#4 of us were crammed onto 1 mattress like honestly
spocksmalewife · 6 months
cracking up at the way i showed up to a friend's function in hs with a condom tucked into my skirt waistline just in case like girl what were you THINKING was gonna happen that night?
0 notes
blankdblank · 5 years
My Pearl Pt 13
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@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars,  @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor, @thestorybookmistress, @abiwim, @here2have-fun, @onewithleaf
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - 
… bit emotional and heated in the start, trip to Rivendell ...
Cross legged atop your bed Thorin found you resting beside your sealed suitcase staring at it aimlessly while stroking the ankle band with your thumb. At the dip in the mattress from his sitting beside you your head snapped up to give him a gentle grin, “I’m finished packing.”
A grin flinched on his face in return then he asked, “Where were you, just now? Is this about this morning?” Your lips parted for a moment then closed, “It’s okay if it is. That was a heavy weight for you to take on, and then to go on through the show-,”
You shook your head, “It’s, just.” Wetting your lips he nodded at your eyes meeting again, “It’s terrible, but for so long I questioned everything.” At your voice cracking he inched closer, “That I did something,” his arms smoothed over yours with lips parted guessing what you could mean, “That it was something I ate, or I worked too many hours, or I didn’t sleep enough.” Pulling you closer he folded you against his chest tightly in his arms closing his eyes in the pressing of his lips to the top of your head at your soft sniffle. “Is it bad, that I feel-,”
“Relieved?” You nodded unable to say the word, “Not in the least. You are so strong, and have carried this weight for so long. It was not your fault, never was, I do not doubt Naule would have been very much loved and provided for. Same with any future children you may be blessed with, I couldn’t imagine a more determined mother,” with a smirk he added, “My own relatives excluded.”
Softly you giggled and he let out a weak chuckle and you drew back wiping your cheeks through another soft sniffle, “Thank you.”
“No thanks necessary.”
Wetting your lips you peered up at him easing your hands over his thighs, “I don’t believe I ever got the chance to thank you properly.”
“For giving me a chance at that sink.”
“You didn’t-,”
“I do, need to. I know you all would have preferred me waiting tables. I’ve done that before. To be honest I had ulterior motives on insisting on the sink.” Making him smirk, “I hoped I could catch on, and manage to dazzle you with how easily I picked it all up.”
Again he chuckled raising his hand to cup your cheek, “And dazzle you did, you in all your sudsy whirlwind glory.” Making you smirk in return, “And those potatoes, sealed it. I can’t place the exact moment I was yours, but somewhere between that first knife you passed me and your helping on the show in that yellow shirt of yours,” the growl inching into his voice made your smirk deepen, “And that beaming smile of yours that foolish Elf chef so undeservedly gained from you.”
You rolled your eyes, “Lumo was reminding me of his cousin I met in Gondolin, Wile. We used to get into such trouble. He used to try to slip random ingredients into my recipes and I kept retaliating by swapping out his.” Making Thorin chuckle only to smooth his hands over your arms as you said, “I just hope I can pay you back one day.”
He shook his head, “You already have. You are brilliant inside and out of the kitchen, all you needed was a nudge and look at you now. Your own dessert menu, reserved dinners lined up for months in advance, a spot as lead baker on our show, and that is just career wise. Look at the leaps and bounds you’ve grown at home, long lost relatives falling from the sky, you have grown so much past a woman in need of a helping hand. When, honestly, given just a bit more time I am certain you would have gained it all without my claiming you.”
You nodded, “I suppose I owe it all to the man who flipped that table then.”
He rolled his eyes, “We owe him nothing.”
“That was the first time since the pot incident you had touched me.” Making him smirk again, “I recall you being surprisingly gentle for your size.”
Lowly he chuckled, “I was concerned. And curious.” Your brow inched up, “I caught a glimpse of your tattoos, wondered what sort of bird was at the end of those feathers and what flowers you had chosen.”
Rocking your shoulders teasingly he grinned raising your legs onto his lap to stroke them up to your knee under the elastic band on your sweats there, “And here I was wondering what tattoos you had hidden yourself.” Deepening his returning smirk, “Just off of Dwalin’s arms alone I might have let my imagination get away from me.” With a giggle you shifted your legs to straddle him luring his hands to smooth across your back under his baggy tank top while your hands smoothed over his chest and shoulders, “I almost dropped a pan myself hearing you barking out orders across the room,” making him chuckle.
“Used to hear Fili and Kili grumbling about some stories here and there about your helping to raise them while Vili was going through school. Sort of made it hard to be afraid of you after hearing about you dressing up like a lion for their first play.” Making him laugh and glance away only to into the forehead tap you had given him in his glance back again with a grin smoothing his hands across your skin, “Do all Dwarves want boys too, or is Bombur the luckiest alive with nine girls out of 14?”
Thorin chuckled lowly rumbling back, “I suppose it depends on the Dwarf, though daughters are cherished, and yes, Bombur has been very blessed.” Inching his head back he looked over your face, “Just curious, do you have a preference?”
You shrugged, “Depends if they have facial hair of not,” making him chuckle again as you giggled out, “I think your boys with the mustaches are adorable.”
