Christ, what a dick
Nooo Agnès is being self-sacrificing again through pendant call. I love how Edea turned Agnès’s “Unacceptable” catphrase back on her for that suggestion
“We’re Agnès’s Avengers, remember?” Hey, I thought we agreed that we were Yew Googlymoogly and his Three Yutzes now
At least Lotus wants to help us get transport to the Skyhold
Aww, Lotus has a son named Procyon. And his deceased wife was the Elder’s daughter, so Procyon is the big heir to the position
Procyon thinks Tiz’s hair is funny... but I have Tiz as a Catmancer so the zoom in on the ears was comedy gold
Confirmation that the Sagitta fired the laser, and they have no clue where their SP cannon comes from
Edea’s plan was to fire us out of the cannon... Edea, it’s not a normal cannon. It’s a laser. It’ll disintegrate you
They don’t know what SP is, just that it’s produced from “the flow of time” just like how wind turbines collect energy from “the flow of wind” which... they just convert kinetic energy into electric energy so that’s not quite how it works but okay
It’s also harnessed from people sleeping. I can see where this is going to get meta. The Bravely Second hourglass charges when the 3DS is in sleep mode, in other words, when the “player” is asleep. So to them it looks like it’s charging automatically, but it’s actually harnessing the player’s sleeping energy. Given that last game implied that the player was a Celestial watching the party, it has to be intentional
Now to have Lotus and Procyon guide us to Old Sagitta so we can see if we can use SP energy to fly!
Oh no another sidequest’s opened up
What on earth did Edea just throw at that man
And he sings every other line. Wow. That won’t get old
Rocca Pellar, grandson of bard Arca Pellar, owner of the baton that we used against Praline last game. She’s gonna be in this quest, isn’t she?
At least the party’s as done with his singing as I am
...why are we in deRosa’s molestation basement?
Buddy no. Do not use this as a studio. Some dark stuff went on in here
So Praline and Barbarossa are both harassing Rocca for an old song his grandfather wrote. And Rocca describes both of them as having voices so bad he couldn’t understand them. Rude
And Edea’s gonna help because they’re both Kamiizumi’s people and she feels responsible
This Jpop song is so loud I can’t hear what they’re saying. I see they haven’t fixed the mixing from the last game
Praline wants to remix the song and pass it off as her own. I’m gonna imagine Barbarossa wants it released in its original form. On the one hand: potential art theft on Praline’s part. On the other, since the original artist is dead, the song may be public domain. Though if she’s asking for rights the answer is probably “not yet”. In which case, she can wait and I want to side with Barbarossa
I forgot Yew was scared of ghosts. This ship must suck for him
Yeah. Barbarossa doesn’t want her to be able to mess up the song. I know I said tradition<innovation in the last quest, and I stand by that... but the song was never released, so it can’t be tradition. So release it in its original form, then, years later, we allow Praline to remix it. Problem solved, people just have to be patient
I like Barbarossa more. So I’m gonna kick his ass in this, the worst timeline. Which is great, because I prefer the Pirate class to the Performer class
Cutscene, cutscene, OLD DUNGEON FROM THE LAST GAME, pick a side, boss fight... I don’t even hate this quest but it’s formulaic as anything
Tent event reveals that Yew is Pellar’s #1 fan and he’s geeking out that Tiz and Edea not only spoke to his disciples, but also have his baton. And now he’s distressed that Edea used it as a backscratcher
Edea ATE the baton by accident?! Good lord, girl, how???
Another thing that bothers me about these quests is that there doesn’t seem to be much correlation between the jobs offered? Like, it’s never a choice of “defensive swormaster vs. defensive knight” where both are attacking classes that just fill different roles or something, it’s always, like, “defensive vs. summon” or “buff vs. attack.” I just think it would be cool if the jobs offered were similar in some way, just filled different roles so your choice was more necessary. Ninja vs. thief for speed-based knife users, Buffing Performer vs. Buffing Time Mage... etc.
So Pellar’s song even came with a dedication to all sailors, so Barbarossa was right that it would be disrespectful to Arca to change the song’s meaning. Though, Rocca has no problem with the remix. I stand by my previous judgement. If Arca wanted the song as-is, then give it some time as-is. Praline can wait to remix it. Especially since I’m sure she won’t be respectful to the intent of the song
To connect this to the last one in terms of innovation vs. tradition, that one involved whether to open up a co-ed school or yet another all-girl’s school. Florem had none of the former, and people willing to run it. The issue was more large-scale and governmental in nature. The old law didn’t have feelings, it’s not a person, so innovation was the go-to. This quest has the direct notion that Arca would not want his song changed. Arca may be dead, but his wishes for his work should still be respected. It was a personal project, not a governmental one, and one that never got released so he wasn’t able to control what happened to it. The school benefits all of the guys in Florem who are now allowed rights there, and would change the way the country works forever. The remix would just make people happy for a bit and then be dropped once it’s no longer popular. It’s fleeting and shallow. So I guess artist’s rights>governmental innovation>disrespectful innovation>gender segregation?
