#I just really thought we’d have some other major reveal that wasn’t about nk chemicals
So just now finishing watching the last episode of big mouth and honestly WHAT THE HELL???? I’m just gonna say it this drama kinda lost me a little and itself after they killed off no park it’s not like it ever got bad but i just felt like it went a totally different direction while also somehow not deviating at all??? Like there’s too much left unsaid I feel like we never really got the full big mouse story like there should have been more too it but they had to face off against the mayor so things got a bit sidetracked?? I’m gonna be honest I still don’t fully accept no park as the og big mouse and why did we never meet the number 1 right hand?? And I don’t even wanna get into Miho because I’ll start sobbing for real if I do like why was this necessary I finally get a good strong independent female lead in a strong stable married relationship built with love and trust and it ends tragically!?!?
Okay I take it back a little bit I just watched Park Changho straight up murder Choi Doha so I’m gonna let some of this go as for the losing me a bit part because I wanted Changho to be big mouse and I guess he ultimately did end up becoming big mouse in the end so it sorta went how I wanted??
But still I just don’t really know how I feel about the last few episodes of this drama and my thoughts are kinda all over the place I just think there was a little left to be desired in certain aspects and with my poor Miho dying I just can’t fully get behind the ending.
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