#Best Hair Loss Doctor in NYC
drgolberg · 2 years
Things a Good Hair Loss Treatment Doctor will tell you before the Treatment
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Looking for doctors in New York to treat hair loss? The best hair loss doctor in New York will conduct a physical examination, inquire about your medical and family histories, and question you about your food and hair care regimen before establishing a diagnosis. In addition, you may wish to undergo the following tests:
Blood test - By doing so, it is possible to determine whether an infection is causing hair loss.
Pull test - To count the hairs that fall out, your doctor carefully removes a few dozen of them. This aids in identifying the process's stage of shedding.
Scalp biopsy - To study the hair roots under a microscope, your doctor scrapes samples from the skin or from a few hairs pulled from the scalp. This can assist in determining whether hair loss is being caused by an infection.
Light microscopy - Your doctor examines hairs clipped at your temple with a specific tool.
Hair loss can be treated with effective treatments in some cases. The loss of hair may be halted or at least slowed. Hair may recover on its own for a year after other conditions, such as alopecia areata. Surgical and medical treatments are available for treating hair loss. Medication
It is imperative to treat the underlying condition that is causing your hair loss. Your doctor might suggest stopping taking a particular medicine for a few months if that's the reason you're losing hair.
Hair transplant surgery
Only the top of the head is impacted by the most prevalent type of permanent hair loss. Making the most of your remaining hair is possible with a hair transplant or restoration procedure.
Laser therapy
Both men and women can benefit from a low-level laser device as a treatment for hereditary hair loss. It increases hair density, as demonstrated by a few small studies. More research is required to demonstrate long-term effects.
Decide about the best hair loss doctor in NYC after checking the ratings and reviews.
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linkovhairsurgery · 4 months
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Hair loss and thinning hair isn’t something that, as a woman, you normally worry too much about. But it’s common for females to experience many of the same problems with hair loss that men do. Fortunately, most of the women’s hair regrowth treatments are similar and as effective. The best hair loss treatment for females in New York is at Linkov Hair Surgery in Manhattan. Call them today to get evaluated for viable and cost-effective option for hair regrowth for women. Some of the most common solutions include hair transplants, stem cell therapy and the practical, effective use of minoxidil, otherwise known as Rogaine. A top doctor in NYC first diagnoses your dilemma and then makes the appropriate recommendations.
Read more: https://www.linkovhair.com/hair-loss-treatment/hair-loss-treatments-for-women/
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luxuryhairsuitesny · 7 months
Signs of aging are visible to our eyes especially when we start to see early signs of hair loss but it is not the only sign. Aging is not the only thing that contributes to hair loss because other factors are also in play. Anyway, you can stop the hair loss when you have the time by visiting the best hair loss treatment clinic in NYC. Your doctor will decide what hair restoration treatment is right for you for instance the NeoGraft hair transplant, laser therapy, and more.
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acnedoctoraustralia · 7 months
Dermatologist For Hair
A dermatologist (or a trichologist) can help with all sorts of scalp and hair disorders. Some are highly specialized, and can treat more severe conditions like alopecia areata or lichen planopilaris, while others are able to address the most common issues such as thinning hair.
Before a dermatologist for hair can give you any advice or treatment for your hair loss, they will need to examine your scalp and hair. This is best done when your hair is loose, so it can be examined more easily. This is why it's important to be prepared for your appointment by having your hair in the most natural state possible – no braids, no weave, and no wig.
During the exam, the dermatologist will look for any red or flaky areas that could indicate a scalp condition such as psoriasis. They will also take a closer look at your nails, to see if they are pitted or have white lines across the nail plate, which can be another sign of psoriasis. They can then advise you on the best topical serums, oral medications/ supplements, in-office treatments, and methods to delay hereditary hair loss and keep your hair healthier for longer. Dr Michele Green is a leading NYC dermatologist with over 20 years of experience and an international reputation for her work on hair disorders, particularly herrogenic alopecia and telogen effluvium.
Our Acne Doctor Australia doctors can prescribe medications your family doctor (GP) can’t prescribe. These special medications are the most effective in clearing stubborn acne. Talk to your GP first before making your appointment with us. Ask them for a referral to Acne Doctors at Teledermatologist.
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newcastleskinmedical · 8 months
Skin Medical Centre
Skin medical centre provides NHS treatment for patients with a variety of different skin conditions. Patients must be referred by their GP to access our services.
Before your appointment, keep a symptom diary and bring photos of any problems you wish to discuss with the dermatologist. It’s also a good idea to bring any medications or supplements you take, including over-the-counter products.
Acne Treatments
Acne is the most common skin medical centre condition affecting almost everyone at some point in their lives. It is characterized by pimples, lumps, cysts, blackheads and whiteheads that appear on the face, neck, shoulders, back or chest. It is usually caused by clogged pores that are blocked by dead skin cells, hair and oil.
Treatments include topical creams that are applied directly to the skin, such as retinoids that contain vitamin A and keep pores clear by decreasing oil buildup and antibiotic creams that reduce bacteria. Your dermatologist may also recommend a combination of these treatments to reduce breakouts and prevent future breakouts.
Other treatment modalities for acne scarring include chemical peels that improve dark spots and microneedling, laser resurfacing and radiofrequency treatments to soften acne scars. Noninvasive body contouring procedures may also be recommended to minimize dimpling, stretch marks, cellulite and excess body fat. Your dermatologist will assess your condition and determine the best treatment for you.
Skin Cancer Treatments
Skin cancer is a serious disease, but it’s one of the most treatable types. Early detection, when a suspicious mole or other skin change appears, is the best way to prevent it from spreading. Regular check-ups are also important.
When melanoma is caught in the very early stages, before it spreads, it’s almost always curable. This is true for nonmelanoma skin cancers (basal and squamous cell carcinomas) as well.
We offer a variety of treatments for both melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers, including surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy uses highpowered X-rays to kill cancer cells, and it can be used to treat areas of skin cancer that can’t be removed surgically. Chemotherapy involves drugs that kill cancer cells and prevent them from growing, and it can be used in combination with surgery or radiation. Other treatments include cryosurgery, in which your doctor freezes the growth with liquid nitrogen; photodynamic therapy, in which a solution is activated by blue-spectrum light to destroy cancer cells; and biological therapy, which uses your body’s own immune system to fight cancer cells.
Scar Treatments
Scars are your skin's way of repairing wounds, but they can be unsightly. They can also be painful or itchy. NYC dermatologists have many treatments for scars. These include steroid injections to soften the appearance of discolorations and surface irregularities, such as pitted scars and atrophic scarring (indented scars).
Your skin is your body's largest organ. It protects you from heat, cold and germs and is a good indicator of your overall health. It can also indicate internal problems like disease or organ failure.