“They are, and they love bragging about them.” His fingers rose to brush your hair behind your ears, “Personally, I think your ears would be adorable on an infant.”
You rolled your eyes, “Elven infants can go days without sleep.” Making his brow inch up and you nod, “We would need reinforcements.”
Thorin chuckled, “No doubt Feanor would be moving in.”
“I don’t doubt it, along with the majority of my brothers I’d wager. The baby having babies, no less than astounding bringing them all in droves. What they tried so hard to do last time.” After a pause you said, “I do hope it stops being a mood dulling subject someday.”
He shook his head, “No dulling here.” He said inching you closer to his chest claiming a tender kiss, “And I hope I’m not adding any pressure by saying I had hoped one day to rival Bombur and his brood.”
Giggling again you nuzzled your head to the side of his neck, “14 babies, hmm. I can’t imagine beating Feanor with his eight unless I manage to have a few sets of twins thrown in there.” Easing your arms around his back his eyes shut in folding around you, a deep sigh left you at his warmth wrapping around you lulling you to snuggle more against his chest, “You are wonderful you know that, you would be an incredible Adad.”
“All that can wait. For now, we should get dressed. You remembered your dress and fur?”
Inching back your fingertips slid down his back inching out his grin that dropped in the stealing of another kiss, “Of course I remembered the full outfit of your envisioned moment.” Making him chuckle again, “No doubt you’ve chosen a stunning suit.”
He nodded, “Yes, which compliments yours perfectly. Nice and comfortable for when you take the limelight away from everyone.”
You rolled your eyes again and cupped his cheeks leaning in for a quickly deepening kiss that muffled your eventual giggle at his rolling you over in your stripping fumble for a quick tumble before the long flight.
Comfortably dressed in jeans, a stolen sweater matching Thorin’s for your hand in hand stroll through the airport joining the lines of people for your tickets, then security shortly after which led you to your gate where you spotted a few more Dwarvish chefs also taking the flight out to the award show. This year Thorin’s show hadn’t been up for an award, but Frerin’s had, and in their normal fashion they preferred to swap places to accept on the other’s behalf with equally as embarrassing acceptance speeches they had written on behalf of the other. Even you had been roped into the show with a couple last minute presenting offers for you as well. The long flight was perfectly used for a snuggling nap Through which Thorin was grinning the entire time at being able to hold you again while you slept.
Upon landing you both waded through the flashes of the greeting cameras capturing the glowing necklace resting across your chest especially matching those of quite a few of the other guests. Lines of cars sat outside and with your bags in hand you joined the others to your assigned cars for the ride through the waterfall filled kingdom straight to one of the best hotels in the Elven kingdoms. Each of the top chefs and their dates lined up to accept the packets with keys enclosed for their rooms. Giggling to yourself you squeezed in against Thorin’s side between the other chefs, who all slipped into the same contagious set of giggles at the large number of you crammed in around the single luggage cart wielding bellman trying not to chuckle himself.
Freed onto your floor you each leaned in like a bunch of children ooing and awing at each until you were the last couple eying the final door which when opened for you nearly made you gasp as you entered. The serene room with a view overlooking a waterfall feeding into a calm pristine pool in the distance behind the sheer curtains billowing inwards from the balcony you walked to. Looking you over Thorin grinned thanking the bellman, who turned his head with a grin of his own at your peaceful glow in the pale moonlight luring him to join you at the locking of the door behind him.
Against your back he folded with arms easing around you as his lips pressed against the skin under your ear then he hummed lowly, “Do you like it here?”
“It is a lovely place to visit.” He chuckled as you added, “Though I would miss your pirate ship terribly.”
Kissing along your neck he hummed, “Our.” Tilting your head your shoulder drooped granting him more space to kiss lower.
“I think I heard something about a bed.” He hummed contently in his next open mouthed kiss ending abruptly at your turn to face him.
Open mouthed he gasped only to smirk against your lips that crashed hungrily onto his, in a blind fumble you brushed his hair over his back looping your arms around his neck at the planting of his hands on your lower back. A sudden lift from you drew a muffled chuckle from him as your legs folded around his hips dropping his hands to your thighs. Turning around the doors were managed shut and in a few parting glances around the room between the continued fevered pecks across one another’s skin and lips found you planted into the bed. Melting together the kiss deepened again mingling contented hums from the both of you at his tightening your hold on him. Relishing each moment you had together until the sure to be heavily publicized award show marking your first official public couple outing.
Naked across the top layers of the plushy comforter you turned onto your back with a curious furrow of your brows in a searching squint for the source of the noise pulling you from sleep. Sitting up you continued to search until you spotted a pair of birds on the balcony, one male circling the female in an awkward dance making you giggle and turn back to Thorin. Laying flat you nestled against his side easing your arm across his back to start stroking your fingers across his broad shoulders stirring pleased hums from him as his body nestled more into the comforter. Small circles grew to larger ones and spirals across his back and down to his hips, which caused him to turn over earning a giggle from you at him sudden place above you to kiss down your back after pinning you on your stomach.
