petew21-blog · 28 days
Am I evil? Stone swap Pt.1
Inspired by Viceversa and his last Stone of change story that stopped on a beach. Hope you like it. I used to write stories, but got my account banned few years ago. So I figured I might get back to it again. Hope you enjoy
I always thought of myself as a good guy. But now I have to think hard about that. Is causing a massive and chaotic body swap a good thing?
Let me explain
There was this stone passed by people around the town that caused them to switch bodies. I got my hands on it as the last person on a beach one day, after it caused a great chaos. Thanks to some dumb luck I just swapped bodies with my friend, Mark. We were also shocked as everybody else, but we were the lucky ones that were left with the stone.
Then we made a deal. We would only use the stone while both of us were present and only if we could get the stone and our bodies back. Well, that's what I fucked up.
The Imagine Dragons came to town. I went to the concert, Mark was out of town. Obviously, I didn't leave the stone back in the appartement. I just couldn't pass the chance.
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I mean. Just look at him. The body. The biceps. The abs. Who could say no?
So when Dan, the singer, came to me and included the stone in their show as a totem that would be passed by the crowd, I knew I would never ever see it again.
And after that I fainted. The last thing I saw was Dan looking confused and sleepy.
All I can say is that "chaos" can't even describe what happened after. But I made my way away from the stage. From the sleeping band and I headed with my bare torso through the backstag. Never looking back.
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It's so great to see Dan in my own mirror of the bathroom. See him copying all my moves. Nah. That's me now.
And the voice. I touch my throat, forcing words out in this incredibly manly voice. My left hand stays on my throat, the other is touching my new defined pecs, slowly continuing to my beautiful pecs. A monster in my pants is getting bigger and harder.
I slid the pants down and grab it. "God damn" he is so fucking hung. I jerk furiously looking at my new image and just smile. I can't stop laughing how lucky I am. I pick up the pace
"This body is amazing! I'm so fucking sexy"
I cum all over my bathroom mirror. Exhausted from this little work out, I just stood there with my new dick in hand.
That's when Mark came back in
"What the fuck have you done?! You caused thousands of people to swap bodies. It made the news. A lot of people got hurt because of you!!! What were you thinking?" Mark screamed at me
I have no words. What have I done?! I wasn't really thinking what worst could happen. I just wanted Dan's body. Not to hurt anyone. That is the most evil thing I have ever done.
And now I am this incredibly hot man, covered in cum. Yeah, fuck that. I may have actually helped a lot of people get their dream bodies.
So, no. I won't be mad at myself. And I won't let Mark scream at me. He is definitely pissed at me more for losing the stone rather than causing the chaos. He is still in the body of his much older professor and that might be the issue. I don't know what is his problem. His body is hot and that's all that matters. Maybe I could show him just how hot the two of us look together fucking each other in front of a mirror
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I am Dan now, and I won't ever regret the choice I made today.
I am hot. I am sexy. And I am never giving up this body.
Now, let's fuck this professor
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The Revenge
Elliot was tired and hungry as he walked home from his job at McDonald's. He had been frying burgers and fries all day, and his boss had been yelling at him constantly. He just wanted to go home and hide in his room where he could read his comics and play Minecraft. He was a typical nerd, with glasses, small, unathletic, shy, and with a big belly. He had no friends and was often bullied by others for his nerdy ways.
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The worst of all was Chad. Chad was the exact opposite of Elliot. He was at least two heads taller than Elliot, very muscular, and above all, good-looking. He was the star of the wrestling team, winner of the regional championships, and the crush of all the girls. He looked like a young god and his body was a gift from heaven. But he was also arrogant, cruel, and sadistic. He loved to harass Elliot, beat him up, take his food, exploit him as a helper, or expose him in front of everyone. Elliot hated Chad more than anything else in the world. At the same time, he also felt attracted to Chad and envied his life.
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To get home, Elliot had to cross the abandoned freight yard. It was evening and it was already starting to get dark. Elliot slipped through the hole in the fence as he always did. It was a forbidden shortcut, but also the shortest way home. He always hoped that he wouldn't meet anyone, especially not Chad or his friends.
But today he was out of luck. As he crawled through the hole in the fence, he saw Chad sitting on an old freight car with his legs apart in the sunset. He was smoking a cigarette and grinning wickedly when he spotted Elliot.
"Hey, fatty! What are you doing here? Looking for something to eat? Oink, oink!" Chad jeered and laughed.
Chad jumped off the freight car and ran after him. Elliot was startled and tried to run away, but it was too late. Chad caught him easily, grabbed his neck with one hand, while taking drags of his cigarette and blowing smoke in Elliot's face with the other.
