capmangacap · 1 year
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hollandorks · 2 years
Shelby bestie! It’s me your favorite 🦇 I have some head cannons to share with you.
I know that we discussed Bruce being a boob man, but I also think he’d enjoy thighs. He’d like touching them, spreading them apart, etc. I can just picture him being a fan of thighs.
Idk if you’ve mentioned it or not but the dude can eat 🐱 for days and not stop. I can see him being really into it.
Definitely likes picking her up and bringing her to the bed for sexy time. Like her wrapping her legs around him.
Bruce definitely has a favorite pair of socks.
Speaking of socks I have certain pairs of socks that I wear to work. I can see him having his Bruce socks and his Batman socks.
Definitely a big fan of savory foods. He takes everything in, savory foods fit that vibe.
That’s all for now
okay I lied. I do have a prediction—I saw a previous person ask if our funny riddle guy was going to do anything/target her. Maybe even be obsessed with her. My prediction is that he definitely has a dictation with her. She helped take down the former mayor, and the whole drugging women and killing them thing he had going on with other scum bags. He definitely looks up to her. Probably has a crush on her. He’s not leaving her cards because he knows she wouldn’t come across them. Or did. It’s tricky when you factor Bruce into the equation. I feel like he’ll think Bruce—with his wealth is corrupting her. On one hand Bruce is supporting her own Gotham Project (something the riddler is a fan of) but since Bruce is supporting it he might think it’s tainted with dirty money. Does that make sense? Idk if it does. What will he do to her? I’m not sure yet.
Fuck I want poptarts.
Also I may not be able to read the new chapter until Tuesday. I work one job Sunday and Monday night and I work early at my other job Monday and Tuesday morning. Oh life. If I do read it when it comes out I won’t have an essay.
Much love!
Also how have you been?
Love seeing your headcanons and predictions!! I'm gonna go ahead and say spoilers and ignore your predictions just in case, but I love seeing them!!
I agree, Bruce loves boobs best but thighs second. I imagine him reaching over for a squeeze of the thigh while he's driving. Maybe not even always in a sexy way--he just loves them.
And yeah I 100% think Bruce likes to eat 🐱 like....man is touch starved himself and he'd love just going to town and getting to explore yknow what I'm saying 👀 In my mind he's a very generous man.
And yes he definitely likes to pick her up and show off his strength! I feel like I've already included this a couple of times just because it feels so natural for him!
Love the idea of him having Batman socks. I bet they're like nice, expensive work socks that he researched so they don't get holes in them so he doesn't get blisters. Meanwhile his Bruce socks are all mismatched and have holes and then he has like, a couple sets of nice/ fancy dress socks Alfred got him to go with any suits he wears
Savory foods do seem to fit him. Like I bet he's big on comfort foods like soup or fresh bread (or in motn, omelets 😉)
Also oof I'm tired on your behalf!! Good luck! May your coffee be constantly refilled and fresh these next few days! 😂 Totally understand if you can't do an essay! Get some sleep!
Also I've been good! I'm officially on my second vacation (my job spoils me). My brother is flying into town tomorrow then Monday or Tuesday me, him, and my mom are joining my mom's whole side of the family for a huge beach trip! (Yes this is my second beach trip in two weeks. Again--spoiled)
Also today I went shopping and got a Nirvana shirt (we're doing a decades night where you dress in the decade you were born on this trip) so obviously I thought of our bat boy and decided to dress 90s grunge so I could get a Nirvana shirt 😎 Also got a few other things, finished a book, wrote a chapter of SITN, and started a book club book. So today's been great!
How've you been bestie?? How're both of your jobs? Do you feel like you're managing them pretty well?
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peterxwade24 · 1 year
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#the place was packed full specifically as a fuck you to bruce
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Hello everyone who's been waiting for me to post chapter 10 of Safety Found in Red Sleeves.
I have an announcement, chapter 10 should be out either late tonight (August 30th) or early tomorrow (August 31st) so keep an eye out for it.
Best wishes, the dumbass who forgot they were in the middle of writing a chapter and dipped for way too long.
4 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Hey guys. How're you doing? I just had a really quick social experiment I wanted to do.
Raise your hand if you found out the Queen died through the internet/radio/other media outlet and or second/third-hand from someone else who found out that way. Keep your hand raised if your internal response was "oof" or Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" while your external response was "oh no".