Also, Arca can’t be that long gone. At least give him 100 years in the grave before screwing with his work
WOW Edea, that logic SUCKS. “The world doesn’t care about your grandpa’s wishes, they just want Praline, so screw your grandpa. You don’t owe him”
“Let Praline make a mockery of your grandfather’s legacy because pleasing the masses is the only thing that matters!” What... the fuck, Edea?
God, I love Barbarossa. “If you want to be taken seriously, face their legacies head on! Put some blood, sweat and tears into accomplishin’ somethin’ of your own!” He’s having none of this. And I do agree. If Praline has to piggyback off of someone else’s work to be popular, is she really that good?
deRosa, DeRosso, Barbarossa... the last game really loved using similar sounding words that mean “red” for its villains, huh
Benediction Wall is so good holy shit
Praline’s song is kind of annoying. Also sounds like it would fit in Splatoon more than a fantasy game like this
Old Sagitta is AWESOME. Blue/green glowing mushrooms and ancient runes in a dark temple? That’s my aestheeeeeetiiiiiiic
The music is chill, too
I really like Lotus. He doesn’t like that his son’s the heir of the elder because he wants his son to be able to go out into the world and form his own opinions. Heck, he wants his son’s beliefs to be challenged so that he grows. Procyon shouldn’t be performing the duties of the Sagitta halfheartedly, but because he’s seen everything there is to and come to the conclusion that he agrees with their ways regardless. And if he decides he doesn’t like the way the Sagitta do things? Then Lotus will accept that. I’ve got a lot of respect for that. It’s open-minded, but the fair kind. The kind that implies thought, not believing everything you hear
It’s just a shame that that kind of stuff is a death flag. Especially with Geist running around
Neat gimmick. There’s invisible floors and illusionary walls, so the path forward isn’t always clear, though you can see them if you look hard enough due to their sheen
This Ancient Sagitta document is playing the same music box tune that shows up for the ending narration. It’s a gorgeous piece, but now I’m sure this document is really important to the story. Moreso than I suspected before
A Professor Altair of the Dimensional Bureau made a device that allows you to jump to any point in spacetime. The “spaciotemporal compass,” which I believe the Kaiser’s army stole in the chapter with Minette. So his aim is to travel across time, huh?
Seems Yew’s an amazing chef, while Magnolia is... not. I see who’s gonna be doing the cooking in that relationship
The spaciotemporal compass was stolen. The Sagitta people came about because Director Sagitta felt responsible, and dedicated his life to fixing his mistake. They boosted security, but it didn’t fix the problem
Altair was around when Eternia was founded. He died of colonic disease, and his dying words were a wish to see “Vega” again. Vega is probably a woman, and given the music box theme, I wouldn’t be surprised if she turns out to be that lady doing the monologues at the end of each chapter
Shit, Altair was 34? Damn, poor guy
Yew is not pulled in by this lore. We gotta hit up the Skyhold, guys!
It mentioned a Buster Ship, which Magnolia seems to think is significant. Was that the ship she came to Luxendarc on? I can’t remember
It’s pronounced “all-tire”???? “ALL-TIRE”??? Guys that’s... that’s a real name! And it’s pronounced “Ahlt-air”! You can’t just keep pronouncing things in the most asinine way possible!!! (It’s like KH’s “ay-vuh” vs “ah-vah” thing all over again)!!!
So Tire man’s got a tablet listing all of his inventions. He’s invented everything. Including the airborne battleship Sagittarius. Sagittarius. Sagitta. Duh
Lotus knew about the battleship. Because it’s gone. The SP cannon is all that’s left of it
Yew... where are you sneaking off to at night?
Ah, he’s going to sneak into the Sagitta underground and figure out how the village floats to see if they can use that. And Magnolia’s coming, because.
I’ve got such a bad feeling about this whole endeavor. No music... just wind sounds... ominous
Aw, Yew wanted to be a scholar. But after his big bro disappeared, he abandoned his own dreams to fulfill his brother’s. That’s some familial dedication
Giving someone a flower on the moon means “I will protect you for as long as we both live.” Yew’s flower meant everything to Magnolia because she was terrified and alone, and then Yew showed up with nothing but the promise of unconditional support. I’m actually tearing up right now, that’s really sweet and it’s paired with the most amazing music
And the thing is, Yew was alone, too. He’d just been betrayed by Janne and all he really had was Edea. He needed Magnolia. Someone to commiserate with. Who understood how afraid he was and who wanted to help, too
Ugh, Voice, you’re ruining the scene
“So, too, will your passion bear sweet, sweet fruit” VOICE YOU’RE MAKING IT WEIRD
Oh shit Yew fell off Sagitta and Magnolia jumped after him. They survived because it turns out the rock Yew broke off floats. Magnolia’s “I knew I’d be fine because I trust you” was... cute, but amazingly stupid
And Voice is a shadow against the sky? Or was that supposed to be someone else?
