#From most to least bastard it's Charmer Coordinator Curator Cartographer
ask-thearchivists · 5 months
I get that you guys don’t want your youngest sibling to be alone but why not just do your own thing in secret. Like don’t tell anyone and lie to the other collectors?
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The Coordinator: We do not know how the others found out what our parent was doing. We have never discovered how they knew. They did not tell us either. Since they could have just been scrying on us randomly and seen it, it is not safe. Since we do not know how they found out the first time, there is the very serious possibility they will eventually find out again. Even if some of us do not like it we have to just continue as we have been. It is how it is supposed to be done, and it is safer.
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The Charmer: It is better for the mortals and for us to continue to follow our code as it is written.
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The Cartographer: Yep. I would rather not be arrested. I. Hated. Watching our parent be taken.
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