#FOLLOW UP i think the same thing happeneds with emz
starrr-cringee · 2 months
Headcannon: When Mortis gets full of energy, excitement or joy he starts giggling uncontrollably and occasionally flapping his arms, anything to help him stim out the energy :3
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starrysupercell · 3 years
Second paternal-centric piece, centered on the highly dramatic Graveyard Fam! The patchwork family <3
Do I put way too many serious thoughts in things? Maybe. But I am a storyteller.
Heavily headcanon based that I've mentioned before.
Warnings: mentions of formerly living in a toxic and neglectful environment, and a current abrasive and struggling relationship between Mortis and Frank.
Ask to tag.
🧟‍♀️📱 Picture Perfect 🦇🎧
Emz awoke naturally, opening her eyes, and blinking away the sleep. She stared up at her ceiling blankly. What a good day's sleep!
She pulled her arm from the tightly wrapped blanket around her and slipped it under her pillow to grab her phone.
She held it above her face to replace the ceiling as the point of interest in her line of sight. It was around 1:30 pm. What have people talked about ever since she went to sleep earlier that morning?
She began to scroll through posts, ready to begin her morning regime of giving only a few hearts to a handful of posts, and maybe even one or two coveted comments from her. (It was best to leave them wanting more!)
However, she froze in her browsing when she quickly noticed a trend in today's posts. A long winded paragraph by some random of how lucky they were, a meme about single mothers, grilling pictures.
Oh, today was no day to lay in bed for half an hour before beginning her day! It was Father's Day. Emz twisted around, trying to roll out of her bedsheets.
"Ogh, stupid covers--!" She grumbled despite the fact that she loved twisting herself up in them. It helped her sleep at night.
The zombie rolled too far one way and gave a cut off yelp as she fell clean off the bed and landed on the ground painfully on her stomach. How embarrassing, she huffed, peeved. She slapped the ground in frustration and pushed herself up with the same palm. She sat on her knees and leaned on her bed, fixing her hair with her other hand. Okay, fail, but at least nobody saw that.
Absent-mindedly, the teen brought her phone up again and unlocked it fluidly. She scrolled through a few posts and ended up giving the first like of the day.
"Wait, no," She said, looking up. She had a plan for today and everything! Emz stood up and slipped her phone into her back pocket. First up, the gifts!
She bounded over to her closet and opened it. There they were. Two gift baskets for today. One for her Uncle, and one for Frank. Emz smiled. They were handmade of course, because premade goodie bags were absolutely lame!
As if she would settle for giving anything less than perfection. No, she hand picked what would go into each basket, decorated and placed it to be aesthetically pleasing, and wrapped it up with a gorgeous ribbon. She's even refrained about bragging about any of this online, to keep it absolutely secret. Man, was she just amazing or what? That was rhetorical, of course. She knew she was flawless already.
Like an instinct to survive, Emz had her phone out of her pocket and in front of her once more, camera open. She winked and stuck her tongue out with a smile, and took a picture. She grimaced.
Ugh, she had to go through her morning routine first and then take another picture afterwards. This was a terrible excuse for a selfie. With that thought in mind, Emz stretched properly, and strolled to her bathroom.
"Talk to me, Franklin. You know it's a mutual effort." Mortis said, poking Frank's cheek. He was leaning over the back of the couch where Frank was sitting at. The big guy tilted his head away with a grunt. His eyes were trained on the television as he tried his best to tune out the vampires.
"...Is this still about the dishes?" Mortis decided to guess since he refused to answer. "I'll have you know that I got started on them the other day. But then I got a call that simply couldn't go unanswered." Mortis paused and studied the lack of change in grump level in Frank. Okay. Maybe not that. "...If this is about my bats, I am not making them sleep outside. They like it in here. Only Robata likes it outside." Still no answer. Mortis tapped on his chin. What else could possibly be on his spouse's mind? It was already hard to believe that Franklin was mad at him, but he was just not budging in giving any hints. (Yet again!)
"Ugh," Frank grunted. "It's not just about the dishes or the bats." He started to explain quietly. Mortis leaned in attentively with a small smile on his face. Oh, it was such a rare treat now when Franklin opened up to him. Even if this was about an argument, Mortis adored the fact.
"It's about the fact that you still make excuses for your laziness." He finished.
