#History5: 遇见未来的你
shijiujun · 2 years
History5: 遇见未来的你 Love in the Future | First Intro
The drama only started filming yesterday and features time travel romance with a time gap of 22 years! 
*Official English name confirmed by Choco Media to be Love in the Future!
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張碩航有「 櫻花系男孩 」之稱,飾演個性開朗、活力十足的大四生「何柏緯」,原本是快遞員的他,陰錯陽差從2000年穿越到2022年,莫名變成外送員 #戴哲尼 ,接到的第一筆訂單顧客便是王肇緯飾演的 #海翼,這段命運般的相遇,開啟了 #大海CP 的命定戀愛。有趣的是,1995年生的張碩航2000年僅5歲,為了掌握時空背景,他到處找年約40歲的路人聊天,「像是計程車司機、餐廳店員,一起搭電梯的鄰居等,問他們當時流行什麼。」他也為了詮釋外送員角色,到處觀察不同的外送員,他笑說:「無論性子急不急,外送員的共同特質就是急著送下一單!」
Zhang Shuohang (Sean) is the sunny, cheerful and energetic Year 4 university student He Bowei. He’s a delivery rider and somehow time travels from the year 2000 to 2022 and become delivery dispatch rider Dai Zheni. The first order he receives is from a customer Hai Yi, played by Wang Zhaowei. This fated meeting is the beginning of the Dahai (meaning Big Sea) CP’s fated love story. Interestingly, Zhang Shuohang was only 5 years old in the year 2000 (born 1995) and to immerse himself in the background and time, he went around to look for 40 year olds to chat with, like taxi drivers, restaurant helpers, neighbours etc., to ask them what was popular at that time. He also observed many different types of dispatch riders for his role. He laughed, “Whether you’re a person who rushes about or not, all dispatch riders have one thing in common, which is to rush to deliver their next order!”
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Cool and handsome Wang Zhaowei’s (Linus) character Hai Yi is a demanding rich heir who’s spent most of his years overseas. To immerse himself in his character, he also did plenty of homework before the shoot began, including how to speak and how to walk to reflect that demanding part of him. He said, “It’s more difficult to train for the way of speaking (like that). He’s not fierce or just loud, he needs to pair the tone with emotion and let others feel it in their conversations.” 
With his great physique, he trained even more for the show as Hai Yi is a Qinna (Chin Na) expert, so he needed to train a lot with regards to the martial art actions.
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擁有俊美外型的陳璽安演戲經驗豐富,這次首次主演BL劇,飾演外表高冷、內心溫柔的 #禁慾系 上司 #梁文森 ,他表示為符合專業經理人的菁英形象,除了閱讀相關書籍,「我也找了幾位經理級的朋友,問了一些他們工作的心得,還有去觀察他們工作。」他也為情感內斂的角色設計一些「微表情」。不僅如此,他還為戲增重、增加重訓頻率,希望呈現更好的體態。
The handsome Chen Xi’an (Anson) is an actor who has a lot of acting experience but this is his first time doing a BL drama. His character is Liang Wensen, the aloof superior who’s cold on the outside but gentle on the inside. To match the image of an elite manager in a professional setting, aside from reading books, he also had to consult with some of his friends who are in high managerial positions to ask them how they think or feel about their work and also to observe their work. He also planned for some microexpressions to be used for his emotionally introverted character. Aside from that, he also trained/worked out a lot for a better look overall.
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濃眉大眼帶有少年氣息的徐韜則是再度主演BL劇,飾演從小在孤兒院長大的 #林懷恩 ,在公司是任人使喚的 #便利貼 新人,他將與飾演上司的陳璽安展開 #森林CP 的 #職場格差戀 。徐韜說,他和角色個性類似,比較內向溫和,學生時期他也很常自言自語,很能體會一個人的孤獨感,但相較陳璽安要增重增肌,他則要努力讓自己體態再稍微纖細一點,擁有健康膚色的他還打趣說:「不過對我來說最難的,應該是防曬、防曬、防曬!」
It is the second time that thick-browed, young and youthful Xu Tao (Jason Tau) is doing a BL drama, acting as Lin Huai’en, who grew up in an orphanage. He is a newbie in his workplace who is constantly ordered around and will get into a relationship with his supervisor, acted by Chen Xi’an (Senlin Forest CP). Xu Tao said that his own personality is aligned with the character, he is overall more gentle and warm and during his time as a student he spoke to himself a lot as well, so he can understand how lonely a person gets. In contrast to Chen Xi’an who had to build on muscle, he had to become even skinnier. And for him, who has a very healthy skin colour (on the tanner side), his challenge was definitely putting on sunscreen repeatedly!
⚠️ [Translations by me, please do not repost!]
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youtreatmelikeaman · 1 year
listen… is the premise a little silly ? yes
but Zhe Ni is so cute and adorable i will follow him to the end of life. Sean Cheng has such good expressions :((((
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youtreatmelikeaman · 1 year
the way they made the FaceTime more interactive is funny but i just cannot stop thinking about how those interactions are supposed to be in facetime so they aren’t real
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youtreatmelikeaman · 1 year
what kind of psycho is capable of paying twice the hourly rate a phone clothes and a fuCKING APPARTEMENT to some errand boy he met oN THE PHONE two days ago ?!?€?!! if i was Johnny i’d immediately assume he’s a dangerous mafia wtf
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shijiujun · 1 year
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History5: 遇见未来的你 | Love in the Future (2022) 
Premieres 28 December, 2022, 8PM on LINE TV and GagaOoLala
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shijiujun · 1 year
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History5: Love in the Future | Trailer 1
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shijiujun · 1 year
History5 遇见未来的你 Love in the Future | Trailer 1 With Subs
Zhang Shuohang (Sean) is the sunny, cheerful and energetic Year 4 university student He Bowei. He’s a delivery rider and somehow time travels from the year 2000 to 2022 and become delivery dispatch rider Dai Zheni. The first order he receives is from a customer Hai Yi, played by Wang Zhaowei.
Premiering 28 Dec. 2022, on LINE TV TW
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