Warmly his lips traveled lower and then up again at your right leg shifting outwards stirring a smirk onto his face. His right hand lowered to plant on your knee traveling upwards making you arch more under his touch until your soft gasp at his easing inside you. Stolen glances backwards brought his lips to yours each time. Against your left leg his hand planted to inch you higher for what you thought to be his planting you on your knees for a quickening of pace only for his right arm to fold across your chest raising you upwards against his chest to sit on his lap. Stretching his finger upwards it trailed along your jaw turning your head easing his claim of another kiss in his first move to guide you in rocking above him at his fingers trailing downwards to cup your breast as the other eased closer to stroke you teasingly down your navel to your core.
A backwards arch against him in the climax he brought on left you and in keeping his subtle strokes right where you needed him to keep you on that cloud your body slumped forward in his shift to all fours holding you up against his chest. Trembling in his arms he continued to tease your folds in his thrusts that steadily pressed deeper and firmer shoving you towards a second climax at his clueing pulses inside you marking his place right after you towards that ledge. A final press of his hips to yours in the calming spasm of thrusts at his finishing he laid out above your back panting as you tried to calm your own breaths. Tenderly his hand trailed along your right thigh at his lips planting between your shoulder blades retracting for him to purr, “Let me know when I can pull out.”
Softly you giggled making him chuckle and inch up to kiss your lips in your glance back at him. “You can, I’m not that sensitive.”
He chuckled and nipped at his lip easing out in a trail of his fingers across your back, though in his move to kiss your lower back you turned onto your side at the knock on the door. Chuckling again he pulled the comforter over you purring by your ear, “I ordered breakfast for us last night. I’ll get it.” Hopping out of bed he found his pants he pulled on and smoothed his fingers through his hair on his way to bring the food in.
Breakfast led to more snuggling and then onto the inevitable shower and primping stage. Anxiously Thorin waited, hearing the blow dryer switch off and the shifting of the hair pins you had chosen for the evening coated in shimmering stones forming tiny clusters of flowers shimmering the brighter in your pitch black hair. In a series of braids you wove the ends back into a twisted bun topped with the pins leaving your bangs to sweep back behind your ear in adding your makeup.
Simple yet elegant, a swoop of black liner across your top lid under the neutral colors and after a nip at your lip you chose between two shades to pick the deep maroon stain. Perfectly it matched the look and inhaling steadily you raised your dress from the counter to step into it and wiggle it up enabling you to add your arms and close the zipper up the back as far as you could manage after.
Stepping out with it locked just below your shoulder blades you caught Thorin’s sharp turn with brows raised taking in each detail of you at your asking, “Could I borrow your hands?”
Nodding in his rush over to you a giggle escaped you as you turned until his lips met the side of your neck at the hiding of the raised zipper. Stepping back his eyes raked over you in his low purr of, “Marvelous, my Dearest.”
You giggled again resting your hand in his offered palm to guide you to the bed where he had set out your heels and fur wrap. “Thank you, you look quite dashing yourself.”
Dropping to his knees he purred back easing his fingertips along the back of one of your legs in lifting that heel, “I am not here to dazzle.”
You giggled again, “Oh yes, simply to fade into the background and embarrass Frerin in the speech you planned, should he win.”
Thorin chuckled, “Oh he’ll win. Always does.” Pressing his lips to your knee when the straps across the top of your heel were secured before moving to claim your other foot, “Excited for your presenting tasks?”
You giggled again at his next peck to that knee when he secured your heel and remained on his knee to keep peering up at you a few moments longer as you smoothed your fingers over the necklace across your chest after having left your grandmothers with Naule’s tag at home. “I just hope I don’t fumble or trip.”
Rising up he reached out raising the wrap he eased around your shoulders in a loving gaze locked on yours, “You won’t.” Sealing the securing clasp he grinned easing his fingers along your arms that rose to adjust the yellow tie standing out against his charcoal suit and dark grey shirt. Folding his hands around yours he kissed the knuckles on each and nodded his head, “Come on. Let’s get to it.”
Releasing your hands you turned feeling his arm ease around your back guiding you into the hall to join the line of immaculately dressed Dwarves and their partners. The Dams especially wearing furs larger than yours over their longer gowns making your stomach clench as if you weren’t dressed up to par.
The long lines of cars let out their passengers to join the long lines of famous faces. The wave of white in your first exit welcomed you among them and as it died out you caught glimpses of the Elven guests stealing glances back your way. More than a few with more sentimental grins as they folded their fingers around the necklaces you had ensured were returned to them through Feanor. The Dams you share a floor with seemed to not be the standard for dress greatly easing your worries in the path towards the door. A few pausing stops for more pictures and interviews for Thorin later and you were shown into the sea of seats.
A wave of cheers followed your separate presenting spots that eventually returned you back to your seats again. Just in time for you to fold against Thorin’s side and clap for Thranduil at his being named as winner for his own award. Eagerly he chuckled in a smiling glance at you in his trot up the steps onto the stage towards the mic adjusting his mother’s pendant draped across his chest.
Holding the mixing bowl shaped trophy complete with multicolored glass whisk pressed into the side with orange faked mixture inside for the category he glanced to you again and said after a short list of people to thank. “I was asked when I first started to cook on screen who my greatest inspiration was for my so called fearless mixture of flavors and tastes. And I was unable to give the proper answer at the time, so I will try to keep it short, but I would like to share the answer I couldn’t give then.
