#Antennas for LoRa and Sigfox
rfantennaindia · 8 months
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5G 12dBi Magnetic Antenna with RG174 Cable
A 5G 12dBi magnetic antenna is a type of antenna designed to enhance the performance of 5G wireless communication devices, such as routers, hotspots, or modems. Let's break down the key features:
5G: 5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology, which offers faster data speeds, lower latency, and greater capacity compared to previous generations (4G, 3G, etc.). The antenna is specifically designed to work with 5G networks and devices.
12dBi Gain: The "12dBi" figure refers to the antenna's gain, which is a measure of how much the antenna can increase the power of the signal it receives or transmits. A higher gain indicates better signal reception and transmission capabilities. In this case, a 12dBi gain suggests that this antenna can significantly boost the signal strength.
Magnetic Antenna: The term "Magnetic Antenna" indicates that the antenna can be attached to metal surfaces using a magnetic base. This feature provides flexibility in terms of placement and allows for easy positioning on metallic surfaces, like the roof of a car or a metal housing for a 5G device.
Magnetic antennas are often used in mobile applications or in scenarios where temporary or flexible mounting is required. This type of antenna is convenient because it can be easily installed and removed, making it suitable for mobile installations or where drilling holes or more permanent mounting solutions are not practical.
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eteilytech · 1 year
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flapbeauty · 1 year
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ct-rfantennas · 3 years
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agentdavidjoseph · 3 years
SigFox/LoRA/ISM External Antennas - Maxtena Inc.
SigFox/LoRA/ISM External Antennas – Maxtena Inc.
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iotagger · 6 years
Hardware solutions for Eclipse IOT Challenge: Exploring LoRa/LoRaWAN
The Eclipse IOT challenge lead me to research more in depth different technologies both from the hardware and the software aspect. As part of product development and delivery one has to come up with the solution for a problem. In this case the problem is parking in urban areas, or the lack of smarter parking solutions. Such implementation would not only allow end users to have a better parking experience while saving time in finding an adequate spots but also provides the city with valuable data to be used for city planning and city improvement projects.
Once the issue is identified, it was important to find a technical solution that would align with our needs. For city implementations, given the broad area that needs to be covered, we would need a type of communication that is long range and low cost, both in cost of sending data and power consumption. I first tackled the hardware needs once the design was evaluated. The prototype for a smart city solution needs to also be scalable while adding the least overhead in cost and infrastructure needed.
In this article I will go more in depth on the research done to identify one of the key components of the project. I will share a summary of my findings in hopes of helping others that are also exploring similar solutions.
Evaluating communication solutions:
I evaluated BLE, bluetooth, cellular, satellite, Wi-Fi, SigFox, Zigbee and Lora. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, given its range limitation and cost were not considered for this prototype. Cellular communications have a higher cost as well, and at even steeper price comes satellite communication; both this options were also discarded. SigFox and LoRa/LoraWAN were the runner up candidates. I came across a comprehensive post on the comparison of SigFox and LoRa that is worth the read https://www.link-labs.com/blog/sigfox-vs-lora . The winner was LoRa.
Why Lora?
As explained by Libelium on http://www.libelium.com/development/waspmote/documentation/lora-vs-lorawan/ LoRa contains only the link layer protocol and is perfect to be used in P2P communications between nodes. LoRa modules are a little cheaper that the LoRaWAN ones.. LoRaWAN includes the network layer too so it is possible to send the information to any Base Station already connected to a Cloud platform. LoRaWAN modules may work in different frequencies by just connecting the right antenna to its socket..
LoRa which stands for long range wireless operates at a low bandwidth, meaning that its best application is for sending smaller pieces of data such as sensor data. LoRaWAN is known for its good penetration and long coverage which has been recorded to reach over 10 KM distance. LoRaWAN operates on unlicensed bands, so in most countries is legal to have you own LoRaWAN gateway cutting down the cost given that you will not have to pay a carrier or third party to supply you with the service.