“I woke up and everyone was gone!” ...so where did Tiz go, then.
The shadow is both Tiz and Voice. I’m just gonna guess that the soulstone we shoved in Tiz to wake him up at the beginning was Voice’s soul
AND VOICE IS ALTAIR. Tire man you’d better have a good explanation for your bizarre vegetable rants last chapter
I guess this also explains how voice was writing in our journal. Tiz had plenty of access to it
An intruder? Probably Geist.
...definitely Geist
And he followed us here. Of course he did
Lotus stop telling him exactly what everything is and what it does! It’s just gonna make him want to break it more! This is not a man with empathy, he’ll use that information to cause more damage!
So Tiz is possessed by Altair for this battle, which seems to effect nothing but is certainly happening
Oh come ON. The fight ends when you get one volley of attacks off on Geist? I could’ve torn him a new one I’m so overlevelled!
Altair says that Geist’s pulling a Life is Strange and rewinding small bits of time every time he “undoes” something, but that makes him susceptible to being attacked by large bursts of SP. Lucky for us he decided to fight us next to a giant SP fuel tank, I guess?
Also lucky that Altair invented the tank and knows the secret override code (seriously, no one ever changed that in the hundreds, maybe thousands of years since it was made?)
...the fight seems to be taking place in the Ba’al dimension with the music box theme playing, and Altair says it’s his memories they’re seeing, because emotions and time are inseparable.
Just gonna guess now that the Ba’al are the physical manifestations of Altair’s memories, given form by corruptions in time or just time energy. Paradoxes. It’s Final Fantasy XIII-2 now. Everything is paradoxes
Also, Geist can still undo, just not as much. Can’t completely nerf him for the fight, I guess
Undo as much as you want, that Benediction wall I put on you heals us every time we hit you, doofus
Ah yes. Now we, too, can be blood-drenched time-warpers that look like we shambled out of Silent Hill
Lotus is gonna die protecting this tank isn’t he
Oh thank God Edea jumped in and killed Geist with a katana I know she absolutely does not have equipped
His dying words were hoping that his son “Rev” is now finally free. Dude you literally almost just murdered a father and his son without mercy, now you want sympathy because you’re also a dad? Is this how you people think equivalent exchange works?
“The kaiser intends to unleash the power of the spacetime compass!” Nooooooo really, Altair? I thought he stole it because it looked nice on his wall!
So unlike the last game, where the “time loop” was actually traveling to an alternate reality, in this game it is an actual time loop. I actually knew that before starting the game, which is why I’m so flippant about getting the worst endings on sidequests. Unlike the last game, where bad consequences never got undone because we weren’t going back in time, just to a different world, in this game whatever we do here gets undone in the next loop
So Altair can only possess Tiz at night? That’s some serious gameplay and story segregation because I know you’ve been writing in our journal during the day, you hack!
God we’re gonna have to tell Tiz about this. “Hey buddy we found out your body gets possessed by an ancient scientist at night” “Oh. Is that why it feels like I haven’t slept in months? ...is that why I’m currently covered in wounds?”
Wait, Tiz has been active at night before, so it can’t be “Altair takes over Tiz every night.” So it’s just only an option to possess him at night, but he can still choose not to take control if he doesn’t feel like it?
“But before I go, I would leave you with some cherished words of advice” DO NOT RAMBLE ABOUT VEGETABLES AGAIN
He’s rambling about GRAPES well, I mean, I said vegetables specifically, so you win this time Tire-man
“Which means what, exactly?” I love Yew. He’s my son. I’m adopting him
Tiz says he kinda knew about Altair. Not specifically Altair himself, but that he could feel another presence within him. Poor guy must’ve thought he was going crazy all this time
Altair, when did you have time to write Tiz a letter explaining everything last night?
So, confirmation that Altair was the soulstone we used to bring Tiz back, and that he stayed quiet because he was worried Tiz would try to get him out of his body. But he got attached to these kids and started getting more and more involved, by writing in the journal and giving us advice while out of sight, because he basically emotionally adopted us and wanted to help protect his old world
He also gave Tiz permission to exorcise him. Altair, I may hate the way you pronounce your name and ramble about produce, but I kinda like you now. Welcome to the team, Team Dad Who is Also a Ghost
That’s such a Tiz thing. “I mean he may be possessing my body but I’m not gonna exorcise him! That’s mean!”
Time to corner the Empire at the Water Temple and put a stop to their plans!
Agnès is overloading the Crystal. And her voice is all echo-y. Don’t tell me she’s possessed, too, because I totally called that in the last liveblog
I knew the barrier wouldn’t work. After all, what’s a vestaling’s power to a full-blown Vestal?
Tiz, stop asking her to stop and grab her!!!
Now we know for sure why she was kidnapped. And why the empire’s plans didn’t seem to start until the beginning of the game
Aw, damn. Anne’s here. We’ve gotta be heading back in time pretty soon to undo this
Vucub Caquix? What... THAT’S a name
I thought this was going to be the end of the chapter, but there’s a whole sidequest and two summons on my list I never did. Did I miss them???
