yourleftknuckle · 1 year
I JUST FUCKING WATCHED THE SPECIALS………DEAR LORD……I CRIED..TWICE!!!! I’m not gonna jinx myslef witht he posting thing cause I’ve still gotta say junk about spiderverse but BELIVE ME when I say my notes app is FULL and ready to be emptied out… but also the amount of screenshots i took is crazy I’m gonna be so honest with you 💔💔
Also the CLIFFHANGER IS EILD….when Wukong was interrogating azure about the scroll I was so mad that he basically fucking dodged the question, like your about to die man don’t do to us😭😭 and I wholeheartedly believed that the dude in the cloak was the fucking mayor but there’s a COUNCIL??
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along with the fact that peng in the first nb character in lmk!!! (Atleast in cannon i think) BUT OH MY GOS
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I had to take a moment to replay the scene to make sure I’m not fucking crazy and they DID use they/them pronouns on them❤️
Point I made earlier still stands tho fuck that bird and their BITCHASS friends 🖕 like congrats on coming out that doesn’t excuse you being a HORRIBLE PERSON!!!!!
ANYHEO y’all it’s 2 in the morning and I need sleep so I’ll be heading to bed but trust I’ll whip soemthing up and hopefully get it out soon!! No promises though cause I’m gonna be super busy for like the next week💔💔
Also if your wondering where I watched the links are up in the LMK discord!! If you need an invite link or soemthing just dm me, or I can post the links on this post when I can!
Happy watching!!!!!
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