Additionally a selling point for me personally was the wide accessibility to various developer platforms and hardware solutions such as DIY LoRa kits, libraries and Arduino compatible LoRa modules. The Things Network offers a strong platform with access to resources, documentation and a great community of IOT LoRa enthusiast.
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Lets take a look at one of the hardware pieces now. “Gateways form the bridge between devices and The Things Network. Devices use low power networks like LoRaWAN to connect to the Gateway, while the Gateway uses high bandwidth networks like WiFi, Ethernet or Cellular to connect to The Things Network. Gateways are routers equipped with a LoRa concentrator, allowing them to receive LoRa packets”(see more at https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/gateways/). Below is a list of some gateways that were evaluated for this project. I spent time looking at their platform flexibility, the documentation and support provided and what would be the most cost effective solution for a minimum viable product (MVP).
LORIX One is the first low cost gateway designed and assembled in Switzerland. Its technical specifications include Runx Linux Yocto 4.X SX1301 gateway chip SPI based 8 channels, 49 demodulators @ 868MHz
Lorixone counts with great documentation accessible at https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/labs/story/install-awesome-lorix-one-gateway
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Details at https://www.kerlink.com/iot-solutions-services/IoT%20LoRaWan%20Solutions/
Wirnet iBTS is a range of modular and upgradeable gateways designed for IoT public operators. It can be upgraded up to 64 LoRa™ channels to offer an answer to massive messages supporting. I was unable to identify the price point for this gateway.
The Things Gateway
Details at https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/gateways/gateway/
Retails: € 300.00 € 280.00 (ex VAT)
Originally started as a Kikstarter campaign viewable at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/419277966/the-things-network it provides 10 km / 6 miles radius of network coverage, it can server thousands of nodes and its an straight forward to set up. It counts with ample documentation and a strong community.
Technical specifications:
Fastest way to get started with LoRaWAN (Long Range WAN)
Set up your own LoRaWAN network in as little as 5 minutes
Connects easily to your WiFi or Ethernet connection
Wireless range of up to 10 km (6 miles)
Engage with a global community of IoT developers
Easy cloud integration with popular IoT platforms
Based on open source hardware and software standards
Devices can freely communicate over all gateways connected to The Things Network
XBEE slot for future connectivity protocols or homebrew add-ons.
Security through the https connection and embedded in the LoRaWAN protocol
Can serve thousands of nodes (depending on traffic)
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Laird — RG1xx
Details at: https://www.lairdtech.com/products/rg1xx-lora-gateway
Retail 400+ US dollars
This gateway counts with a dual-band Wi-Fi, BT v4.0 (BLE and Classic) and wired Ethernet; LoRa range up to 10 miles and pre-loaded LoRa Packet Forwarder software
Technical specifications:
Full Linux operating system — Kernel v4.x running on Atmel A5 Core @ 536 MHz
Multiple interfaces such as LoRaWAN, 802.11a/b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.0, and Ethernet
8-Channel LoRaWAN support with up to +27dBM max transmit power
Comprehensive Certifications for FCC / IC (RG191) and CE (RG186) (all pending)
Industrial temperature range (-30º to 70º C)
Advanced deployment tools including intuitive web-based configuration, integrated LoRa packet forwarder, and default settings for multiple LoRaWAN Network Server vendors
Enterprise-grade security built on Laird’s years of experience in wireless
Industry-leading support works directly with Laird engineers to help deploy your design
LoRa Network Server pre-sets — The Things Network, Loriot, Stream and Senet
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Developer resource http://www.multitech.net/developer/products/multiconnect-conduit-platform/
Retail 675–685 US dollars
Breakdown: base gateway MTCDT-H5–210L-US-EU-GB https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/multi-tech-systems-inc/MTCDT-H5-210L-US-EU-GB/881-1236-ND/5246365() $490, antenna (https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/multi-tech-systems-inc/AN868-915A-10HRA/881-1242-ND/5246371) $13, LoRa module MTAC-LORA-915 (https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/multi-tech-systems-inc/MTAC-LORA-915/881-1239-ND/5246368) $180
The MultiConnect® Conduit™ is a configurable, scalable cellular communications gateway for industrial IoT applications. Conduit allows users to plug in two MultiConnect mCard™ accessory cards supporting wired or wireless interfaces. It counts with open source Linux development, wwo mcard slots, Lora 8 channel receiver, Spred spectrum frequency hopping that is ued to Up to 10 miles line of sight. MultiConnect has done a great job with its documentation and it counts with its own platform that can be used as well.