Mortis frowned. Except for when he spouted spiteful lies and insults! "They aren't excuses! I'm telling you what happened. You know, you're not the only who lives here, Franklin. There's a thing called--"
"Good afternoon~!" Emz called out, stepping down the staircase with flourish.
Mortis ruffled Frank's hair and lowered his voice. "Hold that thought." With a pirouette, he shot a cheerful grin at Emz. "Poisoned Apple! Good afternoon!" The gravedigger greeted. Frank was annoyed, but he held up a hand to wave at Emz pleasantly. With his other hand, he turned the volume down on the show he was watching.
"Hi!" Emz said, stopping right before she reached the bottom. She was using the railing to hide the baskets. "You guys know what today is, right?"
"....Sunday?" Mortis questioned happily.
"I guess so, yeah," Emz said, "But beyond that."
Frank blinked and shook his head lightly.
"It's..." Emz paused for dramatic effect, and then lifted the baskets into view. "Father's Day! Look what I made!"
"Ooh," Mortis smiled, fangs glinting. He held his arms out as Emz walked forward to hand him his basket.
"This is for you and--" she moved on to Frank. "--this is for you!"
Mortis marveled at the items he could see, and turned it to see it from a different angle. The plastic wrap crinkled as he did this.
Frank smiled at her as she passed it over to him. With just a glance, he could already see some of his favorite things in there, he placed it aside and stood, prompting her for a hug as he walked around the sofa.
Emz was wrapped and lifted up in his large stature, pleasantly smiling. "I'm glad you both liked it." She laughed, muffled.
"Naturally," Mortis remarked, "Your craftsmanship is to die for!"
Emz was finally let go by Frank, landing on the floor. "Oh, tell me about it," she smirked. "I stayed up a couple of days ago finishing those up and they turned out perfectly!" She flipped her hair with an obvious flourish. "You can go on gushing," she said, only half jokingly as she brought out her phone to idly glance through any messages.
Mortis laughed in amusement. Frank smiled patiently. Emz was sharp around the edges, but she was endearingly so. As long as she didn't go too far...
"Oh, yeah!" She put her phone away. "You should both, like get dressed up. There's an event on the beach later on tonight, and I was thinking we could go out today. Like... my treat."
"You?" Mortis voiced for both he and Frank. "You have money?"
"Yeah? I save up. Don't you?" She asked haughtily. "Or do you just not want to go?"
Frank gave short laugh, and patted his stomach in jest. Mortis shrugged in amusement, catching on to Frank's joke. "Well, if you think you have enough for Frank, we'll be your guests, sweetheart."
"Oooh, futuristic," Mortis marveled, taking off the wide-brimmed hat he wore as the Trio walked inside. They were at the Zero-Gravity diner. It was a part of Starr Force's attractions.
A bored-looking feline straightened up in attention as the doors slid open. "Welcome, Civilians!" She greeted from her silvery podium. "Feeling low on energy? If you want to help out Colonel Ruffs in his quest against the Dark Lord, you should fill up while you've got the chance." She recited in character, "Luckily, you're safe here, and we've got plenty of foodstuffs that'll fill you up! So, how can I help you today?"
Emz scoffed. Did Kit not recognize them or something? "You could have skipped the spiel. Like, you know that we're Brawlers, right?"
The cat blinked slowly, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "Okay. What do you want then?"
"I've got a reservation for three, under Emz."
Kit shifted her focus to the high-tech screen right beside her. It was see through. From the perspective of the Graveyard Trio, the images, texts and buttons were flipped.
Kit pressed through a few buttons, navigating through menus, and then confirmed Emz's arrival. "Alright. If you'll follow me." She picked up three devices from her podium, and began to lead the way through the restaurant. Her tail swished as she walked along.
When they got to the table, Kit waited until they were seated and placed the devices in front of the three. "Press the blue button to activate your menus." She said.
Mortis pressed it, and a holographic screen flashed into view, akin to Kit's own screen at her podium. He laughed. "This is spectacular! We should add a horror-themed restaurant to our section. It would be a hit!" Mortis exclaimed. "What say you two?"
"Ooh, that'd be sooo cute! I can run it." Emz said.
Frank grunted, and pressed the menu button. It didn't spring to life like Mortis' did, so he pressed it again, and then once more even rougher. It broke under his strength.
"Oh," Kit reached over. "Sorry about that. You can hand me the pieces, and I'll get you a replacement menu. I'll be right back." Frank did so, a bit embarrassed.
