#Gamelia Institute
col-life23 · 4 years
AstraZeneca to test Sputnik-V component in clinical trial of its vaccine
AstraZeneca to test Sputnik-V component in clinical trial of its vaccine
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Updated Sat, 12th Dec 2020 02:22 AM IST
The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and the Gamalia Institute have approved AstraZeneca in one of its two clinical trials (clinical trials) after the Sputnik-V vaccine showed more than 90 percent efficacy in the preliminary results of the clinical trial. Use offered.
Now the Russian Direct Investment Fund said on Friday that the pharmaceutical…
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Hii guys, my name is Anil. I am from India. Today I will talk about corona vaccine of Russia. Russia has named this vaccine sputnik-v.
After a two month trial, Russian president Vladimir put in has claimed that his scientists have developed a corona vaccine that works against the corona virus.
Regarding this vaccine developed at gamelia institute, he said that his daughter has also got vaccinated.
Russian named this vaccine sputnik- v. In Russian language, sputnik means satellite. Russia made the world's first satellite. Russia want to show America once again that it has defeated America in the vaccine race.
Years ago, the soviet Union overtook the US in the race for space.
This vaccine has been approved by the heath ministry of Russia. This vaccine will be mass produced in October.
According to Russian media, in 2021 this vaccine will be made available to other countries as well.
Last month, the American infection specialist Dr. Anthony fauzi also raised doubts about the speed of Russia and Chinese vaccine trial.
Now, the question is should India buy this vaccine from Russia. That was some information about Russian vaccine. See you in next post. Till then take care yourself and your family
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ofbloodandfaith · 4 years
Day 11 of 30 Days of Hera
Festivals, days, and times sacred to this deity
There are a few different festivals and dates that are sacred to Hera that happens throughout the year. Keep in mind that as the Hellenic (attic) calendar is lunar it can be difficult to work out when the festivals happen, as the attic calendar starts in June/July and each month starts with the new moon.
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The month of Gamelia is a celebration of the marriage of Zeus and Hera
Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage) - Theogamia - Gamelia
The month of Gamelion is noted most for the celebration of the marriage of Zeus and Hera, the Hieros Gamos (Theogamia - Gamelia), on the 27th of Gamelion, beginning at sundown on the 22nd of January for this year.
Gamelion was the month for marriages in ancient Greece as marriage was instituted by Zeus and Hera. It is not only a time for marriage but a time to renew marriage just as the Gamelia is renewed each year. In particular, the Gamelia or Theogamia (marriage of Gods) is a pronouncement of the joint rule of Zeus and Hera as echoed in Homeric Hymn 12 to Hera where Hera is revered and honored no less than Zeus:
Of Hera I sing, the golden-throned, whom Rhea bore to be queen of the immortals, of supreme beauty, sister and wife of Zeus the loud-booming; glorious one, whom all of the blessed ones on long Olympus revere and honor no less than Zeus whose sport is the thunderbolt.
A number of early temples such as the temple to Hera at Olympia were built for Hera and Zeus with separate temples to Zeus built later. In patriarchal ancient Greece, women had powerful goddesses for protection and guidance such as Hera, Hekate and Artemis. Hera is Goddess of Beginnings, Marriages, and Light and especially Queen of the Immortals.
Another festival for Hera and Zeus but held every four years
In Ancient Greece, the Daedala (Greek: δαίδαλα) was a festival of reconciliation that was held every few years in honor of Hera, consort of the supreme god Zeus at Plataea, in Boeotia, being one of the major cults of the city.
According to Pausanias, there was a "lesser Daedala" (Δαίδαλα μικρά), celebrated every four years or so exclusively by the Plataeans, and a "greater Daedala" (Δαίδαλα μεγάλα), celebrated by all of Boeotians every fourteen cycles (approx. 60 years).