"Let me go! Leave me alone!" Elliot whimpered.
"Why should I? You're my favorite toy. I have so much fun with you," said Chad, tightening his grip around Elliot's neck.
"Chad, please stop, you know I have asthma," Elliot said, gasping for air.
"You don't have asthma, you're just FAT," Chad said with a sneering grin. His eyes were full of contempt as he said it.
Elliot wanted to run away, but Chad held him up like a puppet. Elliot didn't know how much longer he could take it, he couldn't breathe anymore. He closed his eyes and wished for only one thing: that he could be in Chad's place. That he could be as big and strong as him. That he could be like him!!
Suddenly they heard a loud shout. A flashlight shone on them. They were no longer alone in the abandoned freight yard. They were standing between the wagons on the tracks, and one of the security guards had spotted them.
The security guard aimed his stun gun at them. He pulled the trigger and two electric arrows shot out of the device. One hit Elliot in the back, the other hit Chad in the arm. They felt a powerful electric shock run through their bodies. They screamed in pain and fell to the ground.
Then everything went black. They both lost consciousness and fell to the ground...
Chad slowly opened his eyes and stared at the wall. He felt strange. He tried to remember what had happened. He had been holding Elliot, who was looking at him pleadingly. Then the guard came and shocked them both. Then everything went black. He heard a faint buzzing around him. He turned his head and saw a cell. He was in prison. He saw the bars that locked him up. He saw the other inmates staring at him hostilely. He saw the guard looking at him contemptuously and talking to the police.
He wanted to protest, but his voice failed him. He wanted to stand up, but his body did not obey him. He looked down at himself and was shocked. That was not his body. That was a small, misshapen body. He was wearing Elliot's clothes, Elliot's thick belly. He was Elliot!
He touched his face and felt the rough stubble. He ran his fingers through his greasy hair. He opened his mouth and saw his yellow teeth in a reflection. He was ugly.
He suddenly felt different. He felt weak and insecure. He felt helpless and small. He felt like Elliot.
He started screaming and thought: This is a nightmare. This must be a mistake. This must stop. He must get his body back. He must find Elliot and hold him accountable. Eventually, he managed to get up with difficulty. Everything was still spinning, he staggered to the cell door and started screaming, "LET ME OUT OF HERE, THIS IS A MISTAKE, LET ME OUT OF HERE IMMEDIATELY, DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM??"
Elliot also started to wake up slowly. He felt warm and secure, he hadn't felt this good in a long time. He felt the fresh sheets on his skin, he thought it was a dream. Elliot fell asleep again. It wasn't until the next morning that he slowly opened his eyes.
He looked around and noticed the many posters of naked women and race cars on the walls. Where was he?? This was definitely not his room. He was still slightly dazed and got up and went to the mirror. He couldn't believe what he saw. He was huge and muscular. His upper body was extremely well-trained and shone in the light. He wore jogging pants that emphasized his trained ass. He looked like an Abercrombie model. He looked like Chad.
Elliot touched his face and felt the smooth skin. He ran his fingers through his dark hair. He opened his mouth and saw his white teeth. He was perfect.
He suddenly felt different. He felt strong and confident. He felt powerful and attractive. He felt like Chad.
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He turned around and looked at his back and shoulders. He couldn't help but flex his biceps and touch his abs. He couldn't stop looking at himself in the mirror. Elliot looked into his jogging pants and was impressed by what he saw. He could hardly believe that he was now so well-endowed.
He wondered what it would be like to live in Chad's body and what it would be like to sign up for Grindr with his new body.
But how could this happen?? He remembered the incident at the freight yard and the electric shock he and Chad had received. This probably led to the body swap. Chad's family probably learned directly from the sheriff about the incident and brought Chad home immediately. He thought that Chad was somewhere in his body. And wondered what Chad was doing right now and how he was feeling in his body.
He smiled and thought: This isn't so bad. Maybe he can take advantage of this. Maybe he can live Chad's life. Maybe he can have everything he ever wanted and teach Chad a little lesson with his new body.
Several days passed without Elliot hearing anything from Chad, and he began to worry. Was the shock perhaps too much for Chad?
Elliot tried to push the thought out of his mind and enjoy his new life. He could hardly believe how easy life at university suddenly was for him. With his new godly body, he was a magnet for attention. The other students admired him for his strength and looks, and his presence in the room was simply unmistakable. Elliot enjoyed the positive looks and compliments he received from others. It was a completely new feeling for him to be so accepted and admired.
