#Cedric asking Sophie to prom
simmingsorah · 1 year
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thederailedtrain · 6 years
KIRA;19. Oh, Kira’s broken a few hearts in her time. Like her mother, she tends to date casually and reserves “getting serious” for a couple months into a relationship. As a result, she hasn’t had too many serious relationships and tends to be the one to break things off. Having fun’s all well and good, but guys tend to bore her after a bit. The one that stands out most in her memory was one of her close friends from high school. She thought they were cool as just friends, and wanted to keep it that way…But then he started trying to ask her to senior prom and things just got awkward. They didn’t really stay close once they got to college.As far as people breaking her heart? Kira would be hard pressed to think of a time she was truly crushed by being dumped, even if she’s used to it being the other way around. Of course, there is this one guy - who she’s totally not interested in being in a relationship with, by the way - who’s been giving her the cold shoulder recently. And Kira has no idea why and it’s really bothering her. She’s just frustrated with him, thought. Totally doesn’t hurt at all.
22. Kids aren’t something Kira’s thought much about. She definitely doesn’t want to have any at the moment. Between finishing grad school and stopping the Harbingers from bringing about the apocalypse, Kira has no time to be a parent. Also, all the screaming and crying and stuff just kinda freaks her out. She’ll wait to see how she feels when she’s older.
GUS;10. Gus is one of those people who always likes to proclaim he has no regrets, but in his mind, there’s a list. He can name every moment he’s not proud of going back to that time he pushed Millie Campbell off the swings in playgroup. Still, he tries not to let them hold him back. Most of the time, he can forget about them, but sometimes, it’s all he can think about. As for his biggest regret, Gus isn’t sure, but he’s worried this whole thing with Sophie might become it.
24. Hoo boy, does Gus hate horror movies. He’s the guy constantly complaining through the film like “I might be a botanist, but I know that’s not how arterial spray works” and “They’re in space! You can’t hear explosions in space!”. And now that he’s a werewolf, you can cross pretty much all werewolf flicks off the list (so inaccurate). Then there’s the bad writing and horrible acting that seem to hand-in-hand with the genre, all of which just gives him more complaining fuel. By the end of the film, though, he’s just as likely to get a little too into it and start criticizing characters for their choices and yelling at them not to go up the stairs from behind his pillow. So, yeah, Gus actually hates horror films because he’s vulnerable to them. (That being said, a friend once showed him Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and the humor’s right up his alley. It’s the only way he enjoys watching horror movies.)
CEDRIC;6. The main reason Cedric got a Netflix account was to keep up with his customers when they mentioned different shows or movies they liked. Most of his queue is Oscar-nominated films he never got to see in theatres, like The Imitation Game and Forest Gump. He also tried watching The Tudors one day when he was feeling nostalgic, but it was just too weird.
16. When the Harry Potter books were coming out, Cedric wasn’t really very into them. It’s partly for the same reason Gus says he’s not into horror movies; magical inaccuracy. However, once Kira and Gus both started working at the shop, he found it hard to follow along with some of their conversations. (”I knew there was a reason Lupin was my favorite DADA professor!” “That’s because he’s the only good one, Gus.”) They both grew up with the books and movies, after all. Eventually, Kira convinced Cedric by telling him that it’s a wonderful, and intricately-written series. Plus, they were some of the few fantasy books she actually liked growing up.
Cedric blew through Kira’s loaners in two weeks and now he’s a proud Slytherin. They’re not a necessarily evil house, though most see it that way (same with demons, like himself). He relates to that feeling of coming from an influential magical family and wanting to do them proud. While he may not have a particular ambition, he is very determined to meet what goals he goes have. Also, Cedric prefers cunning and subterfuge to outright fighting. Kira doesn’t know whether to be surprised by this or not when he tells her.
TONI;15. Most people who know Toni would guess her vice was pride. She makes all those self-confident proclamations after all! Honestly, Toni’s just surprised more people don’t see through her remarks. Those that have would probably guess envy and they’d be right. Toni didn’t grow up with much, but she saw people all around her who did. It made her easily jealous and occasionally resentful. These days, she probably won’t offer them more than a passing snarky remark, however. They’re probably the type to think her vice is pride anyway.
23. Toni likes dogs, but they’re a bit much for her. She enjoys petting them on the street occasionally, but she isn’t too keen on adopting one. Besides, having a dog in New York is code for having a nice apartment. There aren’t too many building that are alright with having dogs, and the bigger the dog, the bigger the apartment. It’s like bragging. She prefers dogs to cats, though. Cats just like to be jerks sometimes, and she’s not sure there’s room enough for two in her apartment.
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