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Lorrier LR2
Details at: https://lorrier.com/#introducing-lr2
Developer resource: https://github.com/lorriercom
Retail €615.00 €755.00
Based on LoRaWAN™ protocol. This is a fully outdoor device intended to establish a wide coverage network by telecommunications operators and local network by individuals or IoT connectivity service providers. The whole solution, including both HW and SW parts, follows the Lorrier culture, and it is shared as an Open Source.
The gateway is based on iC880a LoRaWAN™ concentrator by IMST which uses Semtech SX1301 base band processor designed for use with LoRa® networks. BeagleBone Green with 1GHz (2000 MIPS) processor and fully operational on fast SPI bus was chosen as a powerful control unit.
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LoRa/LoRaWAN Gateway — 915MHz for Raspberry Pi 3
Details at https://www.seeedstudio.com/LoRa%2FLoRaWAN-Gateway-915MHz-for-Raspberry-Pi-3-p-2821.html
Retails 289.00 US dollars
If you want to build you own LoRa network, there are 3 things that you should prepare to get started: a Gateway, at least one Node and a local server where you can monitor all your devices. This kit provides a gateway & local server that allows you to collect and transfer data among all your LoRa nodes. By connecting the gateway with Seeeduino LoRaWAN and Grove modules, you can build your IOT prototype within minutes.
Regarding the gateway module RHF0M301, it is a 10 channel(8 x Multi-SF + 1 x Standard LoRa + 1 x FSK) LoRaWan gateway moduel with a 24pin DIP port on board, users can easily connect the RHF0M301 with PRI 2 bridge RHF4T002, adapter for Raspberry Pi 3 and RHF0M301.
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RisingHF gateway
Details at http://www.risinghf.com/product/rhf0m301/?lang=en
I have seen this solution mentioned and used across the LoRaWAN community. Its technical specs are RHF0M301 is a 10 channels (8 x Multi-SF + 1 x Standard LoRa + 1 x FSK) LoRa/LoRaWAN gateway or concentrator module. The module is integrated one 24 pins DIP hearder, with this header user could connect RHF0M301 with his own embedded platform to build a customized gateway easily.
LG01 LoRa OpenWrt IoT Gateway by Dragino Tech
Details at https://www.tindie.com/products/edwin/lg01-lora-openwrt-iot-gateway/?pt=ac_prod_search
Retails 56.00 US dollars
This gateway is a long distance wireless 433/868/915Mhz, OpenWrt, LoRa IoT Gateway
The LG01 is an open source single channel LoRa Gateway. It lets you bridge LoRa wireless network to an IP network via WiFi, Ethernet, 3G or 4G cellular.
DYI options:
There are various posts on DYI options based both from Raspberry Pi and Arduino boards. Below are a few:
Build your own gateway
Building a Raspberry Pi Powered LoRaWAN Gateway
Hardware IMST iC880A LoRaWAN “concentrator” board and Raspberry Pi
The iC880A — LoRaWAN https://wireless-solutions.de/products/long-range-radio/ic880a iC880A is able to receive packets of different end devices send with different spreading factors on up to 8 channels in parallel. In combination with an embedded Linux board like Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone, Banana Pi and the HAL software from https://github.com/Lora-net a complete LoRaWAN® gateway can be setup easily.
From zero to LoRaWAN in a weekend
Based iC880a concentrator board and a Raspberry Pi 2.
