#I have a love hate relationship with this fic and my workflow and like everything about it but okay
iceunhie · 6 months
writing is actually an out of body experience that physically drains you and I'm feeling that first hand writing this fic good lord 😭
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makarovspussy · 2 years
I know that I don't count bc I'm your partner, but could you talk about some ideas for your CoD projects for #WIPWednesday?
;0;!!! You absolutely count!!! This is probably gonna be really rambly and disjointed. Also kind of long, so I'm sticking most of it under a cut. CW for mentions/discussions of death and abuse.
(also there's technically still an hour left in WIP Wednesday, at least in my timezone, so @onlycodcanjudgeme)
Honestly I've been fixating on Call of Honor hardcore rn so most of the stuff I have today are related to that. I'm now genuinely considering writing a High Chaos AU (because I love my convoluted multiverses lol), though it'll probably be shorter than canon COH (unless I decide to REALLY run with it) and I probably won't start actual work on it until I'm much deeper into COH.
Betrayal, grief, and trauma are themes that are pretty central to COH, as are trust, healing, and the importance of love (not like the weird amatonormative "romance fixes everything" sense, but like...family. Friends. A support system. Like these people probably could've gone through what they did alone but having a support system of genuine relationships with other people, friendly or familial or romantic or otherwise, is REALLY important to a lot of their growth and healing.) I feel like a High Chaos AU would kind of turn that concept on its head, and also everything is Worse. So that'll be fun.
I feel like I'd want to make a High Chaos AU really different from canon, too, even in terms of the events of the COD timeline. I was kind of playing with the idea of a Double Agent!Yuri AU (inspired by @saint-vulgaris!), because the concept is really interesting to me and I wanted to explore how drastically it would change the events of MW2/3. It kind of struck me to combine the two ideas so that the story is both darker and sufficiently different from the jump? Like, I was toying with the idea of Yuri being the one to kill Soap...but Soap doesn't know. He doesn't realize what hits him, just that he's dying and, in this AU, he's alone. Price isn't there to save him or even try to comfort him. So on top of the trauma he has in canon COH (dying a horrifying, slow death where his loved one was powerless to help him and he was robbed/robbed himself of the chance to say goodbye), he's also dealing with the highly specific trauma of dying an utterly disorienting, horrifically lonely death. Idk I think it would be really interesting to explore how the differences in how he died would affect his psyche in Dishonored 'verse.
I do have more ideas for them and I kinda wanna get into them but I'll save those for another post bc I wanna talk about other AUs now!
I know I mentioned this on Twitter, but idk if I mentioned here: I kind of want to make the Incubus AU (so, both the fics Midnight Kiss and As You Wish) into comics. As much work as comics are, I think writing this AU into one (or two, rather) would satisfy both my itch to storycraft and my unending desire to make art. I still need to figure out what style I want to draw my comic in, and finish my outlines so I have a solid idea of setting. I'm also gonna be stretching my 3D legs and maybe dabbling in Blender to streamline my workflow. It's a pretty big project and I'm really excited to start it, I just kinda...don't know when to (and I'm lowkey anxious to because I'm terrified of everything I write flopping, lol.)
You and I talked about Apoptosis a little, but idk if I shared my thoughts on this either? Publicly, I mean? So I'll do it now. Apoptosis was originally going to focus almost entirely on Price and the police side of the investigation, which is really intimidating because like...I don't trust my ability to write a satisfying police procedural that balances realism with artistic liberty. And I also hate cops.
But now that I'm planning to have more focus on other characters too (specifically Soap, Ghost, and Roach, who I like to call the Apop 141), who are conducting their own street investigation, it feels more approachable to me now. That, and it feels a little bit more similar to JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable, which is really funny because I'm like 90% sure that it was a huge but unconscious inspiration for Apoptosis. Though obviously Apoptosis lacks that aspect of small town slice of life (and horror), since it's set in a much larger city.
But uh moving on!
I've mentioned this before on my writing/fandom blog, but I'm kind of drawn to the idea of a Soap-betrays-Price friends to lovers to enemies AU, but with an almost Caesar and Brutus slant to it? Not in the sense of actual history, but in the legend extracted from that history. Like Soap idolizes Price, loves him so deeply, transcendentally, unhealthily, just this...codependent admiration that's tangled up in a LOT of trauma and crossed wires. And Price feels similarly, though in a more authoritative sense; he's the one who Soap looks up to, and therefore he's the one who Soap answers to, the one who leads Soap around, the one whose shadow Soap stands in. And no matter how much he tries, Soap can't live up to this perfect ideal of Price. And things worsen from there.
Price goes on this paranoid, bitter downward spiral, and like...maybe the start of it is Yuri sowing seeds of doubt in Soap, not out of maliciousness, but because this is the same path he and Makarov went down years ago and he wants to try to save Soap from that. And in the end, it culminates in Soap betraying Price, and like...neither of them are particularly good people, especially Price (because he's gone completely off the rails), but they could've been, and maybe in another timeline they could've been good together, too. And Price genuinely loves Soap, genuinely trusts him (or at least, wants to trust him; I think by this point he would've long started to suspect something was up with Soap, but still wanted to have his cake and eat it too, so he didn't react as harshly as he might've if it had been, like...Yuri or someone). And just...the betrayal, the righteous betrayal coming from a man who isn't very good himself, and doesn't want to do this, and wishes it could've been different, but feels like he has no other choice and that this is what must be done for the greater good...idk I'm just rambling pure fucking nonsense rn but like "et tu brute?" and all that shit, you know?
And as for Venator. I haven't had many more thoughts on that AU. Mainly because I'm still agonizing over what the fuck I want Soap's hair to look like.
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