Many of you know I was born and grew up in Doriath, but out of all the chefs I knew, my greatest influence was my best friend. My tiny fearless best friend. As two of the only children born after centuries of war there was a lot of reminders for our little town on just how we could instill hope in these twins. Now as the grandchildren of an infamous Chef cooking and baking was a given, with a surplus of chefs and bakers to aid in their studies. One of them being the head Professor from Gondolin. Now Jay, he was automatically promised a spot if he wanted it, and when Bunny asked what she needed to learn to gain admittance she was told on the spot that women weren’t allowed to attend.”
Gasps from the Dwarves rippled through the room as the Elves began to grin as you tried to bite back your brewing giggles as your fingers curled in front of your lips making Thorin smirk and ease you more against his side. “To which she promptly declared herself a Pirate, and that she would claim a spot by force if necessary.”
Earning chuckles through the crowd as a blush spread across your cheeks, “It wasn’t much longer after the stunned Professor had left that people suddenly started to be roped up and drug off the streets.” Lips parted through the crowds until he added, “Where they were promptly tied to chairs and force fed the Pirate’s creations, including the fearsome Feanoreans, who at the staggering age of 43 gave the pair a matching set of honorary Sils. Long story short, after centuries of loss and not knowing if my best friend survived the endless war, I can finally say she is safe and is back to her conquering ways. If it wasn’t for our fearless Pirate I wouldn’t have had the courage to try half of what I had. So I owe everything to my best friend. Thank you.” His eyes settled on you with your hand stretched across your face as you giggled to yourself widening his grin in his trot backstage for an interview.
Leaning in Thorin purred his joking comments making you giggle more until the next category was called and you were escorted back again to present another award, through which you spotted Thorin’s trot up onto the stage to accept the award with a widening smirk. His reaction stirring expecting grins on the faces of the other Dwarves knowing the game the brothers played at these events contrasting their serious façade. A few minutes was all it took and his grin doubled at the eruption of the crowd as your hands covered your face to muffle your own loud laughter that made others laugh at the adorable squeaks following each gasp for air muffling in Thorin’s path to you for a stolen kiss before heading to the waiting cameras.
Celeborn, Elrond, Celebrian and more joined the others in showing off their returned jewels and managed to lure you both into a group dinner to celebrate their wins and nominations once freed from the final obligations of the show.
Pt 14
25 notes · View notes
ontherockswithsalt · 5 years
A Made Man
/1/ /2/ /3/ /4/ /5/ /6/ /7/ /8/ /9/ /10/ /11/ /12/ /13/ /14/ /15/ /16/ /17/ /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/
Chapter 24.
“Hey.” I whisper into Noble's messy hair as I set my hands on the bed and lean over him. “Noble.”
“Mm.” He merely hums his sleepy response into his pillow.
“I gotta go soon.”
He turns onto his stomach beneath the covers and murmurs, “No you don't.”
“I do,” I laugh. “It's seven.”
With a quick inhale, he lifts his head, pushing himself up. “Oh shit.”
“It's okay.” I sit down on the edge of the mattress. “I've got a car coming.”
He takes a moment to turn and get himself upright, sliding his hands up his face while he wakes up. Scratching a hand at the back of his head, he finally squints one eye at me. “Damn, how long have you been up?”
I glance down at myself, already showered, dressed and packed. “Not long.”
A soft moan rumbles in his throat and he leans forward, bringing me into a hug. Ducking down, he rests his face against my chest. “You want some breakfast?”
“No.” I wrap my arms around his bare back, my palm skating a path there before moving into his hair. “I'm good. I want you to go back to sleep.”
“With you,” he mumbles, already halfway there.
I have to smile despite the bittersweet tug at my heart. “I can't.”
He sighs. “I know.”
“We knew this one would be short,” I remind him and he nods before I add, “It was fun though.”
I can hear the smirk in the low chuckle before he sits back. “It was fun. Considering you were only here for all of what, sixteen hours or something, we did alright.”
“We definitely… crammed a lot in while I was here--”
Noble's shoulders drop as he tilts his head to offer me an unimpressed look. “Get out of my house.”
Amused with myself, I push against his chest and then dive forward to tackle him back to the pillow as I climb over top of him.
“Ugh!” He calls out a dramatic groan as he holds me against him. “Don't you have somewhere to be?”
“Yes.” Nuzzling my face into his neck, I bite an affectionate little kiss there. Then I force myself to sit back up and reach for my phone to check the status of my ride. “Stay naked. Don't get up,” I tell him as I get to my feet. I need to just go because prolonging the inevitable makes it more painful.
He reaches out to pull me to him once more, dragging palms down my back. Resting his forehead low on my stomach, he sits there for a quiet moment.
I run my hand over his hair, appreciating the way he feels, knowing I'll be without it until the next time.
He manages another deep breath and lifts his head to look up at me. “I'll talk to you tonight.”
“Okay.” I lean down, tilting his face in my hands and press a kiss on his lips. Then another on his forehead before I mess up his hair even more and back away. “I'm out of here. I love you.”
Tipping over to fall back onto his pillow, he settles an arm behind his head. “Love you too,” he murmurs.
