#And cheesier than Wallace's crackers.
artistic-argonian · 2 months
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With it being Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week I decided to doodle some things based on my first (that I know of, anyway) experience with strong platonic/tertiary attraction last year, because hoo boy that was a super confusing but also wonderful time (after all the initial confusion and chaos, anyway) and maybe some people will relate to this kind of thing and know they're not alone if they're going through something like this right now.
I also did this because I think a lot of people outside of the aro and ace spectrums don't realise that attraction other than sexual and romantic is a thing or that it can be surprisingly strong, even (if not especially) for some aros like me. Whether you experience other kinds of attraction, or even if you feel none at all, know that you're valid and awesome. Keep being the absolute legend that is you.
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