As soon as Kit was out of earshot, Emz laughed. "Our place won't have cheap stuff like here though."
Mortis grinned. Frank was less than amused and gave a shrug. It was simply an accident, and they shouldn't be rude about it.
Kit returned and activated the device before handing it to Frank. "Here you go. While you look through that, what can I get for you to drink?" She asked, readying a tablet.
"I'll have a peach iced tea." Emz told Kit.
"I'll have a glass of Merlot." The mortician decided.
Great. Now he'd have to drive. Frank rolled his eyes, and looked through the sodas.
Mortis looked over at him. "What would you like, Franklin?"
After eyeing the selections, he pointed out his choice. Mortis made a face and looked at Kit. "He'll just have a Coke."
"Okay. I'll get that to you. A waiter will be right out to get the rest of your order." Kit said. She departed from the table.
Emz hummed and stood up. "I'll be right back. Remember- order whatever you want! I'm paying." She reminded, smoothing out the cute dress she wore and then walking off towards the restroom.
Mortis watched her go, and then moved aside the menu device.
"Okay, Franklin. Let's talk." he interlocked his fingers like this was a business deal.
Frank ignored him, swiping through the menu.
"This is a fancier restaraunt. Emz is treating us, and you can tell how important this is to her, can't you? I hope you do."
Mortis paused for any telling gesture or expression, but Franklin remained quiet. The mortician continued. "Well, it'd be great if you'd drop the pettiness, if only for tonight. This is between us, not Emz."
Frank glowered at Mortis. Pettiness? Him? The big guy shoved aside the device now. He was tired of Mortis' tone and habits and everything.
"Don't even think of causing a scene here, Franklin," Mortis tensed up. "Think about Emz!" Frank frowned.
"Here are your drinks, Sirs." the black cat returned. She either didn't notice or chose to ignore the quiet tension at the table as she put the drinks down and then left.
Frank grumpily put his face in his hand. "Fine. But you're being a dick." Frank said.
Mortis was offended. "How!?" He asked indignantly.
"Drinking without even asking me, nitpicking what I want, and those are on top of the bats and dishes. And I bet you're ready with some excuse now too." Frank listed.
Mortis clamped his mouth shut. He was going to point out that it was only one, and that plain old coke at a more fancy place, really? But, that would just prove Franklin right. "Well," he struggled on what to say for only a second before finding a string. "You always keep things to yourself! How am I supposed to guess what you're thinking? You wait and get mad and then out of the blue, you just attack me!"
Frank furrowed his brows and looked aside, feeling a bit guilty.
"Hey!" Emz arrived and sat down, and scooched up in her chair. "You guys are being an itty bitty loud, you know? I'm sure you don't want people staring."
"Uhh..." Mortis said. "I suppose not. So... Franklin." He said awkwardly, trying to think of some different topic. "I think... our Brawl Ball strategy should change." He sighed, disappointed in himself. How weak of a subject.
Emz was puzzled and looked like she wanted to say something. So, of course, she did voice her thoughts. "Weren't you guys talking about, like being mad or whatever?"
"No....?" Mortis said. "Nobody's mad here. Am I right, Franklin?"
"Uh. Yeah." The big guy shrugged.
Emz pursed her lips. "Right... So this afternoon too?"
Mortis gave a tight smile. "This afternoon?" He pretended.
Emz was merciless in completely demolishing this lie. "This morning, when I walked downstairs, Frank was on the couch with the T.V. on. It wasn't muted, even though you were beside him presumably chatting. That's some weirdo way to talk if you weren't mad at someone." She said, matter-of-factly. "You think I don't know body language?"
"...." Mortis was stunned. Frank laughed at the absurdity. She had guessed it perfectly!
Emz crossed her arms though. She waited for Frank's chuckle to die down. "So, what gives? You two are going to start lying to me all of a sudden?" She looked between the two, waiting impatiently for an answer.
".....No." Mortis said finally.
The vampire faltered. "It's just that... well, you know. The discussions Frank and I gave, ah, doesn't have to do with you? So... why involve you?" Mortis managed.
"Okay? But, like, why lie about it." She repeated. She had an inkling about it now, given both of their awkward glances and fidgets. Her sharp tone softened, and she sighed inaudibly. Guess it was sappy truth time.