5 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Okay, so we all know in the canon verse Freddy gets Gregory, I had a thought the other day. What if it was a multiverse? What if each 'verse was different like in one it started with Chica, Roxy, and Monty but as the years go by Roxy and Monty get replaced by Bonnie and Freddy? What if Roxy, Foxy, and Bonnie were the first ones and Roxy is the only OG remaining and she's the one with the malfunction? What if her "Gregory" is a little girl with big hair and an even bigger heart? What if she's just scared and not hiding from Vanessa? What if, in a different verse, it was Monty and his "Gregory" was a shy little girl who got separated from her big sister (Officer Vanessa) and she doesn't want to get got by Vanny?
6 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 10
I know it's been literally fourteen months since chapter nine but I promise this is a big chapter (compared to like chapters one and two (this is like 2687 words)).
Anywho, I hope you enjoy the chapter and enjoy the return to Gotham.
Jerome looked at his nephew and nieces and frowned. “How long has she been in the city? Has anyone else seen her? Has her father?”
Jason shrugged, adjusting Damian in his lap as he tried to figure out how to phrase it. “She’s been sighted in Pam’s garden, Oswald’s lounge, and with Jon and Ed. I’m not sure the exact time she’s been in the city but a couple of days, probably. I’m hoping he hasn’t.”
Damian returned his attention to his dad’s face and pouted. “What’s so bad about her father?”
Jerome looked at Damian and thought for a moment. “Has your dad told you about the Mad Hatter?”
Damian shook his head and frowned, “I don’t think so.”
Jerome took in the information and looked at the other three people at the table with him. “Okay, so, you know how your mom doesn’t always do things that are nice? Or, how about her Ma?” Jerome nodded toward Cass and waited for Damian to turn to look at her. “You know how she doesn’t always do nice things, or how she’s mean to people?” Jerome watched as Damian nodded, not understanding the relevance. “Well, your Aunt Thana’s father is really mean. He hurts people. Like the guy who hurt your dad, he hurts people like that.”
“Okay, Kutlat Saghira, you know how some people hunt animals for food and other people hunt animals for sport?” Damian brightened and nodded, drawing a small smile from Jason, “he’s like the people who hunt animals for sport.”
Damian scrunched up his nose in disgust. “I’ll get rid of him so Auntie Tea can come home.”
Jason bustled around the kitchen as Damian watched Blue’s Clues in the living room. He didn’t know what to do with the information he’d received at the meeting with Jerome. He certainly never would have guessed that his son would threaten to kill someone.
Tim perched on the counter watching his older brother. “What’re you doing?”
“Thinking. ‘ve always thought best when I was in the kitchen with Alfred.” Jason huffed and pulled out everything he would need to make yorkshire pudding. “Do you want to help make the puddings?”
Tim slid off the counter and nodded. “What do I need to do?”
Jason and Tim listened to Elton John’s discography while they worked side by side making two batches of Yorkshire pudding batter. Jason smiled at his little brother as he copied him, stirring together and adding ingredients in sync. Jason nodded and pulled his spoon from the bowl, gently tapping it on the side to remove the excess batter, before putting the spoon down and turning to Tim.
“Now, the secret to these puddings is you chill the batter before you preheat the oven. So, we’re just going to stash these in the refrigerator for the next half an hour to an hour.” Jason led the way to the fridge, holding the door open so Tim could get his in before Jason’s bowl joined it. “I’m Still Standing” played throughout the apartment, causing Stephanie to groan.
“Why’re we listening to the most boring music ever?”
“If you don’t like it, you can watch Blue’s Clues with Damian.” Jason was surprised that Duke was the one who responded. “Elton John is a gift.”
Tim snickered at Jason’s side and shook his head.
Kate Kane looked at her cousin’s children and sighed. “Why are none of you at home?”
Jason rolled his eyes as he continued to push Damian on the swing while his siblings were spread out around the park. “The B-Man said some not very nice things about certain individuals of whom I care very deeply and I walked out. Most of them were at the press conference when B said those things, three of them felt personally attacked by what he said.”
“So, Bruce is just like the rest of the family, got it.” Kate turned and leaned against the leg of the swing set. “So, homophobia? That the thing?”
“No, uh, being the child of a rogue. Which rules out Dami, Cass and Steph, and, uh, this girl I used to know.”
“Okay, cool. So, when do I get to see the new pad?” Kate smiled at Jason and wondered how things got to this point in their relationship because when they met he couldn’t stand her.