Actually, screw it. I saved just before this scene, I’m gonna go check
I did not. Guess this isn’t the end of the chapter, then?
Ugh. Sapp and Piddler are back on a mechanical bird that they don’t know how to fly. How dramatic
At least Anne’s amused?
It absorbs lightning damage, which would’ve been nice to know when I scanned it
And it transforms into a wrestler. I... hrm.
Nevermind, it absorbs all magic. Magnolia’s Summon in a Pinch is gonna sabotage us, I know it
Just glanced at a guide. It actually absorbs ELEMENTAL damage, so the Wizard’s Spirit spell works
So tedious. Rad death animation though
Bestiary entry stated the operation manual inside says the designer gave it “the name of one of the gods from my homeland.” I wasn’t aware that the Mayans existed in the Default universe
Oh, fuck off Nikolai. Are you actually gonna do anything or are you just gonna monologue at us?
Blah blah he was part of the original Crystalguard, they were corrupt and lost to the Eternian Anticrystalists and the disbanded Crystalguard did some shady stuff that he did nothing to stop, so now he feels guilty and joined the kaiser to go back in time and undo it. Okay. Sure. I get it. You’ve never read a time-travel story in your life so you’re unaware that “fixing the past” goes wrong 90% of the time. We get it
Yew, my precious child! Sticking up for his beliefs and telling Nikolai off by professing his love for his new family!
“He’s like a big brother to me!” I LOVE ME A TIZ/YEW BROTHERHOOD
And everything he’s said about Edea sounds like a younger sibling talking about their annoying older sibling I LOVE THIS FAMILY
MY BABYYYYYY! “The people who matter most to me are right here, in this world! And you are not gonna take them away from me!” THAT’S RIGHT KIDDO. This world may be broken, but there’s good in it and the bad can still be fixed! The sacrifice of your family is UNACCEPTABLE
“I’m gonna make it right. Here, in this world.” I. LOVE. YEW
You know, Nikolai, I can’t have Yew resurrect himself as a Bishop, so why can you?
Just stay down, Nikolai. “Show the world your coup de gravy” is some... awful dying words
Janne’s alive. Falling off a cliff has never killed anyone in fiction
Okay Kaiser’s voice sounded familiar to me so I looked it up. It’s Cam Clarke, who voiced what appears to be, no joke, a large portion of the cast of Back at the Barnyard, Toph’s Dad from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Simba in all of his non-first movie appearances, including Kingdom Hearts II, and, most pressingly the original Leonardo from the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In my liveblog of the Prologue, I noted that Yew was voiced by Michael Sinterniklaas, the voice of 2003 Leonardo. Is this the most bizarre casting gag ever???
Nikolai’s bestiary entry is complete, so this really is the last we’ll ever fight him
Oops, Empire’s already about to shatter the worlds
The Rubadub can fly? Lotus taught Sakura the controls? Yew asked him to do it with the levistone? What???
Lotus join this family forever please
We use the hot springs to heat the levistone to fly. I can’t believe we have a flying hot springs boat
There’s the sidequest. It’s Grandship, moored in the Ba’al crater in Eternia
Oh the ship lets you fast travel anywhere. Sick
Heyyyy, Zatz, Datz, and the Proprietress! ...and they’re complaining about taxes
So Grandship ran out of power, and now they’re a refugee micronation
Oh hey, Alternis. Somebody ask him about the Florem competition. I want to see his face when he realizes his alternate self is ruining everything again
No, game, it’s not suspicious at all that you’re giving Alternis an introduction card right now when he’s supposedly been part of the main plot since last chapter. Not suspicious at all
“By what strange trick of fate do your paths cross anew?” NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL
This scene where we hang out with our airship buddies from the last game is really cute, I’ll admit
Alternis sounds so happy the second these orphan kids come up to him. Also really adorable. There’s a lot of reasons I love Alternis
HE GAVE THEM FOOD AND GIFTS. My heart! And it makes perfect sense that he cares for the orphans given the fact that he was an abandoned kid
He’s hanging out at Grandship because it takes care of the lost. I think he’s found the perfect home
Holy shit that meal was 1,825,890pg WITH discount?! Edea what the hell did you eat?!
Or it’s just absurd taxes. But I’ve got my eye on your share of the meal, Edea!
