adaddictive · 4 years
Real King!
Instead of featuring its product with the classic photographic style commonly used to showcase fast food products, Burger King let its most iconic product get rotten to make a powerful statement: “The beauty of no artificial preservatives.” A whopper free from artificial preservatives.
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adaddictive · 4 years
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Job Offer! Making the most of the Royals' split. Burger King played it! Go to adaddictive.com. You will find more awesome ads
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adaddictive · 5 years
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Hiring! Burger King grill their burgers over flames, or fire actually. They are one of the few that cook their burgers this way and they have turned that fact to one of their main selling points. In a new set of ads, they turned their love of fire into a recruitment idea as well. Go to adaddictive.com. You will find more awesome ads
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