She looked down at the table, focused on the closed menu device. "I know you two argue. Like. Duh. That's normal. And, I'm guessing that you want to pretend like everything's peachy because you don't want to remind me of... well, you know who already!" She shook her head. "But I'm okay, really. I actually wake up on my own and not from endless yelling, and I'm not picked up hours late from wherever because you never agreed on whose turn it is to pick me up.." Emz paused, feeling quite at unease from sharing this, but pushed through. This was just another step at breaking her own tough shell. "What I'm trying to say is, simply arguing isn't going to remind me of my 'parents.' You two are leagues better, okay? I know you actually care about me. So you dont have to lie to me. Bicker and argue all day until your jaws fall off. You wouldn't be my Uncle Mortis and Frank without it." She smiled up at them.
Mortis had his upper face covered, just about already to cry. "Emz... I don't know what to even say..."
Frank leaned to her and gave her a kiss on her head. "It means a lot, sweetheart..." he said genuinely. Maybe he still had things to learn... He glanced over at Mortis who happened to look up then from his heartfelt pause. "I think I speak for the both of us."
They exchanged a soft smile.
"How about a picture?" Emz asked as she held her phone up.
"That sounds grand," Mortis sighed contentedly. Frank nodded with a smile.
The graveyard family bunched in together to fit into Emz's screen that she held up for all of them. On their way to posing for the perfect picture, their glasses were knocked down. The mixture of the three drinks short-circuited the menus, stained the white tablecloth and started to drip on the floor. Kit was walking by at that moment to check on another table when she saw the damage. That troublemaking team. Her tail swished around dangerously. She pulled a communicator out of her pocket and held it up to talk into it. She never took her eyes off of the Graveyard Trio. "Colonel Ruffs. This is MerXanary Special Agent Kit. Over."
"Roger!" He answered. There were squeaks in the background. No doubt the new Private was fooling around.
"There's Brawlers here giving me trouble. I'm requesting backup at the Zero-Gravity Diner. I'm going in now. Over."
"Willco." Colonel Ruffs confirmed. Kit pocketed her radio transmitter, and readied to Brawl.
Emz's camera flashed, capturing the moment.
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swanqueeneverafter · 5 years
What Dreams May Come, Pt.32
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Dream World. Location As Yet Unknown. (Emma's eyes snap open, knowing immediately that something is very wrong. Turning in a slow circle, she sees herself surrounded by forest. Only upon almost losing her balance, does Emma finally realise what's happened.) Emma: (Clutching her pregnant stomach:) "No. It can be... she didn't-" Robin: (Cautiously approaching:) "Aunt Regina?" Emma: "Regina? No... this can't be happening. (Looks to Zelena who stands several paces away:) You knew about this?" Zelena: "Yes, I knew." Emma: "We have to go back. We have to stop her." Zelena: "We can't go back, we're stuck here now. Anyway, Regina went through the portal before us, remember?" Emma: "I went through the portal first! At least that was the plan. How could you let her do this?" Robin: "Wait a minute. Aunt Emma?" Emma: "Yeah. Thanks to your mom. (To Zelena:) How could you do this to me?" Zelena: "I didn't. Regina enlisted Tinker Bell for the job. I just went along with it." Emma: "But why?" Zelena: "Because my sister loves you. She couldn't bear the thought of you reliving your trauma, so Regina made sure you wouldn't." Emma: "We have to get her out of there, we have to save her." Zelena: "And we will, but first we have to figure out where we are. (Looking around:) This place was meant for Regina, so who knows what challenges lie ahead." Emma: "If anything happens to Regina, I swear I'll-" Zelena: "Ah ah. Careful Emz, (Pulls a pouch from her pocket and holds it up:) this is fairy dust. It's the only thing that will change you two back into your own bodies again, so if I were you, I'd keep that in mind." Robin: "Mom's right, Emma. The best thing we can do for Regina is work together to find out where we are." Emma: "We don't need to know where we are. I know where Regina is and I have this." (Holds up a magic bean.) Zelena: "Oh, brilliant plan. Follow Regina and then we'll all be stuck with our curse memories, only this time you'll be playing the role of Roni the drunken, pregnant bar maid." (Emma growls in frustration and then suddenly, feels the baby kick.) Robin: (When Emma gasps:) "What? Is it the baby?" Emma: "Yeah. (Smiling:) Quick, gimme your hand." (Emma grabs Robin's hand and places it on Regina's stomach.) Robin: "Oh my gosh!" Emma: (Notices Zelena hovering awkwardly and rolls her eyes:) "Come on." (Emma grabs Zelena's hand and places it on the baby bump as well.) Zelena: (Smiles:) "Seems my niece is ready for an adventure." Emma: "Yeah. (They stand like that for a long moment until the baby settles down. Calmer:) All right, let's go find out where we are." (The trio turn and walk down the forest path together, prepared to do whatever it takes to save both Henry and Regina.)