Oh god crazy Chompcraft guy is here abort abort let’s book it
“Everyone is responsible” jackass, that ain’t how taxation works, even with a council. Stop trying to cover your ass
...Alternis’s views on taxation are not something to love him for. Sure, some taxation is always going to be necessary, especially for general welfare programs. But a nation only has so much money to spend! Eventually there’s not gonna be any left, and now everyone needs the welfare, instead of just some people, but we already spent the money funding the welfare, so there isn’t enough to go around
“We must look after the orphans and the aged” Alternis, bud, your heart’s in the right place, but that doesn’t make the system any less broken
He’s acting like by abolishing taxes we suddenly stop all welfare programs. That’s... not how it works. It just needs another source of income. One that doesn’t completely use up the rest of the nation’s cash, so that nobody can pay for the kids. We need people to be able to make money, because that keeps it flowing, both within the nation and around it. And when you open up money to outsiders, they will return with more. That’s where the money for the kids should come from. Collaboration with the rest of the world, not a drain on an already impoverished people
Please don’t let this be a repeat of the Profiteur/Holly quest where the entire conflict was “sentimental dumbass flunked out of high school economics”
I just noticed that Agnès is missing from the pendant in the menu. Sometimes the gameplay and story integration in this series is fantastically on-point
Oh neato! Since the Charybdis summon is a debuff we don’t have to survive an attack, but instead fight the Anchorite while debuffed. Cool!
And don’t think I missed the fact that they put a summon named after the Greek monster, Charybdis, on a boat
I’m glad that Yew clarified that “end layer” is just another term for the apocalypse. So the title of the game is basically “Go Back in Time: The Destruction of All”
Oh good, ex-King Khamer is here. I’m sure he knows how to run a nation (it’s so unfortunate that he’s the most experienced here in that regard)
Makes sense, though. He and Profiteur are the only people in the world who worked with finances before, thanks to the Merchantry
There were THIRTY taxes? Grandship, what are you doing?
7000pg for a SLICE of bread? Are you guys trying to destroy any potential tourist income you have AND drive away your current residents?
And hey, Khamer isn’t saying it’s wrong to help the orphans. But unless there’s reform, the poor laws aren’t going to collect any money regardless!
“Your ideals have blinded you, and you refuse to see the truth.” He’s got a point. Alternis is too caught up in helping the orphans to see that no matter which option they pick, those orphans are gonna run out of state funding real fast
This is just Profiteur vs Holly, except it’s shorter and I like Alternis and the Grandship crew, so it’s instantly better if still really dumb
I’m so on Khamer’s side here. There is no “good” option for the orphans. Either they lose going to school, or they lose THEIR ENTIRE HOME NATION. So Khamer’s solution actually hurts the kids less. Alternis is just so emotional right now he can’t see it
Worst Timeline Prerogative states side with Alternis and doom Grandship, so that’s what we’re gonna do
“It might seems crazy to risk financial ruin just to take care of the poor” Seem? Edea, dear, the poor won’t be taken care of at all without cutting the taxes
“But, if you think of the country as a family, then it’s not crazy at all” Edea, it’s a NATION. They’re not equivalent! Governments have to do cruel things sometimes because it’s their job to benefit as many people as they can, not just the ones they want!
The worst part of all of these sidequests isn’t that someone’s usually wrong. It’s that Edea attempts to morally justify whatever she does to make it sound like the “superior” option, and never for convincing reasons. It just makes her come across as shallow, and I know that’s not who Edea is. She doesn’t moralize to everyone she meets, at least, she shouldn’t in this game. The Edea from last game might, but having her be team mouthpiece here forces her to ignore her character growth from last game in realizing that situations can be morally ambiguous and need COMPROMISE, not just picking one side and calling it a day. It doesn’t always have to be either-or, and this game’s Edea knows that! She just sounds really immature in these sidequests. Like she can’t conceive of ever doing something morally ambiguous because it seemed the better morally ambiguous option at the time, she has to be 100% morally correct all the time
You’re all just gonna make people move out of Grandship, and now who’s going to pay the poor laws? The poor?! If people can’t choose whether to support the poor or not with their the way their money is spent, they’ll chose with their bodies by just leaving
Alternis, darling, noooooo. You don’t have the money to buy them nice things. The poor laws should only provide necessities and the groundwork for them to work themselves out of poverty. Give them assistance, not freebies that they’ll never repay
I agree with everything Edea’s saying, but we literally picked the option that DOES NOT ALLOW FOR THAT PLAN
We just created a socialist hellstate. Great.
No one’s concerned that I switched Tiz to Exorcist and he’s just sitting there, covered in blood
They’re trying to claim that everyone’s making enough to support the taxes and that the kids are gonna grow up and help the nation, but... that’s blatantly false? We saw they couldn’t literally last night? And the nation’s gonna run out of cash in two weeks, so... this ending’s bullshit?
And Khamer wasn’t a citizen so he shouldn’t have been in the council in the first place and went broke, but he can take advantage of the poor laws despite that? Has anyone considered that he went broke BECAUSE THE TAXES WERE SO HIGH?!
Also, this whole thing comes off as just... desperately trying to justify bad decisions based on emotion, which it REALLY should not. The government needs to be held to different standards than a person. Just own up to the fact that you fucked up, guys. Stop trying to sugarcoat the fact that Grandship is gonna go broke in two weeks. It all sounds like a lie to make sentimental fools feel better
By invalidating Khamer like this, the sidequest loses ALL impact. Everything would be so much more poignant if he was a citizen, was really going to be effected by everything, and the choice had actual consequences. Heck, outside of this scene, people are still complaining about the taxes! You talk to anyone but the orphans on this ship and they talk about how they’re lucky to get by! Writers, it is OKAY to admit that your protags made a bad choice. No one learned anything here, and Grandship is still going to go bankrupt!