Acne scars, scars from surgery, C-sections and other medical procedures, stretch marks and even birthmarks can be improved by laser treatments like dermabrasion and non-ablative lasers. Your scar's size, depth and type will determine how much of an improvement can be made in its appearance.
Body Contouring
Surgical body contouring procedures remove excess fat and tighten loose newcastle skin medical centre in the arms, abdomen, hips, and thighs. This is typically recommended following significant weight loss or after pregnancy and can help fine-tune the new shape of your body. The most common procedure is liposuction which involves removal of targeted pockets of fat from the body using anesthesia. Other surgical options include abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), brachioplasty (arm lift), and buttocks lift.
Noninvasive body contouring treatments like CoolSculpting, EMSCULPT, and Kybella are quickly becoming more popular as patients seek ways to improve their body shape without the risk or downtime of surgery. During your private consultation with Dr. Green at her luxurious Manhattan office, she can recommend the best cosmetic body sculpting treatment for your needs and explain the cost. Contact the practice today to book your appointment.
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Beautiful, natural-looking hair growth is achieved through our Neograft hair transplant Queens, NYC. Neograft 2.0 advanced FUE, the hair loss treatment that doesn't require an incision, a scar, or stitches, is one of the minimally invasive hair transplant procedures! In addition, we provide the linear strip technique for complete hair transplant care. Your queries about the many hair transplant methods available and which hair restoration method in NYC will best suit your particular requirements can be answered by our hair doctors and skilled staff. There is no reason for you to live hairless when the advanced transplant we offer can reinvigorate life back into your hair. Make an appointment today by phone – at (718) 880-4321.
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patientsmedical · 1 year
Hormone Imbalance in Women: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Hormonal imbalances in women are a common issue that affects millions of women around the world. Hormonal imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a particular hormone in the body. These imbalances can cause a range of symptoms and health problems that can affect a woman's overall quality of life. In this post, we will discuss the symptoms, causes, and treatment of hormone imbalances in women.
Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances in Women
Hormonal imbalances in women can cause a wide range of symptoms, depending on which hormones are affected. Some of the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalances in women include:
Irregular periods
Heavy or painful periods
Mood swings
Weight gain
Hair loss
Dry skin
Vaginal dryness
Hot flashes
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to talk to your doctor. Your doctor may recommend a blood test to check your hormone levels and determine if there is an imbalance.
Causes of Hormonal Imbalances in Women
There are many factors that can contribute to hormonal imbalances in women. Some of the most common causes of hormonal imbalances include:
Birth control pills
Hormone replacement therapy
Thyroid problems
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Insulin resistance
Treatment of Hormonal Imbalances in Women
The treatment of hormonal imbalances in women depends on the underlying cause of the imbalance. Some of the most common treatments for hormonal imbalances in women include:
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Birth control pills Thyroid medication Lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise Stress management techniques, such as meditation and yoga Surgery, in cases where the imbalance is caused by a tumor or other growth. It is important to work with your doctor to determine the best course of treatment for your specific hormonal imbalance. Your doctor can help you identify the underlying cause of the imbalance and develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
Hormonal imbalances in women can cause a range of symptoms and health problems that can affect a woman's overall quality of life. If you are experiencing any symptoms of a hormonal imbalance doctors nyc it is important to talk to your doctor. Your doctor can help you identify the underlying cause of the imbalance and develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
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spruceuganda83 · 2 years
Dermarolling Your Scalp Is Proven To Increase Hair Growth And Thickness
There is, nonetheless, Folexin Reviews that individual vitamins in castor oil, together with vitamin E , improve blood circulate to the scalp and promote hair development. This explains why vitamin E is so commonly used in hair loss products. Fenugreek– This herb can be an age-old remedy for hair development issues. It incorporates proteins and nicotinic acid; protein-enriched diets have been identified to encourage stimulation of hair development. Add a tablespoon of this herb and water in a grinder until a smooth paste it fashioned. To use, simply massage a quantity of drops into your scalp each evening before mattress. When it involves critiques, a majority of reviewers note that their hair grew in spots the place their scalp was seen before. On the opposite hand, a few 1-star reviews have to do with allergic reactions, scalp sensitivity, no adjustments, or even elevated hair loss. We seemed for merchandise and treatments from reputable manufacturers with probably the most important analysis behind them and the best ingredients. For this cause, eating your way to longer hair is actually a wiser, nutritionist-approved approach to make your hair develop faster. Vitamins and minerals occurring naturally in foods are easier for your physique to make the most of, and they’ll naturally deliver a healthier ratio of nutrients—just the method in which Mother Nature intended. To give your self a scorching oil treatment, massage the oil into your scalp after which apply it all the means in which to the ends of your strands. As chic as platinum hair looks, going from a darker shade to light blonde might stand between you and your longest-possible hair. "When the cuticle of the hair is damaged from bleach, you possibly can have extra breakage or cut up ends," explains Elizabeth Hiserodt, senior colorist at Cutler Salon in New York City. "The fewer chemical treatments, the higher your hair will develop." Most of us are not solely tied to our hair bodily, however emotionally, too. It’s an extension of our identity—an necessary a half of our physical look that offers us a keen sort of confidence. That’s why it’s so common to feel incomplete after your hair begins thinning or falling out. Doctors will often prescribe spironolactone together with an oral contraceptive for girls of reproductive age. (A lady taking certainly one of these medication shouldn't become pregnant as a end result of they can trigger genital abnormalities in a male fetus.) Possible side effects embrace weight acquire, lack of libido, melancholy, and fatigue. Underlying causes may be contributing to your hair's gradual growth. One in 4 American ladies reviews thinning hair — and that doesn’t depend these born with wispy or sparse strands. “Hair that’s naturally thin in diameter or sparse is genetic,” says Joyce Davis, M.D., dermatologist in NYC. Second, it’s crammed with omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, proteins, and other nutrients that may penetrate your parched strands and seal your hair shaft to retain moisture. Third, it makes for anamazinghot oil treatment—massaging the oil into your roots will assist your scalp drink up the entire nutrients and help promote hair progress. [newline]After neonatal follicle improvement has progressed, every hair follicle enters a regular cycle called anagen, catagen and telogen, leads to repeating follicle formations and regressions. This perpetuating property of DP is conferred by anti-apoptotic molecules corresponding to Bcl-2 expressed in DP. Androgen performs an important position in accelerating hair loss by shortening of hair cycle interval resulted from premature catagen induction with reduced anagen duration . Dermal papilla cells play a key role in hair progress among the varied cell varieties in hair follicles.
