#And also! Totallly necessary!
rotzaprachim · 3 years
Don’t reblog but thinking about how the s&b show is actually so complicated in its selection of villainry And moral culpability and bone questions of power and complicity in the darkling/general kirigin‘s regime, even if the show itself doesn’t recognise it all the time. When the evil is coming from inside the house and working against you even if it’s in his mind working for your interests ambiguously how much harder is it to draw moral lines? Without even getting into the genuinely incredibly dark implications of the power plays of the little palace
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
any extra/random lady scientia head canons?
I’m assuming you mean that lovely Fem!Ignis? I haven’t had any recent entries on that, but I’ve never done anything regarding his mother or anything (lol) so I’m assuming it’s Fem!Ignis what you’re asking. 
I amSotriggered
I hope you don’t mind a couple points here of how she deals with the period. I find it as a super natural issue to talk about, but apparently there’s people that go *GASP* when someone says ‘period’. LOL, wtf people, it’s so natural?
So here I go
Female Ignis headcanons!
(adding a Read More because of length)
Ignis isn’t “particularly keen” on make-up.
She MASTERS make-up both on herself and others, though.
She’s learned because it’s etiquette/formality, not out of personal liking.
She’s too busy to “pretty up” herself, but still shows herself “presentable” (”presentable” = she’s looking super formal and good).
Basically like Normal Ignis attends his looks, lol.
Lady Ignis does, however, like to shadow her eyelids in very subtle colors and lipstick.
That thing girls put on your lashes to make them darker, thicker and longer?
Thanks, no.
Lady Ignis says that the most terrible, stupid invention is that eyelash curler thing.
“Look at it, it looks like an ancient Niflheim torture tool. Why would you put it to your eye and let it pull at your lashes? Dear gods, no, goodbye.”
Also hates to see girls using spoons on her lashes. It makes her anxious.
“How can someone put such things so close to something as sensitive as the eyes?”
Lady Ignis thinks that curling your lashes day by day will eventually leave you with no lashes by when you’re 40.
She prefers natural looks.
…BUT she also works in royalty, so she’s uncomfortable thinking her commoner origins are too noticeable in her features and that’s why she likes subtle dark eyeshadow and subtle lipstick.
Fem Ignis, you’re beautiful as you are, don’t worry :’)
Fem! Ignis isn’t particularly keen on casual skirts, either.
She’s wearing dresses to formal parties/events, but daily basis it’s either knee-high skirts or pants for her suits and she’s fine on it. Casual skirts? Not much her style.
Truth is, she feels a bit shy about it.
She thinks her legs are a bit too long and skinny and feels stupid showing them, even though they look fine (and pretty strong, according to Gladio).
Lady Scientia is the master of handling menstrual cramps.
They make her achy and a bit more moody than usual, but it’s not so notorious; she has mastered hiding that (just like sickness, sadness, like our normal Ignis).
Lady Ignis always carries a pill for the cramps and a sanitary pad; sometimes it’s just in case the period arrives before her scheduled time, or to aid other girls in the Citadel/school.
She is, however, more sensitive than usual both physically and emotionally, but tries not to show it.
It’s quite a struggle, the poor thing. :’(
Once, she tried to keep up training but ended up down on her knees, curling, because everything hurt too much.
Cor the Adorable carried her to a mat and let her rest. Took her home afterwards.
“If the cramps get too bad, it’s okay to call in sick, kid. Nobody’s judging you. Stop worrying. It’s natural that you feel bad. You can’t help it.”
A few times, Ignis DOES call in sick, but only after that convo with Cor.
Speaking of period, Ignis always makes unnecessary (TOTALLLY necessary, according to her) mathematical counts to mark in the calendary which day, which precise day, at which HOUR she’s having the next period.
She likes to schedule everything, be prepared.
“I’m not one of ambiguity.”
When 16 y.o. Ignis started working-out, she also started wearing shorts and feels stupid because, again, her legs are exposing in a way she’s not used to before, but training in the formal skirt would be an obstacle.
Ignis is nervous Gladio will think her legs are stupid. He IS staring, after all.
Trainer Gladio IS staring.
Gladio, don’t be scared, she likes you too.
Lady Ignis figured a few years into training that fighting in a skirt is FAR more comfortable to fight in than it is in pants or shorts, but, of course, she can’t do that. Not even when Crowe, the only female Glaive, trains her does Iggy feel confident enough to train in a skirt.
So, she starts using a pair of lycra shorts under the skirt.
“Ignis, you can’t fight in a skirt.”
Gladio was SO wrong.
The skirt allowed her more freedom of movement.
Ignis is ROCKING that damn skirt while doing her acrobatic jumps and throwing her daggers.
Female Ignis is constantly asked out by Glaives and the Crownsguard trainees. 
Female Ignis is not interested in romances, thank you very much.
