#Also I don't hate Tonny lmao
jehilew · 8 months
Another teaser, another fandom
So, I'm clearly on some bullshit today, because here you go, fellow Sahejul shippers! As always, even though I adore the canon content, I'm constitutionally incapable of being entirely compliant; I'm pretending she hasn't confronted him about his supposed role in her pact, nor has she really gotten mad at him yet.
And, he’s got a bone to pick with that little shit, anyway.
Grinning to himself, he brushes his teeth, grabs his silk robe, and rakes fingers through his hair before quitting the wagon.
He makes his way across the courtyard, keeping to the sides and out of sight and mind. It doesn’t take him long to confirm that the room will be empty; Plip and Plop, he spots by Finn, Dottie, and Bob. Julia, he spots over by—
“Tonny! I’ve decided I’ll perform in the circus,” she squawks at the ringmaster from across the yard, her pretty little face flushed, and Sahed swears he can see her large, blue eyes spitting with temper even from his distance. “But only with you. The knife thing. You and me!”
Tonny jackknives ramrod straight at her approach, and Sahed could also swear he sees the clown’s knees knocking and a puddle forming at his feet.
He snorts in some amazement. For all that the Kalgratti girl is fun-sized, she has a deviled temperament even bigger than Tonny’s bitch-made guilt complex. Tonny’s got it hard for the girl, but he’s a pussy. She’s a whole goddamn tornado in a skin suit, she’d leave him in tatters within minutes.
Should she ever fully aim that temper at him, he can’t say that it wouldn’t turn him on. It’s a little fucked up, because she’s a brain-washed daughter of a tenacious cult, racist clear down to her pretty little toes, and very painfully black-and-white where shades of gray definitely reign supreme.
Alas, he’d never tell anyone he wasn’t a little fucked in the head; he might not tell the truth plainly, but he doesn’t like to lie, not even to himself.
All of which makes his little shenanigan today even sweeter. He’s going to poke at the girl, spin the wheels in that intelligent brain of hers, piss her off, fluster the shit out of her, and turn her all the way on. And in turn, he’s going to find out how the hell she wound up here on a dark pact taken on a way darker turn, and how he can use that.
And then he’s probably going to wind up going home and getting pretty familiar with his hand, and it’s probably going to send his eyes rolling up in the back of his head and his toes curled up so hard, he gets a cramp in his foot.
Fantasies are fun, most especially the ones he shouldn’t be having.
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smokedgastropod · 1 year
rainah and kamille finally talked! and they seem to like each other, also rainah is really cute when she isn't all aloof and proud and i hope we'll see more scenes of her smiling like that ;D kamille you make those pretty designs girl!
but yeah, outside of that development there's not that much in yesterday's update if i'm being honest. tonny is helpful to each and every member of the circus, but we knew that already. bonfire parties are every night, not surprising. sahed wants his and rainah's outfits to match, which is either adorable or pedantic lmao.
the only really new thing i suppose is that distrust (?) towards ah'kon is common even within the circus and that may be the real reason why rainah and sahed keep to themselves (and don't eat in the dining room with others for example). i don't think it's outward hate, just distrust, which is only a tiny bit better. also tonny can't address it directly when it's not explicit bigotry so that actually may be worse. it also seems that our siblings are the only ah'kon in the circus.
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