I really wished that quest had spawned before the battle at the Water Temple, because it killed the pacing
They’re gonna sell merch featuring the Warriors of Light. Yeah, sure, that’ll fix it. You solved the economy. Congrats. Just... someone buy Tiz that mug with his face on it and we’ll call it a quest, yeah?
I’m gonna go grind out Everlast Tower and snag the Girtablulu summon, then see if I can call it a chapter
Half of it’s locked down, but I snagged the summon and did as much as I could. Onwards!
Everyone’s saying it’s the point of no return. By name. Think it might be the Point of No Return™?
Wait, it’s the female voice. The chapter’s already over? Wow.
“I waited - how long I waited - for the day when the two of you would meet again.” I want to know who she means. She says “you,” not “us”
Well, I guess that was the end of the chapter! My guide says there’s only one Asterisk next chapter, so I feel it’s gonna be a short one! Definitely a Disk One Final Dungeon at the Skyhold
“Great Distance” is, as always, a pleasure to hear
I cannot believe how many characters raised death flags this chapter, and yet no one died. I also can’t believe there wasn’t a Ba’al fight! This game is screwing with my expectations and I’m happy Lotus and Procyon are alive but also???
I really enjoyed this chapter. Not the sidequests, which is to be expected at this point. It feels like they’re written by a completely different team than the main storyline, and I wonder if that’s the case, because they’re so tonally off and the main story is doing GREAT at moral ambiguity, which makes the complete lack of it in the sidequests despite the fact they act like there is, completely baffling.
But! We got some wonderful interactions between the main cast, especially the part where Yew tells Nikolai that he’s got a family now and he won’t just let them be erased, and then goes one step further and vows to fix the Crystalguard’s past mistakes without taking the easy way out and just undoing them! Some amazing lore reveals and worldbuilding with the Sagitta, my new Favorite Dad, Lotus, the airship (finally!), and the SP plot involving Altair finally makes its appearance. So I genuinely like this chapter, and I can’t wait to finish up the first “arc” of Bravely Second before things start getting real. Since Chapter 4 looks to be short, I’ll be checking back in real soon! ‘Till next time!
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dresden-sandiego · 6 years
The FATE System
Last week, I gave you all a brief, high-level look at all of the books in The Dresden Files series. If you missed them, you can read those posts here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. But the world of The Dresden Files is just the setting for the game which will be detailed on this blog. The game is run using the FATE System, and this post is going to give you a high-level look at what that system entails. But first, some background, but fair warning: this is going to be a pretty long post.
Role-Playing Games
The FATE system is one of many different role-playing game systems for tabletop gameplay. A role-playing game, as the name implies, is one in which the players take on the role of a specific character as they experience the story. Arguably the most famous tabletop role-playing game (RPG) is Dungeons & Dragons. RPGs aren’t limited to tabletop games, and have appeared in almost every format you can imagine.
In most RPGs, players begin by creating a character within the rules of the system. Some systems are more based in numbers or “stats,” relying on a wide array of dice. Others, including the FATE system, minimize the importance of stats and dice and maximize the focus on the character.
There is a lot of diversity in types of RPGs, but even more in the types of players that participate. For some players, making characters to minimize their weaknesses and maximize their strengths (colloquially known as min-maxing) is their primary motivation. For others, myself include, the priority is creating an interesting characters and then putting yourself into their shoes.
To Crunch or Not to Crunch
If you spend much time around gamers, you may hear the term “crunchy” when describing a game. When a game, especially a role-playing game, is crunchy, it has a lot of rules, stats, calculations, and mechanical bits. Dungeons & Dragons is pretty crunchy because there are a lot of things a player needs to keep track of, and the stats drive a lot of what happens.
On the other hand, FATE is pretty far from crunchy. There are some numbers and stats, but they aren’t the priority. The dice only provide for a small amount of variability in those stats, and character traits and motivations drive the system far more than the numbers.
With that overview of role-playing games in general, let me share what I feel are the four (4) major parts of FATE that make it special: aspects, the skill ladder. the FATE dice, and Fate points.
Aspects: What Makes You You
In many role-playing games, you define characters by their “stats.” In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), characters being with six numbers that represent their Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, etc. FATE takes a different tactic by representing a character’s core in terms of aspects. The book defines an aspect as “...a phrase that describes something unique or noteworthy about whatever it’s attached to.”
Different flavors of FATE have different numbers of aspects, but there are two (2) that are vitally important. The first is the high concept. A character’s high concept is the core of their character and describes what makes the character themselves. For example, Harry Dresden’s high concept is something like [WIZARD PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR]. You can think of it somewhat like a race/class combination in a more traditional RPG; in D&D, you might be an [ELF RANGER] or a [DWARVEN FIGHTER]. But ideally, your high concept will be less generic and more focused.
