#Charlotte Chuchs
hacheaefeblog · 6 months
De tenores y sopranos
Hoy quiero hablar de tenores y sopranos… Ahora que lo pienso, tratándose de tenores y sopranos, más que hablar debería cantar. Pero yo canto como la mona, así que mejor sigo escribiendo. Que tampoco sé hacerlo, pero puedo borrar y volver a escribir. Una ventaja, ¿no? Aunque, ¿las monas cantan? Hummm… Mejor volvamos a lo nuestro. Los tenores y las sopranos son gente muy particular. Cada vez que…
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I headcanon Chuck Charles as polyamorous.
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geniejackman · 6 years
Reasons why you should go see Starkid’s newest show: The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
Spoilers(ish) ahead:
-the Matrix Theatre is fairly small, so it’s a very intimate setting! you’re never more than a few feet from the actors regardless of where you sit. I was hyperventilating at being so close to them the whole time.
-the music and lyrics by Jeff Blim are absolute BANGERS and I can’t wait to buy the entire soundtrack.
-seriously one of Nick and Matt’s best scripts. AND THE JOKES, I can’t.
-Joey Richter: “we can’t hide in a church, we’re all different denominations and I’m not dying in your filthy fucking Methodist chuch CHARLOTTE.”
-All the musical theater in-jokes are great and relevant and I love them. especially the ones about vocal rest.
-newcomer Mariah Rose Faith is dazzling and has the voice of an angel. also, can we appreciate the fact that Team Starkid gives their newcomers as many opportunities to shine as possibe and never shunts them to the background?
-SPEAKING OF NEWCOMERS: Jon Matteson as Paul is hillarious and ridiculously compelling. I got the feeling he was going to be a great addition to the cast based on the premotional youtube videos. He doesn’t sing for most of the show because, well, “the guy just doesn’t like musicals”. but when he does, it’s gorgeous!
-Robert Manion has a fabulous Show Stopping Number and it’s incredible and I love it. His acting, singing, and dancing is ridiculously on point.
-THE DANCING. Oh sweet jesus the dancing. The choreography is a good fucking time. hats off to Lauren Lopez and James Tolbert.
-the doomsday senareo is actually really compelling and various characters reactions/motivations are well thought out, not as hastily thrown together as is usual for most doomsday plots.
-there were a handful of goofups, one particularly hillarious incedent involving hard to remove drapery, which I think added to the enjoyment of the show. Hopefully some of those will make it onto the finished youtube version.
-the ending was really unexpected and hillarious. poor Lauren.
-in summation, the whole production is amazing in every aspect and I can’t wait for it to be online so I can watch it a million times. if you live in LA/SoCal and can make it for the remaining shows, I highly recommend checking it out! it’s a great way to start the Halloween season! like I said before, the theater is small but there isn’t a bad seat in the house. Get there early, parking in WeHo is super shitty. Darren Criss was there the night I went, and it’s a testemant of how respectful the teams fans are that they didn’t create a big mob-scene and let him peacefully enjoy his friends work. and boy is there a lot to enjoy! in my opinion, this is one of their best shows, right up there with Twisted and the Potter musicals. but really, when has Team Starkid ever put out a bad show amiright.
-JUST GO BUY TICKETS: https://www.todaytix.com/x/los-angeles/shows/13066-the-guy-who-didnt-like-musicals/rush
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Are Prince William and Duchess Catherine spending Christmas with the Middletons this year?
New Post has been published on https://harryandmeghan.xyz/are-prince-william-and-duchess-catherine-spending-christmas-with-the-middletons-this-year/
Are Prince William and Duchess Catherine spending Christmas with the Middletons this year?
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His sisters tend to dominate the spotlight, but James Middleton has dropped a hint that this Christmas will be a family affair at the Middleton household as he reveals he can’t wait to spend the festive season with his whole family this year.
“I welcome people into our family home. I want it to feel like it’s their home,” the younger brother of Duchess Catherine and Pippa Matthews said in a new interview on German TV channel, Leute Heute.
Does this mean Duchess Catherine, Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis all be heading to Berkshire this year?
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James Middleton (far left) is looking forward to a big family Christmas this year.(Image: Getty Images)
2018 has been a remarkable year for proud grandparents Michael and Carole Middleton. Not only was William and Catherine’s youngest child, Prince Louis born in April, but in October, Pippa and husband James Matthews welcomed their son Arthur into the world as well.
So what can be expected at a Middleton family Christmas? Well it’s traditional for sure.”There’ll be turkey, champagne and some wine…For me it’s all about family… It’s one where we can all regroup,” James said.
Traditionally, the royal family celebrate Christmas at the Queen’s Norfolk residence Sandringham in England.
And while the royal festivities are a more formal affair, Christmas at the Middleton household a much more relaxed.
Pippa has previously spoken about their festive celebrations, describing it as “magical” and revealing that her dad always rocks a fancy dress outfit, with one of his favourites being an inflatable sumo wrestler!
READ MORE: Prince William and Duchess Catherine’s favourite Christmas desserts.