Retreating, I go for my backpack, steal one more glance at him before I head out the door. I let myself out as my ride pulls up in front of his house. And once more, I'm on my way back to the city alone.
Jamie: Fuck I'm so tired.
I send off the text and let my hand drop heavy on the bed. I shouldn't let myself lie down, but I have a short window of time between getting home from the airport and needing to leave for my dad's. Just long enough to get sleepy with the cold December fog still hanging in the air outside.
Noble: You home?
Jamie: I'm home.
Noble: No sleep on the plane?
Jamie: You know I can't.
Noble: You shouldn't have had that shit tequila. I told you.
I manage a lazy chuckle and type back: That shit tequila was probably the tamest thing that went down last night so I doubt that prompted my fast downfall.
Noble just texts back a smug faced emoji.
Noble: Personally I liked your downfall.
Jamie: I bet. How do you feel?
Noble: Uh… hurting.
Jamie: Are you really?
Noble: lol yeah. But I'm fine.
I probably went harder than I should have for his first time. I really tried, but damn I wanted him so bad and we were four or five cocktails deep. And honestly after the night we had, the teasing and the muttered promises and the anticipation, it's amazing I managed the restraint that I did. Being on top definitely gave me an appreciation of how good he really is to me. As exhausted as I am, I still stir a little at the memory of him inside me and shift as I attempt to suppress the aching want.
Noble: At least I can nap all day. I feel bad you can't get some more sleep.
Jamie: I'll go to bed early tonight. Don't feel sorry for me. It's the best kind of tired.
Noble: Hell yeah it is. Also guess what. Don't judge me, I'm still not dressed and haven't left my room.
Jamie: Seriously? I've flown all the way up the east coast and you're still naked in bed?
Noble: Hey, I showered. But then… you know.
Jamie: It only hurts because that's exactly where I want to be right now.
He sends back a series of hearts and a little pathetic groan rumbles in my chest.
Jamie: Are you wearing your glasses?
Noble: Yes.
Jamie: You're so damn cute.
Damn I'm in some kind of sappy ass mood.
Noble: I'm lazy and fucked. And I miss you.
Jamie: Then I'd consider that a successful weekend visit.
Noble: It definitely was. You did good.
Jamie: I'll try not to be distracted by these thoughts while I get through dinner with my family.
Noble: Let me know how that goes.
“Uncle Jamie, where were you yesterday?” Sean questions me as soon as I make my way into the living room at my dad's house. There, my youngest nephew sits on the floor facing the coffee table, a growing stack of Uno cards between him and my grandpa who's half paying attention from the couch with the Jets-Packers game on behind Sean's head. “You missed my game. I scored six points!”
“Aw, bud I'm sorry I missed it.” I dodge the question. “Next Saturday, I promise.”
“Promise,” Sean asserts. “It's our last game before Christmas break.”
“You got it,” I assure him.
“Your turn, Pop,” Nicky speaks up then looks from her cards to me. “Hey, next Saturday you're taking me driving. Don't forget.”
I shrug and look at her. “I can do both. We'll go for a drive in the afternoon.”
She quirks a pleased little smile.
Behind the couch, I lean down next to Grandpa's shoulder and gesture to the cards in his hand. “Play the Skip, and the Draw Two,” I tell him.
Slowly, he turns to look at me. “Do you mind?”
With a laugh, I stand upright, leave him with a gentle pat and look toward the kitchen.
“We can deal you in if you want to play,” he tells me.
“Maybe after dinner. I'm gonna see if they need any help.”
I make my way through the living room and return to the kitchen where Danny and my sister stand at the island prepping a salad.
“Hey, look who it is!” Danny announces.
“Hey.” Greeting him with a happy slap on the back, I move over to Erin and she offers me the angle of her face for a kiss while she works. I oblige and press a quick peck there. “Smells good, Linda.”
“Pork loin!” Danny’s wife calls out.
“Sean missed you yesterday, kid,” my brother reminds me.
I cut him off before he can guilt me more, even though he will anyway. “I know, I know. But I can’t always make it on Saturday mornings. I promised him I'll be there for the next.”
Danny mutters an unconvinced hum and glances up at me. When he does, a smirk slants across his mouth. “What's with you? You look like crap.”
I chuckle. “Thanks a lot.”
“You do look rough,” Erin notes.
“You work a midnight?” He questions.
I swallow. “Nah.” I could use that excuse but it's too easy to invalidate if he wanted. “I wonder if Dad would mind if I went ahead and put on coffee though.” Muttering it more to myself, I turn to the coffee pot on the back counter and starting preparing a pot.
“See?” Erin notes. “After thirty, it's one big downward spiral.”
“Not me,” Danny quips. “Some of us age into our good looks. Ain't that right, Lin?”
“Sure thing, hon,” his wife calls out from the stove in the corner where she works on the sauce.
My brother carries on. “Because I live an honest life--”
I glance up with a roll of my eyes. “Oh, here we go.”
“You don't see me out all hours of the night doing God knows what, missing family gatherings, can’t be bothered to shave--”
“Come on, Danny,” I duck my head away when he reaches out and knocks the back of his hand against my jaw amid Erin’s encouraging giggles. “Where have you seen me out at all hours of the night other than a late tour?”