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thesbianxwaves · 3 years
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~ Meet Waves ~
dominique provost-chalkley & they/them; genderqueer ‷ watch out , waverly “waves” bordeaux has crash-landed into roswell !! they look 27 years old and celebrate their birthday on may 8th. they are from weston, massachusetts, reside in lunar crescent and are currently working as the co-owner of teal pumpkin café. one thing you should know about them is they are proudly deaf and are currently on hiatus from their aspiring broadway career‷
Backstory TWs: Mentions of Chronic Illnesses & Medical Content
Waves was born two months prematurely and on Mother’s Day, 1994. Their mother refers to them as her “little miracle gift” because of this fact. Their original due date wasn’t until the end of July... In addition to being born prematurely, they were born with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss { profound in left ear, moderately-severe in right ear }, with bilateral clubfoot, and with a heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot { TOF }.
They received the first of a series of open-heart surgeries to repair their heart defect when they were only 1 month old. The next surgery took place at 2 months. They also had surgery at 11 ½ months, 18 months, 3 years, and 5 ½  years. When it came to their clubfoot, their parents tried the bracing method; but they eventually underwent two surgeries to correct the positioning of their feet/ankles when they were 3 and then again when they were 4 years old. Because of this, they now wear sparkly AFO braces for support. They also still have lingering issues with foot/ankle instability and chronic pain.
Growing up, their parents spoke French at home as their father { Sébastien } was born and raised in Orleans and their mother { Amélie } was born and raised in the French countryside. They also have three older siblings, all of which were born in France. Their parents struggled to learn ASL to teach their daughter as their English had never been extraordinary strong; but the pair did their best best, teaching young Waves ASL, French, and English simultaneously. Despite ultimately being left-handed, they actually learned to sign as if their right hand was their dominant hand.
They received their first pair of assistive hearing devices at the age of 18 months. Their hearing aids were purple BTE { behind the ear } hearing aids with pink full shell earmolds. Every time they’d get a new pair of hearing aids, they’d stick with a similar color scheme; though once they were old enough and were able to communicate their desires, the earmolds were always sparkly purple but remained full shell in style.
Starting at age 6, they began attending speech therapy 3-4 times a week. Their speech therapist insisted they attend 5 times a week as they were delayed even beginning speech therapy due to health reasons; but their parents thought 5 times a week would be too much. They continued with speech therapy through the age of 19; though they went down to twice a week and then once a week and only through school as they got older. They actually never attended a formal preschool and instead was homeschooled by a private tutor who was a former teacher of the Deaf. They started kindergarten a year late at the age of 6 due to health reasons and frequent hospitalizations as a young child.
They never attended a mainstream school. Their parents wanted to give them the best chance for success; so they were enrolled in kindergarten at an elite primary school for the Deaf located in Boston. From there, they went on to attend the primary’s sister school—an elite secondary school for the Deaf. On their first day of kindergarten, their anxiety was so bad that their parents almost pulled them out of class. There was one boy called Dillon who came up to them, introduced himself, and commented on how much he liked their purple hearing aids and their matching { at the time } purple AFO braces. He was the only reason they got through their first day of school; and he stayed their best friend/platonic soulmate all the way through graduation day. 
Everyone from their parents to their teachers { and even some of their doctors } encouraged young Waves to get involved in their school’s theatre program, believing their bright personality would truly shine on the stage as it was known to shine off stage. At first, they were skeptical of the theatre due to not liking the attention and the fact memorizing lines was quite difficult { which turned into their difficulty being further examined and an eventual diagnosis of dyslexia }; but after their breakout role as Molly in a production of Annie when they were 8 years old, they instantly became hooked on anything and everything theatre.
At the age of 11, they ended up needing two emergency open heart surgeries back-to-back. This led to them missing half a year of school. They almost needed to repeat the year; but thanks to a hired private tutor, they were able to catch up with their current grade level during their long recovery period. During this rough time, binge-watching musicals was the only thing that got them through. It was also during this time they first took an interest in baking as they’d been plagued with numerous food allergies/sensitivities/intolerances since they were a baby. Musicals and baking became their outlet.
Waves continued to be part of their school’s theatre program; and at the age of 15, they were given the opportunity to join the junior program of a theatre company in Boston called Deaf Atlantic Theatre Company { aka DATC }. This company was the New England chapter of an inclusive theatre company located in off Broadway in NYC that was known for having performances in both spoken English and ASL. Their breakout role with this company was as a lost child in a production of Peter Pan. 
When it came time for college, the initial plan was to go to a university in London; however, due to health reasons { that ultimately led to a diagnosis of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome—MCAS }, their plans for London fell through. Fortunately, they’d been accepted into the infamous Gallaudet University as well. They ended up attending Gallaudet where duel majored in both Theatre and Environmental Science { the latter due always having had a strong appreciation for Mother Earth }. 
Their junior year of university, they had the opportunity to study abroad in Greece. They jumped at this opportunity due to the fact their favorite musical, Mamma Mia!, made them want to go to Greece. They weren’t going to miss their chance to skip awkwardly down cobblestone pathways while sign singing and wearing well-worn overalls. It was the closest thing they’d gotten to getting to play their dream role of Sophie { for now }.
After graduation, the plan was for them to leave the New England chapter of DATC and join the off Broadway chapter in NYC. This would’ve been a huge break for them, especially since that company’s actors were often given the auditions with Broadway productions as well as different TV shows/movies filming in the boroughs. Their plans were put on an indefinite hiatus after a series of events that led to a need for placemaker placement surgery and a diagnosis of a heart condition called Long QT Syndrome. This diagnosis was the most harrowing thus far; and it led to the beginning of what could’ve easily been a very dark period in Waves’s life. The only reason it never led to that dark period was because one of their older siblings invited them to move out to Roswell, New Mexico for a change of scenery and some much needed R&R. 
They moved to Roswell at the age of 23 and initially only planned on staying maybe a year. However, they stayed well passed that year. In their time in Roswell thus far, they’ve moved out of their sibling’s house and into their own place on Lunar Crescent where they now reside with their roommate/ASL interpreter and their hearing/medical alert service dog { a German Shepard named Atlas }. They’ve also opened a small vegan bakery café called the Teal Pumpkin Café that specializes in being allergy-friendly and accessible to all. 
Their name sign is the sign for “long hair” done one handed and with that hand forming the “W” hand shape. This name sign was given to them during the first Deaf event they attended when they were 4 years old. The name sign came from the fact their hair was down to their butt by that age. They’ve always been known by the fact they have hair for days.
They are named after Sir Walter Scott’s Waverley Novels; though due to all the trauma surrounding their birth, neither of their parents realized the second ‘e’ was missing from ‘Waverley’ until several months later. And by then, their parents had fallen in love with the spelling ‘Waverly’ and just didn’t bother changing it.
