#Elder Leaf Decoction recipe
askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Foraging, Growing and Gardening Tip: Elder Leaf Decoction
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One problem I did not realise I had in the Kitchen Garden, was rodents. It seems silly really, that it didn’t occur to me sooner, for that might have explained the utter disaster of last year’s garden pea crop and why every time I have been sowing in the Lasagna Garden and parsnips and turnips and salsify started sprouting, their tiny leaves (actually cotyledons) were eaten the next day, the soil showing visible signs of trampling. But it wasn’t until I actually saw a little vole (or was is a mouse?) dashing down the edge of the Veg Patch and into the neighbour’s gardnen that I understood the damage! 
What to do then? I would certainly not use traps or anything that would kill them. But I can’t let them spoil my efforts with their greed. Another time, I saw a couple of them perilously hang over the bucket of Nettle Soup, to drink from it! So, watering my growing seedlings with it, as I do, doesn’t seem to deter them.
Thus, I read, and found that they find the smell of boiled elder leaves particularly repulsive, and that a decoction made with those is also a great natural fertiliser! Two birds with one stone, then! I picked up my basket and went to the woods.
I found “my” elder trees, and cut a few --berry-free, I shall come back in the Summer when they are black and ripe, and forage a few to make jam!-- branches full of leaves (see there, how to identify black elders (sambucus nigra) and how to make Elderflower Cordial too!)
Back home, I removed the leaves from the branches and weighed them. 200 grams/7 ounces of elder leaves, which I put into a large pot and covered with 4 litres/4 quarts of water. I let them soak for twenty-four hours.
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After a day of saoking, I put the pot on the stove over a medium flame, and covered with a lid. After the first boil, I let the mixture simmer for half an hour. Then, removed the lid, increased the heat to medium-high, and let it boil for another fifteen minutes. It does have a rather unpleasant smell, so I hope it will be efficient. I removed from the heat and let the mixture cool completely, and soak a little longer overnight.
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The following day, I strained it thoroughly, keeping the boiled leaves. It makes about 2.25 litres/4.7 pints Elder Leaf Decoction.
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Then,  poured the Elder Leaf Decoction in a garden pump sprayer, and sprayed it all over the Kitchen Garden, over the growing garden pea and sugar snap pea seedlings, over the and the, over the beetroots, and the freshly planted kale seedlings, over the potatoes, over the Beans and the Squashes, and over the sprouting Parsnips, turnips and salsify and the Bell Peppers in the Lasagna Garden. I used the boiled leaf to make a border around the garden pea and sugar snap pea beds, in addition to my Slug-Repelling Coffee Ground borders!
I have some leftover, so I shall do it again, if necessary. When the peas and beans I’v just sown directly are sprouting, for instance. This Decocotion is as good for the vegetables as it is unpalatable to rodents apparently. Here’s hoping!
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