#And I've heard good things about Batman vs TMNT
tmntkiseki · 2 months
Me: I should finally get around to watching the 1987 or the 2012 TMNT series
Me: But what if I watched Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles instead?
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Dear Nickelodeon
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Hi, I've been a fan of TMNT for years, ever since the 4kids series. I've seen you're doing a new reboot for said franchise, NOW i'm not talking about RISE. You did well with that one. No I'm talking about your new movie reboot. I haven't heard anything else about it yet, so I figure there's still time to help you create a lovable tmnt movie that we deserve (though i did love 2014/2016 I can see where you went wrong ) so let's talk about little things you can do to finally have a good tmnt movie (you don't get to claim batman vs tmnt, you didn't make it)
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Don't Sexualize April, or the Turtles. I understand April is a young woman, and she can be beautiful but her worth is not in her physical appearance but rather in her intelligence. And Mikey saying "I can feel my shell tightening " and kissing the tv screen when she's on it just made us uncomfortable . Try to aim away from needless crushes
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I understand that Shredder is the main bad guy, but don't forget the Turtles Lore has dozens of great villains and a lot of not so good ones. So you don't have to be stuck with shred head for another movie. In fact if i can make a recommendation, get Ron Perlman to voice Bishop. That's a great combination
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Nothing is set in stone, don't be afraid to change things up. We've heard this story so many times I'm dizzy, how about make Splinter human? Make Donnie the youngest, give them all red masks at first, just make it fresh
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Hire yourself a proper writer/ production team. One that actually understand the Turtles. It'll make a huge difference . Klaus Baudelt made the 2007 soundtrack and did a great job. Maybe team up with Bear Mceary. Music makes or breaks a movie (and bring back eric bauza and stephen amell, those guys are great
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Angst is useful in fiction, but the turtles can have fun too. So balence our negative emotions with positive one. We don't want to see the turtles wondering if 'daddy loves us' for two hours
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Incase you forgot, there are FOUR ninja turtles. More then just Leo and Raph. And we've already had seven TMNT movies based on Raph. SEVEN. Give the others guys some love. You won't regret it.
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Don't give us just 1987 references, there are so many turtle verses out there you don't just want to please the 87 fans. There's 2003, IDW and a ton of others.
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If you still need help, just read some IDW comics, or talk to the ROTTMNT team they have some great original stories you could easily make into a movie. Just a recommendation
I hope I've given you enough advice to make good tmnt movie. I know you have it in you,
Of course, knowing your record you're probably going to have April run around in a bikini as Raph and Leo have a epic fight over the last pop tart.
but i can hope
@nickelodeon @andysuriano
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