They came out as queer at the age of 15 and as genderqueer { using the pronouns she/they } at the age of 22. They changed their preferred pronouns to they/she several months later. They always knew they had a much stronger preference to they/them pronouns over she/her pronouns; but it took them until their 25th birthday to be able to admit that to anyone and formally change their preferred pronouns to solely they/them. Despite their preference for they/them pronouns and their gender identity being genderqueer, they don’t have issue with being referred to as feminine titles such as daughter, sister, girlfriend, actress, etc. Titles such as girl, woman, and female are hit or miss. And when it comes to honorifics, they are only comfortable with Mx. as miss and ms. don’t sit well with them.
They are not formally trained when it comes to baking. Everything they know, they learned from growing up with a hired French chef. Initially, this chef was hired due to all of their food allergies and restrictions; but over the years, they began to learn from the chef... This is why their baking style is heavily French-inspired. Their cooking style, on the other hand, is a bit of everything. 
The majority of their wardrobe comes from thrift, vintage, and charity shops as they wish to not give into the fast fashion industry. Only about 15% isn’t bought secondhand; and that’s because they believe it is important to support Deaf and disabled owned businesses as well. They collect both pins and beanies, the majority of which were purchased secondhand. Their favorite beanie is a thrifted mustard yellow one that a good friend of theirs embroidered “Waves” into the folded over bit. They also collect cool patterned socks; though hardly any of their socks are secondhand as socks are usually worn out before they can be given to thrift/vintage/charity shops. 
They are an avid gardener due to the severity of several of their food allergies and a need to know exactly where their food comes from. Because of this, they have a decently sized greenhouse in their backyard as well as a hydroponic plant tower in their sunroom. They’ve taken to growing quite the assortment of produce; and as they hate to see any produce go to waste, they are known to donate any excess to local soup kitchens and homeless shelters. They are also known to dropping off baskets of fresh produce to their friends and neighbors. 
They have a pretty big following on social media { mainly Instagram—their handle is thesbianwaves }; and they’ve taken to using their platform as a way of sharing their views on things like disability awareness/advocacy, deafness and ASL, queer pride, veganism, low-waste living, food allergies, and theatre/acting. They’re also rather well known throughout the Deaf community and the off Broadway acting community. 
They’ve never learned how to ride a bike; and despite having others offer to teach them, they’re not entirely interested. They also don’t know how to swim. They do have some desire to learn to swim; but they’re kinda embarrassed to ask for lessons now that they’re a grown adult.
click here for full stats page
Wanted Connections { hit me up if you’re interested in plotting—we can plot on here or via discord } 
Older Sibling(s)—between the ages of 31-40
Ride or Die/Best Friend(s)
Childhood BFF Dillon
General Friends
Neighbors on Lunar Crescent
Employees at Teal Pumpkin Café 
Café Regulars 
Slow Burn/Future Love Interest
Extended Family Members
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dominickuiper · 3 years
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( michiel huisman + cis male ) — have you seen dominic kuiper? this forty two year old is an emergency room surgeon who resides in manhattan. he has been living in nyc for four years, and is known to be observant and driven, but can also be disconnected and cold, if you cross them. people tend to associate them with dog tags and an adrenaline rush. @codstarters​
triggers for military, car accident
general information.
full name: dominic joël kuiper. handle: dom, doc, coop. title: doctor. age: 42. date of birth: july 8th, 1978. place of birth: manhattan, new york. zodiac: cancer. gender: cis male. nationality: dutch-american. religion: agnostic. orientation: heteroromantic heterosexual. relationship status: single.
physical attributes.
face claim: michiel huisman. height: 6'0.5″. weight: 180 lbs. hair color: brown. eye color: hazel. tattoos: a tattoo of his marine battalion (2nd battalion, 1st marines) on his upper right forearm. distinguishing marks: various scars and marks from his years of service. outfit/clothing style: mostly scrubs because of work, otherwise casual attire - jeans, t-shirts and loose button-down shirts over them with boots.
background information.
hometown: manhattan, new york. current residence: manhattan, new york. past residences: various, as he was deployed for most of his military career. spoken languages: dutch, english, french. financial status: lower-upper class. education level: high school diploma, then military education. coop got his doctorates through the us navy. organization: navy hospital corpsman (formerly), marine combat medic (retired), manhattan general emergency room surgeon (present).
familial information.
mother: annmarie kuiper. father: richard kuiper. siblings: nora kuiper (deceased). children: none.
moral alignment: lawful neutral. mbti: estj-t - the executive. enneagram: type 1: the perfectionist. temperament: choleric.
short biography.
born in manhattan, new york to two lower-upper class parents. dominic was never one for wanting in his life, never went needing, and was always well-cared for. attended public school and graduated high school in the top three of his class.
small family - just mom, dad, himself and his younger sister nora - six years his junior. dom has always gotten along with his family and always felt protective over nora, but not overbearing.
enlisted in the navy right out of high school. rolled through basic, then transferred to san antonio, texas where he went through his training as a hospital corpsman. dom excelled in high-stress situations and quickly became a combat medic, following his interests into the marines where he found he could be of a better use than a submarine.
served in the marines 2nd battalion for most of his life. has been deployed a handful of times throughout his career and retired from active duty 6 years ago. (he is still reserves, though, and can be called back any time they need him).
became a member of doctors without borders (médicins sans frontéres) between deployments. served time in a handful of countries helping wherever he could. upon his official retirement from active duty, dom spent two years in europe with doctors without borders before returning home, to the states.
lost his sister in a car accident 4 years ago. he was completely heartbroken an still refuses to acknowledge her loss appropriately.
received his doctorates through the military, took a job at manhattan general in the emergency room as a surgeon upon coming back home.
last name is pronounced cooper - it’s dutch. his first language was dutch, he learned english in school.
will respond to: dom, doc, coop.
potential connections.
best friend: someone he connected with (be it from when he lived in ny in his life or not and kept connections to throughout his time in the service or someone he met when he came home) and spends a good portion of his time with when he’s not working or on-call.
coworkers: hospitals have a vast staff of doctors, nurses, etc. people he sees every day.
flings: 30+ please. not serious romantic connections. a man has needs. these would likely be one-off’s ---one night stands.
neighbors: he lives in a nice apartment in manhattan. big $$$ from working where he does, and having money from his family.
i’m open to various other connections, these are just some ideas!
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drgolberg · 1 year
Trichology: The Study of Hair and Scalp Health
Trichology is the scientific study of hair and scalp health. Trichologists are experts in diagnosing and treating hair and scalp conditions, ranging from hair loss and dandruff to psoriasis and dermatitis. In this article, we will explore the basics of trichology, including its history, scope, and common treatments.
