#And her relationship with Maverick and the strained quality to it and like
crows-bite · 2 months
Been thinking so much about Marigold specifically in the ORP universe so I’m obligated to come make a whole post to explain some of my thoughts.
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I don’t knowwww I just think a lot about how Maverick was. Very clearly loved by this woman. Like they still carry that love with them in little ways, they’ve been marked by it forever you know? Like she was not their mother, and their relationship was very non conventional but she was like. As Good As a mother to them. I think she saw herself like a mother even if Mav never saw her that way. It kills me because their relationship in ORP is honestly much less complicated and a lot better than it is in canon. Marigold is like… well tbh I can’t get into it because spoilers but she is very morally questionable and kinda fucked up but like her care for Mav is still very much there.
I wouldn’t be able to say for sure but I honestly don’t think it’s out of the question that in ORP she died getting in the way of The Dread and trying to give Mav the best chance possible at running. But like MAV DOESN’T KNOW THAT and it’s fucked them up so badly. Because they never looked back, man. They just ran immediately and even if it’s what she would’ve wanted them to do they just fully believe they left her for dead.
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Like. Ok. Atp Mav is just of the mindset of like. That loss hurt so badly because what do you do when you’ve got nobody else and the one person in the world that loves you like family dies and you think it’s your fault, you know? But they’ve just got this anger about the whole situation. Angry at themself but also angry at her because if she hadn’t died they’d still have somebody. It’s just really soured their whole perception of her isn’t that nuts. As if she did it on purpose. (THE THING IS SHE KINDA DID OUT OF LOVE AND THEY DON’T KNOWWWW THEY DON’T EVEN KNOWWW) and now all of those feelings have just been reinforced x100 being with the Brooks family because they don’t have that. And maybe they would if Marigold were still alive.
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quinnziemoon · 4 years
Thermite & Myla Ship Asks
Here’s what @simonxriley asked: All evens in each category for Myla and any of her ships you feel like talking about!
This is 2/3. Here is Maverick/Myla and Ace/Myla will be coming next.
[ Thermite x Myla ]
Pre-Relationship 2. What was their first impression of each other? Thermite found himself intrigued by Myla. He liked her calming voice, her relaxed character and he wouldn’t deny that her laugh brightened his day. He loved the fact she laughed at all his jokes, even the small horrible puns.
Myla immediately took an interest with Thermite. She found herself longing to hang out with him more. His sense of humour and his laid-back personality, all while being caring and completely understanding, it all just made Myla happy. When she dumped all her issues onto him and he didn’t judge her once during that, she knew he’d be a good and positive person in her life. Plus, she found him to be very hot.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first? Easily Myla. She had developed a crush on Thermite within the first month of her being in Rainbow. Unfortunately, it took her months to confess and to start something with Thermite.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? Thermite would joke about the soulmate thing and shrug it off at first, although the thought would stay in the back of his mind. He’d still try to deny it when he didn’t have feelings for Myla. When he did find himself in love with Myla, he’d definitely start believing in the whole soulmates thing.
General 2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? They didn’t have an official first date, but the closest thing was when they spent Easter together, eating chocolates and watching random movies.
4. Were they each other’s firsts (kiss, relationship, etc.)? For Thermite, no. He had a few other relationships before he started dating Myla. For Myla, Thermite was her first relationship and first time.  6. What’s their relationship with each other’s family? Thermite was easily accepted into Myla’s family. He easily became a kokum’s (grandma) boy and Myla’s kokum adores Thermite. She spoils him to the point where Myla often has to keep track of what her kokum is doing. Thermite and Kayden have become great friends and Kayden often encouraged Thermite to propose to Myla.  Thermite’s dad seemingly love Myla and he approves of their relationship. While they do visit him on holidays, Thermite and Myla no longer have a strong relationship with his father. The deaths of his mother and sister have really affected Thermite and his dad, which created a strain on their relationship.
8. Who gets jealous easier? Thermite gets jealous easier, even if he doesn’t like to admit it. He knew Buck liked Myla so when he and Myla got together, he was a little wary of Buck. Myla found it sweet but always reassured him she loved him. Of course, after a while, the feeling died down and he eventually forgot about Buck’s old crush on Myla. However, he still gets jealous when men start talking to her flirtatious manner.
Love 2. What are their primary love languages? Thermite prefers physical touch and loves to cuddle and hug Myla. He’ll even hold her hand randomly, anything to give physical affection. Myla prefers quality time and loves his physical touches. Sometimes they’ll just cuddle and talk about their days.
4. What are their favourite things to do together? The two like to spend some time learning Ojibwe, well Thermite learns, Myla teaches. Outside of learning a language, the two will occasionally cuddle on their couch and binge-watch action or comedy movies and they’ll take turns picking movies. This’ll continue until one or both fall asleep. It makes for some sore backs, but the time together makes it worth it.
6. Who’s more protective? Thermite. He’s always been so concerned over her and hates to see her hurt, physically or emotionally. Of course, he’s always been this way but when the two became official, he showed it more to the point where Myla had to actually tell him to relax. He’s let up on the protective nature but that still doesn’t stop him from shielding her from any kind of harm. While Thermite isn’t the type to hold grudges, he will if the person has hurt Myla.
8. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? “Royalty” by Connor Maynard. I can’t really say much without spoiling some plot points for Tracing a Charge. But I also just find the song to be super sweet and I often listen to it to bring up the mood.
Domestic Life 2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends? Thermite was a little iffy on a big wedding, but it was Myla’s dream to have a big wedding. He decided that they’d have a medium-sized wedding, on the side of a forest to give Myla her dreams of a nature themed wedding. Their families obviously attended and loved the day. Some personal friends from their hometowns also attended as well. Ash, Castle, Pulse, Hibana, Frost & Harry also attended. 
4. Do they have any pets? They have 2 dogs. Both are Border Collies and they’re named Miley and Angie.
6. Who kills the bugs in the house? Thermite does as Myla’s terrified of bugs. He doesn’t mind but he’ll sometimes tease her about the bugs he caught, which will always result in him sleeping on the couch.
8. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? It’s a tie between the two. The two enjoy cuddling in bed, especially in the mornings. Had they not have work, or kids, they probably would spend entire days in bed. But someone always has to leave the bed, which leaves the other dragging them back to bed after a few minutes.
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