A DIY low-cost LoRa gateway
The gateway is based on a Raspberry PI. RPI 1B+/2B/3B can be used. The LoRa modules comes from (a) Libelium LoRa radio module, (b) HopeRF RFM92W/HopeRF RFM95W (or RFM96W for 433MHz), © Modtronix inAir9/inAir9B (or inAir4 for 433MHz), (d) NiceRF LoRa1276. Libelium LoRa and RFM92W use the Semtech SX1272 chip while RFM95W, inAir9/9B and NiceRF LoRa1276 use the SX1276 which is actually more versatile.
Note: The LoRa module and the LoRaWAN module are not compatible because the protocols are different. The LoRa module implements a simple link protocol, created by Libelium. However, the LoRaWAN module runs the LoRaWAN protocol, a much richer and more advanced protocol, created by the LoRa Alliance.
Check out their Github page with detailed documentation https://github.com/CongducPham/LowCostLoRaGw
Conclusion on gateways:
The gateway is a key portion of this solution given that the sensors will need to send the information “somewhere” where it can either be analyzed on the edge or sent to the cloud. After considering price ranges on both the parts needed for a DIY solution or a full blown gateway I considered those solutions that would be cost effective and which I was most familiar with. The “LG01 LoRa OpenWrt IoT Gateway by Dragino Tech” seemed the best approach. The developer kit counts with an Arduino developer node and a Developer gateway. Note that this solution only counts with ONE channel, in comparison with other solutions that allow 8+ channels. This was a compromise that was evaluated and given that this will be a prototype the one channel option seemed sufficient.
In the following articles I will showcase both the remaining hardware parts and the software portion along with updates on how the project is coming along.
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markjsaterfiel66 · 6 years
Friday Product Post: Get the Lowdown on LoPy
Hello everyone and welcome to another fantastic Friday Product Post. We have a set of some great LoRa IoT products from Pyco: the LoPy4, Pycom Expansion Board and LoRa/Sigfox Antenna Kit are all available starting today and we couldn’t be happier! On top of these three new products we also have a large Jumper Wire Kit with 700 wires ready for you to start prototyping with right away. Let’s jump in and take a closer look!
Hey, buddy! HIGH PY-VE!
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Pycom LoPy4 Development Board
In stock WRL-14674
The LoPy4 is a compact quadruple network MicroPython enabled development board. It’s the perfect enterprise grade IoT platf…
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The LoPy4 is a compact, quadruple network, MicroPython-enabled development board (LoRa/Sigfox/WiFi/Bluetooth). It’s the perfect enterprise-grade IoT platform for your connected projects. With the latest Espressif ESP32 chipset, the LoPy4 offers a perfect combination of power, friendliness and flexibility. Create and connect your things everywhere – fast.
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Pycom Expansion Board 3.0
In stock DEV-14675
The Pycom Expansion Board 3.0 allows you the means to create and connect new IoT projects with your WiPy 2.0, WiPy 3.0, LoPy,…
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Your Pycom module will need a way to be programmed; that’s where this board comes in! The Pycom Expansion Board 3.0 allows you to create and connect new IoT projects with your WiPy 2.0, WiPy 3.0, LoPy, LoPy4, SiPy, FiPy and GPy! With dozens of ready-to-use templates and libraries, developing a new IoT solution is now easier and faster.
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Pycom LoRa and Sigfox Antenna Kit
In stock WRL-14676
This universal Antenna Kit can also be used with LoPy, SiPy, LoPy4, and FiPy IoT development boards to talk over LoRa and Sig…
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If you use the LoRa or Sigfox connectivity on the LoPy4, you will need to connect a special antenna beforehand, otherwise you risk damaging the device. Luckily, with this Antenna Kit from Pycom, you won’t need to worry about hurting your fancy LoPy4. This universal LoRa and Sigfox Antenna Kit can also be used with LoPy, SiPy and FiPy IoT development boards.
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Large Jumper Wire Kit - 700pcs
In stock PRT-14671
This is a time saving large kit of 700 jumper wires - cut, stripped, and pre-bent for your prototyping pleasure.