History of Trichology
The study of hair and scalp health can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where plants and natural remedies were used to treat hair loss and other conditions. In the modern era, trichology emerged as a distinct field in the early 20th century, with the establishment of the Institute of Trichologists in London in 1902. Today, trichology is a recognized field of study with a growing body of research and practice.
Scope of Trichology
Trichology encompasses a wide range of hair and scalp conditions, from the common to the complex. Some of the most common conditions that trichologists diagnose and treat include:
Hair loss (alopecia) Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis Psoriasis and eczema Scalp infections Hair breakage and damage Oily or dry scalp Treatments for Hair and Scalp Conditions
The treatments for hair and scalp conditions depend on the specific condition and its underlying causes. Trichologists may recommend topical treatments such as shampoos, conditioners, and scalp treatments to manage symptoms and improve hair and scalp health. They may also recommend oral medications or supplements, hair transplant surgery, or other advanced treatments depending on the severity and nature of the condition.
In addition to treating hair and scalp conditions, trichologists may also provide advice and guidance on hair care and maintenance. This can include recommendations on the best hair care products, styling techniques, and nutrition and lifestyle factors that can impact hair and scalp health. If you are looking for best hair loss doctor in NYC then you must keep in mind the above discussed points and understand if you are choosing the correct doctor.
Type “best hair loss doctor near me” on any browser.
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annamead--xo · 4 years
Losing Their Precious Gift || Hanna
Who: Harry & Anna
Where: Their NYC Condo & Hospital
What: Anna wakes up in the middle of the night in pain to find that she miscarries their baby girl, Annabelle.
Anna: [in the middle of the night, Anna woke up suddenly from a sharp pain in her stomach] Ahhhh.![she sat up in bed and knew that something was wrong instantly] No, no.. Harry.. [she reached over to shake him gently] Harry.. wake up.. something's wrong.
Harry: [Harry was peacefully asleep when suddenly he felt his body move] Whaa.... [he said with a sleepy voice until Anna got through him, sounding like she was in panic. He immediately sat up straight] What's wrong, what's wrong?
Anna: [she let out a small cry at another sharp pain as she tried to wake Harry up] I--I'm bleeding.. [she was afraid to move in case she made it worse] Harry.. the baby, our baby.. please baby, it's okay. [she tried to talk to her small bump]
Harry: [The same feeling of panic came over him when she told him she was bleeding] I-I'll call an ambulance, okay honey? [He said quickly and turned on his nightlight to grab his phone and dial 911. His other hand he placed on hers] It's okay baby... it's okay [he said to both of them, a million scenarios going through his mind]
Anna: [she nodded quickly and squeezed his hand as another sharp pain hit her] Tell t-them to-- hurry. [tears threatened to escape as she heard him on the phone. Her hand touched her stomach.] Just hold on, baby girl. I got yo-- [she crouched over as she cried out in pain again] Harry!! No, no, no.. I-I-I c-can't lose.. her.. baby...
Harry: [He gritted his teeth as she squeezed his hand so hard she might've broken something, but that was nothing to worry about right now] I will honey, hold on, I'm here, we've got this [He told her as they finally answered his call] I need an ambulance for my girlfriend, she's 4 months pregnant and she's bleeding and in a lot of pain. Please hurry, we're at .. [he quickly gave their address as he held her hand and moved close to her so she could lean on him] We're not... we're not... keep breathing baby, okay? We're gonna be okay. They're on their way.
Anna: [as she used him for support, she started to cry. From the pain mixed with the idea that she was losing her baby.] She is supposed to be our miracle baby. [She tried focusing on her breathing but the pain was unbearable as it felt like someone was jabbing her with a sharp object] I-it hurts..
Harry: [Harry hung up the phone after they reassured him they were coming from the hospital a few minutes away. He wrapped his arm around her to hold her as he held back his own tears] I know honey, I know. They're on their way, a few minutes. You're gonna be okay. I'm here. A few minutes okay? Just hold on a little bit longer.
Anna: [she took their intertwined hands and placed it on her bump. She just wanted to reassure their baby that it was all okay but this was the best she could do. She nodded as she heard the sirens pulling up. She was starting to feel out of it from the loss of blood.] What—whatever happens.. save our.. baby, okay?
Harry: [He pressed a kiss on her hair while all he could do was hold her] I love you, okay? [He didn't answer the question, because he couldn't make that choice.] I'll open the door for them, is that okay? I'll be back in a second. I won't leave your side.
Anna: I-I love you too. [her eyes closed as they held onto each other. Her cheeks were still wet with tears as she had a million different sceranios running through her mind.] Hm? Oh.. okay. [she wasn’t exactly comprehending anything anymore because when he left to get the door, she passed out in their bed]
Harry: [Harry left the room to let in the guys from the ambulance as he rushed with them upstairs. When they got back to Anna she had already passed out. Harry helped carrying her on the stretcher even though they told him to step away; he didn't want any unknown hands on her.] S-she needs some clean clothes [he said with a trembling voice, but the doctors reassured him they'd think of that and that they had to go now. He rushed with them into the ambulance where he didn't let go of her hand]
Anna: [Anna was in and out of consciousness the entire ride of the ambulance and during all the tests they ran once they were at the hospital. An hour after they settled her into a bed, she let out a soft whimper. The images of the last few hours rushed back to her and her hand reached out to touch her stomach. She could still feel the bump so she tried to open her eyes. She saw Harry and immediately began to cry.] H-Harry.. wh-what happ..happened? Is t-the baby.. okay?
Harry: [He felt like it had been hours he had sat by her bed when she opened her eyes. His eyes were puffy and red from how he hadn't been able to keep himself together] H-hey honey...... [He said] S... they... s s she.... [he shook his head, meant as a 'no']
Anna: [she didn’t want to believe him. Like he would play this joke on her but he wasn’t like that. She could see it in his eyes that he was telling the truth.] N-no.. no, no, no.. [she tried to sit up, feeling like she was in a dream] No.. s-she’s okay! Harry.. she has to be!!
Harry: Careful, c-careful... [he stuttered as he got up to get her to lay down again] N-no.... Anna... I'm so sorry.. [his throat felt like he was suffocating]
Anna: Nooo. I need to.. see for myself.. [she tried to push against his arms but she was still so weak with the loss of blood. she couldn’t stop the tears from escaping] Why.. why do I—I still.. look pr-pregnant?
Harry: Honey honey please be careful, they said you need to lay down, okay? [He felt bad pushing her down again, but he didn't want her to be in even more pain... if she even could be] It's... it's common. That needs a bit of time, it's not going to change overnight but slowly it will fade away...
Anna: I don’t care.. I-I want my baby! [she gave up though when she lost all her energy in fighting against him. That’s when the tears began again.] I-it’s not fair.. we wanted.. h-her so much. [she curled up in the bed, her arms holding her now much smaller stomach] Fade away.. just like our baby.
