#FinnLo grew up together
aghostband · 2 years
a small project snoop of something i started a few days ago.
this bit is purely Logan angst
Characters by: @lumosinlove :
“He doesn’t like me. It’s fine though,” He’s lying right through his teeth. It’s almost funny how much it hurts, still. He wants the blonde to like him, he wants to be able to be around Finn when they inevitably start dating. He wants to be able to laugh with Leo the way Hayley and Ramsey are downstairs, but he screwed his chances after their first meeting. “I don’t want to make the place tense. I'll crash on Benji’s couch. Hang with Lanie.” He pushes himself up and climbs over Finn to get off the bed. He pulls an old sweatshirt over his head.
When Finn makes no move or sound to stop him he looks toward his friend to find his soft brown eyes blown wide and staring. He’s about to ask ‘what’, but Finn sits up, “You still have it…” He sounds so surprised.
“Have…?” He starts, then his eyes trail to where Finns eyes are trained. Logan pushes down the blush, and thumbs at the bottom of the sweatshirt. “Yeah.” He whispers, “I do.”
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fwuitgummi · 5 years
village 🍄
Ok let me finally answer this..
This finnlo au is honestly a favorite of mine..so Finns a shepherd who’s living on the outskirts of a like decent-ish sized village. He’s solitary and quiet and just comes into town to trade and buy things. when this whole thing starts up people’s livestock have started to go missing and like a carcass of one was found like partially eaten so the villagers are like “ok it must be like a wild animal” even though there’s primarily like foxes in the area that usually only take chickens or whatever if they do manage to get past the traps set but the villagers are just mad about this since they’re far from another village and even farther from a town.
Finn meets kylo when he sees kylo looking for work and everyone’s avoiding this tall, pale guy especially since animals are being eaten and they don’t want to spend extra money/resources on a mouth to feed. Finn takes kylo’s offer and kylo’s now living in a shack/shed and helping out yadda yadda. Kylos quieter than finn and weird until he’s not as quiet as he’s rude and stand off-ish. Finn notices weird things abt him like odd scars and how the sheep are really wary of kylo and how he’s a lot stronger than he looks.
It’s been like a few weeks and now people are talking about how they’re getting attacked and how animals are now being killed in the same areas and people getting more on edge. especially since Finns the only person who hasn’t suffered any losses of his sheep despite him living further out than anyone and it’s only him and his animals out there. also kylo’s been an asshole everytime they’ve gone into town so there’s also that.
Turns out kylo’s a werewolf and he used to be a werewolf hunter since it was like a Skywalker family thing. He grew tired of always having to fight so hard against these werewolves who seemed to be basically invincible and he wanted that power for himselfz. He leaves his family and goes to snoke, a very old werewolf who agrees to turn him in return for his undying loyalty. Kylo then lives his new werewolf life but later on snoke pressures him into staying in his wolf form for longer and longer periods of time and one day kylo changes back and can’t remember what he’s done or how many days it’s been but he’s in the woods under some rocky overhang surrounded by carcasses which include some human remains..so kylo vows to kill snoke and every other werewolf again until he dies since he knows he can’t go back home..kylo comes to Finn’s village after fighting snoke and wounding him pretty badly. He hasn’t managed to find him and is trying to keep snoke from regaining his strength but is um distracted by the handsome shepherd. Kylo spends too much time protecting Finn and that’s what leads to the first of the animals to go missing.
Kylo tells Finn all this (minus him watching over Finn b4 he came into the village) and so they have to work together to protect the village to keep snoke from getting stronger while kylo also tries to gain back his lost humanity and Finn tries not fall for this dumb idiot who decided it’d be cool to be werewolf.
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