“I haven't. But that’s the only explanation for this look--” He turns and with peeler in hand, gestures to my face. “What were you doing?”
“Nothing, jeez,” I contend as I return to the island.
“Or who?” Erin murmurs before she slides a chopped carrot into her mouth and coyly averts her gaze.
My brows draw together and I can feel my eyes widen at my sister. “Wh-at?”
“Ha!” Danny coughs. “Exactly.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Then I steal a piece of carrot for myself and crunch down on it.
“He thinks you have a girlfriend,” Erin provides.
“And I think I’ve narrowed it down,” my brother chimes in. “To Laura…”
My gaze narrows while I chew. “The M.E.?”
“Yep. Or--” He tilts his head side to side while he slides his chopped vegetables into the salad bowl. “That lawyer at the D.A.’s office. The cute one with the dark hair.”
Erin points to him. “Michelle. I planted that in your head. But she does have this sweet little crush on you any time you come by the courthouse.”
With a deep inhale, deciding to string Danny along about this, I fold my arms over my chest while I consider the possibilities. “Uh-huh. Where's your evidence?”
“Oh, I'm glad you asked,” He points to me. “For starters, you're way too damn happy considering the crap you gotta deal with all day--”
I scoff. “What, you want me to be depressed?”
“No, but there's been a change, and even your sergeant noticed and we don't appreciate the mystery,” Danny explains.
“Ah. Mm-hm, okay,” I muse. “Not sure that's a compelling argument.”
“Two. You got a picture on the inside of your locker at the precinct of a freakin’ sunrise on the beach. And another of a sunrise in the city from some kinda balcony--”
I can't help the amused breath that escapes with the knowing quirk of my smile. One of those, Noble took and the other, I took from his penthouse one morning and they're sort of the closest thing to him that I can have with me at work that would go unnoticed, mundane at a glance. At least I thought.
“So clearly I'm dating Laura from the M.E.’s office,” I suppose.
“I don't know but the day my kid brother has pictures hanging up of the damn sunrise is the day I start asking questions.”
“Oh, I think that's nice,” Linda speaks up.
Danny turns to regard her. “But this is Jamie we’re talking about.”
“How do you know what I have hanging in my locker?” I question.
“I got my sources.” He shrugs. “And third. I saw a pair of sunglasses in your car that no way you bought yourself. They were obviously a gift.”
He points at me. “You would never buy Ray-Bans… turtle--” He turns to Erin. “What was it?”
“Tortoise shell Ray-Ban wayfarers,” she contributes. “I saw them. They're a good look but out of your price range.”
I tip my head up, letting out a disbelieving laugh. “You act like I dropped a grand on them or something.”
“Your broke ass would never is all I'm sayin’.”
“Danny--” Linda injects. “Lay off your brother.”
“Don't you agree--” Danny maintains. “That Jamie's been different? There's something going on.”
“He's not a suspect because he's happier, Danny,” she reasons.
“Yeah, Danny,” I agree. “Besides, if I had a girlfriend, why would I keep it from you?”
“Just to mess with me.”
I nod thoughtfully. “Well apparently I'm already doing a good job of that.”
“You got an alibi for Saturday morning?”
Dammit. My tired brain struggles for an excuse that doesn't involve other people he could check with, or does involve someone who'd corroborate if Danny did check. “Uh let's see. I went to the gym. I came home and ate oatmeal--”
“Alright smartass,” he dismisses while Erin laughs beside him.
“I had promised Vinny I'd help him tear out his floors,” I manage. “It took us half the day. That's why I didn't make Sean's game.” Thankfully Vinny really is renovating his kitchen because I wouldn't put it past Danny to drop in on his apartment just to check.
“Tearing out floors,” Danny confirms.
With a nod, I spread my hands as if that's all there is to it. “I'll try to act a little more hostile and bummed out, though. If it would get you off my case.”
“Thank you.”
Linda cuts in. “You two help me carry to the table.”
I reach between my siblings for the salad bowl and cut a disapproving shake of my head. “By the way, I would never date a medical examiner.”
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longroadstonowhere · 5 years
another chapter of wild child freshly published - next chapter should come out a few weeks from now, and the last one a few weeks after that
this, by the way, is a chapter that gave me weird amounts of trouble - weird because there was no reason for the trouble, it just didn’t want to be written for some reason
but hey, here we are now
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ao3)
Somehow, the inside of the house was even more ridiculous to the outside. That was mostly thanks to the gigantic wizard statue just inside the front door, but there were plenty of other bizarre things scattered all around the first floor - fantastical figures and a bronzed vacuum, plus books piled haphazardly next to any kind of seat. It was absolutely nothing like the Egbert house.
In fact, it was almost like the island.
Jade stopped short at the painful burst of emotion that observation gave her. The adults were too tied up in their conversation to really notice, and John was already snooping around their bookcases, leaning up on his tip toes to see what kinds of books the Lalondes had. The only person who saw her freeze was Bec, who shoved his snout into her hand. Automatically she reached back to scratch behind his ears, and that little bit of motion helped bring her back to where she was.
Breathing in deep to clear her mind, she gave Bec a few more enthusiastic scritches. "Thanks, boy," she said quietly to him. Bec just pushed into her with his head before loping over to sniff at a fallen wizard bust.