Harry: I know honey I know [he said as he wiped away tears rolling down. He was surprised he still had them] We wanted her more than anything.... we did nothing wrong.. ... it's just... bad luck. Really bad luck. [He sat down on the side of the bed with her] Our babygirl [he said with more tears coming down]
Anna: [they had so many plans for the baby and she cried out for each one of them, their dreams and plans all crushed.] Bad luck? No, no.. but she was ours. She needed us. We need her. I.. I must have done.. something. [she reached out to him when he sat on her bed. She tried to pull at his shirt to bring him down to her level.] Did they say.. it was a girl?
Harry: Anna, my Anna.... [he cried out with her and when she pulled him down he placed his head on the pillow next to her so it could seem like it was just their world together; but it wasn't] No, no, we did everything we could, you didn't do anything wrong... you were perfect.. [He closed his eyes as he couldn't say it]
Anna: [when he laid down with her, she moved in closer. Her face nuzzled into his chest as she held onto him and let out all of her pain. She wanted to scream at the world for allowing it to take away the best thing they had.] But if I..I can’t.. [she was struggling to allow herself to believe she didn’t do anything wrong. She was worried her condition with having fertility issues could also have been issues to being pregnant too] I-I want our baby with you. [she pulled back for just a moment to see it in his face that the doctor did tell him that they had had a girl] Baby girl..
Harry: [He wrapped his free arm around her to hold her close as she cried hard into her chest and he felt her body shaking] Shhh shhhh [he said] It's not our fault, it's not our fault [he said knowing what she was thinking] I wanted it too. [He swallowed] Her. I wanted her too. She was so welcome. They... they couldn't do anything for her.
Anna: [she wanted to believe him when he said it wasn’t her fault. But there was still the feeling of guilt that didn’t think would ever go away. So she continued to hold onto him as they grieved for their baby. Her hand moved down to her stomach] I’m so so-sorry, baby. I- I love you. [it made her end up in tears again, pressing her face back in his chest] Harry..
Harry: [He placed his hand on hers as looked down at what had been their little miracle] I love you [he whispered as well] Our little Harriet [he said with a small smile]
Anna: [she looked up at him and tried to give him a little smile] She loved that name. I had thought of her as my little Annabelle.
Harry: I think she was trying to tell us we needed to think about that just a bit longer. Annabelle? ... Annabelle. I love it.
Anna: My precious little girl. [she was trying not to cry again] You do? It was just an idea. If you could have Harriet, I could have Annabelle.
Harry: I do. For real. Our little Annabelle. That's her. [He squeezed her hand]
Anna: [she smiled when she felt him squeeze her hand] She will always be with us as Annabelle then. I love that.
Harry: Annabelle. Our daughter. I love you honeybee.
Anna: I love it. And I love you. So much. [she leaned up and kissed him]
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Best Stem Cell Treatments and Cosmetic Procedures in New York and Dubai
Medical science has always helped the human race in remaining healthy and living a long life. The latest offering of medical science is the stem cell therapy which is a new bio technique which has received a lot of attention of scientists all around the world. It is known to be the most effective way of treating cosmetic concerns. Whether you're hoping to improve your body's contour, enlarge your breasts, buttocks, or erase the signs of aging from your face, there are numerous ways offered by stem cell treatments and cosmetic procedures to achieve the desired results.
Now you can avail of the best stem cell treatments and cosmetic procedures in New York and Dubai. The services includes treatments for Botox, fillers-Injectable, fat sculpting face lift with stem cells, belotero, disport, silicone, prp micro-droplet treatment (vampire facial) and more.
Stem cell cosmetic treatments also includes treatment for acne + acne scar treatment, cortisone injections, hair loss treatment + transplantation, liquid face lift, melanoma, melisma, seborrheic keratosis, skin exams, topical steroids and surgical fat sculpting face-lift with stem cells. There are treatments for cellulite correction as well as ear piercing offered by expert Certified in Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy.
The popular options involve lasersculpt - laser liposuction, scar revision, ear repair for pierced ears all of these options have benefits and produce desired results. Each however requires expert intervention and care. The breakthrough is provided by cosmetic procedures that utilize stem cell technology. Most cosmetic stem cell procedures are minimally-invasive so the procedure-specific risks are practically non-existent. Usually there is no general anesthesia or a scalpel involved. None of them involve foreign substances to which the patient may be allergic; have a negative reaction immediately or even years after the actual procedure.
In addition the technology for performing cosmetic stem cell procedures is so sophisticated and gentle that the procedures can be performed on outpatient basis, in the doctor's office. Consequently, the recovery time is very brief; the length depends on the extent of a specific procedure.
Medical Dermatologist | Cosmetic Dermatologist | Manhattan | New York City (NYC)Dr. Steven Victor and his medical team at Victor Regenerative Medical Centers (VRMC) would like to announce that they have recently opened their superb new medical facility at 460 Park Avenue on the 17th Floor (NW corner of Park and 57th Street), in conjunction with the VRMC medical practice. Also Dr. Victor is available in Dubai and for consultation call +1-917-402-9551 (WhatsApp) or email [email protected].
For more information about stem cell treatments and cosmetic procedures in New York and Dubai visit our website https://victorregenerativemedicinecenters.com/
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thereidwrites · 5 years
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biographical information
Hometown: New York City, NY  Born: April 19, 1984  
physical description
Species: Human Gender: Male Height: 5’ 11” (1.8 m) Mass: 170 lbs (77 kg) Hair colour: Brown Eye colour: Brown Skin colour: Fair
chronological and relationship information
Universe: MCU/Earth-616
Alignment: Good
Marital Status: Single
Base of Operations: NYC
Relatives: Norman Osborn (father, deceased) | Emily Osborn (mother, deceased)
Harold Osborn is the son of the late Norman Osborn and classmate/friend of Peter Parker. He usually spends his time alone, his father being more at his job than at home with his son. Their relationship is strained to say the least. Peter and M.J. were both Harry’s high school classmates and later on they all graduated. Peter going to Empire State University alongside Harry. It was in his college years that he met Gwen Stacy and reconciled with Flash Thompson.
During that time he started dating M.J. despite knowing that Peter was interested. He justified it by saying Peter never made a move. Now residing in a loft with Peter provided by his father, the conflict between the Green Goblin (his father) and Spider-Man (his best friend) grows all the more. And all the while, Harry is oblivious as to their identities. Harry and M.J. separate after a while and Harry tries to reconcile his relationship with his father.