Your character’s high concept is the core of your character, but it isn’t the only thing that defines them. Just like you are more than your job, characters are more than their high concept. The second important aspect of any character is their trouble. A trouble is the aspect that makes your life complicated. It’s not a flaw per se, but it’s something that might lead your character off their chosen path. Using Harry Dresden as an example, his trouble as of Storm Front is probably [THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES].
The rest of a character’s aspects are usually derived from their experiences. They usually describe lessons the character has learned or situations that have shaped them. Sometimes, these aspects are tied to other characters in the game, giving them a history prior to the start of the story.
I love aspects, because as a role-player, they do more to help get you into a character’s head than anything else. If one of my character’s aspects is [FEAR OF FAILURE], it immediately puts me in the right mindset and helps me make decisions as the character would, instead of what I the player know to be best.
Aspects are tied to everything in the game, not just characters. Locations, enemies, and environments can and will all have aspects. Your classic noir book opens up on a scene that is [DARK] and [STORMY]. Aspects are versatile and quite a bit of fun.
The Skill Ladder
There aren’t many crunchy bits to FATE, but the skill system is one of the few. Skills represent the knowledge and abilities of a character, representing their athletic ability, their ability to use computers, or their skills behind the wheel of a car. Characters have numbers tied to their skills that indicate how good (or not good) they are at each skill; the higher the number, the more exceptionally skilled the character.
One of the keys of FATE system games is that the characters are exceptional. The game isn’t about normal people doing normal things; characters are heros. FATE characters are the movers and the shakers of the world, and thus should be successful more than not. This means that while technically anyone can do anything, the heroes are going to be better at those things more often than not. 
Here’s what the ladder looks like:
+8 Legendary +7 Epic +6 Fantastic +5 Superb +4 Great +3 Good +2 Fair +1 Average +0 Mediocre -1 Poor -2 Terrible
Each result on the ladder equates to a descriptive word indicating how good a character is at their skill. For example, if a character has a Driving of 2, it means they are a Fair driver. Likewise, having an Alertness of 5 means the character has a Superb awareness of their surroundings.
The idea behind the skill ladder is that everyone has a default skill level of Mediocre, so that anyone can use a computer or climb a wall with Mediocre skill. Training, education, and experience will raise skill levels following the ladder.
But, as in reality, sometimes a normal person has a moment of inspiration or a surge of adrenaline in a fight or flight situation. This randomness is represented with a roll of the FATE dice, which look like this:
Tumblr media
There are always four FATE dice; each die has two faces with a minus “-” sign, two faces with a plus “+” sign, and two faces with no symbols. This gives a range from -4 to +4, but clumped around zero (0). This randomness represents distractions, pressure, and situations that might change a character’s skill level. When a character needs to make a skill check, they take their base skill and then add the results of the dice
For example, a physically strong character, Marie, might have a Superb (+5) Might skill. During the course of the game, she needs to hold open an automatic door. The game master (GM), who is running the game, determines how hard it is to hold the door open; in this case, it requires Great (+4) Might to do so. Marie’s player rolls their dice and gets +, +, -, and blank. The dice give a +1 to her base skill of Superb, meaning that she gets a Fantastic (+6) Might and can easily hold open the door.
Fate Points
The last piece of the system are Fate points, which also represent the character’s heroic role in the story. A fate point allows a character to change the situation during a scene or to affect the results of a check. The number of fate points a character has depends on a lot of other factors, but it boils down to the more power a character has, the fewer fate points they have to use. 
Fate points represent the character’s agency over their destiny. They can be used in three (3) main ways:
Alter the results of a die roll.
Make a declaration.
Compel a character or prevent a compel.
In each case, the fate point (FP) can only be spent if the character has an aspect that applies to the situation. They use the aspect, known as “tapping,” to justify why their character should be able to alter the scene. For example, if Marie had rolled mostly minus signs on her skill check in the previous example, she could spend a FP to either add a +2 to the result or reroll the dice as long as she had a relevant aspect. 
A declaration is a simple statement that alters the scene, either in a beneficial way for the players or a detrimental way for their opponents. For example, an FBI agent might be able to declare that they carry a backup weapon in an ankle holster.
Compels are complex, but essentially they are a way players can make the story better by trading fate points, or by earning more. The DM can tempt a character with a fate point by compelling them, based on their aspects, to make a decision that is bad for them, but still in character. An example: a character has the aspect [ATTRACTED TO DANGER] and was examining a very creepy sarcophagus. The smart thing to do would be the retreat and wait for backup. Instead, I offered the player a fate point because of their aspect to go ahead and investigate alone. Bad for the character, but better for the story; the player accepted, gained a fate point, and did something fun (but stupid).
That was a lot of words, for which I apologize. I love the FATE system - it’s currently my favorite system to run - and I could gush for hours. I tried to keep this to the basics, but I suspect I’ve over explained. In any case, you should now have a high-level understanding of character aspects, skills and the skill ladder, the FATE dice, and fate points. These will all be important to the content of this blog, but I’ll do my best to keep it at a low level.