He found it incredibly satisfying how easy it was for him to shine in social situations. Suddenly, he was invited by everyone, and people seemed to be drawn to him. Elliot felt a new energy within himself, and his self-confidence grew with each passing day. Life was suddenly so much easier, and he enjoyed how easy he had it. At the same time, he tried to be nice to everyone; he wanted to be a better person than Chad.
One day after class, Elliot went to his locker to get his things. He wanted to go home quickly and relax. He had had a long and tiring day.
He opened his locker and looked for his backpack. He couldn't find it. Instead, he found a note with an ugly drawing of himself and a message:
"Hey Fatty! I stole your backpack! If you want it back, you have to meet me at the old warehouse! But be warned: I have a few surprises for you! HAHAHA! Your best friend Chad"
Elliot, in Chad's body, angrily crumpled up the note. He knew it was a trap, but he wanted to confront the situation. He decided to finally teach Chad a lesson.
He went to the old warehouse on the edge of town. It was an abandoned building that used to serve as a storage facility for building materials. It was dark, dirty, and dangerous.
As Elliot entered the warehouse, he heard a voice from the shadows:
"There you are, you loser! I've been waiting for you! Because of you, I spent the last few days in custody because your stupid mother didn't have the money for bail."
It was Chad in Elliot's chubby, small body, emerging from behind a stack of wooden planks.
He held Elliot's backpack in his hand and grinned wickedly. "Do you want your backpack back? Then come and get it!"
Chad threw the backpack on the floor and stood with his legs wide apart. He still believed he could intimidate the now huge Elliot. He still believed he could beat Elliot. He still believed he could defeat the now muscular Elliot.
The now small and chubby Chad was not stupid. He knew he was physically inferior and would have no chance if he fought fairly. He took every opportunity to surprise or confuse Elliot. He threw things at his head and sand in his eyes. It didn't take long for Elliot to lose control of the situation. He was overwhelmed; he had not expected this. He thought it would be an easy game for him in Chad's muscular body, but he was wrong.
Elliot fell back into his defensive posture from before; he froze, curled up, and hoped it would all be over quickly. But Chad was angry, angrier than ever before in his life. He kicked Elliot in the shin and then punched him with all his might in the soft parts. Elliot fell to the ground on his knees and groaned. In the past, Chad would have been satisfied with that, but not this time. Too much had happened; he had lost his body and his life to the fat nerd, and he was going to make him pay.
Chad grabbed one of the many wooden planks lying around and hit Elliot with all his strength on the back of the head. Elliot immediately lost consciousness and fell to the ground. When Elliot came to, he was kneeling on the dusty concrete floor of the abandoned factory. Elliot felt his muscles ache and his joints crack. His hands and feet were tied together with tape behind his back and attached to an old radiator. He had a sock in his mouth that muffled his screams. He was now a prisoner waiting for his torture. He couldn't imagine how he got into this situation. Chad wanted his body back and Elliot was going to pay for taking it away from him. Elliot wept bitterly, his snot running from his nose. Chad stood nearby like an uninvolved spectator with a crowbar. "Well, how do you like your new body? I have to say, you have good taste. Too bad you can't handle it. What a waste," said Chad. Elliot was terrified, he tried to scream and free himself, but it was useless. He felt helpless and alone. He wondered how he was going to get out of this situation. Elliot tried to speak, but his mouth was still stuffed with an old sports sock. Which Chad eventually pulled out. Elliot, who was almost 2.00 meters tall muscle man, began to cry: "Please Chad, please let me go, I don't know how the bodyswap happened, please Chad, you have to believe me." Chad: "I believe you, you don't have enough backbone for such an action, fatso. But I still think you're not entirely innocent. What happened at the old freight yard happened because you wanted it to." Elliot: "Please Chad, I'll do anything you want, but please let me go now. I'll really do ANYTHING for you." Elliot looked like a fighter, but he felt like a weakling.
In the end, Elliot continued to be harassed and tormented by Chad, even though he now had a muscular body. Chad enjoyed his power over Elliot and treated him like a slave. Elliot felt trapped and scared of Chad, but he didn't know how to break free. He longed for his old life back, but it seemed out of reach. Chad took advantage of the situation and pushed Elliot further into despair. He forced Elliot to work for him and to harm others. Chad used Elliot's new muscular body as a shield against others. He told him what to do and threatened to inflict pain on him if he didn't obey. Elliot, who was afraid of being hurt even more, obeyed him and helped him cover up his criminal activities. Chad knew he could exploit Elliot's fear to manipulate and control him. Chad's thoughts now revolved around Elliot's body.