Give her time, she just needs to know Gladio better, I know it
Just like I guess it may happen to normal Ignis, Lady Scientia doesn’t understand why all those guys and girls are staring at her when she goes pick Noctis from school.
Lady Ignis thinks her breasts are “unnecessary, it is not in my plans to ever feed any child and I am not interested in giving them any other use” (just give her time to know Gladio better, alksdjdf)
But she’s definitely NOT planning to do anything against her breasts, either, hahaha.
She really is into the idea that natural is good, so if she has to handle with boobs during training, then so be it.
Not like they’re giant. Indeed, I think Fem Ignis has a pretty humble set of breasts. Not too small, but not too big either. 
Lady Ignis definitely is AMAZED when she meets Aranea, for obvious reasons XD
“I don’t know if I should be upset I never thought of an armor that keeps them in place or if I should be embarrassed mine wouldn’t fit in hers. Gladio, do you think I should get an armor?”
Gladio’s always been uncomfortable whenever Ignis asks him something about her boobs.
That happens frequently.
Ignis thinks it’s SUPER natural, and Gladio finds it SUPER natural too, but he’s very shy and afraid of thinking that if he takes it toooo smoothly, Ignis will think he crossed the line and will see him as perv.
Gladio cares too much to only be a perv and doesn’t want Iggy to think that of him :’(
“Please stop asking me about your boobs, Iggy, I don’t know”
He’s in mental struggle, the poor thing.
By the way, Lady Ignis also learned to fight in heels.
Short heels, though, like 5 cm tall
She’s not particularly keen on high heels either.
“Why would you wear something that obstructs and difficults your natural walking and running? What would all the ladies do if there’s a Nif invasion in the middle of the party? I understand not all can fight, but they also won’t be able to run. What is the point? WHAT IS THE POINT?”
Still….it’s etiquette. 
Nobody’s saying girls HAVE to wear high heels, but Ignis IS WORKING FOR ROYALTY, she herself put the idea in her own head that she needs those heels.
Ignis stop you’re fine >:’(
So if she couldn’t stop from wearing high heels but also thinks of safety before looking good…she DEFINITELY asked Crowe to train her in high heels.
…Cor SO started wearing high heels just for her, so he could train her the way she wanted.
“The things I do for these kids…”
She likes her hair long. 
She had it short for a while, thinking of practicality, but she struggled with it.
It was too short to comb, but long enough so that, every time she bowed the head, hair would hide her face by the sides like a curtain.
“I CAN’T have this disaster of hair that hides my face in front of Council members, Lords, and even worse the KING HIMSELF D’:”
Nobody of those people cared, tbh.
Still, she let it grow again.
Gladio’s still staring at her.
That Ignis likes natural looks and doesn’t work too hard on her appearance doesn’t mean she isn’t vain.
She is, to normal, healthy levels, like all people :)
Her pride? Her hair.
If she has time for it, she’ll brush it slow and good after showers and/or before sleeping.
Her hair reaches like 3 or so inches down the edge of the shoulderblades if she lets it free.
Pretty long imo.
She’d let it grow down to her waist if she could, down to the ass if she could, she’d absolutely love that.
But she works in royalty.
“This is as long as I should let my vanity see. I already take too much time brushing it. Any longer would take too much time from me, and I must not look extravagant or any flamboyant. I’ll keep it there.”
She takes normal time brushing her hair, she’s just paranoid.
And full of work.
Somebody let this woman breathe.
On a daily basis/normally, she wears the hair on a side ponytail.
Lady Ignis also has very amazing, expert hands on braiding hair.
She has the goddamn BEST hairstyle on formal/royal parties.
It’s always an accident; she tries not to look more outstanding than Ladies (as in, real, noble Ladies whose ‘lady’ title is literally a title), but she’s always stealing spotlight.
She’s embarrassed for that.
Thing is, the Ladies wear too extravagant things as hair. Ignis looks much more simple, but without it being a simble bun either.
Elegant without being flamboyant.
Besides, have you looked at this woman? DAMN.
On those kind of events, she lets the vanity enjoy its time a little.
She says it’s etiquette and tries to convince herself, but truth is that she loves wearing flowers in her hair just for vanity. Usually only one, but still.
The flower always matches her dresses in color and looks.
Lady Ignis always has to help Noctis choose what to wear.
The prince is too lazy/uninterested to learn what matches what, so Lady Ignis has to help him choose clothes. 
Also helps him with choosing and putting on his suits (while Noct is a teenager).
Female Ignis taught Noctis to do the tie knot.
Once, somebody made a very mean comment about her.
They said that she’s not as smart as people say she is, and that she was only hired in the role because she was a pretty face on a super submissive body, so it wasn’t her intelligence what got “that commoner” in the role, it was that she “warms the prince’s bed like an obedient bitch when he asks for it” and “surely also the king’s, that’s why King Regis seems to fond of her.”
Lady Ignis didn’t cry.
She said nothing.
She just continued working like normal, as if nothing had happened. 
Lady Ignis is the devil.