My next post will talk a little bit more in-depth about The Dresden Files RPG, which is based on the FATE system. After that, we’ll start to go over how we build the settings and characters you’ll soon be reading about.
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you have questions, comments, or any concerns.
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rimalupin · 7 years
30 Questions Tag
I was tagged by these lovelies: @lustfullyleocrawford, @widzzicles, & @emigotchi. Thanks for the tag, y’all! ^-^ <3
1) Nickname:
I go by Rima on Tumblr. I’ve also been called “Rima-chan” a few times~. c:
2) Gender:
3) Star Sign:
4) Height:
4′9.5″ (I don’t round that measurement up to 4′10″ b/c I want to be completely honest about my shortness LOLOL. :P)
5) Time:
6) Birthday:
August 12
7) Favorite Bands:
One Direction LOLOL, Maroon 5, Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Destiny’s Child (if girl/boy bands count lolol), uhmmmm oh shoot I’m blanking... Sorry! :b
8) Favorite Solo Artists:
Tori Kelly, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, Sara Bareilles, Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, John Legend, Bruno Mars, Alessia Cara, Beyonce, Rihanna, Drake, Lorde, Adele, G-Eazy, Logic, Sia, Bebe Rexha, Niall Horan, Sam Tsui, Kina Grannis, Kesha, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Selena Gomez, Cardi B (I’m honestly probably missing a few b/c I listen to a bunch of different music haha~. :P)
10) Last Movie I Watched:
Step, which is a documentary about a group of teenage girls navigating their way through school and life in Baltimore while training for step dance competitions. It’s an incredibly inspiring and eye-opening film that doesn’t shy away from relevant issues such as economic struggles and racial tensions, so I highly recommend watching this film if you haven’t yet. Plus, you get to see these powerful young ladies dance some incredible step routines! Here’s the trailer if you’re interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVN4aVYA2eA
11) Last Show I Watched:
Does the YouTube series Game Theory count as a show? :P
12) When Did I Create my blog:
Summer of 2012(?)
13) What Do I Post:
I used to post a lot of random things, but now I’ve (sort of) organized my content to be focused on my fandoms along with quality memes. xD
14) Last Thing I Googled:
*types “last thing I Googled” in the Google search bar*
JK. Apparently the last thing I Googled was “shrug emoji.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15) Do you have other blogs:
Nope, just this one~.
16) Do you get asks:
Occasionally, yes (a.k.a. once in a blue moon lololol :P). But I always get a kick out of reading asks when I do get them~. ^-^ <3
17) Why did you choose this blog name:
A couple of my friends convinced me to make a Tumblr for role-playing purposes, specifically for the Harry Potter fandom. The role-playing thing was originally planned for just our small group of friends first since we didn’t really know how to role play. Once we figured out the “how” part, we intended to expand our role-playing to the general HP community.
My friends and I created aliases for our role-play characters. I decided to name mine Rima Lupin because 1) Remus Lupin is one of my favorite characters from the HP universe and 2) I had just started watching the anime Shugo Chara and I thought it would be “clever” to use one of the characters’ names - a.k.a. Rima Mashiro - for my RP character. And thus, Rima J. Lupin was born!
18) Blogs you are following:
19) Followers:
222 (Those triple digits tho. Like, who are you people?! JK I love y’all~. <3)
20) Favorite Colors:
Purple, Blue, Red & some shades of Orange
21) Average hours of sleep:
6-7 on a busy day, 8-10 on breaks/weekends
22) Lucky Number:
3 b/c the number represents the sisterhood between myself and my two younger sisters~. ^-^ <3
23) Instruments:
Piano (although I haven’t practiced in a LONG time), guitar, ukulele, voice, body (Thanks to Step, I learned how to do some basic step routines. You really do make music with your body when you stomp and clap the way that the step dancers do!)
24) What I’m Wearing:
PJs, specifically an old Hollywood tee and basketball shorts (I’m still on summer break, okay? :P).
25) How Many Blankets I Sleep With:
One big ‘ol quilt all year long, no matter how hot the weather gets. It’s comfortable and snuggable~. :D
26) Dream Job:
I actually have multiple dream jobs... :P
The one I’m currently pursuing is the job of a healthcare professional, a.k.a. a doctor. I’m thinking of going into pediatrics since I like working with kids~.
The other job I’d love to pursue if I find the time to do so is anything in the theatre: performing, producing, directing, writing, you name it!
27) Dream Trip:
A trip around the world where I get to meet people, both familiar and new (especially my Tumblr friendos! :D).
28) Favorite Food:
I like trying lots of food, so I guess almost everything..? xD
29) Nationality:
30) Favorite Song Now:
“Waving Through A Window” from Dear Evan Hansen
I’m a little late to doing this tag game and I’m pretty sure that most of y’all have already done this, so anyone who hasn’t yet done this tag is welcome to join the fun! :D <3
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