“Uh, I’m having a family night tonight, Alfred’ll be there as well as Lina.” Jason smiled as Damian pouted. “I know bud. I know. I’ll keep pushing. I’m sorry I stopped.”
“Do you mind if I bring a friend?” Kate asked while looking around the park for all of the other Bat Kids “also, where’s Barbara?”
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12 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Safety Found in Red Sleeves Shorts
Her Little Glowstick
This is a short about Thana and Duke (featuring Uncle Ozzy because he just kind of snuck his way in there). I hope you enjoy this.
Enjoy ~
Thana was being followed, which wasn’t unusual in a city like Gotham, but the person doing the following seemed too small to be on his own. She led him through a series of back alleys and tunnels which would lead them to one of her hidey-holes. She knew that he would be able to fit through all of the tight spaces, unlike Jay-Jay.
She glanced over her shoulder and recognized the bright safety yellow hoodie he wore. “Hello, Little Glowstick. What’re you doing out so late?” She refocused on the ground in front of her and slowed down to let him catch up.
“Could ask you the same thing.” He reached out and grabbed the hem of her hoodie. “‘Sides, it’s not like anyone’ll miss me. Ma and Pa are running errands and none of the rest of the adults’re really all that keen on havin’ me ‘round.”
“Well, you can stay with me for a while. I don’t mind.”
Thana draped a red hoodie over top of Duke’s ridiculously bright hoodie and ushered him into the Iceberg Lounge. “Uncle Ozzy!”
“Oh, my little Chick. You get bigger every day, maybe someday you’ll be as big as me.” Oswald smiled at Thana and glanced behind her at the boy whose hand seemed to have a vice-like grip on her hoodie. “And you must be this new boy she’s been spotted with. Oswald Cobblepot, most people call me Oswald.”
“Duke, uh, Duke Thomas. She calls me Little Glowstick.”
“Uncle Ozzy, play nice. Where’re Pere and Gale?” Thana searched every face she could see for her uncle's righthand women.
“They’re out right now, on a liquor run. Should be back soon. Why don’t I take you both on back to the VIP area?”
Thana seemed to brighten at the idea. “Is Aunt Lina back from her trip?”
“Selina is in fact. She’s back there with Edward and Jonathan now.”
“C’mon Little Glowstick.” Thana reached back, grabbed Duke’s hand, and started pulling him back to the VIP area. “You’ve gotta meet Aunt Lina, Uncle Jon, and Uncle Ed.”
Oswald chuckled as Thana dragged the boy through the club, bobbing and weaving around the patrons. He knew he’d do anything for his niece, even if all he could do was provide a safe place for her to retreat to when she needs to get away from things.
Duke dropped in on Thana often, nearly every day for weeks. The duo was seen in the Iceberg Lounge every few days, occasionally they were at Pam’s garden, but mostly they were just seen around the city. They grew close and most nights would find Duke tucked against Thana’s side as she whispered old stories to him.
His favorites were always the ones about her and Jason, and how their meeting wasn’t the best.
Duke burst through the doors of the Iceberg Lounge, one of Thana’s red sweaters pulled over the top of his obnoxiously bright yellow hoodie, and fell into Oswald’s arms. “She’s gone.” Duke’s voice cracked and his eyes filled with tears.
“Who’s gone?” Oswald whispered and he stroked Duke’s back. “Peri, Gale, can you watch over this lot while I go to my office?” He received a single nod and turned away from the masses.
Duke buried his face in Oswald’s chest and sobbed his heart out. The last month had been hard on him, first losing his parents to the Joker and his Joker Gas, and now this. He felt like his whole world was crashing down around him.
“Hey, Kingfisher,” Oswald knelt down to Duke’s level and wiped his tears away, “can you tell me what’s wrong? Who’s gone?”
The tears returned and he crumbled to his knees. “Thana, she’s, they, the fuzz, they, she’s gone. The fuzz got her.”
Oswald held Duke close, promising that he’d look after Thana’s Little Glowstick in her absence. “Hey, Kingfisher, calm down. It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. I’ll still let you in here in your yellow.”
Duke grinned a little at that. “Thought red was the only colour you let kids in wearing.”
“You’re not kids, you’re Kingfisher, you’re my Chick’s chick.” Oswald brushed away the tears on Duke’s cheeks and offered him a smile. “That makes you my nephew, and family is always welcome in my club.”
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20 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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