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You ask for more wires, you get more wires. This is a large kit of jumper wires all cut, stripped and pre-bent for your prototyping pleasure. Included with this kit are 14 various lengths of 22AWG wire - 2, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125mm - 50 pieces of each.
If you are looking for something a little smaller, we still have a jumper wire kit with 140pcs available as well.
And that’s it everyone! We are very excited to finally have the LoPy4 available and can’t wait to see what you make with it! Shoot us a tweet @sparkfun, or let us know on Instagram or Facebook. We’d love to see what projects you’ve made!
We’ll be back next week with even more fantastic new products!
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mandarworld · 4 years
Cellular Networks Market by Company Profile, Product Specifications, Capacity, Production Value and Forecast 2023
The Cellular Networks Market is expected to grow at approximately at 40 % of CAGR between 2018 and 2023. The global cellular networks market is segmented on the basis of technology, frequency, and application and by connection type
Global Cellular Market by technology (2G and 3G, 4G, 5G), by frequency (Edge, UMTS, LTE), by application (mobile phones, USB/power dongles, modem/router), by type of connection (post-paid, pre-paid)
Get Free Sample copy of Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/4654
Market Insights:
According to a new report by Market Research Future (MRFR), the global cellular networks market is predicted to expand at an above average CAGR during the forecast period (2017-2023) due to the tremendous usage of smartphones in the recent years.
The usage of smartphones has increased tremendously in the recent years and is expected to grow at a rapid pace in the coming years. Two mobile phones can connect with each other via a cellular network under a base station over a wide geographical area. Cellular operators offer two types of subscriptions namely post-paid and pre-paid. Currently, cellular networks are using the 4G technology through 3GPP family under LTE brand. The 5G technology is still under the research phase and has been tested successfully by some of the prominent players in the market and could provide room for expansion to the players in the coming years.
Industry News:
A giant cellular antenna has been recently placed in a U.S. highway near Norfork Lake. This belongs to the telecommunication company Mobilitie. The antenna has been designed to tackle some of the data traffic previously being handled by the existing cell towers. This giant antenna has been helping ease cellular networks.
Drivers and Constraints:
The growing use of smartphones coupled with the Internet of Things (IoT) has affected the cellular networks market positively. The cellular network technology has witnessed various changes according to the traffic usage. The technology initially started with EDGE technology that served GSM mobiles and later shifted to universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS), which is commonly known as 3G. To offer better services and to bear with heavy traffic from the subscribers, 4G was developed which is the next generation for wireless technology. 4G offers services at higher speeds and all IP based multimedia services. In the current market scenario, cellular markets provide 4G technology under 3GPP under Long Term Evolution (LTE) band. With further technological advancements, 5G technology is anticipated to penetrate the market in the future.
Growing use of smartphones has increased the reliability of the consumer. Further, the introduction of 4G is anticipated to spur the market growth over the forecast period. Besides, mobile data availability and its cost-effective prices are predicted to be the major drivers fuelling the growth of the market.
Cellular IoT has several advantages such as deep indoor penetration, broader coverage, and smaller module size which are preferred in high-density situations. Cellular networks are prompting the utilization of IoT and are anticipated to showcase tremendous growth in the global market during the assessment period.
However, the emergence of Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) like SigFox and LoRA, along with other costs of cellular modules might hinder the growth of the cellular networks market in the coming years.
Global Cellular Networks Market Segmentation:
Cellular networks market has been segmented based on technology, frequency, application, type, and region.
The market has been segmented into 2G and 3G, 4G and 5G based on technology. Among these, 2G held the largest market share in 2016 in terms of revenue and catered to low-cost modem options and certifications along with the largest number of consumers globally. However, the 2G technology is anticipated to lose ground in the coming years since the technology for IoT, and machine-to-machine connections are evolving at a rapid pace and providing more efficient services. On the other hand, 5G is still under the research phase and is predicted to grow the fastest as it will cater to a variety of applications and provide comparatively high bandwidth for high-speed applications.