Lady Ignis got private phone conversations/texts and information about the man that made that comment on her.
“My, what is this? This way of talking looks…kind of like the way the cheapest hookers in movies try to flirt. It’s stupid, but apparently works on this…’lady’ you’re talking to. But…oh dear. I thought your wife had a different name? Oh, I see, this is a second woman. *fake gasp* I wonder what your wifewould say if she finds out. And your children. And your MOTHER. And, what is this? *fake gasp* No. Way. You’re talking with a friend about…murdering the king? A joke? Oh dear. You should know phone text conversations look VERY serious when you don’t add an emoji. I believe you, I believe it was a joke, but will the KING himself believe you? I could blame you of treason for this text, you know? The other day I learned what the outcome of treason is….something about execution? My, I wonder if we could go back to ancient times and see you hang. It would be terrific. Delete this info? Not tell anyone? Oh, but I can’t do that, gentleman. I’m just a bed-warming whore. I’m too stupid to know how to delete this. But I’ll try. How do I do it? Oh, in this button that says “Share”? Share where? Hm…BookFace, Tweety, Instaphoto, Thumbling, and send in private message to…your wife, your mother, Cor Leonis, Captain Drautos, all the Council, all the Amicitia manor, King Regis…you don’t have his number? Don’t worry, I know it by heart. *silence* Please, gentleman, get up from the floor. It’s disgusting. Let go of my shoe.”
The man cried and BEGGED her silence. He cried and begged he was very sorry. He begged mercy. Ignis made him take his words about her back. He did.
Lady Ignis sent the info anyway (only in private messages to specific people, but still).
She was kidding about the treason thing, it WAS clearly just a joke.
But guess who was fired from his job and was left by both lover and wife and disowned by mom. 
That asshole.
You DO NOT mess with lady Ignis.
It was not revenge, Ignis had not intended to go so far, but “he was cheating on his wife and stealing from his mom and talked crap of his coworkers, we don’t need a poisonous person like that nearby the prince or the king.”
Back to her hair because DAMMIT, IGNIS LOVES HER DAMN HAIR.
During the journey she keeps it in a ponytail.
Sometimes side ponytail.
She was definitely allowing herself a tiny moment of vanity and comfort when they were on the boat to Altissia; she undid her hair and let it fly in the air.
She looked majestic.
Gladio’s still staring at her.
Being nearby sea water makes her hair curl a tiny bit at the tips.
She doesn’t like curly hair.
She was once given a curly hairstyle (the attendant of the Citadel insisted she’d look STUNNING), but Ignis hated it because it was harder to handle around.
Despite it looking pretty, she values practicality much more.
Never again.
You know how Brotherhood Ignis had the hair down on a fringe?
The equivalent in Lady Ignis is this Gentiana-style fringe.
Lady Ignis’ casual attire during the journey can be pants or her skirt and lycra shorts underneath.
She’s still wearing that thigh bag.
She’s still wearing suspenders.
I want to marry this woman.
Lady Ignis doesn’t paint her nails.
Doesn’t want to, anyway.
“What is the point, Noctis -____-”
Ahahaha, lady Ignis, you’re lovely.
But she does…apply that…invisible layer…what is it called…
That nail polish thing that’s transparent and only used to make them look shiny/healthy/clean.
That, she does wear.
Lady Ignis HATES to have a lock of hair gone rebel and escaping her ponytail.
Ignis is re-doing her ponytail no matter what you say.
I like to think with time she does grow comfy with hair escaping anyway at times.
She DOES have to fight and is required in the journey with constant camping and roaming in the wild. The least she can worry about is what others will say of a lock hanging free on her face.
Beware if you try to grip Lady Ignis’ hair in combat…you’re not only dying, you’re being tortured once she gets your hands on you.
Do not. Touch. Her hair. 
Of course, unless she lets you.
One of Lady Ignis’ battle movements is if the enemy manages to undo her ponytail, she is SO using her long hair to smack them in the face as distraction.
A woman just smaked you in the face with her hair.
And it worked.
Lady Ignis sleeps in the tent with the boys. It’s still super natural to her.
They’re all fine with it.
Gladio sleeps on the farthest side from her because he still doesn’t want her to believe he’s a perv :’(
She wouldn’t think that, Gladio just wants to be sure and he’s a bit paranoid.
You’d think the guys trying to snitch her glasses was bad enough?
They’re snitching her bras, now.
How many times do you think Ignis has spent cooking breakfast not even trying to nag the guys anymore because she’s grown exhausted of being unheard when they are wearing her bras for fun?
Prompto once used one of her bras as slingshot.
It worked.
“How impromer and childish you all are. Do you not feel embarrassed of grabbing a lady’s private, intimate wear for your stupid little entertainment?”
Nah they don’t.
WOW, okay, I JUST noticed how long this is, I’m sorry, hahahaha.
Gonna keep it there. :3
Hope you liked that!
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