#I have strong and healthy boundaries and it means I take no guff
A two-part reminder that is connected but can and should be taken as true separately as well:
1. If you’re a stan—of any character—you will not like my fics. Don’t read them if you don’t want to. I don’t care. I love every single character and every single one is written as a flawed, fallible person. Your inability to handle that is not my problem to solve.
2. If a fic—mine or anyone else’s—irritates you, enrages you, bores you, or makes you feel any other negative emotion, that’s okay. You can feel how you want to feel. They’re your feelings. But the actions you take out of those feelings have limits. In this scenario, your next and only other option is to click out of that fic and go somewhere else. Do not leave a ranting comment. Do not attack the writer. Do not be a generally unhinged little creep. Take a walk. Touch some grass. Find something that brings you joy. Get some perspective.
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