"It will be simply wonderful, having you all stay with us!" Doctor Lalonde was saying to Mr. Egbert as they moved up the stairs. "Just wait until you see the observatory, completely worth the cost when you see just how gorgeous the stars are at night out here..." Her voice trailed off as the adults disappeared upstairs, leaving John and Jade alone. John seemed comfortable enough poking around, but Jade had barely moved away from the front door. What was she supposed to do?
Before her trepidation could build up too high, a door in the corner opened, and a young girl peeked through the gap. "Oh, so you two did come. Mother said all three of you would be here, but she's never been the best at proper communication."
Jade sucked her lip between her teeth and shared a look with John, who looked about as confused as she felt. "Um..." Jade started to say something, but she had no idea she was supposed to say here. Nothing she'd seen or read or done had prepared her for meeting somebody like this.
The girl didn't act angry or even surprised at their reactions - at least as far as Jade could tell. "Judging by your expressions, you don't know much about me, correct?" She barely paused before continuing. "As I said, she lacks in proper communication skills. Thank the unspeakable gods for the internet, or else I'd never have learned any myself." She stuck out her hand. "My name is Rose. Rose Lalonde. Truly a pleasure to meet you both."
At the sight of her outstretched hand, John grinned and strode forward with his own hand out. "Hi! I'm John! Your house is like some kind of movie set, it's awesome!" Looking at his hand, Jade could only just make out the flesh-colored strap he used for his hand-jolty thing. Before she could even think about it, she was rushing to his side and grabbing his wrist just as he was about to shake Rose's hand. "John! I'm pretty sure it's rude to prank someone the very first time you're meeting them!"
John scowled and tried to pull his hand away. "Aw, Jade! That was the perfect set-up! I can't believe you ruined this for me." After he yanked his arm uselessly around a few times, Jade finally let go, giving him a scowl of her own. Pulling the device off his hand and sticking it back in his pocket, he said, "Honestly, the first time you meet someone is the best time to prank them, since they have no idea what to expect. I can't believe you've been living with us for months now and you still don't get the true core of pranking."
Any response Jade had for that left her brain when she realized Rose was still standing there with her hand out. "Oh geez, sorry Rose, that was rude too, wasn't it?" Jade sucked her lip in between her teeth again. All these social rules were really hard to get right. It felt like she still had way too much to learn.
After a second, Rose just smiled and put her hand down. "Actually, that's not the worst thing someone has done when I've tried to introduce myself. That was... refreshingly straightforward." Jade's brow furrowed a little as she looked at John, because that wasn't what people usually acted like when he tried to prank them. He looked kinda surprised, too, but Rose continued speaking before Jade could try to figure out what else his expression said. "Come, Mother will be giving your father a grand tour of the premises, which will take some time. Let me show you where you'll be staying." With that, she pivoted and opened the door to the room she'd entered from.
John just shrugged at Jade before following Rose into the next room. Jade looked around for Bec and found him sprawled out by some couches, perfectly content to rest for now it seemed. Since he was doing fine, she followed John and Rose.
The room looked like it used to be used for storage or paperwork - there was a desk crammed into one corner and a few boxes lining the walls. Now, though, it was dominated by three beds, beds that seemed way too nice to be temporary. Rose smiled as she gestured to them grandly. "Mother couldn't bear the thought of forcing any guests to sleep on something so crass as a pull-out couch, so she brought these in as soon as we knew you were coming."
"Sweet!" John jumped on the closest bed. "Wow, this mattress is super nice! I thought we'd just be like crashing on a couch or sleeping on the floor or something. This is way better."
"Indeed. It'll be something of a shame to lose this minor haven, but sacrifices must be made to accommodate visitors," Rose said.
Jade tilted her head. "Do you not like the rest of your house?" Rose was talking as though she liked to hide away in this ignored room, but the house was so big, why would she stay here?
Rose looked a little shocked at Jade's question. She took a little time before speaking - organizing her thoughts, maybe? Jade did that herself a lot, but most of the people she talked with didn't seem to think about what they had to say next. "The house is fine," Rose finally said. "My apologies, I have something of a... flair for the dramatic that overtakes me on occasion. Please, pay no mind to my eccentricities. I assure you they are merely a personal failing."
John scooted to the edge of the bed, letting his feet dangle over the side. "I wouldn't call it a failing if that's just how you are. I mean, Jade still acts like a dog half the time but nobody blames her for that."
"Hey!" Jade yelped, trying not to laugh. "And what about your pranks, huh?"
"My pranks," John began gravely, "are the result of generations of hard work at mastering the art of comedic slapstick. It would be a heinous crime for me not to prank everyone around me, as it would be wasting the lives of all those heroes who -"
John's speech was interrupted by Jade tackling him onto the bed and tickling him as hard as she could. The pair wrestled back and forth for a while until an unfamiliar laugh reminded them they weren't at home. They both looked at Rose, who was holding both her hands over her mouth, like she was trying to keep any other laughs from escaping.
Jade sheepishly stood up from the bed. "Sorry, Rose, was that rude?" She'd been feeling antsy from all the traveling and it had felt good to goof around a little, but you probably weren't supposed to wrestle people under someone else's roof.
