#I got Phuwin being GORGEOUS?!?!
gennianydots · 1 year
OS2 Favorite Moments with Genni: Ep 1 Never Let Me Go
Some! favorite!! moments!!!
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respectthepetty · 7 months
I just wanted to post and say: Thank you got appreciating Mix! I don’t feel I see enough love for Mix, perhaps I’m looking in the wrong places. But I could read a full Book of Mix and why he is the Top tier Minx Mix!
Anon, even though Mix has only been in our faces for TWO YEARS, he has made his mark being in TWO Aof pieces, so he is a winner in my book.
And it doesn't hurt that I think he is gorgeous (Hidden Agenda's Nita! Is that you, player?!), so I appreciate him every time he is on my screen because he can act and looks like this. *bites knuckles*
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ALL of GMMTV's actors are aesthetically pleasing. There is something for everyone in that bunch, but Minx Mix is part of the Pretty Boy Trinity.
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Dunk & Phuwin are the other two members in case you were wondering.
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You would think the only requirement for being in this group is to be pretty, but that's not it because, once again, that's all of GMMTV's roster. They are all pretty people.
The true standard for the Pretty Boy Trinity is to be so breathtakingly beautiful in a moment that catches the audience off guard hence leaving them in awe to wonder why they never realized until that moment just how fucking pretty that man truly is.
Like, for example, when someone is crying over his lifeless body in Cupid's Last Wish after trying to give him CPR to no avail, yet somehow, my brain can only see how pretty that lifeless body looks (in a non-creepy way). I'm sitting there just mesmerized by this man doing absolutely nothing but being pretty.
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This isn't even about attraction. It's more of "now I understand why marble statues were made to capture *THIS*"
Which is why I think so many people are hoping to see him be the guy all the guys want in Only Friends, especially because those guys are being played by Force and First, so the Mix fans are loud and numerous, Anon.
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And I'm among them. If you have to cast a guy whose characters has slept with both of those actors' characters, HE GOTTA BE PRETTY! But he can't just be normal pretty. No! He has to be so pretty that it makes it believable when all those characters' relationships after him are fucked because this one really pretty boy screwed them up so badly that they haven't been right since.
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^This is THAT pretty boy^
If it can't be who I want (Fluke Gawin), then let it be someone we already know will compliment Cinematographer Rath's bomb ass lighting.
Let it be a Pretty Boy.
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Let it be Minx Mix.
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bengiyo · 1 year
The Warp Effect Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we solved the current issues for Army and Kat. Kat teased a relationship with Jean, and now I need it. Kat also made me think about I May Destroy You all week, so there's that, too. Army and Joe learned how to be intimate in a way both could enjoy with Alex's help (clearly the most comfortable straight man). Kim is pregnant, but it seems like she doesn't want to keep it; Ice is excited to become a dad. Also, Nim and Bew broke up because Bew is going to America and is jealous of Mollie.
We're jumping right in to Jedi and Rose, who seem good about checking in when they go out. Unfortunately for Rose, Jedi clearly has an STD he's been avoiding dealing with.
Kinda interesting that the image for Jedi and Rose was witnessed by Alex, whereas in the others it feels like some other camera captured the image.
Oh, I do like Army leading with their HIV status. If Jedi is out there being unsafe, there's many debilitating things he could pick up and give to Rose. She has every right to be furious with him.
Due to the supernatural, I'll forgive this not-doctor and actual doctor disclosing patient information to others.
See-ew is wearing a Space Force shirt.
I don't think I had considered much which doctors trans women would visit about their sexual health depending on what paths they chose to pursue for gender confirmation.
Nim is pregnant, and Army's desire to be involved is giving me Queer as Folk vibes.
Okay, the excited little gay wiggle Fluke Pusit did for Army's mirth about becoming a father was good. He's talented, and treating this character seriously.