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In 2016, the Cambridge clan celebrated Christmas with a morning trip to chuch in Duchess Catherine’s hometown. (Image: Getty Images)
Should William and Catherine forego the Sandringham celebrations, this will be the third time since their 2011 wedding that they’ve decided to opt out of the Queen’s celebrations and spend time with the Middleton side.
Children are also not allowed to come to the royal church service on Christmas morning, so if the Cambridges head to Duchess Catherine’s hometown of Bucklebury, we could get a glimpse of Prince Louis celebrating his first Christmas as they make the morning trip to St Mark’s Church in Englefield, Berkshire.
Last year, we were blessed with a gorgeous Christmas card from the Cambridge family. And while the little Prince wasn’t born yet, could the matching blue outfits have been a subtle hint to the then-unborn royal baby’s gender?
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Last year, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spent Christmas with the royals along with Prince Harry and his then-fiance, Duchess Meghan. (Image: Getty Images)
Meanwhile, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, who are expecting their first child next year, will most likely be joining in the festivities at Sandrigham. And though it is a traditional affair, the Queen has reportedly broken with royal protocol with a warm and welcoming gesture.
Duchess Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland has reportedly been invited by The Queen to spend Christmas with her daughter and the royal family.
While traditionally, parents in-laws aren’t invited, Doria is said to have been asked to attend as a “mark of respect” by Her Majesty towards Meghan.
This won’t be Meghan’s first royal Christmas either- the now Duchess of Sussex was engaged to Prince Harry at Christmas last year. Meghan’s invitation marked a break in tradition for the royals, making her the first “non-spouse” to attend the family gathering.
WATCH: Meghan Markle spends Christmas with the royal family in 2017.
Read this next
Source: https://www.nowtolove.com.au/royals/british-royal-family/james-middleton-prince-william-duchess-catherine-christmas-52555
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bestdaysofarsasi · 6 years
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Bev Roitman - Weather, Weather, & Happenings   - January 25, 2018
First of all, I don’t recall if I have previously written about my husband and I having an interest in all water sports. He having been on Roosevelt’s swimming team his junior and senior years. Myself having been a LIFEGUARD for Chicago North Side City beaches and me in water ballet in high school and at Wright Jr. College. Even our youngest daughter was a LIFEGUARD working at an outdoor pool on the very top of a high-rise building off of North Lake Shore Drive.
Soo-o-o when we were married and already had three of our four daughters (pregnant with the next), we bought our very first ski boat. Yes, a motor boat and all had a great time learning and participating. Oh yes, fishing also on Lake Michigan up in Burlington, Wisconsin on Brown’s Lake.
A few years later when our girls had boyfriends, we bought a real SAILBOAT. I say real because prior boat was a SUNFISH that all of our girls learned to sail at Camp Nokonin in Mercer, Wisconsin. That’s the private girl’s camp that Aunt Chuch owned with another woman partner Edith Alderman. A footnote: Aunt Chuch, given name Charlotte Meades. The youngest sister of my mother in laws 8 sisters and 2 brothers.
To continue, we bought a 34-foot sailboat in partnership with my younger sibling Barbara and her husband Alan.
We all went to the Coast Guard who were giving sailing lessons in addition to Red Cross matters. Very important and necessary to obey LAWS governing sailing boats.
I’m smiling as I recall that at one lesson the Coast Guard officers all the attendants what kind of a boat we had newly acquired along with what kind we previously had. He insisted both my husband and Alan stand up so he could determine who would go from a sunfish to a much larger sailboat.
I’ll end by stating, he then said perhaps someday you’ll invite me!
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hey there self
today was so much. too much.
7:30 wakeup call in the form of a toddler climbing in bed with you
but she just played on mom’s tablet while you slept
so instead of dozy snuggles with the pets, you got dozy snuggles with dot. delightful
then you had dot while mom and dad went to church. still lazy lazy. hipad games.
when mom and dad got home, she hid under a blanket next to you, and you told mimi and pocky that you sold her for $3 and a goat. and an owl. the owl being the tumor next to you. the tumor growls. you and mom were wheezing laughing
after lunch you went upstairs for ngozi stream and a nap. kind of at the same time.
then carnival time!
there were so many games and crafts for dot to do. you think she had lots of fun
you, meanwhile, hit overload basically immediately.
there was a celtic band playing, and the chuch can not comprehend appropriate volume levels for live music. add in the room full of people?? hell.
there was a baby sheep. and three baby goats. and foooour? baby chickens. and The Softest Bun In The Universe. and you got to pet the sheep and the goats and the bun. and the goats tried to climb you. and also eat you. and it was fucken delightful.
and then dot started toward overload too. just. so overtired. 
so it was mostly a game of “get her through the last couple hours until she can go home and sleeeep”
you handed off: four chocolate chip loaves, four plain muffins, three super extra nutty charlotte special muffins to katie and todd
leftovers for dinner, and timeless with dad
and you’ve added bookbinding videos to the “watching people make things is soothing” category. (see also: painting, cooking, embroidery, lacemaking, basketweaving, woodcarving, glassblowing, spinning, beekeeping)
honestly, at this point, you think you’re not actually going to try a new hobby, unless that hobby is “watching other people make things”
get money
help make dinner
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