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Henry's Dreamscape. Night. (Tiana and Ella continue their talk.) Ella: "You're from another realm?" Tiana: "Yes. Several realms, actually. It's complicated. I came here along with my friends, comrades and several armies to battle Lord Morpheus and save a young prince. Perhaps you've heard of him, his name is Henry Swan-Mills?" Ella: "Henry? You're from Henry's realm? (Tiana nods:) H-how do you know he needs saving? The last I heard, he was off seeking an adventure." Tiana: "Morpheus came to our world and told us he was keeping Henry captive. He wants us all to fight this huge battle against him. If Morpheus wins, he'll rule over all of us, but it is the only chance we have to save Henry and ourselves." Ella: (Walks away to ponder all this:) "I thought Henry left me for a chance at glory. I should've known he would have come for me if he could." Tiana: "So, will you help us?" Ella: (Walking back to her:) "I’ve been searching for an army so that I may save my people. You have brought an army so that you may save your prince. The same man who has stolen my heart. Of course I'll help you." (Tiana smiles, slightly confused by this statement, but happy to have found an ally.) Dream World. Wish Realm. (Walking through the forest, Emma, Robin & Zelena come upon two people laying a wreath at the foot of a statue. Emma groans when she recognises the statue of her parents.) Emma: "I know where we are. We're in the Wish Realm the Evil Queen banished me to." Zelena: "So what's the problem?" Emma: "The problem is that Regina killed Snow White and Prince Charming in this realm. She... I am an outlaw here." Zelena: "Well we know a few things about outlaws, don't we Robin? Hang back, (Conjures a fireball into her hand:) Robin and I can handle this." Emma: "No! We don't need to cause an incident. (Conjures a red cloak around herself:) I'll just go talk to them. You two stay here. (Leaving Robin and Zelena behind, Emma approaches the two people stood by the statue:) Excuse me, I'm wondering if you could help. My friends and I- (The people turn to face her:) Grumpy? Blue?"
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Grumpy: "Lady, I don't know how you know our names, but I think you're gonna have more problems than you bargained for." Granny: (Stepping out from behind a tree, crossbow raised:) "You're gonna be sorry you stopped for help." Emma: "Granny. (As Granny joins the other two:) What the hell is going on here?" Blue Fairy: "Oh, stop asking questions and put your hands up! You could be a good score for us." Emma: "Wait, are you three robbing me?" Granny: "Of course not, we're going to hold you for ransom." Grumpy: “No doubt your husband will pay a lot of money to get his pregnant wife back.” Emma: "Okay, enough of this. (Lowers her hood:) Robin!" Grumpy: (Seeing her face clearly for the first time:) "Oh great, it's the Evil Queen!" Robin: (From several feet away:) "No. (When the trio turn to face her:) That's my Aunt. (Drawing back her bow, looks at Granny:) Payback's a bitch, old woman." (Robin fires three arrows in quick succession, landing at each would-be robber's feet. Thinking better of things, Granny, Grumpy and Blue run for cover.) Emma: (When Robin and Zelena catch her up:) "Nice intensity. What was that about?" Robin: "Oh, I owed Granny one. She chased Alice and I half across Storybrooke when we asked for her help." Zelena: "In her defense, poppet, Granny was still fighting the effects of your girlfriend's anger cloud, or whatever that was." Emma: "Well whatever the reason, thanks for having my back." Robin: "Of course, that's what family does. Now let's go find the rest of ours."
