leoxxii · 1 year
so im like cleaning through my docs bc a few days ago i. counted 98 wip fics (100% seriously there were 98 and that was JUST one fandom's stuff)
and like. i was checking through my files for the survivors au. and i totally forgot that awa was 92k words???? i wrote 92k words in a year. as a SEQEUL to a 66k fanfic. and the sequel was focused on a game that i hadn't even played because i finished the fic BEFORE THE GAME EVEN RELEASED???
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How did you get into hardenshipping?
WHOOOOOOOO Story time!
So I grew up on Pokemon like a big percentage of my generation (Millennial born in 1993). My older cousin introduced it to me when I was 5, with Pokemon Red being my first video game ever. Well I played through all the games from ‘98 until ‘04, when the DS came out. My family was not well off at all and I was in middle school, so I got caught in the “Ew you still play pokemon” cringe culture. So the last games I played were RSE and FRLG.
Cut to 2014. 
My friends, who were all nerds like me, already had 3DS’s and were hype with Pokemon XY. I wanted to get one sooner so I could play Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask on 3DS. I didn’t hear much about XY other than “Hot Prof” and “3D Pokemon”, so I didn’t care.
But then Hoenn confirmed happened on tumblr.
Tumblr media
Well then I had to get a 3DS, I loved Sapphire and Emerald and now that they were remaking them, I had to try it out. Once I got it, two things happened:
1. I finished it in like 3 days of nonstop playing. It was during my Christmas break.
and 2. I was hopelessly, undeniably in love with Archie : B
And then the rest of tumblr was in love with Archie and shipped him immediate with Maxie.
Like it’s no secret that even back to RSE, there was something up with those two. They clearly had a dislike of each other, but there was always a hint of something more going on with how they knew each other. It’s such a good dynamic and ORAS made it even more gay? Just go to the tag and you will find all the game evidence. There is unfortunate model placement and something about watching butts. It was wild.
And the art was fantastic. 
Well, things got weird IRL too. I swear this is all relevant.
I was graduating college in like… 3 months. And I just broke up with my fiance at the time for a myriad of reasons. So I put a lot of the Pokemon stuff on hold and mainly just RP’d. But then more crazy mental stuff happened and finally I just wiped clean and ran off to the Gravity Falls/Rick and Morty Fandom. 
I missed them becoming canon ;A; For real in 2016, On Valentine’s Day the Pokemon Official Twitter posted a blurb and then had a picture of the two in a heart.
So yeah I got into it a little bit back in 2018 before I moved. But it fell through due to… drama.
And then randomly back in January of this year (2019), I got back into it and I forgot why I loved it so much. It’s just such a good pairing and it has enough info you can run with as well as enough to say “Yeah I see why people ship it”.
In every incarnation they are gay for each other in some way.
When there is a line “We became one”, you know you are in for a Gay Ol’ Time. 
(It’s from the ORAS PokeSpe, but um… yeah the manga is a ride and not a fun one)
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