Good of Alex to cap off that conversation by reminding Nim that it's her choice and all of the men present support her. Alex is intriguing as a character, because he's still basically 18.
Very uncomfortable about pregnant Kim having alcohol and hanging out around smokers.
Chaladee and Phuwin are pretty good together. She's got to convey a lot of different feelings here, and Phuwin is responding in character as Ice really well. Managing an unwanted pregnancy when the non-pregnant partner wants it is not simple, and I like the way they're grounding Kim's reluctance. It's especially notable because we go back to the movie set, and Kim is clearly thriving here.
Yes, I am here for Mollie getting to loom.
Joong is very attractive, and I prefer when he has to bring more energy to his acting. GMMTV seems obsessed with making him play quieter and cool characters.
Babies are not a punishment for mistakes. It's also (currently) legal to get an abortion at this stage. I know the show is setting up this conversation to hammer home the point, and I'm going to reiterate it.
Oh, Jean. Also glad that we're acknowledging that any medical procedure can be scary, and few of us want to face that alone.
It was a very good choice to follow that scene with Ice talking to Alex. Despite their fraught relationship, Alex is still his brother, and he's a specialist on women's health issues. Alex steers Ice away from making the issue about him.
The timing of much of this is good. I like Army a lot here. He shares that he's actually excited at the prospect of becoming a parent, is willing to do it with Nim, and assures her he'll still respect her choice.
Interesting development! Jedi insists that he only has sex with Rose.
Joe and Army can't have one big moment without someone rolling up and immediately reaching for their phone. Goddamn. Y'all need to leave people the fuck alone. Joe isn't ready to be out, and he's going to blame Army for this because he came to the school.
The homoeroticism of laying on the floor after exerting yourselves together. We stay winning.
Placing Jan where her eyes would sparkle when she looked at Silvy was a gorgeous choice.
Jojo said, but what if the whole show was second chance romances??
I like that Nim and Mollie solved their own problem after others helped them with unrelated problems. It's a gentle message about how caring helps beyond the initial instance.
Is dressing like a flight attendant related in any way to what Captain did to Kat?
Another interesting development! Kat says Rose also insists she doesn't have sex with other people.
Alex thinking he possibly gave HPV to Kat was funny.
Newwie is actually pretty good in this role.
Oh, the mirror is a nice choice in the reconciliation between Jedi and Rose. They can finally face each other properly and clearly. They wanted to try being open, but realized it wasn't what they actually wanted. Still, I am invested in the answer about where they got infected.
I like how many scenes do double-duty in this show. We see Kat back on the wagon while also learning that Tony isn't a player.
Viruses are so annoying. I like the way this plotline with Jedi and Rose wrapped.
And look at Ice also coming through.
Jean looks so good.
So many problems next week! Liu is being harassed at work. Mollie is mad at Nim. Joe is being shoved deeper into the closet. Kat and Jean come to some big moment about Alex. Goddamn.
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talkingbl · 1 year
My Most Attractive BL Pairings of All Time (According to Me)
A list of couples that look the best together rather than only separately (though that is taken into account here). Only counting official couples in a series (no ghost ships but not limited to lead couples). This isn't a ranking.
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At first, I had no real thoughts about Phuwin (since I became aware of him when he was a minor) but always thought Pond had a scientifically perfect face. His face is ethereal and is seriously one of my top 2 male faces of all time. Most of the time he's #1 lol. Phuwin is aging as a dapper young man in his own right. I love what he's doing with his hair and he's also shed his overly youthful look. Nowadays he's angles, sharp eyes, and slick, long, hair. I also think Phuwin has the perfect vibe. I know this is a looks rating, but I think vibes play into that. Phuwin seems so down to earth and funny that it adds to his overall aura. Pond, I can't quite get a read on. Overall, while their looks aren't perfectly complementary, they still bring the best out of each other, I think. Hands down, most facially attractive pairing to me.