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Henry's Dreamscape. Kingdom Of Valencia. (Madelena is in her chambers when there is a knock at the door.) Gareth: (Entering:) “There you are. I've been looking all over for ya.” Queen Madelena: “I'm packing for war.” Gareth: “Yeah, well, after that, maybe, I thought we'd go and address the troops. Uh, why don't I put my stuff in there with yours? I mean, I don't have a lot, and, uh, well, basically, I wear this every day.” Queen Madelena: “Share a trunk? I don't want your stuff touching mine.” Gareth: “Is everything okay?” Morpheus: “Knock, knock! Gentle reminder... uh, I've had a crow from the vicar. He'd love you to set a date for the wedding soon, because he fills up in August. Inquisition season.” Queen Madelena: (Stalks towards him:) “Go! Shoo! (Slams the door on Morpheus:) For a supposed God, he's just so... Ugh! (Laughs:) You know?” Gareth: “Well, actually, he has got a point. I mean, it's a bit confusing, you know, the king and queen not actually being married, and... It was really nice when you said that you loved me.” Queen Madelena: “Look, Gareth, let's not... (Gareth kneels down:) Oh, my God! What are you doing?!” (Madelena kicks him in the face and runs from the room.) Gareth: (Recovering:) “I wasn't proposing! I was doing me boots up! (Chases after her:) Oi!” Emma's Dreamscape. Under The Black Fairy's Curse. (Having swapped bodies with Emma, Regina finds herself setting the table, in preparation for a quiet meal for two.) Emma: (To herself:) "I hope this works." Regina: "Hope what works? Wait a minute, what's going on here? Something's not right." Killian: (Entering the cabin:) "What's going on?" Regina: “I knew I smelled a rat.” Emma: “Oh, Killian. I wanted to surprise you.” (Giggles.) Regina: “Did Emma just giggle?” Emma: (Continues:) “I know this has all been really confusing and I have not made it any easier. I wanted to apologize for overreacting last time. I know you were just trying to help. So, I thought... We could just talk and have lunch, like old times.” Regina: “I don’t believe this. She’s trying to win him back? Why can’t I stop her?” Killian: “I'd like nothing more. But this is hardly like old times.” (Killian sits down at the table, which is adorned with a checkered table cloth. Catching a glimpse of her in the mirror, Regina sees that Emma is wearing the pink dress from Killian and Emma’s ‘date’ during the curse, with her blonde hair in a pony tail.) Emma: “Come on. This is my way of saying I’m sorry. You know you can trust me.” Regina: “This is sickening. PUNCH HIM IN HIS SMUG FACE, EMMA! Ugh, why can’t I make her hear me? (Realises something:) Oh my god. This is it. This is how Morpheus was going to torture Emma. By trapping her inside her own body and forcing her to watch her life as this simpering, lifeless doormat. And now I’m having to watch it instead! (Scoffs:) Well, I’ve got to admit, I thought I was evil, but Morpheus is on a whole other level.”
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Wish Realm. (Now wearing the clothes Regina wore during her first visit to the Wish Realm, Emma takes a few deep breaths while standing outside a tavern.) Zelena: "I'm sorry, are we going horse-riding after this?" Emma: "These are the clothes Regina wore when she came to rescue me from this place last time. Being separated from her and suddenly finding myself carrying our baby is a lot to get used to, so back off, all right?" Zelena: "All right, I was only teasing. (Watching Emma's anxiousness displayed on Regina's face:) We will find a way, Emma." Emma: (Smiles briefly:) "Things must be bad if the Wicked Witch is giving me a hope speech." Zelena: (Smirks:) "That's more like it. Come on, let's go inside." (Emma nods and the three of them enter the tavern.) Tavern. Interior. (Once inside, it takes mere moments before they’re noticed.) Man: "The Evil Queen! The Evil Queen!" (The patrons of the tavern scatter, some through windows, others through doors, all fleeing from the infamous woman stood before them.) Emma: (Rolling her eyes:) "That is getting really old. I haven't even been Regina for a day and... how can she stand it?" Zelena: (Scoffs:) "People fleeing in terror at the sight of her? Trust me, Regina loves it." Emma: "This was clearly a mistake, let's go." Robin: "Wait." (Robin walks further into the tavern, towards the sole remaining patron sitting at a table.) Emma: "Is that...?" Zelena: "I believe it is." Robin: (To the man:) "May I?" Robin Hood: "Please. (As she takes a seat:) To what do I owe the pleasure?" Robin: "Well, that's... a long story. (Quickly changing the subject:) I heard that you once fought in the king's army?" Robin Hood: "That I did, young woman. Although it was a long time ago." Robin: "What would you say if I asked you to fight one more battle?" Robin Hood: "I'd say my days as a soldier are over. However, for the right price, my services could be bought." Robin: "I have no money to offer. Only the chance to fight for what's right. To fight for love, family and freedom." Robin Hood: (Smiles, intrigued:) "All very noble causes indeed. Who would we be fighting against?" Robin: "Only one of the most cruel, power hungry tyrants man has ever faced." Robin Hood: (Considers her for a long moment:) "Well, what man could say no to that? (Pours her a drink:) Tell me more, milady."