In the last confrontation, Green Goblin is killed by his own glider and Harry mourns the loss of his father despite the strained and almost non-existent relationship. Under the guise of his superhero persona, Peter returns Norman’s body to his best friend and, in a rage, assuming Spider-Man killed his father Harry tries to kill him. The attempt on his friend’s life is not successful. He plots revenge against Spider-Man, the person he feels is responsible for his father’s death. At the funeral, he tells Peter he will get his revenge against Spider-Man oblivious of his true identity.
the beginning of the end
“i was right about you… about everything. you know what you must do. make him suffer, make him wish he were dead!”
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After his father’s death, Harry attempts to take over the family business, but his unresolved resentment towards Peter amongst a myriad of problems fuels his alcohol and drug problems. Feeling like his best friend is siding with Spider-Man, their relationship becomes strained and the two best friends are driven apart. In his obsession for revenge, Harry teams up with Doctor Otto Octavius. He agrees to give him the tritium needed to finish his dangerous experiments if he could bring him Spider-Man in return.
Doc Ock does end up defeating Spider-Man and delivers him as promised. While bound, Harry approaches Spider-Man with a dagger, but before daggering him he pulls off his mask to reveal—much to his dismay—the face of his best friend: Peter Parker. After a short talk, Peter convinces Harry to let him go in order to save M.J. from the hands of Doc Ock. 
The shock does not wear off. Dazed and confused, he hallucinates the image of his late father and in a fit of rage he shatters the glass, revealing his father’s secret lair. He soon discovers his father’s dark secret. Norman Osborn was the face behind the mask of the Green Goblin.
Harry shows up to M.J.’s wedding as a guest—and she leaves the groom jilted at the altar; she leaves him for Peter Parker, no doubt. Just as she left had left him previously. His hallucinations and obsession grow and manifest into something beside himself; something he cannot shake off.
the road to hell and back
“she knows me very well; and when she kissed me, it was just like she used to kiss me. the taste… strawberries.”
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Months pass and Harry sticks to the confines of his home. During those months, he creates a new suit and experiments with his father’s serum. Though his father’s had obvious features of a goblin, Harry decides to make his more streamlined with green undertones. His only reason to take on the mantle is to kill Spider-Man and nothing else. 
After running into Peter at the theatre and rebuffing his attempts to explain what happened, Harry attacks Peter after leaving Aunt May’s. Concluding their battle, Harry falls and gets a heavy concussion. Peter takes him to the hospital, worried for his best friend. When Harry finally comes to he suffers a bout of amnesia and does not remember anything about his conflict with Spider-Man/Peter. They soon try and rebuild their relationship.
M.J. even goes so far as to reach out to Harry for relationship advice when her relationship with Peter is on the rocks. And Harry makes a move, kissing M.J., but she states plainly she does not wish to be with Harry. At this point, the hallucinations only get worse and soon the floodgates break open and the past is open to him; fuelling the fire to his hatred once more.
His first wound to Peter is forcing M.J. to break up with Peter and inform him that she is, in fact, dating him. She agrees under the threat that Harry would kill Peter if M.J. did not follow his orders. This leads to another fight with his best friend. Only this time, Peter is under the influence of Venom and results in a huge loss for Harry. The right side of his face is disfigured horribly by one of his own creations.
redemption: too little, too late
“he chose to be the best of himself. it’s the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what’s right.”
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After Sandman and Venom (now using Eddie Brock, Jr.) kidnap M.J., Peter goes to Harry for help, but Harry vehemently refuses at which point Peter leaves. At this moment Bernard, Harry’s trusted butler, informs him that his father’s wounds were of his own doing and it was his father’s avarice for power and revenge that led to his demise. This revelation causes Harry to have a change of heart and he decides to go and help Peter rescue M.J.
Harry ends up sacrificing himself for Peter by jumping in front of and being impaled by his own glider. Fatally wounded, Harry insists that nothing but their friendship mattered and, in the end, he would give his life for them.
“i am not my father. and i will never be. oscorp is mine now and i will do everything in my power to keep it.”
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While away and absent from Oscorp, the scientists and board members continued working on the failed serum of Norman Osborn. Too much was invested in the serum to simply throw away. Upon Harry’s death, they chose to use him as their subject. There had been something special about Harry—he could counteract the side effects of the vile serum; managing acts of selflessness and sacrifice while battling the bouts of psychosis; unlike his father.
He was patient zero and they needed to re-create what he started. Parker immediately left the body of his best friend to the Osborn’s trusted servant, and the funeral served as a public ruse so they could do with the real body as they pleased. Run by those consumed with greed, the scientists immediately ran tests and, through a series of unknown procedures, resurrected the heir to the Osborn empire.
Harry still retained his abilities and managed to contain his hallucinations. Feeling betrayed and hurt by those working for him, he immediately fired the board members and the staff, taking charge of the company with an iron fist. He dedicated the efforts of the company away from weapons manufacturing to environmentally-sound projects.
The P.R. office of the company brushed off the death of Harry as a case of mistaken identity and he still remains the figurehead of Oscorp to this day.
present day
“i am twice the man he ever was.”
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Harry now has settled into the role of C.E.O and Oscorp is doing better than ever. Special Projects is led by none other than his personal assistant, Felicia Hardy. He has avoided contact with his old friends. Especially Peter. He has not figured out how to approach them after everything that happened and is still quite overwhelmed by everything that transpired.
Harry suffers from PTSD and is doing his best to cope with the traumatic events. He sometimes is paralysed by night terrors. Harry suffers from bouts of depression and mania. He uses exercise as a means to cope with the ill effects of these disorders and shies away from alcohol and drugs.
And though he feels shame for his actions, he tries to rectify his mistakes through every action he takes. He still fits the role of millionaire playboy very well and loves to go out on the town often. Harry has made it a point to stay phisically fit; finding that exercise and meditation quiet his mind. The voices no longer have any sway over him and that is the biggest relief for him thus far. 
He does not speak of either of his parents and although quite social; the persona is quite superficial. After everything, he’s become even more reserved than before about his private life and guards his childhood memories jealously. He does not delve into personal matters much, but is very good at twisting conversation away from him.
Presently, Harry has become quite the philanthropist. He regularly donates to charities helping children from broken homes and is a supporter of the arts. He wants to help New York heal its wounds amidst all the evil seeming to invade its borders.
powers and abilities
Healing factor
Strength Level:
Exhaustible Strength
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acuppellarp · 5 years
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Welcome (back!) to A Cup-pella, Jeanne! We’re excited to have you and Lacey Mikhailov in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: Jeanne, She/Her Age: 25 Timezone: EST Ships: /Chemistry Anti-Ships: /Forced
Full Name: Lacey Renee Mikhailov Face Claim: Abigail Cowen Age/Birthday: 23, October 30th Occupation: Baker at Snickerdoodle’s Bakery, cheerleader for April’s Showers Personality: Generous, stubborn, guarded, sheltered, ambitious Hometown: Sandusky, OH Bio:
Take one part warm Ohio summer nights spent chasing fireflies through wide open feels, two parts Sunday church services, three parts abandonment issues, and one part good, traditional Russian cooking, and you have the recipe for Lacey Mikhailov’s childhood. While she won’t go into too many details if asked about it, she likes to tell people that her youth was everything she could’ve hoped for, and to an extent that’s true. Would she have liked to have a mother who was present rather than someone who spent every opportunity away from home? She absolutely would have. But when Brenda Mikhailov got pregnant young by a man she met in a fit of passion one night, it laid the groundwork for what would be Lacey’s life spent with her grandfather as her source of emotional and physical support.
