#And anyone that calls Paimon a child to excuse her behavior is getting that fat block I'm not even going to argue with you
aetheternity · 1 year
It will never not rub me the wrong way, the way that Paimon talks to Venti.
Like no because I know that some people think the "tone deaf bard" thing is cute and more power to you but at this point she's just being rude. It's cute when she calls Itto "bull chucker" because mentally those two are the same age and it's a reciprocal interaction as Itto also has a playful nickname for her too. Plus they haven't run it into the ground yet.
Meanwhile when she calls Venti "tone deaf bard" she says it with so much malice unlike the way she talks to Itto. It's so fucking annoying and she's so insanely petty. I hate her. Especially seeing as Venti is so much nicer to her. Literally last update she was acting like a self centered little brat cause Traveler left her for two minutes and then she gets rewarded in the end and Venti goes on this little speech about how much she means to Traveler and how important she is to Traveler.
Which she didn't fucking deserve
Only for her to talk to him like he's at her beck and call this recent update. I'm sick of her when can we have Paimon stew?
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