He saw it as a tool to help him expand his power and tyrannize others. He became obsessed with controlling the body and using it to achieve his goals. Chad treated Elliot's muscle body like an object that belonged to him and no longer like a human being. Chad began to feel increasingly drawn to the body he once owned. He started to intensify his obsession with his old body and spent hours looking at old photos and remembering what it was like to live in that body. Chad was obsessed with how perfect Elliot looked in his new body. Every morning, he styled Elliot's hair and carefully chose the perfect outfit for him. He shaved Elliot's body daily in the shower and selected the perfect body spray for him. Chad wanted to make sure that Elliot was outwardly just as perfect as he once was. He spent hours styling and perfecting Elliot's body until he was finally satisfied. Elliot became a life size toy.
But despite all his efforts, he couldn't really hide Elliot's lack of confidence and insecurity. Elliot was uncertain in his new body and often felt uncomfortable, even though he now looked physically strong and impressive. He was afraid that he was no longer himself, that he had changed. He no longer felt comfortable in his own skin and had difficulty adjusting to his new physical strength. He often avoided looking in the mirror because he couldn't bear the image he saw. His eyes reflected this insecurity and despite his muscular body, he still seemed like a nervous nerd. Chad had been shaving Elliot daily for some time now, but something was different this morning. As he ran the razor over Elliot's muscular chest, he suddenly felt a strange tingling in his own groin. Chad had never before reacted so strongly to the touch of another body and couldn't believe he was so attracted to his own former, muscular, and masculine body. As he shaved Elliot's ass, he couldn't help but let his hands glide over the tight muscles he discovered in Elliot's body. The tingling in his own body grew stronger and he felt his heart beating faster. Chad had never felt attracted to a man before, but in this moment, he couldn't help but realize that he was drawn to Elliot's body. Chad quickly withdrew and tried to suppress these new and confusing feelings. He had no idea what was happening to him or how to process these unexpected sensations. But he knew that he was now looking at Elliot's body differently than before and that he couldn't ignore this new attraction.
The End
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La Revolución
Carlos lived in Santa Rosa, a small village in South America. He worked at a local market and dreamed of helping his family and creating a better life. Due to the turbulent political situation in the region, business was poor and there was little to do. He often felt helpless because of the economical situation.
There was a lot of violence and conflict between different groups and factions. The Americans were trying to help the local government and the people, but they also had their own interests and agenda. Many people blamed the Americans for the problems and hated them. They thought they were invaders and oppressors who wanted to take their resources and control their lives.
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Carlos was walking home from the market when he saw a group of American soldiers passing by. They looked strong and confident, unlike the local people who were scared and oppressed. Carlos noticed one soldier who stood out from the rest. He was Jake, the captain of the team. He had long blonde hair and a muscular body. He wore a green uniform and a black beret. He carried a rifle and a knife on his belt. Carlos felt a surge of admiration and curiosity for the tall American soldier. He decided to follow him and see where he was going. He saw him enter a small cafe and sit at a table. Carlos gathered his courage and walked in. He smiled and said hello, then he reached into his pocket and took out a golden ring. It sparkled in the light and caught Jake’s eye.
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He said he wanted to give the ring to Jake as a thank you for the Americans’ help. Jake was touched by Carlos and felt guilty accepting such a valuable gift from a poor guy. Carlos said it was a lucky charm that would protect good people from harm. Nevertheless, Jack let the ring slip on and Carlos also put a ring on his finger and secretly wished he was Jake. Suddenly, they heard a loud explosion nearby and saw a cloud of smoke in the sky. Everything went black and both guys felt dizzy. When Carlos regained consciousness, he was in Jake’s body and saw him in his own body. Jake was shocked, confused and angry “What the hell have you done Carlos?!” Carlos explained that the ring somehow switched them. He said it was an ancient magic that only worked once.
They heard screams and shots - rebels had attacked the village. They had been waiting for the right moment to strike.
Everything was a trap. Carlos had planned it all along. He was the leader of the rebels. While he was a very good strategist, he lacked the strength and body for combat missions. He had used the ring to swap bodies with Jake and gain his power and skills to protect his people and to destroy the Americans.
Despite being an excellent fighter, Jake was captured in the weak and unarmed body of Carlos. It only took a moment to overpower him. The rebels skillfully tied his hands and feet and finally dragged him into a small cage where he was helpless and trapped. He looked at Carlos, who was standing outside the cage. He looked confident and proud, as he gave orders to his men.
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Jake: "I thought the ring was a good luck charm to protect good people against harm and not to betray me?"
Carlos: "That's what the ring is for. Because the harm comes from the Americans and your body will be of great help to protect my people."
Jake felt hopeless and angry, but he could not do anything to escape.