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Individually, both have handsome faces, with New being one of the most physically attractive actors I've seen, ever. Both have nice bodies to me, but Tay has two very specific things about him I really like: his hands and the way he stands. Tay's hands are scientifically perfect and he stands so attractively lmao. Like, I can't explain it but when he folds his arms and leans slightly to the side it's so nice to look at. I also love how he sits and takes up so much space it's just- ...anyway, the vibes these two give off are so attractive. Tay seems like an extroverted introvert (and he looks/sounds hot when he's irritated), and New seems like a free-thinker. Together, their auras just match so perfectly for me. Overall, these two are perfect complements, which just maximizes their hotness.
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Mile is not exactly what I'm into but his body is my type. Still, Mile benefits from the cheerleader effect. Apo is about as much of a total package as one can get. He's got my ideal face and body, and is a decent height to boot (all things considered). Apo has what is known as "no bad angles." He could look good from anywhere to me. The only thing that throws me off is I actually prefer Mile's vibe to Apo's. Mile seems so genuine and kind-hearted (not that Apo doesn't). He also seems approachable. I think that where Mile lacks in being my ideal physical type, Apo makes up for it and where Apo lacks in vibes for me, Mile makes up for it. Nice complements, they look good together. Hands down the best pairing body-wise for me.
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You know what's funny? I actually decided not to watch LITA at first because, among other things, the teaser picture had me out here struggling to find a visual. But then, I saw episode 4 teaser pics and decided I would marry Boss. This man has successfully won me over with his looks. He is gorgeous face-wise and has quite my #1 ideal body type. The only thing that would make it perfect overall is if he had Tay Tawan's gait. And vibes-wise, I get great vibes from Boss. In fact, the only Thai BL actors with better vibes are First Kanaphan and Max Nattapol. Now to Noeul. Noeul, much like Off, has nice angles and can definitely have moments where I'm into his look. Whispy black hair also does wonders for Noeul. But I do think he films better than he photographs. Together, these two are perfect complements (one of the two best on the list for me).
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Gun is beautiful IMO. I want to make a distinction here before I go further into it, though. Gun is one of those people who is probably in my Top 10 or so most attractive men but I'm not drawn to him in the same way I am, say, Boss. I think I've said this before on this blog, but Gun is a look but don't touch for me while Boss is a look, touch, and if he wants, do something more lol. Off, on the other hand has moments of almost crippling beauty in between what would otherwise not be my type. Particularly when he played Khai, I could not get over how good he looked. Big, carefully styled hair does wonders for Off. Together, they enhance each other in my eyes, but it's not because they're facially-complementary. I honestly think it's like 50% vibes and 50% height difference for these two lol. They're probably have the highest beauty per inch height difference ratio in the game.
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Neither Jaechan nor Seoham match my ideal type overall. I can recognize that both are jointly and severally attractive in a very general sense. But for my taste, it's all in the makeup, styling, and angles for them. Jaechan particularly benefits from showing that forehead, and wearing makeup that accentuates his eyes and cheekbones. On the other hand, Seoham benefits from covering his forehead and accentuating his jawline. The one thing that I will never be able to take away from this man is his height. He is the perfect height to me and that in itself elevates him on the attractiveness scale. Together, they are probably the couple where one best complements the other. On their own, they look good, but together they feel good.
Honorable Mention: FirstKhao.
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I want to start off by saying that First has consistently been one of my most attractive guys period. There is something about his vibe, his attractive face, his SNATCHED waste, his perfect hands, and his graceful (??) movements that really appeal to me. He feels so delicate and sweet I just love it so much. For Khao, The Eclipse has me seeing that with certain styling he could fit my aesthetic, but I still see him in a different light from First. Part of the reason why they didn't make it to the main list (despite my love for First) is because, together, they don't really elevate each other in the same way as the other pairings I mentioned. Don't get me wrong, the chemistry is off the charts and they're both good-looking men. But this list is really about the package deal rather than the individuals.
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