The market has been segmented into EDGE, UMTS, and LTE based on frequency. EDGE refers to enhanced data rates for GSM. UMTS was the first network that was fast to support mobile browsing. On the other hand, LTE or Long Term Evolution is advanced than 3G and draws less battery power and enables roaming and co-existence.
The market has been segmented into mobile devices, USB/power dongles, and modem or router based on application.
The market has also been segmented into pre-paid and post-paid based on connection type. Among these, pre-paid has been the widely used connection among the youth. Mobile users prefer pre-paid over post-paid as there is no monthly rental. Moreover, users can recharge their pre-paid connections anytime and anywhere via net banking or online portals. This gives them another reason to switch to pre-paid connections.
Access Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/cellular-networks-market-4654
Regional Analysis:
Geographically, the market has been spanned over regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest-of-the-World.
Though North America and Europe are prominent players operating the market, they are anticipated to showcase a slow growth over the assessment period. Asia Pacific is expected to be the largest region in the coming years owing to digitalization in countries like India and China and an increase in connectivity rates. The market has hit a plateau in regions such as Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Australia. But the rise in mobile subscribers in countries such as North Korea, Indonesia, and Bhutan may offer relief to the market.
Europe is expected to generate a considerable amount of revenue and witness a healthy growth over the assessment period. With increasing population and high demand for consumer goods, along with the proliferation of disruptive technology are the key factors driving the market growth in this region.
Competiton Analysis:
The prominent players operating the global market for are Bharti Airtel Ltd (India), Alcatel Lucent (France), AT&T Inc. (U.S), Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (Singapore), China Mobile Ltd (China), NTT Docomo (Japan), Verizon Communications (U.S), Reliance Communications Ltd (India), and others.
About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
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evgenychernyavskiy · 5 years
One antenna for NB-IoT, LoRa, Sigfox, LT
One antenna for NB-IoT, LoRa, Sigfox, LT
One antenna for NB-IoT, LoRa, Sigfox, LTE-M and Zigbee – Fractus is aiming at narrow-band-IoT, LoRa, Sigfox, LTE-M and Zigbee with an antenna evaluation board and application note that covers 824-960MHz and 1.71-2.69GHz through a single input/output port. It uses firm’s FR01-S4-224 antenna (see diagram), which has a 12 x 3mm footprint – a device which featured in an earlier 863-928MHz app note…
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purcell-engineering · 6 years
SMD antenna covers multiple IoT bands
Fractus Antennas has focussed on antennas for NB-IoT, LoRa, Zigbe and SigFox IoT with an application note. The note studies the effect on ground plane size (across 40×20 to 75x54mm) on the effectiveness of its 3x12mm (2.4mm high) FR01-S4-224 surface-mount antenna, operating in this case in the 863-928MHz band. “IoT could be anything around and the challenge ...
This story continues at SMD antenna covers multiple IoT bands
Or just read more coverage at Electronics Weekly
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christopherross7601 · 6 years
SMD antenna covers multiple IoT bands
SMD antenna covers multiple IoT bands
Fractus Antennas has focussed on antennas for NB-IoT, LoRa, Zigbe and SigFox IoT with an application note. The note studies the effect on ground plane size (across 40×20 to 75x54mm) on the effectiveness of its 3x12mm (2.4mm high) FR01-S4-224 surface-mount antenna, operating in this case in the 863-928MHz band. “IoT could be anything around and the challenge …
This story continues at SMD antenna…
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rfantennaindia · 1 year
Eteily is well known brand in India for RF Antennas Radio frequency Antenna. Radio frequencies from DC to 18GHz and RF Families like IoT Antenna, 868MHz Antenna, LoRa Antenna, 433MHz Antenna,5G Antenna, LTE Antenna, 4G Antenna, WCDMA 3G Antenna, 5.8GHz Antenna, 2.4GHz Antenna, Bluetooth Antenna, RF Antenna Solutions, Cellular Antenna, General ISM Antenna, Navigation Antenna, Wi-Fi Antenna, and 802.15 Antenna. 