As a result of Carlos' new powerful body, many others were encouraged to join the fight and fight for the rebels. Jake watched as the rebel numbers grew and Carlos became an even more dangerous opponent for the Americans.
The End
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The art of being a good neighbor
Steve and I have been married for 5 years. We loved watching movies together on the couch with a bottle of wine in the evenings. Sexually there was rarely anything going on, we did love each other, but from a purely visual point of view I was never the type of man Steve liked. I worked as an art historian and was of average build and wore glasses. Steve was blond and brown eyes.
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Steve rather liked muscular and athletic men. Just like our neighbor Warren, a rude man with a big toned body and an arrogant grin. He was a poser, he liked to show off his body and he was a fitness trainer. Most of the time he was unfriendly and dismissive to us. Still, Steve looked at him as he hadn't looked at me in a long time. I could feel Steve losing interest in me over the years. I was jealous of Warren's body and wanted Steve to look at me the same way. Despite hard training, it was impossible for me to look even remotely as good.
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Ever since Warren moved in across the street from us, we've had constant problems with him. He threw garbage at our door, he let his dogs shit on our lawn, and he played loud music all day. I kindly pointed it out to him, but he ignored me.
Steve always looked disappointed because I couldn't get my way. He said nothing, but I could feel his contempt. He thought I was a sissy. I decided to do something. I could no longer watch as I slowly lost respect and love from Steve. I had to show him that I was a man too.
Like every day after work, I came home to see a movie with Steve. Warren's music was on full blast again. I was pissed and wanted to face the situation, I had an idea so I walked over and went to Warren's house and knocked on the door. But nobody opened.
I decided to enter the house. As I entered and walked into the living room I saw Warren sleeping on the couch.
The first thing I noticed again was his extremely well-trained body. He was wearing only sweatpants and a gold chain around his neck. I stopped and looked at him closely, looking for a flaw to make me feel better but I couldn't find anything, Warren's body and face were perfect.
His house had been big and expensive, but you could tell right away that he had no taste and was not an intelligent man either, there were no books, only tit magazines, a huge TV the size of a wall and a tasteless faux leather couch.
The air was filled with the smell of cheap body spray. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust and the furnishings seemed thrown together.
Warren was shirtless on the couch, snoring loudly. His massive body took up most of the couch and his long muscular legs hung over the end. His pecs were moving up and down in time with his snoring, and I couldn't help but smile. He looked so ridiculous I almost forgot why I envied him.
I caught his foul smell of sweat and was glad I could get out of that disgusting house right away. But first I had to do something. I pulled a book out of my backpack. I had taken it with me just to be safe, without really knowing why. It was an medieval art book with various spells.
I began to recite the spell and the book began to warm up. I felt the magic flow through my body, suddenly the book started to glow and I lost consciousness.
Suddenly I heard the alarm clock ring. I was lying in my own bed, I was tired and wanted to go back to sleep until I remembered what had happened: I was at Warren's house casting the spell... I jumped up and ran to the mirror.
I looked at myself in the mirror, I was in Warren's body now. Suddenly I was masculine, fit, tall and very muscular.
I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but admire my new, perfect body. I tensed my muscles and moved to see what they look like and how well I could control them. I was amazed at how fit and attractive I looked and finally feelt confident and desirable. It was an incredible transformation and I couldn't believe it had really happened.
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As I stood in the mirror, I saw an ID card on the dresser. But something was strange, next to my name was not my face to see, but that of Warren, or rather the face that belonged to Warren. We swapped bodies but kept our lives. I was still an art historian and married to Steve, but with the body of a fitness model.
Warren, on the other hand, was still an uneducated, noisy douche bag. However, he was now short and fat. He was still our annoying neighbor who liked to pose topless in the driveway to show off his muscles, only now he didn't have any, just a skinny body.
Sometimes when I come home from work and see Warren washing his junk car in the driveway, I have to smile. Then I stop and like to talk to him about my training plan.
I notice how he secretly examines my body with his eyes and then looks down at himself and I feel the jealousy in him. I explained to him that as an art historian I have a special sense of proportion and beauty and that it is therefore impossible for him to have a body like mine. Then he usually gets angry without knowing how to answer it. He never was a smart guy. I love it when he feels small, so I always stand extra close to him when I'm talking so he has to look up at me. Steve and I laugh at Warren, who we call the "wannabe gangster".
Since the body swap, I've been fucking Steve like an animal every morning and night while he's on all fours in front of me. The fact that Warren was secretly watching us from his house made me horny. There's nothing hotter than gay sex with a body that used to belong to a hot straight man.
The End
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