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Emma's Dreamscape. (Emma and Killian continue to talk while Regina watches on, powerless to stop them.) Killian: "I have questions." Emma: "You want to know if I'm still the same Emma." Regina: (Scoffs:) “I’d settle for a semi recognisable version of Emma.” Killian: “I imagine that's not a simple answer, so let's start easy. What’s changed? The last time we spoke, you left me laying on the floor.” Regina: “Woo! Now that’s more like it!” (Emma stares at Killian, unsure of what to say.) Killian: “You know I want to trust you, Emma. Why don't you help me?” Emma: (Taking his hand:) “A girl can change her mind, can’t she?” Regina: “Ugh.” Killian: “Well, you've answered my first question. You're not the same Emma. She didn't play games.” Regina: “I know a fun game. It’s called ‘Let’s see how much blood the pirate can lose before he finally dies.’” Emma: (Clears throat:) “Yes. I'm different. I'm better.” Regina: (Scoffs:) “THIS is better?!” Emma: “I used to be scarred and judgmental and closed off. And now I... I see things clearly. I'm not scared anymore. Honestly, I'm an open book, if you're willing to take that trust step.” Killian: “Are you really suggesting that we move forward in a real relationship?” Regina: “I’d suggest you DO take that first step... into a volcano!” (Emma says nothing, merely pouring Killian a glass of wine.) Regina: “Ooh, poison would work just as well, good thinking, Emma.” Killian: “No answer, just more games. Enough, Swan! (Stands, moves to leave:) All I wanted was your honesty. But I'm done humoring you. Answer me. And start by why you brought me here. It wasn't because this is what we used to do, because that you isn't here. You need something. Tell me what it is.” Regina: “I need you to die screaming, you bastard.” Emma: “All I need is your trust. I promise.” Killian: “I liked you the way you were. I liked your walls. I liked being the one to break them down.” Emma: “The person you found inside is still me.” Killian: “No, you’ve changed, and I don’t like it.” Regina: “Good. Then leave.” Killian: “However, there is but one way you can prove your love for me.” Emma: “Yes! Anything. Name it.” Regina: “No, Emma, this is exactly what he wants!” Killian: “Marry me.” Regina: “You son of a bitch!” (Emma stands staring at him for a moment, before the slightest hint of a smile touches her lips.) Emma: “Of- Of course I’ll marry you.” Regina: “Noooo!”
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Henry’s Dreamscape. Kingdom Of Valencia. (Madelena oversees the loading of her luggage.) Queen Madelena: (To servant:) “Scratch that trunk, and you'll be in pieces in the next trunk.” (Turning to walk away, she bumps into Gareth.) Gareth: “Listen... We should talk about this whole wedding thing.” Queen Madelena: “What? Talk? Since when do we talk?” Morpheus: (From below:) “Your Highness... Your troops are ready for review.” Queen Madelena: “Oh, thank God. Look, Gareth, I can't talk about these kinds of things. I'm sorry. Let's drop it.” Castle Grounds. (The soldiers stand ready for instruction.) Gareth: (Chasing after Madelena:) “Come on, Queenie. When we started this, we said we'd never go to war angry.” Queen Madelena: “I'm not angry. I just don't want to discuss it with you.” Gareth: “Okay, then. We'll discuss it with someone else. Soldiers of Valencia! (The troops stand at attention:) I love you! There it is! It's out in the open! I said it for the first time in my life! What do you think about that?” Soldiers: “We love you, too, sir.” Queen Madelena: “And I appreciate that... Soldiers. And, yes, I too am starting to feel the same way. But this is all new to me, you know? I've never felt this way before, and now there's this pressure to move forward, forward, forward!” (The soldiers take three steps forward.) Gareth: “It's important that you feel comfortable, soldiers. So maybe we should slow down a bit. We got something special, and I don't want to ruin it.” Queen Madelena: (Relieved:) “That's good to hear. At least, I imagine it is. For the soldiers.” Gareth: “Who wants to go to war?! (The soldiers cheer loudly and Madelena takes his hand in solidarity:) Yeah!” Morpheus: (Watching from the balcony:) “Hmm, whoop-de-do. It's party time.”
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