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engineercity · 7 years
Новости сайта #ENGINEERING - 工程
New Post has been published on http://engineer.city/shock-and-vibration-resistant-rf-connector-for-the-automotive-industry/
Shock and vibration resistant RF connector for the automotive industry
The engineers at I-PEX Connectors have designed automotive applications to handle the unique problems that stationary RF systems do not encounter, particularly shock and vibration.
Cars are in motion, roads are uneven, and this generates mechanical harmonics that could cause connectors to disengage over time.
Designers concerned about RF connectors that disengage from the PCB on high shock and vibration applications can rely on a new connector with a built-in locking feature.
The new MHF brand I LK Micro RF Coaxial Connector and Wire Harness from I-PEX is designed with a built-in lock that keeps the connector in place on the PCB.
Designers no longer have to adhere their RF connectors with messy epoxy or adhesive. This new locking mechanism keeps the connector in place on the board, increasing productivity and reliability.
This connector has the same features as the tiny MHF I Connector, which is used to connect antennas to radios and for testing radios while maximising performance within minimal space.
Because of the tiny size of the connector, engineers have greater flexibility in designing their PCBs. This connector supports many of the new transmission standards, including Wi-Fi, 4G LTE, Bluetooth, GPS, M2M, IoT. SigFox, WiSUN, NB-IoT and LoRa.
They are suitable for high shock and vibration applications, particularly in the automotive, airline and drone industries.
The MHF I LK Connectors are available in a variety of cable sizes and lengths: O.D. 0.81 mm, 1.13 mm, 1.32 mm, 1.37 mm and 1.80 mm.
Keeping the connectors in place gives designers the freedom to focus on their own innovative solutions, especially as today’s drivers are demanding Smart Car connectivity like never before.
This demand has industry leaders investing heavily in Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to advance Smart Car connectivity at an astounding rate.
In fact, Business Insider estimates the automotive industry will ship 94 million connected cars in 2021. This figure, which represents 82% of the industry, says a lot about the demand by today’s drivers for this rapidly evolving technology.
Currently, Smart Car connectivity occurs in two ways. Embedded cars utilise a built-in radio and antenna connecting to local cellular networks, while tethered cars use a wireless connected device, typically a cell phone, to provide the data connectivity.
This is done via Bluetooth or a USB cable. In addition to data connectivity, cars have GPS for navigation and emergency services, satellite radio (Sirius), hands-free calling, sensor and data gathering, as well as key-less entry and start.
Some of these system like tire-pressure monitoring, can utilize an embedded or board-level antenna.
Others, like emergency services or data-intensive systems like navigation or satellite radio require an external, application-specific antenna.
Despite these highly varied requirements, I-PEX Connectors is able to offer a robust and diverse product offering to suit critical RF interconnectivity needs for all of these systems thanks to I-PEX’s patented iFit MHF Micro RF Coaxial Connector Series.
automotive design
iFit MHF Micro RF Coaxial Connector Series
I-PEX Connectors
RF connectors
Design Engineer
Automotive Design
Electronics Engineer
Electronics Design
Source: engineerlive.com
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rfantennaindia · 1 year
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rfantennaindia · 1 year
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rfantennaindia · 1 year
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4G Adhesive Puck Antenna Manufacturers in India 2023
RF Antenna
Eteily is well known brand in India for RF Antennas Radio frequency Antenna. Radio frequencies from DC to 18GHz and RF Families like IoT Antenna, 868MHz Antenna, LoRa Antenna, 433MHz Antenna,5G Antenna, LTE Antenna, 4G Antenna, WCDMA 3G Antenna, 5.8GHz Antenna, 2.4GHz Antenna, Bluetooth Antenna, RF Antenna Solutions, Cellular Antenna, General ISM Antenna, Navigation Antenna, Wi-Fi Antenna, and 802.15 Antenna. 
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