In the lesser Daedala, the people of Plataea went to an ancient oak grove and exposed pieces of cooked meat to ravens, attentively watching upon which tree any of the birds, after taking a piece of meat, would settle. Out of this tree they carved an image, and having it dressed as a bride, they set it on a bullock cart with a bridesmaid beside it. The image seems then to have been drawn to the bank of the river Asopus and back to the town, attended by a cheering crowd.[1]
Heraean Games
A race with only young girls competing
The Heraea was an ancient Greek festival in which young girls competed in a footrace. The race was held every four years at Olympia, and probably took place around the same time as the ancient Olympic games.[1]
Not much is known about the Heraea, but most of our knowledge comes from Pausanias' Description of Greece.[2] The date that the festival began is uncertain. Pausanias says that the games are αρχαια (archaia, "old")[2] There is evidence for cult activity in Olympia as far back as the tenth century BC, but the earliest cultic activity at the site appears to centre around the cult of Zeus; the cult of Hera was certainly in place by about 600 BC, when the first temple of Hera at Olympia was built.[3] It is uncertain whether the races were an original feature of the festival, or a later addition.[3] One story in Pausanias associates the sixteen women responsible for the Heraea with the conflict between Elis and Pisa after the death of Damophon, tyrant of Pisa around 580 BC. If the festival were already established by this point, there may have been a re-organisation around this time (as there was at other Greek festivals in the late archaic period).[4]
A Roman festival dedicated to Hera’s Roman counterpart Juno
The Iunonalia or Junonalia is a Roman festival in honor of Juno, held on March 7 (the Nones). Among extant Roman calendars, it appears only in the Calendar of Filocalus (354 AD),[1] and was added to the festival calendar after the mid-1st century AD.[2]
The Junonalia is attested also in a fragmentary poem De Iunonalibus, attributed to Claudian.[3] In it, Juno is addressed as mistress of the celestial pole, and the spouse and sister of the king of heaven. Her function as a goddess of marital bonds is also noted. Although the text is conjectural at this point, she may be asked to grant a return.[4]
The Junonalia may have concluded a three-day festival begun March 5 with the Isidis Navigium, the "Sailing of Isis."[5] In the Metamorphoses of Apuleius, Isis is addressed as Queen of Heaven, and by the 2nd century a number of goddesses, including Juno, shared the epithet Caelestis.[6]
As for a day that could be dedicated to Hera, Thursday or Friday would be my best guess. Thursday to be honoured alongside Zeus or Friday as the day belongs to Venus or Aphrodite, and Hera and her share domain over the planet/star venus and some of their jobs and epithets.
Thursday -- Thor's day
Middle English
Old English
Old Norse
"Thor's day"
Old English
"thunder's day"
dies Jovis
"day of Jupiter"
Ancient Greek
hemera Dios
"day of Zeus".
Thor is the Norse god of thunder. He is represented as riding a chariot drawn by goats and wielding the hammer Miölnir. He is the defender of the Aesir, destined to kill and be killed by the Midgard Serpent.
Jupiter (Jove) is the supreme Roman god and patron of the Roman state. He is noted for creating thunder and lightning.
Zeus is Greek god of the heavens and the supreme Greek god.
Friday -- Freya's day
Middle English
Old English
"Freya's day"
composed of
(genetive singular of
) +
"day" (most likely)
or composed of
"Frigg" +
"day" (least likely)
"Freya's (or Frigg's) day"
dies Veneris
"Venus's day"
Ancient Greek
hemera Aphrodites
"day of Aphrodite"
Freo is identical with freo, meaning free. It is from the Germanic frijaz meaning "beloved, belonging to the loved ones, not in bondage, free".
Freya (Fria) is the Teutonic goddess of love, beauty, and fecundity (prolific procreation). She is identified with the Norse god Freya. She is leader of the Valkyries and one of the Vanir. She is confused in Germany with Frigg.
Frigg (Frigga) is the Teutonic goddess of clouds, the sky, and conjugal (married) love. She is identified with Frigg, the Norse goddess of love and the heavens and the wife of Odin. She is one of the Aesir. She is confused in Germany with Freya.
Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
Aphrodite (Cytherea) is the Greek goddess of love and beauty.
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todaynewsj · 4 years
Russia is administering the corona vaccine to the population in October
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Russia is set to launch the corona vaccine in October this year. Local media quoted Health Minister Mikhail Murashko as saying. Earlier in the day, a Reuters report said the Gamelia Research Institute would receive approval from the local regulatory body for the corona vaccine in August. A few days ago that institute ended the clinical trial of Ticker. The vaccine will first be applied to doctors and teachers. In the meantime, more than 100 vaccines are currently being tested around the world for corona prevention. Of these, at least four are in the final trial. Of these vaccines, three are from China and one from Britain. Read the full article
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newshourbd · 4 years
My daughter also vaccinated for Corona: Putin
My daughter also vaccinated for Corona: #Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said his country is the first country in the world to approve a coronavirus vaccine. He said in an official program broadcast on state television on Tuesday that the vaccine, developed by the Gamelia Institute in Moscow, had proved safe. He also gave the vaccine to one of his daughters.
The news agency Reuters reports that the vaccine, which Russia claims to…
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