#Clear Conscience (Moralixxi)
the-poke-nebula · 3 years
For Uplyrian Muses only-
Since @preuzien had a thing about “Cursed and Blessed Facts”, I’m gonna do the same thing and talk about Uplyrian Pokemon (Since that Pokedex is actually filled.)
Send 😇 for a Blessed Fact Send 😈 for a Cursed Fact
The following muses (You may specify which muse you want) can answer Cursed and Blessed Facts about the Pokemon (and Fakemon) that live in Uplyria:
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the-poke-nebula · 3 years
😈😈😈😈😈😈 from ur sassiest muse
Blessed Counter: 0 Cursed Counter: 6
"From your Sassiest Muse" is probably Moralixxi so gonna get her up here.
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"A whole 'trainer's team' of 'cursed facts', huh? Dang, who didn't love you enough as a child?"
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1) "I'll start with probably my least favorite Pokemon in Uplyria- the Beedrill that live there. A quick reminder that a Beedrill from Kanto can sting straight through you and probably do bad damage to you- these ones are probably worse. The poison from a Kantonian Beedrill isn't bad, but the poison from an Uplyrian Beedrill? Get ready for internal frostbite, literally freezing your blood solid. That's right- these Bee Pokemon are Bug/Ice Type and they will not hesitate to sting."
2) "Next up, I'll talk about a Pokemon known as Tastee. You can probably guess from the name it's a culinary delicacy here in Uplyria. I don't really see the appeal in it, but I'm a Pokemon, so what do I know." Sarcasm. "I at least know better to know that Tastee is literally on the endangered list because of over-hunting it for its meat. That's what I hate about Tastee over the Pokemon itself; it really is super cute. Seriously people- find some better alternatives to Tastee Meat."
3) "Fungross and Slymbiosis; man, where do I even START with these Pokemon? These Pokemon are reminiscent of Slugma and Magcargo, but these guys aren't like them, y'know, at all. Fungross and Slymbiosis are nasty little parasites that, when part of their mold-like slime covers a Pokemon with a weak will, will lose all cognitive function and go about like a zombie. Did I mention that these things also get Wonder Guard? And are Bug/Poison Type? Look, a lot of my gripes are about Bug-Types, and since I'm a Psychic-Type Pokemon, I'm allowed to."
4) "Speaking of Bugs, let's talk about Mozozamo and Mozonguz. They're both evolutions of Mozito, and you can probably guess they're all Mosquito Pokemon. So fun and not disease-ridden at all. -First up, Mozozamo. This thing doesn't have just One Proboscis (The little sharp bit that stabs you and drinks your blood); in an act of hubris against nature, this thing has TWO. It can bite you in two different place at once and drain you of your blood twice as fast. Especially since it has the ability Bloodlust, which makes draining attacks, such as Leech Life, even more powerful. -Mozongus is what happens when the aforementioned Fungross infects a Mozito when under the influence of a Leaf Stone. Mozongus is blind and has a whole ton of fungus growing all over its body, and like most other Pokemon under Fungross' spell, acts like a member of the Undead. Unlike its cousin it still has one Proboscis, but it still has access to Bloodlust; It just is more Special-Attack oriented, so Mozongus will drain your life force, instead. Even if it doesn't have Bloodlust, it also could get Effect Spore, which, if you breathe in those spores from its fungus, could put you to sleep, poison you, rash up, or paralyze you, and while you're helpless, it feeds."
5) "Next up is probably a worse affront to nature than Muk ever could be- the Hazmat Pokemon, Wastoxyn. This thing is literally Made of nuclear wasteproduct. Not only is probably every single Wastoxyn clinically insane, but they have an insatiable goal of polluting the Earth by consuming and spreading its toxic filth. They're also MASSIVE; think Muk but maybe twice as big. This is humanity's hubris coming back to bite you people in the butt. Especially since it has the ability known as Black Clouds. Dunno what it does? It literally summons acid rain. That's right; corrosive acid rains from the sky and deals damage to all Non-Poison or Steel-Types."
6) "Finally, let's talk about the Scrap Slasher Pokemon, Screaper. Screaper is what happens when you throw its previous evolution, Curibo, away with some of your old computer parts. These things are merciless, ruthless, and tireless, hunting you down while making you absolutely terrified by the constant sound of grinding metal. There are stories where the owners' heads were found tied to belts they made out of broken wires, keeping their black shrouds from slipping off their scrap-trap forms."
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"Aaand, that's about all that I really have some hang-ups on... can I go now?"
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