There was never an official discussion about Ilya raising Lacey full-time; it just sort of gradually happened. Brenda asked him to babysit for a day and it ended up being the whole weekend. She said she would take Lacey to her doctor’s appointment, and then call up Ilya last minute to say she couldn’t and he would have to. By the time Lacey started school, it was automatically assumed that her grandfather would be the one to sign her up and take her to her first day, something he did with a giant smile and about three dozen photos snapped and added to a scrapbook that’s still sitting on Lacey’s bookshelf to this day. When Brenda told Ilya that she wanted to “see the world” and move out of state later that year, there wasn’t even a question on if Lacey would be going with her or not. Brenda packed her bags and gave her daughter and father a hug, and then drove off without seemingly any second thought.
Despite growing up outside of the traditional nuclear family unit, Lacey didn’t want for anything. She never knew Brenda as her mother, so her loss didn’t sting much during childhood. Ilya wouldn’t let it. Instead, he would spend their time after he got off of work and she got home from school in the kitchen, showing Lacey how to sift flour and press dough to her heart’s content. Back in Russia, he’d been a baker by trade, and watching his granddaughter fall in love with it was nothing short of beautiful. Lacey always insisted on making homemade treats for her school’s Halloween and Christmas parties, and that’s when she came to love the expression on people’s faces when they first tried her creations.
When she as in middle school, her aunt Dory moved in to give Ilya a hand raising Lacey, and the three of them became a family that was thick as thieves. Ilya and Dory were at every science fair, church program, and poorly-played volleyball match of Lacey’s life and she couldn’t imagine it any other way. Last she heard, her mother had settled somewhere in Washington where she married and had three replacement kids whom Lacey has never met. She doesn’t even know if her step-father or half-siblings know she exists, but she tries not to think about it too much. If you ask her, she drew the best lot in life. She would express to her Aunt Dory (not her grandfather, never her grandfather — the last thing she would want is for him to think he was anything less than amazing) about how it hurt to think about her biological mother not wanting her, something that is still painful to think about even now that Lacey has grown. Dory would assure her that it was entirely Brenda’s loss, but that has never completely dulled the ache.
Losing Ilya was painful, but not entirely unexpected. Lacey was in her junior year of college at the time, earning an obligatory business degree in the hopes of one day opening her own bakery. Saying good-bye to the person who taught her everything she knew definitely left her feeling lost, and she wound up taking the following semester off of school because she simply didn’t have the capacity to give it the focus it deserved. To this day four years later, she still doesn’t really know what compelled her to go to New York in the first place. She’d talked it over with her family and friends, idly wondering if maybe a change of scenery would do her some good, and before she knew it her and her aunt were looking at flights for the East Coast.
It was originally meant to just be a vacation for the two of them, to help set a new pace now that her and Dory were learning to cope. But it’s like as soon as the plane touched down in the city, Lacey felt at home. They were only there for a week and a half, hitting up the city’s tourist traps as well as tracking down some little hole-in-the-wall places. Still, within the span of a few days after returning home to Sandusky, Lacey told her aunt she wanted to move out there for real. By the end of the year, Lacey found herself settling into the city, feeling both terrified and unbelievably proud all at once. Her grandfather had always told her to never hold herself back and being inNew York felt like the ultimate testament to that.
She finished up her last year of classes online and earned herself a degree in business, and was able to soon find a job at a bakery that her and her aunt had stopped by during her first visit. Currently, Lacey’s biggest source of pride has come from introducing a few recipes taught to her by he grandfather into the small business, which now offers a select range of Russian desserts courtesy of her. The next step is to actually invest in her own business, the same goal she’s had since she was little. Lacey’s vision board is filled with photos and inspiration to keep her focused on that goal, and every last bit of money goes into an account to help her get her feet off the ground.
Pets: Two cats with her, plus two more living with her aunt back in Ohio. The little babes in Ohio (Peanut Butter, or PB, and Jelly) were much too attached with her aunt’s dog and Lacey couldn’t bear to separate them. She adopted Eva and Zsa Zsa shortly after she moved to NYC. Zsa Zsa is definitely the more rambunctious of the two and likes to hide in places to spook Lacey (and now her roommates). Good luck opening a cabinet to not find her sitting in there. Eva is much more relaxed and introverted and likes to camp out on Lacey’s pillow, but she’ll wander out to ask for pets every so often.
April’s Growers — Lacey has an entire lifetime’s worth of love to give and was raised knowing the importance of giving back, so she recently signed up to join April’s little committee. She makes sure to give her fellow members nothing but support, but she does struggle when it comes to voicing her own ideas. She’s working on it though, and the more comfortable she becomes in the group, she hopes to be able to give it her all without hesitation.
Jemma Sterling — Coming from a small city, Lace way underestimated how much she’d be able to live by herself in New York. She was able to rent a room from a nice little Russian couple in Brighton Beach for a while, but ultimately decided to move closer to work and ended up finding a roommate in Jemma. She is… more than a bit intimidated by how open and free Jemma is with herself, and she’s seen more of her naked than she ever planned on, but Lacey can appreciate how to-the-point and amusing her roomie is.
April’s Showers Cheerleaders — Lacey loves spreading positivity and showering people with support, so when she first became aware of the little cheering squad for the soccer team, she jumped right in to join. She enjoys all the other ladies, and despite knowing almost nothing about sports, she’s trying to at least get to know them better and have them teach her the ins and outs of soccer.
Lacey ♥ / mikhailacey/ Trying to save the world, one red velvet cake at a time 🍰🍪🍩 Five latest tweets:
@mikhailacey: When your aunt facetimes you just so you can say goodnight to your cats ♥♥♥ @mikhailacey: A little boy said I look like Princess Ariel today, no compliment will ever hold up @mikhailacey: Question for people who’ve ridden public NYC transport their whole lives: how? @mikhailacey: Is crimped hair still in style? Asking for a friend (read: me) @mikhailacey: I can bake marlenka in my sleep but I just burnt microwavable mac and cheese #sendhelp
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