For her part, Rose just waved one hand in the air. "No offense taken, I'm just... not used to such antics. I wasn't expecting it."
John clambered off the bed and dramatically dusted off his clothes, straightening himself out after their brief tussle. "So, what's your room like? Do you have any cool video games?"
Rose froze for a second, and Jade felt again a similarity to her own actions. I didn't think I'd meet anyone who had to think as much as I do about what they're supposed to do next. Rose probably wasn't freezing for the same reason, but it felt almost nice, just the same.
Rose didn't freeze for long - very quickly she was sweeping into a flourishing bow and gesturing out of the room. "It would be my honor to escort you both on a tour of my abode. Please, follow me." She led John and Jade up the stairs and into her bedroom.
Rose's bedroom was a little small, which was a big contrast to what Jade had seen of the house so far. It fit her bed, a desk, a bookcase, and a dresser, but there wasn't much space between all these things. It might've just looked smaller than it was because of all the stuff strewn about the floor - a few knitted things tossed here and there, and sloppy piles of books like she'd seen downstairs.
"Whoa!" John ran to the window and looked outside. "This window is awesome! All I can see out my window is our front yard, and that is way less cool than this."
"Being surrounded by a forest on all sides does allow for a majestic view, I suppose," Rose stated mildly. "It does wreak havoc on the wifi signal, though."
Jade looked around the room curiously. The only other bedroom she'd visited before was John's, and it was interesting to see how differently Rose lived. As she looked past the bed, a bit of bright color grabbed her attention. Moving closer, it looked like part of an arm for a stuffed animal was sticking out from under the bed. Or, not an arm... a tentacle?
"Wait, is that..." Jade knelt down and reached for the plushie, not noticing Rose's quick "Ah...!" As she pulled it out, Jade grinned widely. "It is! It's a Squiddle! Oh wow, Dave told me nobody would be into this show anymore!"
"A Squiddle?" John turned away from the view out the window to look at the lush squid creature. "Wow, yeah, I haven't thought of that show in a long time."
Rose coughed. "I haven't either, of course. Honestly, I'm surprised I still have that thing. I thought I'd gotten rid of it ages ago."
"Why would you want to get rid of Plumthroat? He's always there for his friends, even if he messes up from time to time." Jade smiled down at the Squiddle. She'd watched the entire show over the course of a Sunday, and although it had been pretty unrealistic, the joy of watching the colorful friends pull each other out of trouble time and time again had drawn her into watching the next episode as fast as possible until there weren't any left. "Do you have any of the others, like Creamsicle or Princess Berryboo?"
"Ah..." Rose looked away, her hands clasped in front of her, one finger tapping against the back of her hand. "I might have one or two more... tucked away somewhere."
"Awesome!" Jade smiled wide. Now she had something more in common with Rose. This trip could really turn out to be the start of something great.
After dinner that evening, Paul stepped out the front door to indulge in his pipe. He'd been trying to cut back, but addiction is a powerful thing, after all. He moved towards the river a little way, so as to help dissipate the smell. Pulling on his pipe, he gazed up at the stars.
Footsteps behind him gave him warning that his solitude would soon be broken. He turned to find Dr. Lalonde picking her way carefully down the path, a half-finished wine glass in her hand. "It really is a wonderful view here," Paul said. "Thank you again for funding our travel expenses. I'm glad John was able to experience something like this."
The doctor laughed and gestured wildly with her glass. "Any time, honestly. One of the best things I've spent money on in a long time, believe me." She took another sip and looked up at the stars herself, sharing in a quiet moment with Paul.
"She could be happy here, I think," Paul spoke. "She's been adjusting amazingly well, but I'm still afraid that it will all be too much for her - too many people, too many rules..." He sighed. "If only she could have come here first."
"Jake was always shoddy with details," Dr. Lalonde responded. "I'm glad you reached out for her - by the time I was contacted by his estate's lawyers, she could've been passed between a dozen foster homes." She laid a hand on Paul's arm, who covered it with one of his own. "And of course, if Jade does have to stay with me, I'll help you and John visit as much as possible. She should know her family."
Paul swallowed past the lump in his throat a few times before trying to speak. "Yes, I... I would appreciate that very much, doctor. Thank you."
"Oh, please call me Roxy!" She shoved at him playfully. "I'm not a doctor outside of the lab, just a mother." She sighed. "And definitely not a well-schooled one. I do my best with Rose, but..." She trailed off, her eyes following the flowing river. She smiled suddenly, turning to Paul with a brightness that seemed a little false. "I'm amazed at how quickly John and Jade befriended her, though! They looked like they were having a grand time together before dinner."
Paul felt a small proud smile grow on his face. "John has a strong talent for getting along with everyone, and Jade has made great strides since she moved in with us. I'm glad to see the three of them getting along so well." He took a final drag from his pipe and blew the smoke out smoothly. "So, the lawyer is coming the day after tomorrow, right?"
"Yep, that's right," Roxy stated simply. "They'll want everything tied up neatly at that point."
"Well then, tomorrow will bring an important discussion, and we should get some rest." Turning back to the house he offered his arm to Roxy. "Shall we?"
Roxy smiled coyly at him as she took his arm, and the pair made their way to rest for the following day.
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